Do you think he will turn black and degenerate again amidst the fear and resistance of the people? Harley asked.

Bateman nodded slightly, Always prepare for the worst.

If, as you fear, he changes his beliefs because of other people's attitudes, then you don't have to think about what to do to prevent him from falling again. He will fall sooner or later.

I'm very surprised why you trust him so much. Bateman said doubtfully: You were so confident before, just for two reasons. First, you were sure that the time demon was Hal Jordan. Second, regardless of Hal Jordan, Whatever you have experienced, your 'Seaside City Cantata' will break your defenses. Where do you get the confidence?

I'm also surprised that you guys have been teammates for many years and have experienced so much. Why don't you understand him well and still refuse to trust him? Harley said.

It's not that I don't trust it, but that there is no absolute in everything. Even what I firmly believe may not represent the truth. If I make a mistake, I will bear the cost personally. I don't care, but this is not my private matter. Bateman sighed.

Harley looked at Da Chao, What about you?

Me? I believe that Hal is still full of the pursuit of justice and light deep in his heart. Da Chao said seriously.

Diana, what about you?

Wonder Woman shook her head and said: I don't know, as long as Hal tells me that he is willing to return to the Justice League, I will accept him and encourage him.

If one day he abandons justice and falls again, I will draw the Vulcan Sword without hesitation.

Well, very free and easy, very straightforward. Harley looked admiringly, Arthur?

He killed me, but he didn't apologize to me alone when he left. Neptune complained.

Haha, this shows that he is not hypocritical. You are not dead. Many people are dead, including the Green Lantern Corps, his comrades, and countless people in the future world. He is repenting and grieving for the dead, and has no intention of paying attention to you, a teammate who did not die.

If you had been slapped to death by him, I believe he would have gone to your cemetery to repent before leaving early this morning. Harley laughed.

Has he been to Wally's grave? Barry asked.

This Harley was stunned, shook her head and said, I don't know.

——I don’t think Hal needs to confess to Wally. At least 60% of the responsibility for Wally’s death lies with him. He caused his own death. The other 30% belongs to the 58th Century Archon, and the last 10% belongs to Cunmo. .

After the rift of entropy was shattered by Arthur and Cun Mo was killed, the Time Demon set his sights on the 58th century. She still explained for Hal.

Barry pursed his lips and said nothing.

I want to believe that Hal has really 'reformed', and it is not his pursuit of justice and light deep in his heart. He may not have those things deep in his heart, Harley said.

Why is that? Dachao frowned.

He hoped that it was justice and conscience that awakened Hal.

Because he has no reason to degenerate. In fact, I don't think his previous behavior was depravity. It was just a normal reaction of a normal person.

Normal person? Normal reaction? Da Chao looked like you were crazy and shocked, He massacred the Green Lantern Corps, he devoured the River of Time, destroyed countless River of Time worlds, and he also poisoned his former companions.

The other heroes also looked unacceptable.

Harley said calmly: First of all, you must understand that you superheroes who 'bath in the sunshine and applause' are abnormal human beings.

Normal people also have bottom lines, but they don’t put sticking to them first.

There are too many people or things in life worthy of him breaking the bottom line.

Yes, Hal killed someone, but he didn't want to kill him at first. After killing the first one by mistake, he gradually couldn't hold back.

When he decides to restart the world, he doesn't need to worry about how many people died or killed before the restart, they can all come back after the restart.

This series of psychological and behavioral changes is normal.

Are you sure it's normal? Dachao looked suspicious.

I am a doctor of psychology and a professor-level expert.

I think you have too much subjective bias. I'm not sure whether Hal's behavior is normal, but I can see that you appreciate what he does. Diana said.

Harry nodded and said, That's right, why don't I appreciate it? In order to save Cumberleaf and save his hometown, he did everything he could. This shows that he values ​​feelings and loyalty.

In her life, Sister Harley admires people who value emotions and loyalty the most.

He was able to make a comeback with a broken green light ring that was almost out of battery, grab the central battery, and enter the river of time.

From a Muggle who didn't understand magic, he gradually grew into the most powerful man in the river of time.

He even swallowed the entire mother river of time, completing a feat that no one had done before or after.

All this is a testament to his ability, perseverance, talent and determination.

For the goal in his heart, he even did not hesitate to kill teammates, friends, and comrades who stood in his way, proving his courage and will.

Anyone who doesn't appreciate this kind of person who values ​​feelings, is loyal, capable, and is neat and tidy is blind.

Of course, Hal also has flaws, such as being not very bright and prone to getting emotional, but no one is perfect, and I can barely tolerate these shortcomings.

For her, being dim-witted is not a shortcoming.

Harley doesn't like people who are so arrogant that they can't let her take advantage of them.

Although I can't refute you, I don't agree with your point of view. Dachao said with a troubled face.

Harley asked: “Do you admire Bill Gates and Elon Musk?

You must be admired, you even gave them an exclusive interview, I watched the video, and your face was filled with admiration during the interview.

But the difficulty of their 'starting from scratch' is comparable to Hal's evolution from Green Lantern to Time Devil, and he can't even lift his shoes.

Why do you admire the tycoons everywhere in the material world, but don't look down on the more inspiring Hal?

The difficulty is far more fragrant than smelly. Hal is a friend, so there is no mystery?

Dachao shook his head repeatedly, No, I'm not saying that Hal's life is easy, I just don't agree with your definition of his behavior as great.

What determines whether an act is great is its purpose and means, not the difficulty of the process.

As long as the purpose is noble and the means are legal and reasonable, even volunteering in the community is great and worthy of our worship.

Once the purpose is despicable or the means are evil, even if he can do things that God cannot do, he still cannot be called great.

How many killings did Hal cause when he became a time demon? This kind of behavior is not worthy of praise.

So, you are great heroes, and great heroes are not normal people.

Everyone, although you are talking about Hal, the content is too far away from the topic. Neptune reminded.

Okay, back to the topic, Hal Jordan paid a very, very high price, killing his Green Lantern comrades, destroying the Green Lantern Corps, killing people in the river of time, and finally setting off the zero-hour crisis. He always had only one purpose - to save the seaside. The city was destroyed.

Knowing this, how could I not have confidence in ‘Beach City Cantata’?

Coastal City is his obsession, his greatest motivation, and his most fatal flaw.

Since you were sure that Hal could be defeated by 'Chorus', why didn't you tell us?

I know that he is monitoring us all the time at the end of time, but if he told us earlier and let Hal hear it, he would have turned back and given up on it at that time, and the 31st century would not be destroyed. Da Chao Dao.

Harley shook her head and said: If I do as you say, not only will the 31st century still be destroyed, but even the 21st century will suffer heavy casualties, and Hal will have no way of turning back.


How are you sure that Hal will come back soon? You didn't even have confidence in him or the chorus before.

But you're confident.

I am just confident in my plan, and I can tell you now with confidence that if I overhear my plan in advance, not only will the Shima not be defeated, but it will intensify and go to the other extreme.

Don't ask why, just ask basic psychological common sense.

A person will only repent when facing others, but few people will wake up.

It's hard to feel shame when you're alone.

Therefore, an old priest needs to sit in the confessional of the church.

Oh. Dachao was convinced by the judgment of the 'professor-level expert' this time.

And most importantly, the Beach City Cantata was not the whole plan.

Harley glanced meaningfully at the circle of Zhenglian giants, I never put my eggs in one basket, so naturally I don't expect to directly defeat the Time Demon with a single 'Chorus' move.

But the chorus will definitely defeat some of his beliefs, and the sudden appearance of the undead from Beach City will also make him flustered and unable to concentrate.

Do you think it would be easier to defeat the full version of Time Demon, or the residual version of Time Demon that is easier to deal with?


The giants had never thought of this before, and when they heard this, they couldn't help but look shocked, and looked at Harry with a somewhat horrified look.

If Hal remains stubborn in the face of Harley's taunting blow and insists on refusing to turn around, he is afraid that the tickling blow will suddenly hit him on the head.

Maybe even the brutal Lucifer Boning Knife.

All it takes is a touch. At this moment, they are probably standing at Hal's grave to mourn him.

It turns out that the people in the most dangerous situation last night were not them, not the alien allies and American soldiers, but the big BOSS Time Demon!

Fortunately, Hal was honest and came back to the right place.

It seems that the Zero Hour Crisis has almost ended since you confirmed that the Time Demon is Hal. But why are you so sure that the Time Demon is Hal? What if you guessed wrong? Diana said in a voice.

Cyborg was also puzzled: There is a lot of evidence to prove that the Time Demon is not Howl, but there has never been any obvious evidence that he is Howl.

If you hadn't told us from the beginning, the mastermind behind this might be Hal. We wouldn't know his true identity until zero hour came and he showed up in person.

Analysis plus intuition, Harley said simply.

Analysis plus intuition were the reasons for the speculation that Hal Jordan was the culprit.

The subsequent boiling of the green light energy pool induced on the Origin Wall is key evidence.

Hal Jordan's death in the 58th century was more of a cover-up, which heightened her suspicions.

It wasn't until the Time Demon struck a shocking blow against Neptune King Arthur that Harley got solid evidence.

The Time Demon really had murderous intentions for Arthur at that time. The main reason why he didn't kill Neptune was because of Harley's level 9 green light defense expertise.

No matter how much time energy the Time Demon devours or what terrible time magic he practices, his fundamental method is still emotional energy.

Therefore, he was unable to kill Neptune, who was protected by the Green Light Defense Specialty, with one move.

Therefore, through the fact that the Green Light Defense feat was suddenly triggered in Neptune's body, Harley was certain that the Time Demon was Hal Jordan.

Analysis and intuition? The giants looked doubtful.

Harley shrugged, Believe it or not.

The Zhenglian giant communicated with their eyes for a while, and finally Dachao said: OK, whether we believe Hal or not, we still believe in your judgment this time.

You said Hal can come back and we don't need to worry, so we don't worry.

When he returns, we will accept him again and help him.

Very good! Harley stood up and prepared to leave. You will be responsible for the press conference of Zero Hour Crisis and the celebration banquet afterwards. You don't need to call me.

You are the protagonist. Da Chao said.

I haven't done anything. I have been relaxing at home. I waited until zero hour came before leading the undead in a chorus. You guys have done the heaviest work.

We are very busy, very anxious, very worried, and very hardworking. This is all true, but we seem to have been doing useless work. Diana said bitterly.

If I had known, I would have listened to you and settled down and did nothing. Cyborg also said dejectedly.

Bateman pursed his lips, thinking of the New Bat Armor Max he had painstakingly built, and felt a little discouraged.

However, he still cheered up and encouraged everyone: Our actions at least provided a cover for her final plan.

Alas! The Flash became even more frustrated and sad after hearing this.

Wally died unjustly!

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