I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1059 Coach, I want to play basketball

You said you haven't forgotten your eldest nephew 'Little Hal Jordan', then tell me, does he like to eat Lay's Original Potato Chips or Good Rice Cookies? Hallie asked.

Hal was stunned and murmured: He doesn't like potato chips or rice cakes. He likes blueberry-flavored ice cream.

Harley nodded, The answer is correct, you are indeed a good uncle.

Harry, don't play tricks. My will is as strong as iron now, and you can't convince me with just a few words. A murderous intent appeared in Hal's eyes, and his voice was cold: No one can change my determination.

Don't be impatient, Harley pressed down her right hand, Have you ever thought about how you would feel if after the world restarts, your eldest nephew no longer likes ice cream, but falls in love with potato chips?

It doesn't matter whether he likes ice cream or potato chips. What's important is that he can still eat and call me 'Uncle Hal'! Hal said excitedly.

Harley shook her head and said, No, it's very important, because you have a nephew who only loves to eat ice cream and you forgot about it.

Hal's hands radiated bright green light, his face was full of indifference, Harry, I told you, your little trick doesn't work on me.

Harley sighed: Hal, what I said before was indeed a little trick. Because we are friends, I don't want to use the cruelest means to deal with my friends.

If I could use a simple trick to wake you up and make you come back to safety——

Whoosh~ Hal raised his hand and shot out a beam of bright white and green energy, hitting Harley's face directly.

Boom~~ Harley was like an iron target hit by a cannonball. It was shot directly from Yebi's back and slid in the air for several kilometers before barely stopping.

Ahem. Her head was stuffy and her mouth was coughing up blood.

Gudong, gudong.

The experience jar was bubbling crazily. With just one hit, it increased by 3%, and the experience level reached level 96 by 31%!

I have studied your magical power for hundreds of years, and your secret has been known to me for a long time. Hal said coldly.

Harley raised her hand to stop the angry Zhenglian giant who was about to attack, wiped the blood from his mouth, and said with a smile: It's interesting.

Hal Jordan really found her fatal flaw - no defensive special effects against physical attacks.

What was clearly shot out just now was an energy beam, but it turned into pure kinetic energy damage.

All energy is converted into kinetic energy.

With just one blow, Harley was injured.

If it were Dachao, he would also vomit blood at this moment.

It's not that her and Da Chao's defenses are weak, but that Hal is at the peak of his life at this time.

He is not Hal, the Green Lantern, but the 'Time Demon' who swallowed up the time trappers and the river of time.

However, if you beat me to death, I won't have to be polite to you anymore.

Harley once again sat on the back of Yebby who ran to her side, Yeebby, Beach City Cantata.

What? Yebi was confused, You haven't told me about the chorus before?

Let all those 'representatives' from Coast City be released.

Yebi was startled, Are you talking about the undead souls in Coast City who are trying to judge Meng Ge?

That's them.

Let them all out? What to do?

Put them all out and let them sing 'Hal, I'm so miserable' together.

Yebigou's face trembled a few times, Is this your trump card?

Bang! Harley slapped it on the head and cursed: We are in the zero-hour crisis now, and the Time Demon is eyeing me. Can you be more serious and agile?

Yerbi's long dog mouth was like a genie running out of Aladdin's lamp. Souls wrapped in white light flew out of its mouth one after another, floating in the sky above Harley, forming a neat formation.

There are tens of thousands of people.

Let Hal's group of relatives and friends stand at the front. By the way, call his nephews, nieces, and everyone who knows him. The children will form a group alone.

Harley kept her word.

It was not empty talk when he said that he would look for the victims of Coast City to form a trial panel.

She really asked Yerby to try his best to find the souls of all the dead, and then originally planned to let Hal choose the representative, but Hal turned evil and ran away. She could only ask Gordon and Yerby to cooperate and select from the millions of dead souls. A sane person.

There are more than 12,000 people.

They have a relatively complete memory and a certain degree of judgment. They can at least decide the sentence against Meng Ge.

Therefore, as soon as Harley gave an order, Yebi could immediately call them over.

Also because they had dealt with Yebby and Gordon before and knew that Harley was helping them redress their grievances. They were very obedient, grateful to her, and in awe of her power to control life and death.

Hal, Hal, I'm so miserable! Halle sang.

Hal, Hal, I'm so miserable!

They sang together, their voices were gloomy but loud, almost like a chorus.

Hal was stunned;

The heroes were stunned.

The gods and demons observing Zero Hour Crisis were stunned.

Uncle Hal, Uncle Hal, I'm so miserable! Harley was like an orchestra conductor, pressing down with her left hand and raising her right hand. The adults shut up, and the ghost children whimpered and shouted: Uncle Hal, Uncle Hal , I’m so miserable!”

Do you know why we are so miserable? It's not because the city is destroyed and people die. She raised her left hand and pressed down with her right hand.

The ghost children shut up, and the adult ghosts screamed like a strong wind: Do you know why we are so miserable? It's not because the city is destroyed and people die.

The Great Judgment is over. The evil spirit of Meng Ge is wailing in the flames of hell. We are happy to hear it.

Harley continued to sing the lead, and the adult ghosts continued to sing along.

Happy~~~ she piped up.

Happy~~~ they piped up.

It gave me goosebumps.

Bateman remained silent, almost digging out three rooms and two living rooms in the desert with his two feet covered in metal shoes.

——It’s so embarrassing.

Not only were all the heroes uncomfortable with embarrassment, but the gods and demons who cast their gazes over her were also ashamed of Harley.

Hal glanced at the familiar faces one by one, looking dazed.

We are so miserable! Harley howled at the top of her lungs, and the undead howled at the top of their lungs.

We have fallen into hell, and there are still people who use our names to do extremely evil things. She roared like a rock singer.

The undead are also roaring.

For Beach City, for the family and friends who died, for the more than seven million innocent victims, and to make up for the regrets and mistakes of the past.

A rap accent is used here, imitating Hal Jordan's tone.

But we don't know anything, but we are still in hell~~~ the ghost children sang.

The new ghost in hell said to me - because of you, I am dead, because of you, we are all dead!

But we don't know anything~~~

Hal Jordan, the city guardian of Beach City, did this in our name. We are so wronged and miserable~~

What an injustice, what a tragedy~~

Guardian, Guardian, we respected you, loved you and trusted you when we were alive. Why should we forget us in hell and pursue the shadows that are similar to us?

They are us, they are not us, we don’t know.

We are still in hell, burdened with the sins you committed in our name.

Can you feel at ease? Do you regret making amends? Do you think the world is perfect?

Waiting for you to laugh in the new world, we are still crying in hell, so miserable!

Uncle Hal, Uncle Hal, I'm so miserable! Jordan's eldest nephew wailed alone.

Hal burst into tears, his knees softened, and he knelt in the void, kneeling under the undead souls of Coast City, No, it shouldn't be like this. You, you all should be redeemed and resurrected~~

Even if you write pencil words on white paper, traces will be left after erasing it again. How can it be possible to completely erase what has happened?

Harley stopped singing the chorus and said seriously: Even if you restart the world, you create a new timeline without Mongo destroying Beach City, even if hell returns the undead in Beach City.

Even if those of us who want to stop you have our memories rewritten, don't you remember what happened?

Even if you change your own memory, the eight divine realms of Limbo, countless planes, and countless gods and demons will never forget the past.

They will not forget that there was once a world where a city was destroyed by the alien Mongo, which later led to a series of larger and more tragic tragedies.

They would tell it like a story, saying in a disdainful tone, 'Millions of people died in that city, and then their city guardian went crazy'.

Is this what you want?

No, wuwu, no, I, what have I done, no. Hal covered his face and cried loudly.

Gudong, gudong. The jar of cheeky defense expertise bubbled crazily.

Harley understood that his 'old skin' had been shattered by her again.

Boy, go say something to your Uncle Hal. She quietly sent a message to Hal's ghost nephew.

Uncle Hal, don't cry. The ghost baby gently stroked Hal's head, I know I'm dead, but I'm not miserable.

There were many children there, sages taught us how to read, and pastors led us in reciting the Bible.

Hal, for the deceased, the greatest sorrow is that the relatives living in the world are unhappy. Hal's second brother came over and said in a complicated tone: Of the three of us brothers, you are the most like my father, you are the most brave and fearless.

You witnessed your father's plane explode at the airport. Although the accident left a shadow in your heart, when you grew up, you still followed the same path as him without hesitation - becoming an excellent fighter pilot.

Indeed, the destruction of Beach City was more terrifying than the death of his father.

But I believe that my brother is a warrior who will eventually be able to face the facts of what has happened, step out of the shadows, and soar into the sky again, free and unburdened.

Hal, come on! His dead relatives surrounded him and encouraged him.

Hal Jordan, our Green Lantern, please don't give up on us, don't give up on that dilapidated Beach City, which is just a big hole.

No matter how bad it is, it is our home, your hometown.

No matter how beautiful your restarted new earth or new seaside city is, it has nothing to do with us. The undead in Beach City shouted.

The mayor, who had awarded the Green Lantern the Medal of Honor many times, was encouraged by Harley: Hal, you have the mission to resurrect Beach City, not in this way, but back to where it was, on the ruins. Rebuild it.”

The undead from Coast City did not stay in the world for long. After saying the last sentence, he waved to Hal, smiled and turned into white light and disappeared without a trace.

Harley, I, I.

Hal knelt there, his face covered in snot, tears, and vulnerability.

It is completely no longer as firm and ruthless as when it first came.

Harley walked up to him, patted him on the shoulder, and sighed: Oh, I understand.

——Don’t you just want to “come back and play basketball”? Coach I allowed it.

Come back, you still have your place in the Justice League, and you are still our friend and companion.

I, can I do it? Hal shook his head gently, No, it's too late, I can't go back.

However, you are right, even if a new universe is restarted, they are not them, and Beach City is not my Beach City.

Harley, do me a favor and get rid of the energy inside me that was used to restart the multiverse.

Mother Fake, is this possible?! The gods and demons in the sky were dumbfounded.

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