I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 1055 Eating books and practicing Qigong

No need to do anything! After learning that all members of the 31st Century were wiped out, Harley only sighed, They seek mercy and receive mercy without leaving any regrets.

I didn't go to support them at the beginning, and now there is no need to go to inquire about information and search for survivors.

Just wait, wait for the refugees of the 31st century to come to your door, if there are still refugees.

Is the speed of the Entropy Crack speeding up? Five days ago, Metron said that the Entropy Crack was approaching the 60th century. The day before yesterday, I went to the 58th century, almost one century per day, but today it was destroyed in the 31st century. Neptune asked doubtfully.

Harley said: According to your calculation, one day in a century, from the starting point of time to the present, is more than 15 billion years apart, so it still has to be hundreds of thousands of years?

The time in the river of time cannot be speculated, it can only be measured. It is whatever it is.

Dachao asked: How long will it take to reach the 21st century?

Who knows, the crack of entropy is not a natural phenomenon. There are people behind it controlling it. It can be fast or slow.

Harley shook her head and said: Let's start the highest alert state now. All S-level and above heroes are waiting in the Hall of Justice. I will also stay here, waiting for the zero hour to come.

What about the heroes below S level? Green Arrow asked.

He is just an A-level hero in Star City.

S-level recruits are recruited and must fulfill their obligations to protect the earth. Those below S-level can make their own decisions and do what they can.

Harley, Atom is also an S-class hero. Green Arrow suddenly said.

As soon as these words came out, the whole place fell silent, and many heroes had strange expressions.

After the Atom was born for the second time, he disappeared without a trace and seemed to be hiding in a corner of the world.

He has already been on a mission and can stay at home to recuperate. Alas, psychological trauma is also an injury. Harley said strangely.

As heroes began to gather at the Hall of Justice, the tuning fork was moved to Harley's chosen battlefield - the middle of the Mojave Desert.

As the news spread, the higher civilizations of the universe could not sit still and sent envoys to inquire. They also wanted to form a Cosmic Alliance Army again, which would be commanded by General Galaxy.

Harley didn't refuse, but she didn't choose too many alien fleets. There was only one planetary battleship per civilization, and the number was random.

Soon, the golden pioneers of the 25th century brought the first batch of time and space refugees.

The last time he arrived on the 21st century Earth on the same day as the 58th century Archon representative, he also sought help from the Justice League.

However, instead of inviting Zhenglian to rescue the 25th century, he discovered that there was a problem in the universe, but he did not understand what the problem was.

People in the 25th century have neither the technology nor the ability to study zero-hour crises.

After understanding the seriousness of this crisis from the heroes of the Justice League, he ran back to the 25th century, this time bringing a group of people from the future.

They are not dignitaries or dignitaries, they are all his friends.

Another two hours passed, and two time travelers from the 28th century were discovered by the watchtower satellite.

After those two guys arrived in the 21st century, they didn't go to Zhenglian or register with the government. However, Brainiac and the 5 gangs built three space-time satellites for Zhenglian and put them in the river of time to monitor visitors from different time and space.

Just treat it like an ordinary alien stowaway. Sue, try, go to jail, and fine whatever you want. When asked about the treatment plan, Harley said.

In the evening, the Flash brought back an acquaintance.

The Karate Kid? the waiting heroes exclaimed as he was taken to the Hall of Justice.

What's going on in the 31st century? Where are the others? Dachao asked eagerly.

He was in a coma. I accidentally picked up his when I was patrolling near the 21st century time point. It was just him and no one else. Barry explained.

He's the only one who survived. Harley walked up to the Karate Kid and looked at him with a strange look, There are no refugees in the 31st century. This kid survived because he ate books.

Eating books? Everyone was confused.

You go ask him. With these words, she returned to the monitoring room and continued to follow the cracks of entropy.

The Karate Kid's state is somewhat similar to that of Aquaman back then. Both fell into the river of time and fell into a coma under the attack of the Power of Time.

After treatment, he quickly regained consciousness.

Dead, all dead. The cosmic cannon has no effect. Falling on the crack of entropy is like a fly shaking a tree. In the end, the 438 heroes of the legion launched a desperate charge towards the crack. Everyone -

The Karate Kid looked around numbly, You only saved me?

Dachao sighed: We dare not go deep into the river of time. It was the Flash who discovered you floating in the river like a corpse when he was patrolling at the 21st century time point.

Why didn't I die? I was also driving the time bubble battleship towards the crack. I didn't become a deserter! the karate boy said excitedly.

Dachao hugged his shoulders and comforted him: You are not a deserter, you are a veteran who has fought for the rest of his life. Maybe God will have mercy and let you return to the 21st century with the honor of the legion and let your story be known.

Bateman said: It has nothing to do with God. Harley said he was alive because he ate books. Val, what books did you eat?

Eat the book. The karate boy was startled and then suddenly realized, During the Crisis on Infinite Earths, I approached Harley as my apprentice to learn the way of the God of War. She gave me a copy of Nine Turns of the Golden Body and said that in critical moments, You can swallow the book and your power will skyrocket.

Green Arrow's eyes lit up, The Nine Transformations of the Golden Body records the secret of her becoming the God of War? Have you practiced it, and what's the effect?

The Karate Kid nodded with a complicated expression, She is the strongest martial artist I have ever encountered, and of course I have to take her secrets seriously.

Especially in the 31st century, she rehearsed the shattering void scene for us - shattering the universe within a light-year range into nothingness with the power of one person, which is unparalleled.

However, I have been practicing the Golden Body Art for fourteen years, and my body has become stronger and stronger. My body can even resist low-power energy guns, but I have never been able to touch the realm of 'void'.

The physical resistance to energy guns is pretty good.

Green Arrow's eyes were full of envy, he couldn't even block a pistol bullet.

Bang! The karate boy hit the ground hard, making a small crater on the marble floor, and cried sadly: What's the use of blocking the energy gun? Facing the crack of entropy, I can't even get close, I can only drive the time bubble The airship is guerrilla nearby!

Green Arrow looked down at the small pit. It was as big as a bowl, and the cracks spread to half the hall.

After eating Golden Body Art, what changes happened to your body? Did your skill increase greatly?

Karate Kid said: I didn't feel much at the time, but now it seems that I should get part of Harley's magical power.

You probably forgot to use the 'activation code'. Well, you need a spell to activate the divine power. Neptune said.

What activation spell?

That's right. Neptune caught a glimpse of the heroes' concerned gazes and said with an unnatural expression: For example, when a war eagle transforms into a war eagle, it needs to shout 'war eagle'.

When Wonder Woman goes into her thick-skinned state, she’ll shout ‘Hallelujah, Praise be to Harley’, and I’ll shout ‘Poseidon’.

Since Harry gave you the Nine Transformations of the Golden Body and also reminded you to eat books to improve your skills at critical moments, there is no reason not to tell you the spell.

The Karate Kid's heart moved, On the last page of Nine Transformations of the Golden Body, the last line says 'Kui's Martial Arts, the authentic one in the world'——

Hum~~ After the words fell, a faint golden glow rose from his body, from the inside out, like a golden man.

I bought it!

It is indeed a spell. Is this the 'Nine Transformations of the Golden Body'?

Looks so strong.

You must be strong if you can survive the world-destroying attack of the Crack of Entropy.

However, his aura is not as dazzling as Wonder Woman.

Oh, what's the use of this power? The 31st Century and the Legion are gone, I'm the only one.

Facing the envious or curious looks of all the heroes, the Karate Kid was so regretful that he wanted to cry. If he had known better, he would not have read the book.

Eating books doesn't change the situation of the war. What's the point of surviving alone?

Dachao held his shoulders and encouraged: As long as you live, the legion will not be destroyed. If the 31st century can be restarted, you will be the mentor of the new legion. You will inject the soul of the old legion into the body of the new legion.

Half an hour later, the Justice League River of Time Monitoring Center.

Val just lost his comrades and the world. He is very sad and desperate. You are his master after all, why don't you comfort him? Dachao said with some complaint.

Harley glanced at him sideways, Is your super intelligence really just for show?

What's the meaning?

Have you ever thought about why he survived and was picked up by Barry?

He was able to survive because he ate the Nine Transformations of the Golden Body Art and had your divine power in his body. Dachao said.

Well, if it weren't for the Time Demon staring right here, I'd really like to mock you a few times.

Time Demon— Dachao's pupils shrank, You mean, Time Demon deliberately let Val go back to the 21st century, and Val is a spy? No, it's impossible, Val's behavior doesn't look like a disguise.

Harley shook her head and said, I don't want to, nor am I suitable to talk to you about this topic now.

Dachao fell into deep thought.

Cyborg suddenly said: There are visitors from another time and space, about thirty of them, Tear Man. You are fast and strong. I'm sorry to trouble you.

Why so many?

My timeline has been triggered at least 300 times in the past few years. Harley said disapprovingly: The time bubble has been mass-produced in the 31st century. What about a future that is more sci-fi than the 31st century?

Alas! Dachao sighed and soared into the sky.

Why are there so many future worlds? During the Crisis on Infinite Earths, there was only one 31st century. Cyborg asked puzzled.

Harry shook his head and said: Not only the 31st century, I discovered the 25th century back then.

What are the principles and laws? From the 21st century to the 31st century, the time interval can be divided into countless parts. Is it possible that there are countless worlds? Cyborg asked doubtfully.

I don't know very well either. Harley only knew the phenomenon but not the cause.

The current mother river of time was created by you. Cyborg said.

I was in a daze. Harley looked confused and thought, On rainy days, water will form in low-lying areas on the road, while other open spaces are dry. You can easily understand this phenomenon, right?

It can be imagined that the river of time is just like the road. It is not as smooth as a mirror. There are also some depressions where 'river water' accumulates.

Each water-filled depression forms a time segment, and Wan Tian Yi does not exist in this segment. Alas, there is only one universe left, and there is no Wan Tian Yi.

Each fragment is a future, or a past world.

On a rainy day, walking on a long road under neon lights, if you look ahead, how many depressions are there that reflect the light?

Well Cyborg frowned in thought, It's a very vivid metaphor, but I still don't understand why there are depressions in the river of time.

Ding ding ding~ The cell phone suddenly rang in Halle's pocket, and the caller ID was a top official in the White House.


Harry, I heard that the 31st century is gone? Abao Tesla asked nervously.

It's expected, don't worry.

Harley's tone was calm, making the person opposite him relax a little.

The Crack of Entropy only lasts two days from the 58th century to the 31st century. Does that mean there will be 'zero hour' tomorrow?

Perhaps sooner, the results may be available tonight.

Oh my God, tonight? So soon? Abao shouted.

This is a good thing. The day before yesterday, you said you were worried about the zero-hour crisis and couldn't sleep at night. Now you take a sleeping pill and sleep peacefully until the next morning. When the crisis is over, everyone will celebrate. Harley said with a smile.

Abao swallowed and said cautiously: Harry, the decisive battle is coming tonight, and you don't seem to have made arrangements for your family yet.

I heard that you sent a large number of people to Paradise Mountain Town last time?

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