I use the learning system to engage in technology

Chapter 55 (Chapter 55 (120,000 nutrient solution...)

It was too easy to get sleepy when traveling at night. Song Yao and Zhao Xiaodong were so excited that they woke up for a while, and then they couldn't hold on any longer.

Especially for Song Yao, the child's schedule is very regular. Usually at this time, he has washed up and is lying on the bed, entering the learning system for the last study of the day.

Then as he continued to learn, he fell asleep comfortably.

Song Yao was held in his arms by his father, his little head was moving little by little, and he fell asleep soundly in a short while.

Seeing this, Yuan Jiang took out a small pillow from his schoolbag and put it on his head. After doing this, he picked up Zhao Xiaodong, who was also sleepy and confused. The other person lay on Yuan Jiang's back, and soon fell asleep soundly.

Of course, Song Yao didn't know about these.

As soon as he opened and closed his eyes, he was already in front of a food stall when he woke up.

The child yawned, slowly got up from his father, stretched again, and looked left and right curiously:

"Wow!! So many people!! It smells so good!"

Zhao Xiaodong had long been trained by him to keep his schedule consistent with him. It was about the same time that he yawned and opened his eyes. He rubbed Yuan Jiang's shoulder and became full of energy. His eyes when he looked around were full of novelty:

"Wow!! There are so many people, such a big table, and the soup is so fragrant! Can I have some, Uncle Song?"

Father Song handed him a spoon: "This is what I ordered for you. It's a bit cold in the morning. You two should share this bowl of haggis soup to warm yourself up."

"Drink slowly and be careful not to burn it. We are already in Qingxian County now. We can go to the train station after eating."

They are specially selected stalls with haggis soup.

After all, the adults are okay, but the children can't stay cold.

It will get hot especially at noon. It is easy to get sick if you are hot and cold. It is best to drink something warm to wash it down.

Song Yao and Zhao Xiaodong got together and stood beautifully in front of the bowl of haggis soup.

This was the first time that the two children fell asleep on the road. In the past, no matter how tired they were, they could vaguely feel that they fell asleep when they arrived home.

This is the first time I fell asleep on the road.

They think it's amazing.

It was just a short nap, but when I woke up, the city had changed.

Seeing that the adults didn't order soup and only ate sesame cakes with hot water, they murmured for a while, and Song Yao ran to the boss without fear of danger at all:

"Uncle, can you give me four more bowls? We want to share the soup."

The boss had no customers and was not busy at the moment. He was very talkative. Not only did he hand Song Yao four more bowls, he also put four spoons in the bowls.

Song Yao happily took it: "Thank you, uncle! Uncle, you are so kind!"

The boss touched the little head of the child in front of him and thought that the child was really cute. Then he smiled and watched the little child return to his seat holding a pile of bowls that were bigger than his face.

Zhao Xiaodong immediately came over to help, and the two children worked hard to share the soup ladle by ladle.

The children were interested, and the three adults didn't stop them. They happily took the small bowl of soup they pushed over and ate it with sesame seed cakes.

Song Yao and Zhao Xiaodong still had the most soup in their bowls under the adults' attention. They picked up a spoonful with a small spoon, blew on it, and made sure it didn't burn their mouths before putting it in their mouths.

Then all the faces showed expressions of surprise.


Zhao Xiaodong just tasted it silently, while Song Yao's children didn't have the habit of holding back something delicious without praising it.

His eyes were bright as he drank another spoonful: "It tastes great! It feels so warm in my stomach after drinking it, and it smells so good and comfortable in my mouth!"

The child excitedly shared his feelings with his father: "Dad, this is the best haggis soup I have ever tasted!"

Dad Song: Of course, because this is your first time to drink haggis soup.

Song Yao not only praised him, but also had a happy taste on his face.

Take a sip and he will taste it. Take a sip and he will taste it.

People passing by looked at the child drinking soup and felt as if he was eating something precious. He was hungry on the way in the morning and couldn't help it. He chose a place to sit down:

"Boss, let's have a bowl of haggis soup."


By the time Song Yao finished the bowl of soup, almost everyone at the tables was already sitting.

The boss was so busy that his feet did not touch the ground, but he looked happy.

Although it seemed that only the first customer was attracted by Song Yao, he still gave all the credit to this child who looked cute, spoke sweetly and was very good at complimenting.

He went to the kitchen and scooped up a spoonful of soup and sent it over: "This is for you. You guys can drink it slowly."

The adults were naturally surprised and embarrassed.

After some hesitation, they still accepted it.

So the child Song Yao could happily drink the soup for a while, until his belly swelled and he couldn't drink any more, and then he put down the spoon that was longer than his hand with satisfaction.

"It tastes good. I wish I could drink it every day."

The boss smiled while working and answered: "It's very simple. If your family makes haggis, put a little vinegar in it, and the taste will be different from ordinary haggis soup immediately."

Naturally, he has other secret recipes, but this method can indeed make the haggis soup taste more delicious.

Song Yao listened and nodded: "Thank you, uncle!! Uncle, you will definitely make a lot of money!"

Teacher He patted the student's shoulder, smiled and said, "Boss, you are very generous in your work and your craftsmanship is good, so your business will definitely be prosperous."

Who doesn’t like to hear good words? The boss feels more comfortable.

After the group had eaten and drank enough, Song's father went to the boss and bought a lot of sesame seed cakes, saying that he planned to eat them on the train.

I just gave them a bowl of soup, but I didn’t expect to sell so many sesame seed cakes. The boss was also very happy. He heard from Dad Song that they planned to eat them on the train, and also told them what to pay attention to on the train.

"Before you get on the bus, you must go to the hut first, and drink less water on the bus. It is crowded with people. It will be difficult to go to the hut again after you get on the bus. You can't all fall asleep, you have to leave one person awake."

Having said this, the boss glanced at Song Yao a little worriedly.

Such a small, long and good-looking child is always the target of human traffickers, but Zhao Xiaodong next to him is not very worried.

Traffickers still have little interest in children aged thirteen or fourteen.

He continued to warn:

"There will be pickpockets who keep an eye on sleeping people and can steal your money in just a few clicks. With so many people on the train, it's hard to find them even if you look for them, so you have to hide your money."

When Song Yao and Zhao Xiaodong heard about the pickpocket, their eyes lit up.



They have never seen it before!

The two children looked at each other energetically, their eyes full of eagerness to try.

The adults didn't pay attention to them and were still listening intently to the boss.

This is all based on experience. Father Song kept nodding his head.

The last time he took the train wasn't long, and since he didn't dare to sleep on his first trip, he didn't feel much about it.

But now the three adults have walked almost all night, and the ride is long. They must take some rest in the car. They are very lucky to have so much experience at this moment.

After leaving, Father Song patted the two children on the shoulders and praised them:

"Not bad, not bad. You can help me on the first day. You are such a good boy."

Song Yao and Zhao Xiaodong proudly held up their chests and raised their heads, not to mention how proud they were.

Teacher He glanced at Song's father and thought, no wonder Song Yao was so confident and proud in everything he did, and he never felt inferior even to the design drawings.

Being praised like this every day, it's weird to feel inferior.

The young teacher began to reflect on himself.

Children all like to hear compliments, so maybe she shouldn't be very strict with the children. The next time Song Yao comes to show her the design drawings, she should not hesitate for a long time and be unable to explain.

Adults can often think of a lot, but children can't.

Song Yao and Zhao Xiaodong ran in front, with Yuan Jiang following behind them, which did not prevent them from putting their two little heads together and muttering:

"What did you bring out? Did you bring that one we made last week?"

"Of course I brought it. What about you? Did you bring that one? That's the one!"

Yuan Jiang followed silently, watching the two children gesturing as if they were mute.

He always felt that these two children looked like they wanted to cause trouble.

But think about it again, it’s okay for the two of them to dig traps and scare other children in the village. When they go out and have so much luggage, what can they do?

Song Yao and Zhao Xiaodong can really cause trouble.

The two of them got together, grinning coquettishly and began to rummage through each other's schoolbags. In the end, the things they unearthed were all scattered piece by piece.

But the two children didn't care either.

At this level, they have a tacit understanding and can finish it in a matter of minutes.

While fighting, Song Yao also said to Zhao Xiaodong:

"Shall I put this piece here?"

Zhao Xiaodong thought for a while: "For those of us who practice martial arts, if we point it out, wouldn't it be too powerful to put it here?"

Song Yao thought what he said made sense.

But: "We martial arts practitioners are the ones who fight against injustice!"

Zhao Xiaodong: "Hey, yes, let's put it here. Wait a minute. You can go up a little bit. Yes, this is the position. Come on, grab it and I'll get it up."

Yuanjiang, who was standing nearby and was habitually looking around cautiously, took a moment to glance at it, and saw that it seemed to be a spider toy that the two children played with every day, so he ignored it.

They seem to like playing with this kind of spider toy recently. The enthusiasm of the children in the village has faded away, but they still keep mumbling mysteriously every day.

Seeing that the two people began to whisper mysteriously again, Yuan Jiang was not surprised and continued to guard the surroundings.

Grandma Song's worries are justified. A crowded place like a train station is indeed a mixed bag. It is absolutely impossible to say that there is not a single bad person.

If Teacher He was driving alone, she might be too sleepy to sleep.

But maybe now I feel at ease in my heart. Even if Teacher He tried hard to hold his eyelids open, he couldn't hold on for long and fell asleep leaning on his bag.

Father Song also nodded sleepily. He looked up and saw that Yuan Jiang was still very energetic, so he forced himself to say:

"I'll sleep for half an hour, and you'll call me to change my shift later."

Yuan Jiang nodded.

Seeing that Father Song and Teacher He had taken a break, he went to see the two children again to ask them if they wanted to take a nap. He saw that the two children were talking excitedly and non-stop.

He: ...Forget it, it seems they can still be awake for a long time.

Yuan Jiang never asked Song’s father to come and change his shift.

After all, he is a professional. He can quickly regain his energy as long as he takes a short nap in the car. For now, let them have a good sleep first.

He didn't wake them up until it was almost time to board the train.

Father Song and Teacher He did feel a little more energetic after sleeping for a while. They patted their faces and called the two children who were still talking non-stop:

"Let's go, the train is coming."

Song Yao and Zhao Xiaodong immediately got excited, put their things back in their bags, and followed the adults with excitement on their faces.

There were already people waiting for the train in front of them. The two children did not dare to leave the adults and could only look left and right curiously.

The train came with a loud noise, and its tall figure smoothly attracted Song Yao's attention.

"Wow!! Dad, the train is awesome!!"

Although it didn't look as handsome as the spaceships he had seen, there were still two different feelings between seeing it in the video and seeing it in real life. Although the train looked dark and unattractive, Song Yao quickly fell in love with it. .

The kid is so proud!

"Our train is awesome!! Wow, uncle, I'm sorry I stepped on you. I'm sorry."

The person he accidentally stepped on was a middle-aged man in shabby clothes who looked like a working man. He shrank with fear on his face, and was a little afraid that others would see that he had not seen much of the world, when he heard the child's sweet apology.

When he lowered his head and saw Song Yao, who was about the same age as his youngest son, his expression gradually relaxed: "No, it's okay."

When he noticed Song Yao's proud expression, he first looked at the adults around him. Seeing that they didn't show any sign of looking down on him, he asked cautiously:

"Kid, do you often take the train?"

Song Yao shook his head: "No, it's my first time taking a train."

He still remembered what Grandma Song said about not showing off your wealth when going out, so he said proudly at this moment:

"My family is very poor!"

Song Yao very familiarly pointed out the green leaves on her sleeves that Grandma Zhao had sewn on her sleeves:

"Uncle, our patches look alike. We are so destined. Wow, uncle, you are so tall too. I will also grow this tall in the future. We are indeed so destined."

Middle-aged man: "Yes, really..."

Because Song Yao was very enthusiastic, he also relaxed and quietly said to the child:

"It's my first time to take a train, so I'm a little nervous. Aren't you nervous?"

Song Yao didn't quite understand: "Why are you so nervous?"

Maybe it was because Song Yao was a child. Although the middle-aged man felt a little ashamed, he still whispered:

"I'm from the countryside and I haven't seen many things before. I'm afraid that if I get on the train, I'll be looked down upon by others if I don't know anything."

After saying it, he exhaled and felt much better from his tense mood.

Song Yao didn't understand even more: "Why are we looked down upon if we don't have knowledge? It's not like we want to be ignorant! Moreover! Haven't we seen it now?!"

The child was delighted: "I will also be a person who has ridden a train in the future!"

It pointed at the train that was discharging passengers and said proudly:

"And this is our train in Zhongzhou! Uncle, when you saw him, didn't you think our Zhongzhou was so awesome! We actually have such a big train!!"

He tried his best to sign "big" in the crowded crowd.

Song Yao felt from the bottom of his heart that the train in Zhongzhou was awesome.

Trains are very difficult. Song Yao thinks it will take at least two more years to learn them, but now there are trains in Zhongzhou. It's really amazing!

After hearing what he said, the passengers around him smiled kindly and praised: "The kid is right."

The middle-aged man was successfully brainwashed. When he looked at the train, he suddenly felt a little proud that "this is our train from Central Continent."

Seeing that he had successfully persuaded someone, Song Yaoxiong was full of energy and had a feeling of happiness that said, "I will be very powerful if I become a diplomat in the future."

When it was time to get on the bus, Song Yao and Zhao Xiaodong were protected by Yuan Jiang and sat in their seats.

Teacher He's seat was not with theirs. Father Song stepped forward to negotiate, and a nearby passenger readily agreed to change seats. After they all sat down, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

After a while, the train started to leave.

Yuan Jiang sat on the outermost seat, and the two children were on the inner seat.

Teacher He said: "Teacher Yuan, please take a nap. I just slept and I'm not sleepy. I'll take a look."

Yuan Jiang was still a little uneasy about the two children, hesitating and not wanting to sleep.

It was the first time for the two children to travel far away, and he was a little worried that they would not adapt.

After all, he was young, so he still wanted to see it with his own eyes.

Father Song patted his chest: "I won't sleep either. We will watch over these two children, so you don't have to worry."

Father Song and Zhao Xiaodong immediately looked cute:

"Yes, yes, brother Yuanjiang, please go to sleep. We will be good."

Yuan Jiang hesitated for a while, then nodded.

Also, these two children are very well-behaved most of the time.

He closed his eyes and fell asleep. Song Yao and Zhao Xiaodong got together and continued to put together their toys.

Father Song and Teacher He watched them several times and gradually felt relieved when they saw that both of them were well-behaved.

Song Yao and Zhao Xiaodong are indeed very good.

After they put the toys together, they put them in the bag, and then placed the bag on Father Song's lap across from them.

"Dad, leave the bag with you! The things inside are very important, so don't open it."

Father Song was also used to their mysterious appearance, so he nodded and didn't take it seriously.

Anyway, these two little brats can’t carry many rich things in their schoolbags.

The two children were opposite, and he felt relieved to look at the scenery outside.

Song Yao and Zhao Xiaodong opened their eyes with energetic and expectant expressions, looking at the scenery outside for a while and looking at the bag on Father Song's lap.

After a while, they couldn't wait any longer, so they gathered together and muttered again:

"Is that okay?"

"You don't understand, this makes the willing take the bait."

"Brother Yuan Jiang looks so powerful. What should I do if I dare not take the bait?"

"No, look at Brother Yuanjiang, he's already asleep."

Song Yao looked at the sleeping Yuan Jiang and yawned a little: "I'm sleepy too."

Zhao Xiaodong was infected by him and hit him: "Okay, let's sleep for a while, just for a while."

"Yeah, just for a moment."

Zhao Xiaodong leaned on Yuan Jiang, Song Yao leaned on Zhao Xiaodong, and they fell asleep one by one.


They were awakened by a high-pitched scream.

The two children opened their eyes in a daze and saw a tall and thin man standing next to their seats, screaming and covering his hands.

There is also a wooden spider hanging on his right hand.

You can still vaguely see the various mechanical equipment and sharp teeth exposed in the spider's mouth.

Yuan Jiang was already watching the other party with vigilance, and Father Song and Teacher He were also looking at him.

The staff on the train are already pushing towards this side:

"It's you again!! You're used to stealing, aren't you! This time I have to send you to the Public Security Bureau!"

Zhao Xiaodong was extremely excited and kept pushing Song Yao:

"Yao'er!! You took the bait! You took the bait!! We succeeded! We acted bravely and righteously!!"

Song Yao pushed back excitedly: "Wow wow wow!! We caught the pickpocket!! We are great!"

On their first day out, they successfully caught a pickpocket! !

They are so smart! !

Then the two excited children met the eyes of the adults.

Father Song: "Do you two deserve a beating?"

Teacher He: "There is less homework, right?"

Yuan Jiang didn't speak, he just thought to himself: I should just trust my intuition.

The smile on Song Yao's face froze, and the next second she quickly lay down on Zhao Xiaodong: "Hey, I fell asleep."

Zhao Xiaodong has not yet reacted: "Huh?"

Song Yao opened one eye and pulled him off: "Zhao Xiaodong is asleep too!"

Zhao Xiaodong understood now, immediately closed his eyes and said very loudly: "I'm still snoring!"

He snored lightly.

Song Yao thought this was good and followed suit.

When Zhao Xiaodong heard that his snoring was actually louder than his own, he also tried his best to snore louder.

Song Yao immediately followed up not to be outdone.

The three adults watched in silence as each of them snored louder than the other, with their eyes closed from time to time. You would push me and I would squeeze you.

Then the war escalated, and the two couldn't help but open their eyes and quarreled:

"Why do you always want to overpower me!"

"You learned from me first!"

"Then I let you sleep first!"

"I was the first to make this suggestion!"

"If it weren't for my clamp, would you be able to screw it on?"

They were noisy and lively when they suddenly realized something was wrong and turned to look at the three adults.

They looked at each other, then closed their eyes and lay down together:

"We fell asleep again!"

On the first day out, I was still very happy.

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