Facing the angry honey army, Song Yao still listened to his father's words and kept hiding in the house. He watched his father pass by and Le Dian Dian ran over and pulled the honeycomb with a stick, causing him to lie on the honeycomb. After the bees chased him angrily, he turned around and ran away.

After going back and forth a few times, the bees were probably convinced by this boring human being. When Father Song went to poop again, there was no movement in the hive.

He went up first to check to make sure there were really no bees, and then he happily called Song Yao: "Yao'er, it's okay. Come out."

Song Yao ran out excitedly and saw that his father was holding a pagoda-shaped honeycomb in his hand that was obviously different from a hornet's nest. He praised, "Dad, you are so awesome!"

Father Song was proud: "Of course, your father and I have twenty years of experience in poking beehives. When it comes to poking beehives, no one in the whole village can beat me."

Song Yao admired his father even more, looking at him with bright black eyes: "Teach me, I also want to be so good."

Being looked at by his son with such admiration, Father Song became more and more proud, and he opened his mouth to agree. Fortunately, he suddenly got excited and imagined in his mind the scene of Grandpa Song chasing his son with a fire stick after knowing that he taught his son this. .

His father just beat him up, but his mother would deny him food.

Dad Song shuddered and quickly swallowed the words that came to his mouth: "Ahem, you have tender skin, don't play with this, Dad will teach you other things."

Seeing that Song's father refused to teach, Song Yao was not disappointed, but asked in his mind: [005, is there any course to poke a hornet's nest? I want to learn. 】

005: [No. 】

The child was very surprised: [Didn’t you say that you have all kinds of courses? 】


This is indeed what the producers said when they advertised it.

005 carefully ran the data, and based on its logic, felt that "the course system that the host wants to learn is not in the system" was indeed a mistake in the learning system, so he apologized: [Sorry, we should have made false advertising. 】

Song Yao knew what advertising meant. 005 tried to advertise to him before, but then he never learned enough, so it silently stopped mentioning it.

Hearing 005's apology, he comforted 005 generously: [It doesn't matter, you didn't come up with these advertisements. They are all the fault of the producer you mentioned. You have to be honest when selling things. How can he brag? 】

If the producer four thousand years later knew that he had such a huge pot of trouble thrown into his hands out of thin air, he would probably be laughed out of anger.

This learning system contains all the learning related to Zhongzhou Kingdom for four thousand years. Many of the obsolete technical materials in it were bought from the antique market with money. It is definitely not an exaggeration to say that he can learn anything.

But no matter how thoroughly prepared he was, he never expected to be able to sell honeycomb poking as a course.

He is not that greedy for money!

Of course, it is impossible for current producers to know what happened nearly four thousand years ago, so Song Yao happily reached a consensus with 005 that "the producer falsely advertised that he was a profiteer."

Fortunately, although the producer is a profiteer, the course "The Composition of Honey" is still very cost-effective, and it even describes how to make equipment for collecting honey in various eras.

Song Yao took a quick look and found that he couldn't understand the equipment and tools, so he jumped all the way to collecting honey without tools. After reading it, he was full of confidence:

"Dad, let's go home and get the honey out."

Dad Song took the beehive and looked at it carefully: "How did you get this?"

Song Yao patted her chest: "I can!"

Father Song didn't doubt it. He still knew about his son. Although he was also very naughty, he never told lies. He probably read it from books.

So the father and son took the freshly harvested hive and walked back happily.

Passing by He Junwen's window again, seeing her looking over, the two of them extended their hands to say hello warmly:

"Hello teacher."

He Junwen saw the bee nest in Father Song's hand: "...Hello everyone."

She glanced at the bee nest vaguely again: "Ahem, are you guys going to poke the honeycomb together?"

Song Yao replied proudly: "Yes, father and son are going into battle!"

He Junwen: ...Although the words are correct, it always feels weird when used here.

She looked at Dad Song.

Father Song didn't find it strange at all. He touched his son's little head in surprise and praised: "What a good boy, you even know that father and son are going into battle. You are worthy of being my son!"

The child who was praised became more confident, straightened his chest, and looked at He Junwen with bright eyes.

Although he didn't speak, He Junwen somehow saw the meaning of "praise me, praise me" from those bright black eyes.

She coughed dryly and praised tentatively: "This kid is so smart."

A big smile instantly broke out on Song Yao's face, and she said happily: "Thank you, teacher!"

He was good-looking and even cuter when he smiled. He Junwen felt weak in his heart and couldn't help but smile: "You're welcome. Teacher will have class tomorrow, so you have to study hard."

Song Yao nodded repeatedly, saying that he would definitely become the most serious student in the class, and even said that he could control other students if they misbehaved.

He was so proud and said: "I have eight cousins, seven cousins, and two brothers who are two years older than me. They are very strong. They dare not disobey me."

He Junwen didn't think there were many brothers. There were also many cousins ​​in her family.

Song Yao continued: "I know the things in the village best. I can guess who will come to class tomorrow. Teacher, I tell you, most people are very obedient. Even Zhao Xiaodong must be impatient to listen to the class. It's okay. He If you're afraid of his grandma, just use his grandma to scare him, and Wang Xiaoer..."

For novice teachers who are starting classes for the first time tomorrow, it is definitely a big surprise to be able to know the students' information in advance and know how to discipline them. He Junwen immediately forgot about the honeycomb and listened carefully. .

Song Yao also loved to talk. Seeing that she didn't mind talking for a long time, she became more energetic and started counting the children in the village who were going to school.

Father Song stood aside and added from time to time: "Yes, yes, yes, he was never afraid of his parents when he was little. He is afraid of his sister. You are young and don't know. His sister has always been in charge of him before he got married. If he doesn't obey, you say Tell his sister and make sure he doesn't dare to be naughty."

He Junwen nodded repeatedly when she heard this, wishing she could take a piece of paper and write it down. When Song Yao was almost finished and all the children in the village said goodbye to her, she was still a little reluctant to leave.

Finally, Father Song said proudly: "Teacher He, don't worry, our Dashu Village can support education due to the influence of my family. Even if the children are ignorant, we adults will definitely support you."

He Junwen was remembering the situation of those children in her heart, and these words did not cross her mind. She did not react until Song Yao and Song's father left.

Influenced by his family?

What kind of influence?

Thinking that he would live in the village anyway and have plenty of time to ask questions, He Junwen temporarily put these words in the back of his mind and concentrated on remembering the information of those students.

When Song Yao and Song's father wandered back, they were beaten up and scolded for poking a hornet's nest for having been there for so long.

Song Yao justified the honeycomb's name: "Grandma, this is a honeycomb."

Grandma Song: "I don't care what your nest is about. Didn't you see that it's getting dark?! How much kerosene was wasted at home because we had to light the lights while waiting for you."

Dad Song immediately said that they met Teacher He and talked to Teacher He for a long time, which was a waste of time.

The expression on Grandma Song's face softened: "We need to have a good relationship with the teacher. Our youngest son will have to rely on Teacher He's teachings in the future. Whether he can go to college depends on him."

If Teacher He knew that Grandma Song said this, he would definitely feel a lot of pressure.

She just graduated from high school herself.

But Teacher He didn't know, so Grandma Song was very happy to think about the bright future of her grandson going to college. Of course, she didn't think about it for too long. The kerosene lamp was still burning. It was a waste of fuel. She could wait until it was turned off. Lantern lay on the bed and continued thinking.

"When we get this honey out, let's give some to Teacher He so that she can have a good impression of our Yao'er."

"Teacher He has always had a good impression of me." Song Yao said proudly, "Teacher He said I was the cutest child she had ever seen."

Grandma Song took one look at her grandson's handsome face, and she still believed her words.

However, she still insisted on sending honey: "It must be scary for such a young girl to come to our ravine alone. We need to move around more to make her feel that she doesn't have to be afraid in our place."

What girl is not afraid when she comes to a strange village in the mountains? Although the villagers of Dashu are simple and honest, and they have never had any dirty thoughts about not treating girls as human beings, the locals know that Teacher He is an outsider and has no place to go.

At this time, the local people go out more and spread out their kindness, so that the girls feel that they can ask for help if they encounter problems. This is a big deal for Teacher He, and for their family, it is just a matter of taking a few steps and saying a few words. , of course I will help if I can.

Song Yao didn't know what her grandma was thinking, so she asked confusedly: "What is Teacher He afraid of? Is she afraid that a wolf will snatch her away? Although our village is in the mountains, there are no wolves. Only Liuye Village has them."

Father Song also nodded: "Yes, what is she afraid of? We don't even have wild boars here."

Grandpa Song was squatting to observe the beehive, and he said something very reliable: "If she is afraid, I can go to Liuye Village to get some wolf dung and put it at her door, so that the wild beasts will not dare to approach."

Grandma Song glared at the three men in the family angrily: "I know you men don't understand. Anyway, it's not easy to say this. Just listen to me."

They were familiar with following orders and doing things, so the three of them had no problem immediately.

It was completely dark. In order to save kerosene, Song's father Song Yao, who came back late, quickly washed up and went back to his room.

Song Yao was sleeping on his little bed and talked to 005: [005, I can't sleep, let's discuss how to eat the honey after we get it tomorrow? 】

005 has never heard of the host asking the system to discuss what to do. It was a little confused, and there was no precedent to learn from. It was stunned for two minutes before giving an uncertain response: [The "Hundred Types of Honey" has been called up for the host. How to Eat Course].

Song Yao said nothing.

005 thought he was dissatisfied with this negotiation method and was about to change it when he discovered that the host's brain waves were in a sleep state.


It checked its own data records and found that less than three minutes had passed since the host told it that it couldn't sleep.

005: ...human beings are so strange.

The strange human Song Yao slept peacefully all night without any dreams. He was about to stay in bed for a while when he suddenly remembered that he had to make honey again today, go to school, and work hard to earn study points for fishing tools. At the same time, I also thought about how to make honey to make it delicious, and I suddenly became energetic.

He will be going to school in the future, and he won't have so much time to do whatever he wants.

After a while, he sat up and started to get dressed quickly.

Grandma Song came over and asked him to get up. She was surprised when she saw that he had already gotten up: "You didn't stay up today?"

Song Yao got dressed and jumped out of bed to tidy up the quilt, feeling very sad: "I have to go to school today. Teacher He said yesterday that there are at least six classes a day, and each class lasts forty minutes. I have to get up early, otherwise I won't have time. played."

He thinks going to school is good, but it would be better if he doesn't have to go to school for so long a day.

Grandma Song had the opposite idea. She thought it would be better if all the children in the village went to school, so that they would not make trouble here or there every day.

Look, it's only the first day of school, and Yao'er is not staying in bed anymore. It's great to go to school.

Grandma Song, who was passing by Father Song's room, looked at her son who was sleeping soundly there: ...If the school hadn't only accepted children, she would have wanted to send this thing in too.

The more she looked at her son, the more displeased she became. Grandma Song forcibly slapped Father Song on the grounds that he wanted to send Song Yao to school.

Dad Song: ...They are all in the same village, just two steps away. What else are you giving me?

But looking at Grandma Song with the expression "If you don't send your son to school, I will send my son to heaven", he still managed to get up, yawned and walked to school with Song Yao, who was also yawning.

He Junwen was standing at the door of the classroom, surrounded by a group of parents, who were pulling their children and pushing them in front of her: "Teacher He, this child will be left to you. If he disobeys, you will beat him. If not, he will be beaten to death."

"Yes, yes, we definitely support you."

Another parent squeezed in and handed over a stick that was smooth and easy to hold.

"Teacher Xiao He, look, I heard that teachers used to use a ruler to spank children. I made this yesterday. Although it is not a ruler, it can still be used. You can use it to educate them."

The parents in Dashu Village don’t understand how teachers teach their children, but Teacher Xiao He has a good temper at first glance. Looking at their own monkeys, they are very worried that the other party cannot suppress the students. At this moment, Deliberately giving He Junwen enough face in front of his children.

He Junwen had known that the parents in Dashu Village were very enthusiastic, but she never expected that they would be so enthusiastic that they could even make tools for spanking children and give them to her.

For a moment, he was relieved and dumbfounded: "No, no, no, just forget about this stick."

As she was talking, she saw Father Song coming with Song Yao, and she was still surprised: "Song Yao, why are you the only one? Didn't you say yesterday that you have two brothers who are two years older than you?"

Song Yao: "My brother and the others are from Liuye Village and don't come to our village to go to school."

He Junwen didn't understand for a moment: "Isn't your brother your biological brother?"

Song Yao nodded: "Yes, my brother! My brother and the others are twins!"

He Junwen: ...Why are the brothers from different villages?

Dad Song next to him saw her confused look and explained: "Those two children are from Yao'er's stepfather's side. Although they are not Yao'er's mother's biological children, they were brought up by her, so they can be regarded as Yao'er's. Dear brother."

As he spoke, he was super proud: "Didn't I tell you last night? Our Dashu Village supports education because of my family. In addition to because my Yao'er is smart, it's because of Yao'er's mother."

He Junwen: "..."

Stepfather...that means Song Yao's parents are divorced?

But looking at the uncongenial look on Father Song's face, she wasn't so sure.

She has experience in divorce. Divorce is not a good thing. Most people hide it, and even elders find it embarrassing. If a child's parents divorce, people will have low self-esteem.

She has seen children whose parents divorced and were secretive to others.

...Look at the super confident and proud looks of Father Song and Song Yao.

This doesn't look like it either.

Father Song was still bragging. Everyone in the village was acquainted with him and he had already been bragging about it. Now he finally caught a stranger who could show off to him. He was very happy:

"Yao'er's mother graduated from junior high school and worked in the county before. She did all the New Year writing in eight villages in our ten miles away, and she only received a profit. She is not only good at studying and educated, but she is also very good at running the family, and she is also She knows how to raise children. You see, our youngest son is so smart, so we just follow her."

The parents nearby also agreed with their faces: "Yes, yes, Yao'er is so smart because he just follows his mother."

"Not to mention that she graduated from junior high school, and her children were born exceptionally well."

"Yao'er's mother is still working as a teacher in Liuye Village. Oh, in the past, she was so proud of her ancestors!"

Following the words of the parents, Song Yao and Song's father had the same look of pride on their faces.

He Junwen looked at the parents with admiring and envious expressions on their faces, and then at the big and small children with expressions like "My mother is a cow" and "My son is a fucking cow" written all over their faces.

What they said made her think that Song Yao's parents were divorced, but the joyful expressions on their faces made her think it was different.

She asked tentatively: "...If Song Yao's mother works as a teacher in Liuye Village, doesn't she have to live there?"

Father Song looked confident: "Absolutely! She has already married to Liuye Village. Even if she is not a teacher there, she still has to live there."

He Junwen: ...really divorced.

She was in a very complicated mood: "You guys have a pretty good relationship."

Dad Song: "Of course. We are also responding to the call of the country. We are free to marry and divorce if we don't get along. If she hadn't been pregnant with our youngest son at the time, we would have divorced two months after we got married."

Song Yao grew up hearing great stories about her parents' divorce, and she straightened her back with pride: "My parents are the first couple in our county to get divorced!"

"The first couple!"

He always felt that since his parents were so brave, he must also be the bravest child in the village.

Father Song became even more proud after receiving his son's approval.

His divorce with Song Yao's mother was very simple. They grew up together, childhood sweethearts, and got married naturally. But once they got married, it was over, and even holding hands felt awkward. Once they communicated, Song's father regarded Song Yao's mother as a brother, and Song Yao's mother If you treat Dad Song as your best friend, what kind of relationship is that?

If the two of them were in ancient times, they would have no choice but to live awkwardly. Aren't they living in New Central Continent? The country said that divorce was allowed, but neither of them was willing to make do with it. Once they were put together, they decided to divorce.

When he first decided to divorce, it was true that no one in the village gossiped, but Song's father didn't think there was anything shameful about divorce, especially after he went to the county to inquire about it and found that no one had registered a divorce in the county. He went back happily and publicized it to the whole village.

The slogan is as follows: They are responding to the country! Support the national marriage system! At the same time, be brave enough to be the first couple to divorce! If the county writes county annals in the future, as the first couple to divorce, their names will definitely be recorded.

Originally, the people in the village only focused on the country, but Song's father continued to brainwash them. Song Yao's mother was brainwashed for as long as Song Yao's mother was pregnant with Song Yao.

The key is that he really feels this way, so the brainwashing is particularly smooth.

When Song Yao was born, the villagers began to think that the first divorced couple in their village was an honorable thing.

Especially since Dad Song received the support of the village party secretary (village party secretary: We are cousins, how can we not support this), everyone felt that this was their enthusiastic response to the national policy.

On the day Song's father and Song's mother went to get divorced, most of the people in the village came to see her off (mainly because they wanted to watch the fun). Everyone was so excited that they seemed to be getting married instead of getting a divorce.

It was a rare opportunity to brag, so Dad Song vividly told He Junwen the grand scene in the village on the day of his divorce.

Song Yao looked proud as he listened and helped his father polish his words from time to time.

He Junwen was stunned for a while.

"Then what does this have to do with everyone's support for education?"

"Of course." Father Song didn't need to say anything this time. The fourth grandma who came to join in the fun interrupted: "After Yao'er's mother got divorced, because she was educated and had a junior high school diploma, many well-off young men were vying to date her. Woolen cloth."

In fact, no one thought reading was useful at first, but the old Song family couldn’t help but spread the word that even a girl could find a good job with a salary, settle accounts for the family, and get along well with others, so Grandma Song released it directly. If so, Song Yaomama will be her biological daughter from now on.

Isn’t this all about reading?

So when the village talked about building a school, everyone became active.

Who doesn’t want their children to be looked down upon by others?

As soon as the parent held the little girl's hand, he said: "This time, Teacher He, you are here, and I will send my daughter here. We have all decided that wherever she reads, our family will provide for her."

These words still carry a lot of weight now. He Junwen was extremely emotional. There may not be many such enlightened parents for girls to study in the city. He didn't expect to hear such remarks in this small mountain village in the mountains.

She was very pleased, and then listened to the other person continue:

"When my daughter becomes educated, we won't have to worry about her getting married or divorced. Even if she gets divorced ten times, it won't matter."

He Junwen looked at the five or six-year-old girl holding the other person's hand, and then at the parents beside him who all agreed, and felt that his world view was greatly shocked.

But looking at the longing-looking parents, she still squeezed out a word of encouragement: "This is the reason for studying..."

"Pretty simple."

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