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Irresponsible Extra (6) (Going to a Parallel Disaster Time and Space (Six)...)

Of course Song Yao left a signal at the gathering place.

Although he said that he wanted to make his own time and space gate to go back, according to the deduction, the country will look for him as quickly as possible.

But this time, Comrade Song Yao still guessed correctly.

Although he was in the house when the bird-looking monitor flew by, the signal left outside was still successfully captured by the bird monitor.

Both the advance team observing the situation in the car and everyone in front of the big screen of Blue Star breathed a sigh of relief after seeing the signal.

That's a sign of safety.

And it shows that they can come forward directly and openly.

This shows that Song Yao still trusts these humans in different time and space. It also shows that he has not suffered much and has received good treatment.

Yuan Jiang lifted off the combat blanket that was used as a disguise and immediately ordered everyone to remove their disguises.

In the gathering place, everyone who didn't know what was about to happen was still busy.

After a natural disaster, everyone is very busy.

Even if all this busyness can't buy much food, at least everyone is still alive.

In this land of country B, most gathering places have an extreme and doomsday theory: the weak have no value in survival, and only the strong are qualified to live a good life.

The old man is always the first to be given up as a burden, the woman exists as a resource, and the child gets the least ill will, but it is only slightly better.

They pursue the law of the jungle. The strong will not participate in planting, but will squeeze the weak to do so. Although there is no clear explanation, slavery has indeed been implemented in most gathering places.

But Zhongzhou is different.

Maybe it's because the Central Continent gathering place was led by the official embassy representing the country, or maybe it's because the people of Central Continent have always been taught to respect the elderly and love the young.

Under the leadership of the officials, Zhongzhou did not drive out the elderly and exploit women like other gathering places.

They still struggled to maintain the rules before the natural disaster.

This kind of behavior seems funny and unnecessary in the eyes of other gathering places in country B, but the Central Continent gathering place has become the most common mental state twenty-five years after the end of the world by insisting on maintaining the rules before the natural disaster. Good gathering place.

They don't have to worry about being suddenly attacked by their own people while they are sleeping, nor do they have to worry about their children being stolen. People who are considered vulnerable groups can still do their jobs.

This sense of stability in a peaceful society ensures that the Central Continent gathering place can still survive slowly but steadily even when the surrounding gathering places are falling apart due to various reasons.

Although they were short of food and clothing, they could still talk to each other normally, and exchange information on the germination rate of the seeds planted at home. The children also started to study. This time they went out to catch prey that could be exchanged for food, and other topics.

Such are the people who are busy at the wall right now.

They are very bitter and tired, but it does not affect their more active communication.

"I heard that the supplies are already being inventoried and they are preparing to take us back to Central Continent."

"I've been looking forward to this day for a long time. It's best to leave tomorrow. I don't know if my mother and the others are still alive. It has been twenty-five years and she is already sixty-three years old."

"The same goes for my parents. To tell you the truth, although my son is already twenty this year, sometimes at night I suddenly think of my parents and my tears still flow."

"Who doesn't? I miss home."

The military comrades are divided into two groups, one group is also working, and the other group is responsible for standing guard.

Although they are Central-Continent soldiers and wear shabby military uniforms, these military uniforms are actually leftover from the previous generation of soldiers. These young soldiers were all soldiers who were selected later.

But everyone in the gathering place recognized them as Central-Continent soldiers, even though strictly speaking they didn't actually join the army.

The young soldiers are also discussing where they will pass on their way back home.

They were very excited to return to their country. Although they had not grown up in Central Continent since childhood, at least in Central Continent, they did not have to be constantly vigilant about being attacked by "neighbors".

While everyone was busy, a soldier standing guard at a high place suddenly discovered that the color of the yellow sand in front of him became a little wrong.

Not only was the color wrong, but something seemed to be moving.

He blew the whistle immediately.

The people who were busy at the wall dispersed and returned to the door, cautiously picking up their weapons and looking ahead.

Could it be that someone from another gathering place called again?

These people always come when they are harvesting food, and they completely treat them as granaries. It really makes people gnash their teeth just thinking about it!

When everyone was full of fighting spirit and decided to protect their homes and fight side by side, the vehicle in front slowly approached, rolling up a piece of yellow sand while driving, making everything look so foggy.

But even in such a fog, the young soldier standing high up saw the piece of red inserted in the car at a glance.

"The flag! It's our national flag in Middle-earth!"

"They have our country's flag on their car!"

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