I use the learning system to engage in technology

Chapter 233 (Chapter 233 (Two in One)...)

This time the spy was caught quickly as always.

Song Yao and the others were not affected at all. They continued to study and rest as usual.

Since the sudden rise of Central Continent, various research institutes in Central Continent have never stopped arresting spies. After all, whether the other party is malicious and wants to "kill all your talents and see how you develop", or it is just simple. "We didn't want to do anything, we just wanted to learn some skills secretly." In short, there is no shortage of people coming.

Later, after doing it more times, everyone became very proficient.

Anyway, the protective shield is on them and they are on their own territory, so they have nothing to fear.

The next day, Song Yao learned the purpose of the spy from Yuan Jiang, and it turned out that he was here to assassinate him.

His identity as Song Yao is not a secret among high-level officials in various countries, and there are also rumors among the people. However, because "a teenage scientific and technological genius singles out the leader" sounds too "shocky", not many people currently believe it.

Anyway, the spy assassinations have given him a full sense of pride.

If he wasn't powerful enough, would there be such a spy trying to assassinate him?

Yuan Jiang said: "The spy's name is He Zhengwen. He is from Zhongzhou. The person who helped him bring the gun in has also been arrested."

Song Yao turned around in surprise: "Did you grow up in Zhongzhou?"

"Yes, he grew up in Zhongzhou. Because of his excellent grades, he was selected as one of the students to attend classes here. His parents and relatives are all in Zhongzhou."

Song Yao didn't understand: "Then why did he become a spy? For money?"

"He wanted to immigrate to country S. The other party agreed to his request and said that they also had insiders in the institute, and these insiders would escort him to escape."

Now the young man was really angry. He was so angry that he laughed out loud: "Immigrate to country S? What is there in country S?"

"Although our country has always been quick to grasp national public opinion, you know, there are always a small number of people who feel that the moon outside is rounder than their own."

Song Yao closed the book, stood up and looked at the beautiful moon outside.

"The insider they said was a lie, right? If there really was an insider, it wouldn't be to escort him, but to take me away."

Six years have changed for Song Yao and the others, who were only teenagers at the time. However, Yuan Jiang did not leave many traces on his body. At most, there were only a few scratches between his eyebrows, which made him look increasingly cold. .

Only when facing these children whom he has watched grow up, does this soldier comrade, whose physical fitness is at its peak in all aspects, soften slightly:

"We have conducted an overall screening, and the insider said that 90% of the time he was lying to him."

Over the years, foreign espionage operations have repeatedly failed when targeting him. Those people who sent such a completely untrained person probably had the idea of ​​​​getting great luck if they could achieve success, but if they could not succeed, it would be them Central-Continent people who would be sacrificed anyway. What will be the impact.

Although there is basically no threat, it is disgusting enough.

Song Yao asked: "He Zheng asked, what are the higher ups planning to do?"

Yuan Jiang's eyebrows were filled with disgust for this student.

Song Yao didn't intend to solve the matter so simply. His eyes were full of cunning and he said, "Speak loudly and say that this student has stolen our confidential documents from Zhongzhou."

Lu Ju followed suit and also smiled evilly: "Do you want people from country S to redeem him?"

"Yes, after all, this is a spy from their country S." Song Yao said leisurely: "Just promise something and let our students from Central Continent assassinate the researchers of Central Continent. How can anything be so cheap in the world? "

Early the next morning, major news platforms began to push the news that "a student from an institute stole confidential documents, and the case is under trial."

After such a long period of development, the Zhongzhou Forum has already matured its system.

Although more social platforms have appeared over the years, the Zhongzhou Forum still stands.

People are accustomed to opening a post on the forum after waking up every morning and asking: "Have you eaten?"

Since mobile phones have been sold one after another, the number of people on the Zhongzhou Forum has increased dramatically. If someone is bored enough, they can wake up in the morning and start browsing the new posts in the forum throughout the day until the evening.

All major platforms are competing for people, but only the Central Continent Forum has a much larger number of people, so every time a news comes out, there are naturally the most people discussing it here.

"It's a spy again. How many spies have been caught this year? Are there any more spies left?"

"They must be greedy for the technological level of our Central Continent and send people to steal it. Last time I saw a foreign media saying that the reason why our technological level in Central Continent has advanced by leaps and bounds is because Central Continent has acquired alien civilization."

"Haha, it's so funny. It's an alien civilization. The news I saw last time about a young genius behind the rapid development of science and technology in Central Continent is not that outrageous."

"I've also read that news. A teenager can take on a single role. The editor who compiled this news is not afraid of being called out for tea."

...After thousands of replies in half an hour, a reply suddenly popped up: "Look at the news list, country S actually has the nerve to ask us for someone, saying that the arrested student is a citizen of their country. "

As soon as these words came out, everyone in the post went to watch the new news post.

As he expected, Country S was really reluctant to part with this bait, and publicly stood up and stated that the other party had become a citizen of their country, and even if it was to be disposed of, he would have to go to their country to deal with it.

This is almost equivalent to publicly admitting that the spies were sent by them. It is obvious that they have understood the current situation in Central Continent and do not intend to start a war. For this reason, sacrifice their face at the expense of their face.

Zhao Xiaodong was a little confused at first: "If this information falls into our hands, we can start a war. How can they be so desperate?"

Song Yao drank his own health water: "I'm anxious. Seeing that Zhongzhou is getting better and better, and the countries that are friends with Zhongzhou are also getting better and better. They are just standing still, and finally got new technology. In the blink of an eye, It turned out that it was a technology that we eliminated. They consider themselves a powerful country, so of course they cannot tolerate this. ”

Zhao Xiaodong thought the same thing.

"But it's quite annoying for them to be like this, and they'll find something to do from time to time."

"Don't worry, when the flight system is stable, we will start researching small spacecraft. Before that, the country will solve them all at once."

Zhongzhou's ability to argue was not inferior to that of Country S. After several arguments, Country S paid a very high price to successfully take away the student whose name was still from Zhongzhou.

But they were destined to be disappointed.

The student didn't know any confidential documents at all. When he was sent away, he was even a little proud, because Country S really came to save him as promised.

Song Yao stood by the railing, watching the student in prison uniform being pushed into the car and leaving, with no sadness or joy in his eyes.

The other party will go to the S country that he has longed for as he wishes. I just hope that after arriving, he will not be disillusioned too early.


On the S side, as soon as they received the person, they couldn't wait to start the handover.

The student was fully looking forward to welcoming his life in China. Although when he was in the car, he thought of his parents and brothers. When he got on the plane, he began to regret it a little.

His family was not wealthy. In his childhood memories, his family members were often hungry, but because he was the youngest in the family, he had never been hungry.

Later, he went to school, and because of his good grades, the school gave him a bonus, so he never went hungry.

Then there were many more job opportunities, and his parents occasionally took turns working. Gradually, the mud house at home was torn down and a new one was built. He also went to the capital to attend university.

But there are too many students with good grades in the capital. His excellence is ranked first and last in his hometown. When he arrives in the capital, he can only blend in among the top students.

It was at this time that he met someone who shared life in country S.

You can buy second-hand villas at very cheap prices. Everyone has a car. Jobs are very easy to find. There are factories everywhere. It is nothing like Zhongzhou. They say they need to care for the environment and there are restrictions on driving out.

He saw the lives of the rich in Country S and how good the education level was there, unlike in Zhongzhou, where they even had to be sent to a graduate school to study.

Most importantly, the men promised him a large sum of money.

That money is enough for him to live well in country S.

So, with the temptation of a sum of money and the promise of immigration, He Zhengwen decided to take a risk.

He was relieved when he knew that the target of his assassination was the young professor.

After all, the opponent is so young, so his identity shouldn't be very important, so it would be easier to assassinate him.

As a result, he discovered during class that Song Yao's identity seemed to be very important. He was always followed by people wherever he went, so he could only slowly look for opportunities.

...Although no chance was found in the end, he was successfully brought back to country S.

He Zhengwen wanted to stay and live as a hero, but as soon as he arrived in country S, he was taken to the interrogation room.

Country S is actually vaguely aware that this is a trap.

But they still brought He Zhengwen back with a glimmer of hope, but the result disappointed them.

As expected, there were no confidential documents at all, and the Central Continents were simply playing tricks on them.

Five days later, a new homeless man appeared on the streets.

He was covered in injuries and wearing only thin clothes, walking on the road dazed and helpless.

He knew the language of country S. After all, he had wanted to live here for a long time, but knowing the language was of no use without money. The other party promised him neither money nor house, and even beat him up.

At that time, someone couldn't stand it and tried to stop him, but the man who hit him said:

"What are you afraid of? He is no longer from Central China. We can fight if we want!"

It was also at this time that He Zhengwen vaguely remembered that his teacher had once traveled and when he came back, he proudly told everyone that people from Central China would be treated politely no matter which country they were in.

If you are in danger, go to the Central Continent Embassy. The country is the support behind them.

And He Zhengwen has now lost this confidence.

After all, he was an adult with normal mobility. After wandering around for more than ten days, he still found a job. He worked as a waiter in a restaurant, working hard and smiling every day just to get tips from customers.

In their free time, the waiters would gather together and chat.

One day, someone came into the store to rob him. He Zhengwen reflexively pressed the protective shield on his waist. After the button was empty, he realized that he no longer had a protective shield.

The protective shield was given to the citizens of Middle-earth. From the moment he committed treason, the protective shield no longer belonged to him.

Fortunately, the kidnapper didn't have a gun and only stabbed him once.

The boss was kind enough and paid for the medical expenses to send him for treatment. Lying on the hospital bed, He Zheng asked about the idea of ​​buying a protective shield.

The boss was surprised: "Why do you think so? The protective shield is so expensive, and it is limited. I can't afford it. With your little income, you can't afford it even if you save for five years."

Then He Zhengwen learned that the protective shields that could be purchased for a few hundred yuan in China were actually sold at sky-high prices abroad.

And there are so many people buying it that even if they start queuing up now, they will still be queuing up two years later.

He heard the boss say with envy: "I heard that people in Zhongzhou can get protective shields for free after birth. I really envy them. Every child has a protective shield. My wife and I are saving money for our daughter. We estimate that we will wait until she is ten years old. When the time comes, I can afford to buy a protective shield for her.”

Maybe it was because He Zhengwen was injured in the store and the boss, who had always been reluctant to chat with them, rarely asked:

"By the way, you are of yellow race. Which country are you from?"

He Zhengwen was silent for a long time, but he never said that he was from Zhongzhou, originally he was.

The medical expenses here are very expensive, and the boss urged him to be discharged from the hospital after he could stand up and walk.

He Zhengwen paid for the dressing changes himself. He only changed the dressings a few times, but all his savings were spent.

In Zhongzhou, he can use the student discount.

The subway was extremely dirty, and there seemed to be no staff cleaning it. He Zhengwen almost vomited when he got on the subway for the first time, but he couldn't afford to take a taxi, so he had to bite the bullet and take the subway to work.

As he sat on it, he missed the subway in Middle-earth.

It is accessible in all directions, stable and tidy.

And this was not what made He Zhengwen the most devastated.

The prestige of country S has declined in recent years, and conflicts break out with some countries almost every year.

This year is also the case. As soon as winter arrives, country s has a conflict with country k.

Country K, which has always been tolerant, has made preparations for war, and everyone in country S is in danger.

Most citizens actually don't like war, especially war conflicts with countries like Country K that can fight.

Terrorist took the opportunity to take action.

Zhongzhou can definitely be said to be quick in evacuating overseas Chinese.

The day after the news came out, the Embassy of Zhongzhou began to notify Zhongzhou citizens in country S to evacuate.

He Zhengwen could only follow his boss and the others to flee in a hurry. The TV showed the evacuation of Chinese citizens from Zhongzhou. The beautiful and large planes landed at the airport, allowing the citizens of Zhongzhou to enter one by one.

He stared at the TV screen in a daze, listening to the boss's envious voice:

"I heard that Central Continent will send cars to pick up people one by one. I heard that Central Continent has actually developed a tool that allows people to fly with wings, which can save power and protect the environment. Hey, why am I not from Central Continent? He, Am I right?"

He Zheng asked: "Yes."

He stared at the screen, with tears of regret in his eyes, and murmured: "I can be from Middle-earth."


Song Yao is always paying attention to the war between country s and country k.

Of course, his main job is to cheer for country k.

After cheering for country K for a while, I changed the channel. The familiar host spoke seriously about the latest news:

"The first batch of flying wings has been sold offline. Customers who want to buy need to pass the first version of the physical fitness test and undergo no less than thirty lessons of flight training. The central government has issued instructions of "Don't fly around, fly carefully, and fly slowly." The policy is, it is better to fly slowly than to cause trouble quickly.”

"The flight channel in the sky is about to open. I would like to remind everyone that having wings does not mean that you can fly around. You must still abide by traffic regulations. Stop at red lights and go at green lights. Strictly follow the lower three lanes of the flight lane, the middle three lanes, and the upper three lanes. Do not fly at will. Channeling..."

Song Yao looked at it with great interest and said to Wang Hua next to him: "Now that's good, with so many roads, there will be no traffic jams in Zhongzhou in the future."

"Yes, we won't be stuck in traffic anymore. From now on we will be stuck in wings."

Wang Hua was eating melon seeds and curiously asked Song Yao: "Yao'er, why don't you take the physical fitness test? Your physical fitness is quite good. You can definitely pass the test with a little practice. Why don't you practice?"

"When the flight channel opens, we will all be flying around. Don't cry."

Song Yao barely suppressed the proud look in his eyes. He was still waiting for the day when the flight channel opened to give his friends a "big surprise".

"Don't worry, I know it well. By the way, once this news comes out, students in major schools will definitely go crazy with joy."

More than just crazy happy.

I was so happy that I thought about heaven.

All students, whether in primary school, high school or university, are very confused about the state's mandatory physical training requirements for all students.

It's okay for elementary school students. They have been active since childhood and have high energy, so it's not too difficult.

College students are the worst off. I thought I would be able to work hard in college, but in the end I was even more diligent than in high school.

But if they don't want to, they can't help it. This is a hard and fast rule, and they can only gather in the playground with wailing sounds every day.

But now that the regulations on flying wings have come out, they are excited! Happy! Suddenly it dawned on me! !

"I exercise for at least one hour every day, and I can pass all the school's physical fitness tests. I will definitely be able to buy these flying wings!"

"Hahahahaha I will never scold the PE teacher again, I will never complain about this policy again, wings! I'm here!"

The students were radiant for a moment, and they didn’t feel that their legs were weak or their waists were sore during morning classes. They were all so energetic that they couldn’t wait to attend three more morning classes.

I can't blame the country for suddenly forcing all students to exercise. It turns out that this is to pave the way for flying wings.

Thinking again, the country has always said that the environment needs to be taken care of, and everyone has realized it.

The wings are great. Not only are they free, they also save energy and do not emit black smoke. What a great energy-saving product.

For a time, people who loved exercising in Zhongzhou loved exercising even more, and people who didn't like exercising began to exercise crazily in order to pass physical training. The gyms were full, and parks with equipment had to queue up.

It was also at this time that some old people suddenly discovered that, unknowingly, the people of Central Continent were becoming healthier one by one.

Especially the younger generation, because of improved economic conditions, sufficient nutritional supplements, and rapid growth, coupled with exercise, these boys and girls all have well-proportioned bodies and rosy complexions, completely unlike what the media predicted before. "The Internet era will increase the probability of sub-health for the next generation."

They are all too healthy.

They are obviously students, but they can pass physical training, competing for spots with old people like them.

Zhongzhou carried out lively activities such as physical fitness training and buying flying wings.

In the sky, a long road has floated, and some people in uniforms are flying up and down with wings to give orders. They will go to work in the sky as law enforcers.

Every time the Sky Road is built (built?), a group of men, women, old and young will stand underneath and watch with longing and expectant eyes.

I yearn to wear wings like these people, and look forward to the completion of the construction of the Sky Road.

I heard that wings are only the first manifestation of the situation, and various aerial manned vehicles will appear in the future. By then, those who cannot pass the physical training can also take the manned vehicles to the sky.

Of course, for human beings who naturally yearn for the sky, it is of course best to be able to fly by yourself.

Zhongzhou is bustling with excitement, and other countries in the world have become numb.

They were tired of saying the word "envy".

Some people have already begun to skillfully take out their mobile phones to buy air tickets and ferry tickets to Central Continent. Although the price has indeed soared, this has not stopped some people from going to Central Continent.

They no longer want to be able to fly themselves, they just want to be able to witness the magnificence of manned wings with their own eyes.

"It is said that Zhongzhou is already studying manned spacecraft."

"A few years ago, I would have thought it would be unlikely to succeed, but now I think maybe they can actually make a spaceship."

Although they are envious, most countries still support Zhongzhou’s next goal of putting it in space.

After all, we are all on Blue Star together. If you have certain technologies, you are not afraid that others will have them, but you are afraid that no one will have them.

If Zhongzhou can really develop technology in this area, they, who are on the same planet, will be able to take advantage of it sooner or later.

After watching a fight between country S and country K, they slowly changed their tone. At least on the surface, they started to be more polite to Zhongzhou?

I'm afraid that now that the wings of flight are out, those countries that were still cautious will become even more desperate.

On November 12, the first day the flight channel opened, because it happened to be a rest day, the streets were packed with people watching the excitement.

Tourists from all over the world also crowded in the crowd and looked around excitedly.

The media have all found their own positions, and the larger media can even go to the sky to report.

The flight channel opened, and traffic police comrades wearing uniforms with uniform red wings unfurled banners.

Under everyone's gaze, the Central-Continent people who had passed the flying qualification certificate waved their wings and flew happily on the road to the sky.


A figure also took off.

Song Yao wore loose white clothes, opened his hands downwards, and muttered:

"Sword flying!"

"Look at my sword-wielding skills!"

Naturally, you couldn't hear what he was mumbling underneath.

They could only see such a figure with floating immortal energy, standing on a flying sword and flying slowly by.

"Mom! Look!"

"Flying sword! It's actually a flying sword!"

"Oh my god, this feels so good!"

The crowd was attracted by this immortal figure and the huge flying sword.

The big leader who personally approved Song Yao's trip to the flight site looked at the high-spirited figure of the young man on the TV, his eyes full of tolerance and pampering.

Zhongzhou grew up step by step under the hands of this child.

But this child was the one they watched grow up.

Whether it was business or private matters, they all loved Song Yao as if they were their own children.

They wanted him to be happy forever.

I hope this child who has been contributing to the country under the age of ten will get the honor that belongs to him.

The big leader smiled at Song Yao's extremely proud figure and ordered to his subordinates: "Announce it."

Zhongzhou no longer fears anything.

They don't need to be afraid anymore.

When the reporters who were reporting the news heard the voice in their headsets, even those who had undergone rigorous training couldn't help showing a hint of surprise on their faces.

They resisted not looking at the figure flying wantonly on the flying sword in the sky, and tried their best to smile at the camera:

"Today, Comrade Song, whose name has been unknown for a long time, also came to the scene. He is stepping on a flying sword. The flying speed is not very fast, but it is extremely elegant. Comrade Song's name is Song Yao..."

Countless media outlets began to report collectively who the figure standing on the flying sword was.

Under such a powerful Zhongzhou, Zhongzhou's national treasure can finally show his glory openly.

Song Yao was working hard when he heard the exclamations and cheers below. He glanced down and found that everyone seemed to be coming for him. The young man couldn't help but straighten his back more and more proudly.

This outfit was chosen by Grandpa Wen for him.

He knew he must be handsome!

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