In the Internet cafe, the old lady was typing quickly with her hands on the keyboard. When she heard her grandson calling, she could only reluctantly stop the scolding temporarily and switch pages quickly because of the love between her grandson and her grandson.

The eight-year-old grandson is as smart as a tiger and extremely clever:

"Grandma, there's no point hiding it. I know you're cursing people online. I won't tell my parents, and it's okay if I tell you. Last time I secretly saw my mother also cursing people online, even though it was in a foreign language. I don’t understand, but I can tell by looking at her expression that she is cursing.”

The grandson puffed up his chest proudly: "When I grow up! I will also scold those foreigners who bully our country!"

His voice was a bit loud, and the old lady smiled awkwardly and shushed: "Keep your voice down, don't disturb others while surfing the Internet."

An old man next to her laughed: "It's okay. Whose grandson hasn't come here? Look at grandson, his grandson is sleeping on his lap, and it doesn't delay him from surfing the Internet."

Yes, after Internet cafes have sprouted up in major cities, the main force of consumption in Internet cafes is this group of elderly people between the ages of 60 and 75.

These old people all have common characteristics: they are well-educated, have pensions, and have enough money for Internet fees, and they are passionate and enthusiastic.

Therefore, it is quite normal for children of this generation to have an additional childhood memory of "going to Internet cafes to find their grandparents, and occasionally their parents."

In their memories, there are the sounds of old people talking and typing on the keyboard in the Internet cafe.

Internet cafes are the favorite place for children of this generation because it is bright, beautiful, clean and tidy. Occasionally, someone is watching TV series on the computer, and they can stand behind and watch together.

When they need to do homework, the boss will free up tables for them so that they can gather together to do homework. Sometimes when the Internet cafe is doing well, the boss will get maltose for them to eat.

There is no smell of smoke. Zhongzhou's laws clearly state that smoking is prohibited in public places, and Internet cafes are a top priority. Since the loudspeaker was honked outside the alley door, similar popular science information will be broadcast from time to time.

Several big leaders have openly talked about the dangers of smoking, saying that they have quit smoking, saying, "Although it is painful, this pain is nothing compared to life."

If before the emergence of several respected leaders, smokers would at most avoid smoking, but after seeing leaders take the lead in quitting smoking, smoking cessation has become the mainstream of society.

The people of Central Continent's admiration for the great leaders is absolutely unimaginable by people from other countries. The entire society became unified after they announced that they would quit smoking.

Even children as young as seven or eight years old know that smoking is bad and they feel ashamed when they see adults smoking.

Even so, there are many people who can't quit smoking, but at least they won't smoke in public places.

The Internet cafe should be smoky, but because there are often children coming and going, smoking is banned more than anywhere else, and the air is extremely fresh.

Of course, people who surf the Internet and children don't know how difficult it was in the original history for Internet cafes to have no smell of smoke.

Everyone thinks that it is normal for Internet cafes to ban smoking. If any Internet cafe does not ban smoking, it will be reported by the public.

At this moment, the little boy vividly described the new news he had heard to his grandmother:

"Someone was smoking in the Internet cafe next to our school. The police arrested them all and said they would be fined and would be detained for a few days."

The old lady was surprised: "Really? Mom, I don't know who is so unscrupulous that she actually smokes in the Internet cafe. This is harming the entire Internet cafe."

Even the old man who loved to join in the fun also joined in the condemnation: "That's right, this kind of person is too selfish. Didn't you see the dangers of second-hand smoke on TV? If you ask me, he should be imprisoned for a year and a half. Teach him a lesson."

"I heard that we in Zhongzhou will not be allowed to sell cigarettes soon. By then, this situation will definitely not happen."

Zhongzhou used to need tobacco taxes, but since it has avoided crises one by one and the country is no longer in embarrassment and has to break every penny in half to spend, a smoking ban has been put on the agenda.

Song Yao has contributed a lot here. He is a national treasure. Even the big leaders will consider carefully what he says.

And Song Yao, a genius, has great foresight about the future. In that year when Central Continent was plagued by disasters, if Song Yao hadn't made an immediate decision, those natural disasters would have definitely dealt a big blow to Central Continent.

Even the big leaders mentioned this when chatting:

"When a genius reaches a certain level, he will be like Comrade Song Yao. He has a high IQ and can predict people or things. I heard that he can predict most things in school."

"Haha, are you referring to the fact that Comrade Zhao Xiaodong tried to sneak attack him but was prejudged by him?"

"I thought you were talking about Comrade Wang Hua's time."

The big leaders burst out laughing: "That's good. It shows that the heavy work has not affected the growth of little comrade Song Yao. Seeing young people like them so full of energy every day, I feel like I have changed." Younger.”

In such a relaxed atmosphere, they adopted Song Yao's advice, abandoned the high tobacco tax, and instead vigorously publicized the dangers of smoking.

No matter how difficult it is, is it still more difficult than the previous two years?

Zhongzhou's economy is now booming, scientific research products are exported, there are surveillance cameras on the road to protect everyone's safety, and there is a computer network indoors that allows people across the country to communicate. Although it is not possible for everyone to be well-off, at least everyone can have enough to eat.

In such an environment, what else do they have to fear?

Ordinary people naturally do not know that there are so many things behind the smoking ban. They only know that smoking is harmful to their own health and the health of others.

After learning that someone had been arrested for smoking in public, the old ladies and gentlemen in the Internet cafe had a heated discussion. There were also many old smokers here, but they could proudly say:

"We are different from those selfish people. Although we can't quit smoking, since we know the dangers of second-hand smoke, we have avoided smoking."

There were no secrets in the adjacent block. Within a few minutes, the name of the arrested man, how many people there were in his family, his usual personality and occupation were all revealed.

"It turns out it's him. It's true. Did he beat his wife last time? I remember the Women's Federation came."

"And he also beat the child. His face was bruised and bruised from the beating, and he was hospitalized. What a scumbag. He must have just been released. I remember his wife said she wanted a divorce. Has the divorce been finalized?"

"It's done. I just divorced yesterday. Tsk, this kind of person should be arrested and imprisoned for the rest of his life!"

The old people criticized enthusiastically, and the young people who were married also joined in, while those who were not married did not join the battlefield.

After all, they are the elders who have watched them grow up. If they dare to chat together at this time, maybe the topic will turn to "You can't do this when you get married in the future." "By the way, you are such an old person." "Why don't you even have a partner?" "So-and-so's child was born next door, you can't do this."

I was surfing the Internet quietly when suddenly a young man exclaimed: "Oh my God!"

The old people who had reached the topic of "Domestic violence should leave records" were startled. They looked back subconsciously and saw a young man they knew. Someone shouted:

The young man was surprised and delighted: "Look at the forum news!"

"Protective shields, protective shields will actually be distributed to people across the country for free! Free!!!"

Their first reaction, knowing very well about the cost of protective shields (from the scolding war with foreign netizens), was: This is impossible!

There are so many people across the country, how can the state distribute it for free?

It is precisely because they know how much money it will cost to do this that they angrily rush to "refute the rumors" after seeing those foreign remarks.

They felt that this was a conspiracy by foreigners and deliberately set up a fight against Zhongzhou. It was obvious that the foreigners themselves had differences and wanted to fight, so why should Zhongzhou take the blame?

Of course everyone wants free protective shields, but the country has developed slowly with great difficulty. The gray hair of the big leaders is increasing day by day, and construction everywhere is proceeding at a rapid pace. They will not just watch their country being framed. Well, you can't go up or down.

As a result, now, the news is actually distributed free to everyone.

"When did you see that there was an error in the news list of the Central Continent Forum?"

Everyone was discussing and quickly opened the forum.

Clicking on it, the number one on the hot list is indeed [Zhongzhou will distribute free protective shields to all people].

In the video, the face of the big leader clearly stated that after the government’s consideration, it was finally decided to issue free protective masks to every Central-Continent citizen.

Why is it called a companion protective shield? Because from now on, every newborn baby in Zhongzhou will be bound to a companion protective shield after the full moon. If nothing happens, the protective shield will accompany them throughout their lives.

In the future, Zhongzhou will truly achieve the goal of minimizing accidental mortality.

In this era that should have been developing slowly, Zhongzhou made such a magical decision.

Spend a lot of money to buy the peace of the people across the country.

The old lady and her grandson gathered in front of the computer screen, and they both let out a very similar exclamation:

"Grandma, what are you doing? Shouldn't we go to the place mentioned above to line up now?"

"What kind of line do you have to line up? We agree to take one person at a time. Our country keeps its word, and the protective shield cannot escape."

The old lady put on her reading glasses, looked bright and energetic, and typed the afterimage on the keyboard with her hands:

"We in Zhongzhou are going to give out free protective shields! These foreigners will be so angry if they don't look at me! Hahahahahahahaha!!!"

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