It’s no wonder that the foreign media are so fanatical. In fact, everyone was not at peace last year, and all countries encountered troubles to one degree or another.

Although it is not like Zhongzhou, disasters come one after another, so quickly that people have very little time to respond, but earthquakes, tsunamis, typhoons and wildfires are also impossible to prevent.

Sudden natural disasters always take away the lives and health of many people. In such an environment, most people will begin to pay attention to how to protect themselves and their families.

The timing of the emergence of the protective shield can be said to be just right.

Some people even thought this was fake news at first. After all, once they heard about the function of the protective shield, it was really no different from science fiction.

Even today’s science fiction novels are not like this.

They didn't really believe it until the Chinese-funded media released video materials and witnessed with their own eyes the people in Zhongzhou jumping off high-rise buildings using protective shields and then coming out of them safely.

Coupled with the various efforts of the media (shocking the body), for a time, even country S was discussing it eagerly.

Country S has been in frequent conflicts with a certain country since last year. Although it is still in the stage of war of words, and the situation between the two countries does not support a real war, it cannot stop the panic of the people.

In addition, there have been several explosion accidents in country S this year, factory fires, and a school bus accident that killed all the teachers and students on the bus.

No matter how the authorities view it, ordinary people don’t care about it.

In addition, all media outlets are desperately reporting on it. In the end, even some of the larger domestic media outlets joined in. People who work and go to school, young and old, everyone knows about it.

"If you can prepare a protective shield at home, how many dangers can be avoided."

"What is our country doing? Why is it that even the simplest airbag is so difficult for us to develop even though Zhongzhou has developed it?"

"Zhongzhou is developing too fast. I think we can buy Zhongzhou's technology."

"My daughter is going to college soon, and I want to buy a set of protective masks before she starts school. The media keeps reporting on it, but why haven't they said where to buy it?!"

Lin Susu is a staff member of the newspaper. She originally worked in China. Last year, due to job transfer, she was sent to the S country branch by the headquarters.

Generally speaking, Country S is indeed much more advanced than Central Continent. It has tall buildings and people are accustomed to using cars to travel. A family can have multiple electrical appliances at the same time, such as air conditioners, televisions, recorders, washing machines, etc.

Lin Susu's family is not poor in Zhongzhou, and can even be called upper-middle class, but even so, it is impossible for her to have so many electrical appliances in her home.

The convenience technology brings to life is reflected in all aspects. The place where she rents has a shared washing machine, a beautiful lamp left by the landlord in the room, and she takes the elevator to travel.

Lin Susu quickly adapted to this kind of life, but she did not develop a sense of belonging to country S because of this, and she never thought about staying here.

Her roommate, a girl from country D who also came here to work hard, was puzzled, so she told her:

"Of course I also like such a convenient and convenient life, but I want to live such a life in my country even more. No matter how nice it is here, it is not my country after all."

It's not just because of this. As a yellow person, she has encountered many racist people since she came to work in this well-developed Western country.

Someone would bump into her on purpose when walking on the street. She would be scolded on the subway and told to go back to her country. When she went to a store to buy something, she would also be treated coldly by salespeople.

The first time she encountered this, she was angry and aggrieved. When she was harassed, she chose to call the police. Unfortunately, the police in country S treated her even worse.

Later, her boss went out of her way to comfort her, and she realized that the people from Central China who worked here had all encountered similar incidents.

"It's okay for those of us who come to work because we are assigned abroad. Our colleagues are basically from our own country. We usually have someone to talk to when eating and chatting. For example, international students who come to study abroad face rejection from their classmates in school. There is no way to hide.”

Lin Susu also knew for the first time that in country S, children with good grades might be ostracized. If they had good grades and were of yellow race, they might even encounter school violence.

Of course, country S is not all bad people, but it is undeniable that discrimination, exclusion, and inexplicable malice have always surrounded the people of Zhongzhou in country S.

There are many cases of overseas students from Zhongzhou dying in foreign lands due to various reasons, but the local treatment rarely gives justice to the families of these people. Her boss even secretly told her:

"I heard my father say that if the students who came here to study in Zhongzhou were very capable, the S Congress would come to recruit them. If they didn't agree, they would kill them. At that time, our country's national power was weak, and many of them died inexplicably. With talent, the murderer can even get away with it openly."

"Although it is better now, what happened is still there. My father has not forgotten it, and neither have his classmates. So no matter how good this place is, I have never thought of settling here."

Lin Susu felt chills all over her body after hearing this, and called her aunt specifically not to send her cousin abroad.

Maybe her cousin wouldn't encounter such a thing, but what if, as a media worker, she had seen a lot in the year she came here.

Although since Zhongzhou used a large number of military forces to evacuate the U expatriates and successfully brought the U expatriates back to their own country, she could clearly feel that the landlord and the residents upstairs and downstairs were much friendlier to her.

But it is better to be safe than sorry.

For safety reasons, Lin Susu has basically developed the ability to observe words and expressions when traveling.

As soon as she saw that something was wrong, she ran away immediately. There were many shootings in S country. Even if it was not aimed at her, there were many news reports of passers-by being shot for no reason.

It was precisely because she was used to this that when she saw a group of people gathered at the door of their newspaper office, Lin Susu's first reaction was to tense up and run away.

Could it be that someone happened to gather here for a parade?

Or did something happen here?

Just as she was thinking whether to continue working or run away, someone noticed her and immediately shouted:

"Are you from Zhongzhou?!"

Others immediately turned their heads and looked at Lin Susu with enthusiastic and excited eyes, which frightened her so much that she took a big step back. Only after she confirmed that they did not pull out their guns did she stop running.

"Are you a staff member of xx newspaper?"

"Excuse me, are you from Zhongzhou?"

Seeing that they did not seem to have any malicious intentions, Lin Susu boldly responded.

The crowd immediately became excited and happy.

"Great! I heard that your newspaper can get first-hand information. When will the protective shields start selling in S country?"

"Do you know the approximate price? Can I make an appointment in advance? What is the approximate quantity?"

Hearing that they wanted to inquire about these, Lin Susu breathed a sigh of relief and relaxed her expression, and replied:

"The protective shields should not be sold in S country in the near future. my country should consider whether to export them after all Chinese people are equipped with them."

As soon as these words came out, these S country people looked disappointed.

Someone else asked, "Can we go to Zhongzhou to buy it? If possible, I'll buy a plane ticket now."

Lin Susu shook her head: "Our country hasn't started selling the protective shields yet, but according to previous policies, you will most likely need to show your Zhongzhou ID card to buy them after they are sold. I suggest you wait until S country can buy them in the future, so as not to make a wasted trip."

"Sorry, I have to go to work, please make way."

She walked through the crowd as she spoke. Some of these people were unwilling, but they still made way and did not stop Lin Susu.

Lin Susu didn't know whether the people she met were of high quality, or whether they were afraid of Zhongzhou's national strength and did not dare to be rude to her like the people she met before.

But she knew one thing:

"Awesome!!! So awesome!!!"

After entering the small office and meeting all the colleagues from Zhongzhou, Lin Susu shared this incident with great joy:

"Really, they just treated me with great respect. I have been in Country S for so long, and I have never been treated like this before."

Colleagues also shared their feelings:

"Yes, yes, didn't I tell you about the neighbor across the street from my house before? He is the one who plays the TV very loudly every night. I have told you so many times but it doesn't work. As a result, when the news of our Zhongzhou evacuation came out, he turned down the volume without me saying anything."

"Now there is news about the protective shield, he My wife came over very politely and asked me if I had any inside information and where to buy it, as if the person whose eyes were not eyes and nose were not nose was not her. "

"Me too, my landlord is very friendly to me now."

The leader smiled and listened to them quietly, and interrupted them when he saw that they had almost finished talking:

"Okay, okay, keep working. The country is our pillar, so we should work hard."

"No problem!"

"Boss, just wait and see!"

Everyone went to work with full confidence and motivation. As long as they thought about their country becoming stronger and stronger, they couldn't help but feel excited.

"Come on! Keep working!"

"I haven't been back for a long time. Our country is developing so fast. It feels like I haven't been back for only a year, and it has grown so fast."

"I don't know what it will be like in a few years. I'm so looking forward to it."

"It will definitely be great! Technology is like this. Once it develops, it changes every day."

They chatted and continued their work:

"I don't know which great researcher created the protective shield and how many people there are."

"Go away, can you find out? These are all secrets. What if someone knows who it is and is assassinated?"

"I'm worried, right? You can imagine that he must be very old to be so great. I hope he doesn't work too hard. Such a national treasure-level researcher must live a long life."

"That's right. I hope he|she can be healthy."

In the Qiming Building of the University of Science and Technology in the capital of Zhongzhou, the old man Song Yao stood up shakily.

He looks like this now, with a huge ball on top.

"Hahahahaha!! I succeeded!! I succeeded!!!"

Song Yao was extremely excited. Even though the protective effect was weakened, as a separate version for fire escape, he felt that he had achieved his goal.

Zhao Xiaodong was also very happy, but then he scratched his head:

"Little boy, are you a little too top-heavy? I think you can't even stand steadily."

Song Yao walked forward unsteadily: "I wasn't used to it at that time. Besides, there is a protective shield to protect me anyway. It doesn't matter if you walk fast or slow. Just wait, I will go downstairs to show you... …Eh!”

The soldier comrade guarding the door looked at the big green ball stuck in the door and the child inside, and asked quickly:

"Comrade Song? Are you okay? Do you want us to help you?"

Song Yao waved his hand in the ball: "No need!!!"

"It's just a little stuck. I used a little force and it came out!"

He continued to move forward aggressively, but unfortunately no matter how hard his two short legs tried, the big ball was stuck in the door frame.

Even because of his efforts to move forward, the jam became tighter.

Song Yao jumped forward angrily, trying to use his momentum to get out.

As a result, I jumped up, but my feet failed to land.

Song Yao:? ? ?

The child is full of disbelief:

"I, why can't my feet reach the ground?? Eh? Eh? What's going on?"

The military comrades who witnessed him getting stuck in the middle of the door frame with the ball, and his pair of extremely short legs set off by the ball hanging in mid-air trying to swing far enough: "..."

"Classmate Song Yao, why don't you come out first?"

Song Yao, who quickly figured out the situation, also felt a little embarrassed. He coughed dryly and pretended to be fine:

"It seems that the eighth version still needs adjustment. I'll turn on the switch and come down immediately."

The next second, this calm voice was shocked again:

"Why can't I press the switch?!"

"Ah!!! It's over!! It's also stuck in the door frame!!"

The comrades in the military quickly got to work, trying to pull the ball outside or push it inside.

But maybe Song Yao jumped too hard just now, or maybe the protective shield material he made was too strong. After a lot of trouble, Song Yao got stuck in the middle of the door and couldn't get out.

Zhao Xiaodong hurriedly ran to see it, and then laughed for a long time.

The outspoken Song Yao bared his teeth and claws in the ball and wanted to bite him to death. Then he suppressed his laughter and tried to pretend to be serious:

"What should I do? The eighth version has not yet installed an exit safety device, so there is no way to let you out from the outside."

"Pfft hahaha Yao'er, it seems you can only hang here hahahahahahaha, didn't you say go downstairs? Run, come and run hahahahaha!"

Song Yao, whose short legs were still dangling in the air, was angry.

"Don't laugh!! What do you know!! Science always requires sacrifice!!"

"Hahahahahaha, you still call this a sacrifice, no, I want them to come and see me on Monday hahahahaha!"

"No!! Zhao Xiaodong, just wait for me!! Ahhhhhh, you were waiting for me to come out!!"

Song Yaoqi's legs almost left an afterimage on the desk, but the ball remained motionless.

The child looked around and couldn't think of any solution for a moment.

Being stuck on top and laughed at by Zhao Xiaodong below, how could he bear this kind of grievance?

Song Yao gritted his teeth, closed his eyes, and began to enlarge his moves:

"Brother Yuanjiang!!!"

"Help me ahhhhhhhh!!"

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