I use the learning system to engage in technology

Chapter 199 (Chapter 199 (Three hundred and sixty thousand...)

As soon as Song Yao walked out of the laboratory, Lu Ju immediately told him the good news that the Zhongzhou evacuation force had obtained the local movement order.

The child was pleasantly surprised: "Does that mean the troops can travel unimpeded in country U?"

Lu Ju explained: "Although the local government approved the movement order, there are now three forces in U country, and the remaining ones are the thugs and the civilian army composed of local people."

In other words, the U-state army quickly gave way because they knew that they did not need to offend a country that could take such courage to evacuate its citizens.

But thugs and civilian armies may not be able to measure this.

"The civilian army is all locals, and it should be easier to communicate with them. However, the area where the Zhongzhou Embassy is located is occupied by fanatical militants. These people love killing, and they may not be easy to deal with."

Song Yao quickly asked: "Have you not contacted the embassy yet?"

Lu Ju shook his head: "The area where the embassy is located is the most dangerous area. The line may not have been restored yet. The embassy is still disconnected until now."

"But at least we know that people from the embassy of country d have defected to our embassy."

Song Yao nodded: "I hope everything goes well and there are no casualties."

On the fifth hour when Zhongzhou entered country U, he clashed with a small group of armed men.

Fortunately, the previous safe passage did not make the Central Continent troops relax their vigilance. They were always observing the surroundings. In addition, unmanned aircraft were flying in the sky to detect the way ahead. Although it was a bit sudden for those people to come up and shoot without saying hello, they responded appropriately. , this conflict was a near miss for our family.

After all the militants fell to the ground, the hearts of the comrades who fired the shots were pounding.

Although they were killing the enemy, the instant guilt of taking a life with their own hands still made them feel complicated.

After a few seconds of silence, a rapid, hopeful cry suddenly appeared:

"Flag!! Dad!! It's the flag of our Central Continent!!"

This sudden sound made all the soldiers tense up again. Even if they were speaking in Chinese, they immediately raised their guns and pointed at the small building that made the sound.

Most of the soldiers relaxed a little until they saw a girl about thirteen or fourteen years old standing on the second floor with her head covered in blood, looking down, with her hands raised above her head.

"Don't let your guard down and be aware of your surroundings at all times."

He is obviously experienced and knows that in this situation, he must remain vigilant and make sure that every stranger who appears is not dangerous before talking to him.

A team of soldiers entered the house with guns raised and carefully searched every inch.

It wasn't until they were sure there was no danger inside that they helped the father and daughter out who were sure they had no weapons.

A soldier stepped forward and asked, "Central-European?"

The girl's father lost too much blood and could not speak. The girl was anxious while fumbling in her bag to get their documents.

"This is our passport, this is my father's work permit, this is my student ID, this is a photo of me and my parents, and behind it is my home, that small building. These can all prove that we are from Zhongzhou. …”

She spoke very quickly, and her hands were shaking anxiously.

A female officer came over and held her hand:

"Okay, okay, it's okay. Let's see for ourselves. Come on, please give in and let the doctor look at your father, okay?"


The girl shook her body and got out of the way: "Sister, sister, can my father survive? He won't die, right? He, he was beaten like this to protect me. My mother is dead, if my father is also What to do if you die..."

The officer turned around and saw the doctor nodding towards him, and then slowly guided him:

"No, we will give him good treatment. What you did just now was very good. Did your father teach you?"

The girl was calmed down a little and said in a trembling voice:

"Dad...taught me before he fell asleep. He said that those people said that the soldiers from Zhongzhou were coming. Dad also asked me to carry it and said that if I see the People's Liberation Army, I should take out all the documents. This can prove that we are from Zhongzhou. , the People's Liberation Army can...take us home."

The officer did not ask how her mother died. Under such circumstances, it was even a miracle that the whole family was alive.

A father who was seriously injured and on the verge of death had to teach his daughter how to survive before she fainted.

So real, yet so unreal.

There are already young soldiers secretly wiping tears from the corners of their eyes.

This is the first time they have encountered compatriots in need of rescue since they set foot on the soil of country U.

The soldier who had just been uncomfortable with killing someone with his own hands gradually hardened his heart after seeing the trembling girl and the man covered in blood.

They finally knew why those people suddenly launched an attack after seeing the Central Continent army.

I want to know what was happening in the once cozy small building before the Central Continent troops arrived downstairs to investigate.

There are even those who are so jealous that they want to shoot a few more shots at the villains on the ground.

Being soft-hearted and unwilling to take action can be abandoned in a moment in a place like this.

They also understood why the country had to pay a huge price to allow so many people and so many weapons to come here all the way.

Taking the little girl and her father with them, the troops moved on.

Only this time, when everyone raised their guns, they were no longer just in shock, but were ready to shoot at any time.

It can be easily seen whether a unit has murderous intentions.

When the Central Continent evacuation force's expressions became cold and serious, those groups no longer dared to provoke them.

But even so, their progress is difficult.

The embassy is more difficult than the Central Continent troops.

They need to find a car, they need to find a boat, so they have to run out when the situation gets a little better.

People who come back from a trip are always silent for several hours.

No one will ask them what is going on outside, because they know that they are not willing to repeat the hell on earth on the other side.

As time went on, the people of country D, who were originally peaceful, began to become increasingly anxious.

They didn't know who controlled the area they were in, but they knew that the gunshots outside were getting denser day by day, and the bullets fired into the Central Continent Embassy were densely packed, all over the walls and floors.

Although you can't get in where people are staying, it's enough to scare people.

"The evacuation operation had already started when we left the embassy. We were at the border at that time. Why haven't we arrived yet?"

People from the embassy of country d began to discuss in a low voice:

"The war situation outside seems to be getting more and more serious. It is normal for our troops to arrive later."

"But now the Embassy of Zhongzhou can no longer withstand it. What should we do next?"

"There is no next place for us to hide. The embassy of Country G has been captured."

The staff of the Zhongzhou embassy who were passing by suddenly heard the news and stopped in shock:

"The embassy of country g was captured? When did it happen? Where are the people inside?"

Although their country is not very close to Country G, the embassy in U still has contacts. Country G is a little poorer than Zhongzhou. In the past, when Zhongzhou sold temporary grain at a cheap price, they bought most of the time.

The D countryman who came back from outside shook his head and sighed:

"It happened before we came here. The people... are probably all gone. Country G already knows the bad news. Those people are simply beasts and have no scruples."

I want to know how uncomfortable country G is.

But there was nothing they could do, no one even responded to their explanation.

People in country D were still discussing whether to take the initiative to risk going to the border area, but the people at the Central Continent Embassy felt chills all over their bodies.

If those thugs could do this to the embassy of country g, they could do the same to the embassy of Zhongzhou.

"No, we have to arrange an evacuation now. We can go as far as we can."

"But didn't I say before that there are still risks..."

"Those people have gone crazy. We can only hold on to one of them. We can't hold on for too long."

Just as they were deciding to move a group of people away, violent gunshots suddenly came from outside.

One shot is a bang, two shots are a bang.

But when there were more than ten gunshots, it was a loud noise in people's ears, and the embassy, ​​which had been quiet for a while, was filled with screams again.

Families hug each other, parents protect their children, and couples rely on each other.

It is not that no one has attacked the embassy these days, but they have all been blocked. This is the first time they have heard of such a big battle.

The people in the embassy stood up staggeringly despite the loud gunshots and loudly communicated with each other:

"The noise is not a fight against us! It seems like someone started a fight at our door!"

"Yes!! The gunshots were fierce, they were fighting each other!"

"Don't panic, everyone! They are not attacking us outside! Don't panic yet!"

As he was talking, there was a sudden loud noise.

--boom! !

The ground shook.

An embassy staff member suddenly raised his head: "This is an air weapon! Only air weapons make noise!"

Although the u country is in chaos, there is no chaos in the air domain. The most it can do is machine guns.

Now that aerial bombs have been added (as they guessed), is there really going to be a real large-scale war in country U?

If there really is a war, wouldn't they not only have to avoid dangers on land, but also avoid bombs falling from the sky?

They waited for a while, and the shooting stopped.

This is normal. Modern wars are basically fought with fierce fire and resolved quickly.

But now comes the problem.

Who got into a fight with whom? Who's winning? Do they have any ill intentions towards the Central Continent Embassy?

The people in the embassy of Country D also turned pale, but they still tried to comfort them:

"Don't worry. If they attack by force, I'll tell you that our evacuation troops from country D have already arrived in country u. They should be able to scare away reasonable people."

As for what to do if he encountered someone who was irrational, he didn't say anything, and no one from the Central Continent Embassy asked.

Outside, the Central Continent troops relied on drones to throw [long tubes] and achieved a comprehensive victory, but they did not rush in after winning.

Instead, they first pulled in an injured U-country thug on the ground and asked the Central Continent Embassy to make sure it was not occupied before deciding to enter.

So here comes the question...

The leading soldier looked at the door full of holes and was a little unsure about how to enter.

This was the first evacuation operation after the founding of Zhongzhou, and everyone was not very experienced.

Fortunately, they brought speakers.

As a result, the citizens of Central Continent who were sitting on the ground with pale faces in the room heard the eloquent words of Central Continent:

"The First Evacuation Detachment of the Central Continent People's Liberation Army has come to the rescue. The danger has been eliminated. Please open the door."

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