Song Yao's "Just do it and it's over" is of course not outright reckless, but as long as there is a glimmer of hope, he is willing to give it a try.

He felt that he could not compare with many people in terms of IQ, so he thought that hard work could make up for his weakness. Because of Teacher Gu, he played very well with the children in the juvenile class, and he knew that these little geniuses were keen on reading in the study room recently, so he quickly The chicken thieves are also running there every day.

Teachers often say that it is not shameful to ask questions, Ma Shang thought to himself, it is not shameful for him to ask these little geniuses.

The thing he asked the most about was Song Yao. Firstly, Song Yao was very clever. Even at the moment, he couldn't understand it. He could figure it out with a little thought. Secondly, Song Yao had many connections and he really couldn't figure it out. He made a phone call. You can find a lot of experts to help answer your questions.

Thirdly, it was Ma Shang's selfishness. He envied Song Yao's temperament that was always full of energy and action. Every time he had the opportunity, he would get close to the children, trying to learn more about the good qualities of his classmate Song Yao.

Then he was indoctrinated by a child with the concept of "just do it and it's done".

Ma Shang has always been easy to persuade, otherwise he wouldn't have been so obedient and obedient when the teacher kicked him to Qiming Building.

When I heard about this concept, I immediately decided to follow it, but I was also a little worried:

"But if it doesn't work out in the end, or fails, wouldn't it be in vain? All that time was wasted."

Song Yao has been sharing his "supernatural, invincible and powerful life motto" everywhere these days, and the retort is:

"Senior Brother Ma Shang, do you think that the only thing you can gain from doing something is success?"

Just by looking at how hard everyone is reading, you can understand that before this project even starts, everyone has already gained a lot of knowledge.

And once you actually start doing it, the experience accumulated time and time again is even less likely to be forgotten.

"As for whether time will be wasted, time will not stop. No matter what we are doing, it is moving normally. What humans do is actually trying to seize the time they can."

"Time will not be wasted, it will just pass by in our lives. It is up to us to grasp how much of it we can."

Ma Shang was first shocked that the little child in front of him actually said such profound words.

After being stunned for a second, he suddenly felt that something sounded familiar. After recalling it carefully, he suddenly realized:

"Isn't this a quote from "The Two Musketeers III"?? I remember reading it aloud as a good word and sentence yesterday Monday."

Song Yao, who had a "I'm so profound and mysterious" attitude on his face: "...cough! Is this important?!"

"The point is! I have told you so much just to stop you from thinking about it! Now that you have decided to do something, then do it without hesitation! Anyway, we are still young, and we can seize many, many opportunities. Time, if you keep talking nonsense, don’t blame me for filing a complaint with Teacher Gu!”

Ma Shang was made dumbfounded by Song Yao's angry attitude:

"Okay, okay, I'll do it. Just go. Don't complain. If the teacher finds out, he'll make fun of me."

He patted his cheek and continued reading seriously with excitement.

After a while, Teacher Gu and Teacher Lang were worried about the children and came over to watch.

Generally, adults who take care of children are worried because the children are greedy to play, eat, and eat cold food.

If it were them, they would be worried that the children would be busy studying and not taking care of themselves. Although they were always surrounded by military comrades to look after them, teachers would inevitably still be a little worried.

As soon as I came here, I saw that all the students in the junior class were studying seriously without exception. Some were reading, some were frowning and some were writing and drawing, and they would discuss things in low voices with each other if they didn't understand something.

Teacher Gu wandered over to Song Yao and saw admiration flashing in his eyes when he saw that the child had already read so many pages in just one day.

Song Yao raised his head and smiled at him: "Teacher Gu, Senior Brother Ma Shang is here too. Do you want to go and see him?"

I found the teacher coming from behind, and Ma Shang, who was lowering his head and silently reciting "Can't see me, can't see me, can't see me": "..."

Fortunately, Teacher Gu only glanced at the student and nodded with satisfaction, sighing to Song Yao:

"Hey, it's better to be young. It would be great if I could have this kind of motivation when I was your age."

"But it's not too late for you, Teacher Gu. Motivation does not appear based on age."

"You are in such good health that you can live for another twenty years without any problem. When I get better, I can increase the life span of all mankind. By then, the average age of people will be over 156 years old, and people can live to be over 300 years old." .

Teacher Gu, at your age, you will have just passed a quarter of your life. Just wait, I will definitely make you live a long, long life. "

It also increases the lifespan of all human beings. Can such a thing as lifespan be said to be improved?

Why did it get into Song Yao's mouth, and it was as easy and simple as going to the street to buy candied haws on a stick. Only the teacher could believe it.


The sound of a chair being pulled away came from the side. Ma Shang turned his head and saw that Teacher Gu was sitting next to him.

The old man smiled. Old people at this age cherish time more than young people. Who doesn't like to live longer.

Now seeing Song Yao's confident and sincere look, which old man would not be moved. He smiled kindly and spoke in an affectionate tone as if Song Yao was his grandson:

"Hahahaha, okay, okay, then I will also come to help, and then wait for my lifespan to be increased to more than three hundred years! By then, maybe I will be included in the scientific research community."

After sitting down, he turned around and saw his student, and immediately said fiercely:

"What are you looking at! You don't pay attention at all, just look at the slightest movement. Hurry up and study hard! I'm watching you!"

Ma Shang: "..."

He finally discovered that those strict teachers and elders seemed to have changed when they met Song Yao, but only in front of Song Yao.

Facing these students, he was still the same as before, and even because there was a young genius like Song Yao beside him to compare, he was even harsher on them than before.

Muttering in his heart, Ma Shang, who had always been out of touch, did not dare to be distracted anymore.

His teacher is really good at beating people.

Song Yao was immersed in the ocean of knowledge and couldn't extricate himself.

He read during the day and studied tutorials at night. He also specially moved out of the physical education class to force everyone to attend class together.

The child said very considerately: "You must have a strong body to do anything. Otherwise, if your brain can't keep up with your body, your progress will still be delayed. From now on, everyone must be active every day!"

Everyone: "..."

Although it is nice to have time for activities every day in the future, but hearing that "good activities are for better learning", why do I feel so miserable for them.

Everyone was even more impressed when they saw Song Yao cheering and stretching along with his fellow military comrades during every activity time, and not seeing the children in their junior class taking a few breaks at the end of the class.

After all, they are still young and energetic, each one is like a deer, tapping and tapping as lightly and cheerfully as possible.

At the beginning, many people felt that the schedule was too full and tiring, but after three days, everyone got used to this amount of activity.

It’s not that they have no fun being locked up in the testing ground. Perhaps in the eyes of many people, working on projects is boring, but every progress and every new discovery is beyond the surprise of making money for everyone.

There are chicken legs in today's meal, and pig's trotters in tomorrow's meal. The chefs in the cafeteria are trying their best to nourish them, and some master chefs have even begun to study various health-preserving soups.

I don’t know whether those soups are good for the body, but they are indeed quite fat. Everyone who was a little thin due to studying hard was made up to have rosy and round cheeks.

Even the people in the cafeteria became stronger because they ate together.

All the children in the junior class gained more than five kilograms.

Especially Song Yao, he has always had a high status in the hearts of the master chefs in the cafeteria. They stick to him for everything delicious and drinkable, and they also miss him when they have snacks. In just half a month, the child's face is moist and he is tall. It seemed that he was also scurrying away.

Even the experts and comrades who were specially deployed laughed and said:

"I don't know, I thought we came here to enjoy ourselves."

Others received: "Isn't this a blessing? How could we get such treatment when we were doing research in the past? At that time, two meals of meat a week was a very good treatment."

No one knows more clearly how poor Zhongzhou was than these experts who have accompanied their motherland all the way through it.

Nowadays, seeing that these younger generations have such good treatment, such high vitality, and full of positive emotions (the credit goes to Song Yao who makes chicken soup three times a day), the old experts feel that they might wake up laughing in their dreams. .

To be precise, this was a good day that they could never have dreamed of before.

They are not envious, nor do they feel that they have suffered a lot in the past, but are sincerely happy for these young people and the current scientific research environment.

Because they know that only in this way, Zhongzhou will go further and further, and become stronger and stronger.

A few people were talking, and little classmate Song Yao, whose face had become fairer and rounder recently, and his eyes were clearer and brighter, came running up:

"Grandpa Zhong, Grandpa Liu, Grandpa Ma Ouyang, there is new progress!"

Their eyes lit up immediately. Their hair was gray and their faces were wrinkled, but when they walked, their bodies were straight and their eyes were lively.

The more they get along with these enthusiastic new generations, the older experts feel like they have returned to their youth, as if they can really wait for the day when this little classmate Song Yao can increase human life span.

In the second month after the test site was closed, the two countries, which had been quarreling with each other for trial and error, finally reached an agreement.

Country u gave in, and country s seemed satisfied after getting the benefits, and began to withdraw its original control. The danger on the border of country u was lifted.

This battle seems to be unwinnable.

After receiving the news, many countries in Central Continent breathed a sigh of relief. After all, the war would not only affect the two countries fighting against each other. It would also have a huge impact on other countries that had no intention of war and only wanted to develop.

Song Yao also breathed a sigh of relief.

Their project will take some time to complete, and if a fight really breaks out, Zhongzhou is not sure that it will be able to evacuate all its people.

However, none of the countries noticed that Country S, which had made it clear that it would not do anything else, began to act secretly and frequently.

Under the influence of other countries' interference in politics, the country u split into two parts in a secret and rapid way.

This is a very dangerous signal. After all, a civil war deliberately provoked is more terrifying to ordinary people than a war between two countries.

But neither the Chinese nor the locals living there are aware of the undercurrents underlying the peaceful life.

They are still happily planning for the New Year in Central Continent, which is about to arrive. It is time to return to their hometown with the savings accumulated this year and spend the New Year with their relatives.

Chinese people who do not plan to go back to celebrate the New Year have also begun to buy various items, planning to decorate the place where they live and celebrate the New Year with their compatriots who stayed behind.

Distant Middle-earth.

Song Yao finished a hard day's work but didn't feel tired. He lay on his little bed and listened to Lu Ju's bedtime story. He opened the learning system and looked at the passage in the history course:

[Also in this year, because of the bloody lesson of failed evacuation, our country never missed an evacuation operation again. 】

The child read over and over again, but he really couldn't figure out why the evacuation of overseas Chinese failed and why there was a bloody lesson.

Now that the world is relatively peaceful, and the friction between country U and country S has calmed down, which country needs to evacuate its citizens?

He really couldn't think of it, so he simply stopped thinking about it, closed his eyes and let himself fall asleep quickly.

Anyway, no matter which country it is, the failure to evacuate overseas Chinese in the original history was simply due to insufficient transportation means and poor communication with the country. These were problems that the Central Continent was unable to deal with.

But it's different now.

Because their ongoing project has national support, a team of experts has been dispatched to help, and countries j and d have also provided technical assistance, so the progress is very fast.

Just give them a little more time and transportation won't be a problem.

Although Zhongzhou's current international status is neither good nor bad, it can at least be discussed with most countries in the world.

Therefore, history has long been changed.

And they will make this period of history better.

The child asked 005 to close the memo and closed his eyes in peace.

【Good night, 005】

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