Not only the volunteers of D country noticed the sky, but the people in the western region also gradually discovered the dark clouds that were gradually gathering on the horizon.

"The sky is cloudy! Is it going to rain!!!"

No matter what they were busy with, when they heard the shouting that it was going to rain outside, everyone dropped what they were doing and ran out of the house.

The sheep-herding plane flew over the crowd and recorded the people on the streets looking up to the sky with joy.

A child spotted it and immediately pointed to it and shouted: "Mom!! Plane!!"

The child's mother immediately looked over and was equally surprised:

"This seems to be the sheep-herding plane on TV. Is it filming us? Can we all be on TV???"

The sheep-herding plane showed up once during the snowstorm in Zhongzhou. Later, the small sheep-herding plane was instrumental in the construction and broadcasting of earthquake prediction machines, the reconstruction of the Changle disaster area, and the earthquake in friendly country D.

Even in a recent Zhongzhou broadcast, the TV station generously introduced the functions and performance of the sheep-herding aircraft. Although it only introduced the media broadcast aspect, everyone is paying attention to the military aspect these days. Just think about it and you will know that it has military applications. function.

As for the nickname that sounds a bit rustic, Zhongzhou could have chosen a clever name instead, but the country unexpectedly still used it.

Song Yao was very happy about this, because to some extent it also showed that Zhongzhou was more confident. Only a confident country would not care about the eyes of others.

No matter how foreign media looks down on the name of a sheep-herding plane, do their countries have such an aircraft?

The people of Zhongzhou didn't think this name was vulgar, they thought it was realistic, especially after they heard from the TV station that the researchers who developed the sheep-herding aircraft originally wanted to use it for herding sheep, so they felt it was even more cordial.

Isn't it? This small plane is easy to fly, can also make calls, can fly high and see far, can find sheep even when they are far away, and can even fly low to chase sheep. What a great tool for herding sheep.

At least the people who have cattle and sheep at home and need someone to drive them get jealous every time they see a sheep-herding plane.

Because the sheep-herding plane is now linked to the Central Continent Network when it appears, many people hurriedly tidy up their clothes and hair, but more people don't even care about getting on the plane.

Their eyes were focused on the dark clouds that were gathering and rising in the sky. As the dark clouds gradually dispersed to the side, someone exclaimed:

"Planes! Planes create these clouds!!!"

"It's really a plane!! It's a big plane!! Is it the artificial clouds that have been mentioned in the news?!"

The already lively crowd exploded instantly. Compared to naturally occurring clouds, the success of artificially created clouds was obviously more shocking.

The area of ​​dark clouds is getting bigger and bigger, gradually covering the suburban villages.

In a small village, a family was making water collection tools. Suddenly, they felt that the sky seemed a little cloudy. The seven-year-old child who was helping the adults looked up, and then his eyes widened:

The adults who were working quickly looked up, and sure enough they saw a large dark cloud slowly coming.

"Great! It's obviously going to rain. Hurry, get a basin to catch the water, and take all the basins in the house to the yard!!"

The adults were even busier, but this time they all had smiles on their faces.

The adults around them keep talking about rain. Even if the children don't quite understand the importance of this matter, they still know that rain will make the adults happy, and they will happily help out inside and outside the house.

From time to time, I would look up at the growing dark clouds in the sky, as if I was afraid that they would run away. The elders no longer looked sad and sighed, which really made the child feel at ease.

Other families in the village also shouted in surprise. The village party secretary was holding the gong happily and was about to go out to announce. When the phone rang, his wife answered it and called him quickly:

The village party secretary hurried over. After listening to a few words, his face showed surprise, and then he hurriedly replied:

"Yes, yes, how did the county know that there are dark clouds above our village? It looks like it has just covered our village. I was about to go out and tell everyone to get a basin to collect water."

"What?? Is this cloud created by the government? Such a blockbuster film? Is it the one shown on TV?? Okay, okay, I'll go out and see the size again..."

The old man and old lady at home immediately raised their ears when their son raised his voice. When he saw the village party secretary put the phone on the table, he hurried out and looked up to the sky without disturbing him. His face was full of "what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, what?" Follow the expression.

The village party secretary came back quickly and picked up the phone again: "Hey, leader, I've seen it, it's just right, just right, yes, yes, our house has the highest terrain. I can see it very clearly. It's raining now. It can be covered, eh, eh, half an hour, right, I’ll notify you immediately.”

Putting down the phone, the old man and old lady hurriedly asked:

The village party secretary picked up the gong and walked out: "Yes, you just came to ask me about Yun's location. I asked why all the village party secretaries suddenly had public telephones installed and asked us to have someone by the phone. It seems that The country has been preparing for rain."

"Father and mother, Fen, let me go out. You guys take out all the things in the house that can hold water. This rain is said to only last for about two hours. I have to inform everyone to get ready.

Soon the villagers heard the village chief beating gongs and shouting:

"The artificial clouds created by the country are already in the sky, and it starts raining in about half an hour, and it rains for two hours!! Everyone, stop doing other things, and quickly take out the pots, pans, and other things at home to collect water! There is water in the ground! Don’t worry about it, it’s raining!”

The people who were busy working in every house were confused, and someone from almost every house came out to ask.

"Did our country create this cloud?"

"Hey! How long can it take for it to rain? Then if it rains every day, wouldn't there be no need to collect water?"

The village party secretary glared at the person who asked this question: "What a beautiful idea! Artificial clouds don't cost money?! Why don't we save money when we can? The country has spent an unknown amount of money on the northwest. It rains every day, and you have forgotten the past. It’s been more than ten years since I’ve been without food?”

"Quickly, don't even ask. Go back and find something to fill the water with. If that doesn't work, just use a plastic sheet to turn the chair and table upside down and cover it up. That's fine too. Hurry up, hurry up!"

The people in their village happily went about their business. Someone from other villages passed by and was so envious. They ran all the way home to get a basin and then went to their village to see if they could collect some rainwater.

This person also knew that there was something good going on, so he told everyone he saw on the way back, causing half the village to rush to Shanquan Village, for fear that they would be late when the rain stopped.

Fortunately, I met the village party secretary of their village on the way. He was stopped and the big guy was still anxious:

"Hey, don't stop me. It's going to rain in Shanquan Village. I have to rush to catch the rainwater. I don't know what's going on. The dark clouds only cover their village. The sun is still shining brightly in our village. Do you think it's strange or not? "

Village party secretary: "That cloud was made by the state. It's the artificial cloud mentioned on TV. I just received the notice that the next place where it will rain is our village. You can just wait and see. There will be clouds in our village soon." of."

Everyone was dubious, mainly because they had been waiting for the chance of rain for so many months, and finally saw a turnaround, and no one dared to take a gamble.

Finally, everyone discussed it and decided that one person from each family would go to Shanquan Village. Shanquan Village would be able to see their village anyway, and the dark clouds above their village would come back again.

Sure enough, not long after it rained in Shanquan Village, a plane flew over their village, and the dark clouds were really visible to the naked eye, spraying from the plane into the sky and slowly condensing.

Everyone cheered in the rain:

"Really!! It's true!!!"

“We don’t have to worry about severe drought anymore!! Our country has really created clouds that can rain!!!”

"Hurry! Hurry! Go home, go home and wait for the rain! We only have two hours to rain in a village, we can't waste it!!"

Waste is naturally a bit wasteful. After all, there are so many areas to separate rain. Whether it is cloud creation or artificial rainfall, it is very expensive. However, cloud creation cannot be made in small areas, at least with the current technology. Allowed.

Otherwise, Song Yao could really do what he did to encourage the country to rain clouds as big as a palm.

The children who must see the rain succeed stood on the tallest building in the county and looked at the dark clouds forming in the distance. While they were happy for the northwest, they couldn't help but cover their hearts.

Looking at the clouds on the left, my heart aches.

These pieces of cloud are all money.

Looking at the rain on the right again, I feel even more heartbroken.

All this rain is money.

Song Yao was also heartbroken and suffocated. There was nothing he could do. Being too smart at this time was not a good thing. Before he could react, his brain had already quickly and accurately calculated the amount of artificial cloud rainfall.

This is a number that is enough to make even big leaders rub their hearts.

But looking down at the cheering crowd standing in the rain, those heartaches seemed to be nothing.

Wrapped in dark clouds, wherever the raindrops fall, they are filled with joy and life.

"It's raining!!! It's really raining!!!"

"It's water! It's water!"

"Great!! We made it through!!!"

The hope of life once again flooded the earth. Media from various countries who received news from China confirming that artificial clouds and rain would be artificially created today could not help but look at the sky and smile while taking pictures.

Some even heard the people in Zhongzhou next to them cheering and crying with joy, and they themselves shed tears of emotion in the rain.

They have been squatting here for a long time to get news. They have witnessed the horror of this drought and also seen people's unbearable worry and depression.

The scene of everyone laughing and celebrating in the rain is so touching.

Planes that had completed part of their missions were flying over the sky, and below them were happy people letting the rain fall on their faces.

The camera recorded this scene.

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