In the end, Matthew struggled to restore this long-lasting friendship from Central Continent.

Although Song Yao, the maker of the strip, can be said to be afraid of snakes, the people of D have since given snakes a new representative meaning.

They even planned to build a huge snake-shaped statue in the earthquake area, hoping to commemorate the people of the D country who unfortunately died in the earthquake area.

Song Yao imagined what the giant snake statue looked like, and nodded in agreement.

Although the child was afraid of snakes, he did not force others to be as afraid as him. He knew that this sudden disaster needed something else to soothe his sorrow.

Changtiao searched for another three days and three nights, and after confirming that no sign of life could be found, the rescue operation was changed to a reconstruction operation.

Song Yao's attention also shifted to the survivors who were rescued and placed in the hospital.

Yuan Jiang has said from the beginning that you may not die if you are buried, but you may not survive if you are rescued.

The survivors all had wounds on their bodies. Some died from injuries, some died from infection, and some seemed to be in good spirits and fine when they were rescued, but they would die within a few hours of safety. .

The medical level of Country D is currently better than that of Central Continent, not to mention this rare natural disaster. The doctors of Central Continent are learning while helping, while Song Yao and the others are deeply aware that just making digging tools is not enough.

As a translator, Matthew naturally followed Zhongzhou's team wherever they went. When he came over with hot water, he saw several children sitting cross-legged on the lawn of the hospital for a meeting.

Yesterday, the children had a meeting about medical equipment.

In that meeting, Matthew, who had no medical knowledge at all, seemed to understand every Chinese character, but when put together, it was like listening to a book from heaven.

When he heard about the medical equipment conference, he thought Song Yao and the others were very powerful, but obviously, these young geniuses were much more powerful than he imagined.

As soon as Matthew passed by, he heard Song Yao say:

"I think we should make a protective shield. I think the spherical shape is better. What about you?"

Matthew: "???"

protecting mask? ? Isn’t that something that only appears in science fiction novels?

He looked around and realized that among everyone present, he was the only one who was shocked.

Everyone else, including the Central Continent soldiers, looked very calm (whoever listened to Song Yao talking about building a spaceship every day would also be very calm).

Even other children have naturally begun to discuss the advantages and disadvantages of spherical shields.

Think seriously about the face on Monday: "I also think that the spherical shape is better. Although the spherical shape is not easy to fix, when the injury comes, it can resist all directions to the greatest extent."

Song Yao nodded: "A round shape has no edges or vertices, and it is also very helpful to slow down the damage."

Matthew: "..."

They actually had such a serious discussion.

Tuesday: "Not only do we have to consider the pressure of heavy objects, but we also have to consider falling, waterproofing, fireproofing, sharp objects, etc. Just creating external materials is enough for us to have a headache."

Wang Hua: "How to maintain internal air is also a problem."

Matthew was already pulling his hair.

He also loves to read science fiction novels, but the protective shield properties discussed by these Central Continent geniuses are more powerful than any science fiction novel he has ever read.

Matthew refused to give up and looked at the expressions of the Zhongzhou soldiers again.

Everyone was calm, as if Song Yao and the others were talking about an ordinary thing.

Wang Duo also proposed: "Since the protective shield is used in emergencies, we should make it into a style that can wrap people inside in an instant, but this is a bit too difficult."

Song Yao proudly took a picture of the design: "Yes! Take your time with the materials, but I have also thought of what Wang Hua said. If you look at this design, you can wrap people up immediately. "

The other three children immediately turned to look at Zhao Xiaodong, who was eating eggs and listening to their conversation.

Zhao Xiaodong quickly swallowed the egg, drank some water and coughed skillfully:

"Ahem, cough, let me take a look..."

So, they naturally discussed and added "Where should we start making a universal protective shield?"

Matthew: "..."

He silently improved his level of technological development in Central Continent.

In fact, not only Matthew thinks this way, many people in D country believe that the technological level of Zhongzhou is already higher than that of many countries.

At first, some D country rescuers would wonder, "Why would Central Continent send such young children?" But as they got to know each other and saw the powerful hands-on abilities of these little beans, those doubts turned into deep yearning. admire.

After all, it is these little boys who transform and control the long strip.

In addition, half of Zhongzhou Tong Matthew is interspersed with various propaganda: "Of all the universities in Zhongzhou, only HKUST has a junior class", "It is because they are geniuses that they are sent to help us", "They even have Zhongzhou soldiers around them" After "Personal Protection", everyone became even more deified of Song Yao and the others.

There are even some D country rescue workers who wonder if all the children in Zhongzhou are so smart.

According to public interviews, it can be clearly felt that most people in D country not only have a good impression of Zhongzhou, but also begin to feel at ease that their country is a friend of Zhongzhou.

Becoming a friend of Zhongzhou not only means that every disaster will be helped by Zhongzhou, but also means that Zhongzhou's scientific and technological development will be given priority to their country.

The desire to travel to Central Continent is getting louder and louder, and some people are even learning Chinese on their own to express the friendship between the people of Central Continent and Country D.

Of course, their ability to make such changes has a lot to do with the efforts of the media of the two countries to promote and publicize friendship.

Part of the reason is country S, which previously concluded that the earthquake prediction machine is a lie. Because of this incident, the people of country D have lost trust in country S, and it can even be called hatred.

After all, they can't blame their dead relatives for blindly following the rumors. They can only blame the country that spread the rumors.

Furthermore, they did not believe that the news reported by Country S was that Zhongzhou was still as backward as ever.

In the eyes of many people in country D, country S only used its words and hands to create rumors, but their country has sacrificed so many people's lives. This makes them unable to blame country S.

Especially since the earthquake has occurred, many media in country S are still fabricating news about "fake earthquake, two lies of the century", adding salt to the wounds of the people of country D who have experienced the earthquake.

Song Yao is not very clear about these backgrounds.

After all, the child is very busy every day. Not only does he have to remotely direct the continuation of Project 68 through international calls, he also has to improve the plan based on the post-disaster scene.

Two thick notebooks are already filled with notes, and various project plans on earthquake-proof buildings, medical supplements, rescue machines, and personal protection have also been added to the plan notebook.

The children have now clearly realized that nothing in this world is perfect, and there are still many natural disasters that Zhongzhou will face. Even if the country fully supports it, in such a sudden disaster, they will not be able to avoid a single victim like the Changle earthquake. .

Fortunately, Song Yao was not discouraged.

He will be sad when he encounters someone he cannot save, but he will not lose his fighting spirit because of it.

The child still adheres to the principle he has always adhered to: [As long as you go all out and have a clear conscience. 】

005 also insisted on his usual support: [Yes! The producer has said that when you live in the world, you only want three things: no shame for others, no shame for the world, and no shame for yourself. The host has done a great job! 】

Song Yao was instantly shocked: [Has the producer ever said such good things? 】

The system is very honest: [This was said by a diplomat in the year 3421 of the founding of the People's Republic of China. The producer liked it very much and said it was very pretentious, so he used it. 】

Song Yao said sternly: [Humph! I see! I despise his behavior! 】

——Dong dong dong.

Yuan Jiang knocked on the door and opened it and came in: "It's time to go to bed."

Song Yao lowered his head to look at the unfinished design drawing and straightened his back: "I haven't finished the drawing yet. I won't go to bed until I finish."

Yuanjiang opened his mouth to continue persuading, but saw the child opposite stretched out his hand:

"Brother Yuan Jiang, you don't need to persuade me, I have made up my mind! When I live in the world, I only ask for three things: no shame for others, no shame for the world, and no shame for myself. For these three things, I must finish the painting before going to bed. !”

Yuan Jiang looked at Song Yao's high-spirited look and was silent for three seconds before speaking:

"You won't grow taller if you sleep late."

Song Yao: "..."

Ten minutes later, the child got into a sleeping position:

"Good night, Brother Yuanjiang."


While Song Yao and the others were working hard for the future, the people of Central Continent felt the present first.

Zhongzhou reported more frequently on the reconstruction of Changle and the current situation of country D.

Many Zhongzhou people were deeply moved by the contrasting reactions between the two earthquake areas, the positive Changle and the sad country D.

After experiencing the suffering of the war and being oppressed by foreigners for a long time, most people in Central China have some inferiority complex. Just like before, imported things on the market were always more popular than domestic ones, even if they were ridiculously expensive.

But now, there are so many white-skinned foreigners with high nose bridges saying thank you to them.

——"My mother was rescued by Chang Tiao and Zhongzhou. When she gets better, we will definitely go to Zhongzhou to see her."

——"Look at the Chinese characters here. This is a relief material package sent from Zhongzhou. I have learned how to pronounce it. Come on, country D."

——"I am really grateful to Zhongzhou for helping our country at this moment. I believe that the friendship between Zhongzhou and Country D can last forever."

——"This is a rescue machine from Central Continent. I'm here to operate it on site and show how it performs rescue operations."

——"I like Changtiao very much. This robotic snake from Central Continent has helped many people. The most rare thing is that Central Continent is willing to use it to help us..."

——"Hello everyone, I am Lilian. My Chinese is not very good, but I want to thank you in Chinese. Thank you for always caring about me, helping me, and blessing me. I have received many letters from the people of Central Continent. Thank you. ,thank you very much……"

These words of sincere gratitude are enough to make every Zhongzhou person feel great satisfaction and pride.

Most of the reasons why they are willing to care and donate are due to the promotion of the country and the guidance of the media. But when seeing so many foreigners talking about Zhongzhou's machines and Zhongzhou's kindness, who can not be proud and proud.

It turns out that our country is so powerful.

It turns out that our technology is developing very well.

It turns out that so many foreigners are yearning for Central Continent.

At this moment, they finally realized that Zhongzhou was powerful enough to help other countries.

Countless Zhongzhou people don't know how to express their feelings, but they unconsciously get rid of many old thoughts and walk with their chests held high and their heads raised.

In the distant country D, Song Yao closed the second full notebook and opened the third.

He doesn't know yet:

That period of backwardness and hardship will be replaced by the vibrant new Central Continent.

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