I use the learning system to engage in technology

Chapter 155 (Chapter 155 (Updated on the 22nd...)

Song Yao's addiction to games was not in vain.

The child, who was about to turn ten, felt the joy of getting something for free for the first time, which made him feel very good.

The child also shared his feelings with Zhao Xiaodong:

"When we study, we will definitely feel very tired and hard, but if these advanced things are out of our reach, Brother Yuan Jiang can't help us get them.

Then suddenly one day, we can secretly touch a little bit, and we don't have to spend a dime, then studying will not be tiring or hard at all, and we will feel very happy."

It is precisely because of this feeling that Song Yao firmly believes that the learning system does not allow comprehensive learning, but divides various knowledge into ladders, and the host must be allowed to climb one ladder at a time in order to increase the host's enthusiasm for learning.

For this reason, he also praised the producer with great strength, and the original words of praise were "It turns out that he can do such a reliable thing."

Zhao Xiaodong, who heard Song Yao's declaration of "I will be very happy to get the hard-won difficult learning resources", said: "..."

He was silent for a long time and said: "I don't think I will be very happy."

Song Yao generously tolerated him: "It doesn't matter, you will be happy in the future."

Zhao Xiaodong: "..."

He felt that he would not be happy in the future.

Especially after the project named "Opening the World" by Song Yao was completely launched, everyone became busy, including Zhao Xiaodong who naturally dreamed of "a wonderful winter vacation, fun starts from you and me".

When the children first heard the name of this project, they were still excited for a while.

But soon, Song Yao used a lot of work tasks to tell them that "Opening the World" requires many people to work hard together.

The child also argued: "You should know that it will be very difficult when you hear this name. Opening the World, it would be strange if it is not hard."

The children sighed a few times, but no one wanted to quit.

Since entering the junior class of USTC, they have been doing everything together. No matter how difficult it is, it seems that it is not so hard when everyone works together.

Moreover, there are so many adults of all ages accompanying them.

Yes, there are many people accompanying them.

In Song Yao's heart, the country has always been the most reliable one, but even he did not expect that the country would be so reliable.

After approving the [Opening the World] project, the higher-ups immediately sent a technical team to communicate with Song Yao.

Experts in geology, geography, architecture, etc., etc., all took their positions.

They set out in person to conduct on-site inspections, and the samples and various data collected in various regions were escorted by special people and special vehicles, and delivered to Song Yao with green lights all the way.

Song Yao did not even have to do many things, and these professionals sent to help could do everything very well, making up for the gaps that he did not understand.

Song Yao did not understand a lot.

Even in the plan he submitted, even the child himself admitted that it was very simple.

To put it bluntly, [Opening the World] is not really like in myths and legends, where you can just stand up and fight hard. It involves many professional divisions.

Let's not talk about anything else, just the most basic point, to build five tall buildings that can be buried deep underground as planned, and at the same time ensure stability, safety, and sensitivity, architectural knowledge is definitely necessary, right?

But where did Song Yao learn architectural knowledge before?

From birth to now, the biggest construction project he has participated in is to build a pigpen for the canteen of the University of Science and Technology.

Because it was not built well, the uncles and aunts in the canteen had to tear it down and build it again.

If the country did not approve this project, according to Song Yao's original plan, he would have to divide his mind to learn a lot of majors that he was not interested in under such a tight time.

Although as long as Song Yao wants to learn, he will definitely be able to learn some results, but this will be too tiring and time-consuming.

But now the situation is different.

He has a professional team. These powerful talents can not only quickly specify various plans, but also tell Song Yao what to do and what not to do from a professional perspective, and they are all very diligent.

Every day they sleep later than Zhao Xiaodong and get up earlier than Song Yao. They are so immersed in their work that they don't even want to eat. Every time Song Yao forces them to go out for dinner, they will go out unwillingly, eat very quickly and come back in a hurry.

Even Song Yao, who thinks he loves to study and work, is dumbfounded and ashamed.

He asked Lu Ju: "Brother Lu Ju, do you have such great confidence in earthquake prediction equipment?"

Song Yao's eyes widened with curiosity. He thought many people would think it was impossible to complete.

Lu Ju told him: "In fact, many people still don't know the complete task. They only know that they have to build a building. Few people know the internal structure."

Song Yao was even more surprised.

"They don't know, why are they so anxious?"

"Because it is a national task. The document issued says that it should be completed as soon as possible and it is a confidential project. Maybe they don't know what it is, but they will try their best."

Song Yao nodded as if he understood.

He accepted it well, maybe because that's how Xinghe County is. They don't care about anything at ordinary times, but once the central government issues any order, the people of the entire Xinghe County will take action with enthusiasm.

This era may be recorded as backward in history, but it is undeniable that every Zhongzhou person is working hard in his own way.

Song Yao also worked hard.

The arrival of a professional team blocked some of the heavy work for him, but some of the technologies from the future required him to understand them thoroughly before taking them out.

The child began to frequently conduct experiments in simulation experiments. Fortunately, he did not have to be distracted to do many things, and the data needed for the experiment could be delivered to his hands.

Just like leading such a large team for the first time, Song Yao tasted a lot of failures for the first time.

No matter how many times he tinkered with it, the tall buildings in the simulation lab would collapse.

The laboratory only has the function of mechanically inputting data and constructing the data object, but it does not have the function of automatically checking for errors. Song Yao could only find it bit by bit by himself.

He even celebrated a little when he found the mistake for the first time.

But the child soon discovered that it was normal to find more than a dozen places at once.

He could only use the most primitive and stupidest method, building data again and again, watching it collapse again and again, catching mistakes and omissions again and again, and then recording them in a memo so that he would not make them again next time.

The memorandum ran for hundreds of pages, and Song Yao even used small print specifically.

He was not discouraged at all, he was still in the mood and 005 smiled: [The good thing is your memo. If I write it down in a notebook, it will be difficult to turn it over. 】

005 looked tired for him.

After Gao Lou declared failure again, he looked at Song Yao who immediately reached out and zoomed in to carefully search for errors and omissions, and advised:

[Host, this is the one hundred and thirty-sixth time it has failed. It is recommended that the host take a rest. 】

Song Yao was in high spirits: [No need, I'm very fine. 】

005 is confused.

This is inconsistent with its training.

According to training, a large number of failures will make the hosts feel a deep sense of frustration and powerlessness, which will lead some hosts to choose to give up or even never touch similar experiments again.

After failing once, twice and three times, it can be said that the more frustrated you become, the more courage you get.

But failure one hundred times, one hundred ten times, one hundred and twenty times will only make people despair.

But obviously, Song Yao didn't think so.

When 005 tried to persuade him again, the child’s eyes were bright and he said: [It’s okay! This is a good thing! Anyway, the failures here are all fake. 】

[Every time I fail, I avoid a real failure, so this is a good thing! 】

005: [? 】

It actually felt that what the host said made sense.

After failing for the 722nd time, the 723rd time finally succeeded.

Although it was just a drill and the actual operation had not even started yet, Song Yao was as excited as if he had gained the whole world.

Seven hundred and twenty-three times, each time brought him a lot of learning experience.

With these experiences as a foundation, Song Yao will have enough confidence to actually complete this plan in reality.

Hehe, he is really awesome.

It only took more than 700 times to complete it. It was worthy of him!

Song Yao left the learning system and took out his diary, intending to record his good mood. Of course, the main purpose was to brag about how great he was after recording his good mood.

The child wrote carefully and stroke by stroke:

【Today I……】

Just after writing the third word, Song Yao started to stare in confusion.

I have been working very intensively these days. After finishing the work in real life, I have learned to work in the system, and I have been thinking about "creating the world" while eating. Now I have finally made definite progress. After the excitement of the child, it is the relaxation that has finally arrived.

He was so sleepy that he yawned several times. In his little mind, he still remembered that he wanted to write a diary, and the hand holding the pen was working hard to write.

After writing it over and over, it becomes a ghostly drawing.

The child yawned again and couldn't see the words on the paper at all. He glanced out the window with the last trace of clarity and found that it was already dark outside, so he immediately relaxed.

The thought of "It's time to go to bed, then I'll go to bed" flashed through my mind, and I closed my eyes with peace of mind and confidence.

Two minutes later, Yuan Jiang came as usual to urge Song Yao to sleep. As soon as he came in, he saw the cute, fair and tender child sleeping soundly on the table, with a pen in his hand.

The cold soldier's face softened, he stepped forward slowly, gently took the pen from Song Yao's hand, and slowly picked up the child and placed him on the crib.

Zhao Xiaodong has been living in the Song family these days, and now he is occupying Song Yao's bed with his arms stretched out in a domineering manner.

Yuan Jiang had to put him back into his quilt before letting Song Yao lie on the pillow.

Then Song Yao turned over, and now he was lying on his back with his legs raised and pressing on Zhao Xiaodong in a domineering manner.

Yuan Jiang skillfully covered them with quilts and tucked them in. After making sure that the two children's sleeping environment was comfortable, he gently stood up and packed away the stationery and books on the table.

Picking up the child's diary and looking at the ghostly drawings on it, Yuan Jiang didn't hesitate at all...

Place it in the blueprint area.

I even sighed in my heart.

Today’s design drawings seem to be clearer and more understandable than before.

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