I use the learning system to engage in technology

Chapter 11 (Chapter 11 (third update)...)

Of course honey has to be sold. Isn't that why Father Song took the initiative to come to the county town to buy things this time.

He was only shocked for a moment, "Oh my god, I'm such an ordinary little business genius." Then he quickly got into the mood. Under the watchful eyes of Sister Liang and Song Yao, he began to bargain with the other party.

"Honey on the market sells for 20 cents per catty. I sell it for 18 cents, which is really cheap."

When it was time to bargain, the saleslady sister who was easily shy was no longer shy or embarrassed. She explained to him clearly:

"The ones on the market are all packaged and have a brand. After all, yours has no brand and no packaging. I have to buy a box to put it in myself."

Dad Song: "You can't do the math like that. If you want to do the math like that, it would take more than three hours to walk from our village to the county, and the round trip would take six hours. In order to transport the honey, we set out in the morning, and we haven't even arrived yet. If I eat, do I still have to count my labor costs?”

The young salesman was not deceived: "Aren't you here to buy daily necessities? You bought so much. I think honey is the only one that comes with it."

She was right about this, so Father Song felt guilty for a moment, and then continued to argue: "But my honey is very sweet, and it is definitely the most delicious of all honeys. I don't believe you taste it."

Although he has never tasted other people's honey, it doesn't stop him from boasting confidently: "Come on, come on, you'll know after you try it."

The young salesman looked at the bamboo tube and hesitated: "How to make this?"

Father Song took out another bamboo tube and gave her a chopstick: "Use the chopsticks to dip it."


Although it was strange to bring chopsticks when going out, Father Song, who was selling things for the first time, used himself to judge others and felt that if he was buying something to eat, he would definitely want to taste it.

Anyway, you can taste the honey with just a little bit. He didn't feel bad about it. He couldn't bear to let the child catch the wolf, so before going out, he took out all the chopsticks in the house and washed them clean, just to let customers taste the taste and negotiate the price.

With chopsticks in hand, the young salesperson dipped some honey in and tasted it at Dad Song's urging.

She didn’t know whether it was because someone nearby was complimenting her like crazy, or because she hadn’t eaten honey for a long time, but she actually felt that the taste of this honey was better than what she had eaten before.

But when it comes to bargaining, if you are satisfied in your heart, you can't show it on your face.

So she put down her chopsticks and said she still insisted on the price of 171 pounds.

The two of them were in a stalemate for a while. Song Yao looked at them and saw that they were both reasonable. He couldn't help it anymore and said to Song's father: "Well, dad, just because my sister is my new friend." Come on, let’s make it cheaper for her.”

Dad Song:?

Didn't he just pick something for a while? In just a few moments, his son made friends with others?

Song Yao didn't care what he was thinking, and turned to the young salesperson and said:

"Sister, other honeys are sold for 20 cents per catty, but my father sells it for 18 cents, minus the packaging and brand.

But you are my friend, so be it, if you buy a pound, we will sell it to you for 17.7 cents. "

"If you buy more than five kilograms, we will sell it to you for 171 cents. In this way, if you buy five kilograms, it will be cheaper than one kilogram..."

Song Yao lowered his head and calculated. This number was easier to calculate. Although it took a little longer, he still calculated it: "Three points and five points!"

Even though this number is small, you can buy three eggs.

Father Song was originally not very satisfied with the price of 17 cents, but when he thought about it, if he sold it at 17 cents, he would be selling five kilograms in one go and making five kilograms of money, so he remained silent.

The young saleswoman did the math and felt that this was still a good deal. If she compared the price with other honeys, she bought five kilograms, but it was a full one and a half yuan cheaper.

Looking at it this way, I always feel that I have taken a big advantage.

Her salary is only 25 yuan a month, and the remaining money is enough to buy a lot of things.

Both parties felt that this method was feasible, so the final transaction price was 17 cents, and a total of five kilograms were sold. Both parties were very satisfied.

Dad Song immediately said: "It's a bit late today. I will deliver the honey to you tomorrow. If you want to use packaging, you can buy a bottle yourself, and I will put the honey in it and bring it to you."

The bottle was definitely needed, as it happened to be available in the supply and marketing cooperative. The young salesperson selected it and thought that the bottle could be used repeatedly after the honey was eaten, so he gritted his teeth and chose a glass bottle that seemed just right. He paid at the counter before handing it over. Dad Song.

Such a big bottle was not cheap, so she was particularly worried that the other party would break it, and gave many warnings:

"This is made of glass, so be careful when handling it. If it breaks, you have to pay for it."

"Don't worry, I won't need to deposit money. You are Yao'er's friend."

Song's father also put the bottle in the bamboo basket with the same care, making sure that it would not shake no matter how he moved, then put the bamboo basket on his back again, took out a pen and paper from his pocket and handed it to Song Yao.

"Yao'er, help dad write: five pounds of honey."

Song Yao immediately put the pen and paper on the counter, stepped on the stool familiar to him and started writing: "Dad, you have finished writing, do you want to write anything else?"

Father Song thought for a while: "Write the names of the supply and marketing cooperative and your friends on the back."

Song Yao obediently agreed and wrote the words "Supply and Marketing Cooperative" one stroke at a time. He raised his head naturally and asked the young salesperson: "Sister, what's your name?"

Dad Song on the side almost choked up: "Aren't you friends? Why don't you know your name?"

Seeing him surprised, the young saleswoman felt a little guilty. After all, Song Yao had just persuaded him to lower the price because she was his friend.

Song Yao didn't care: "There is no rule that friends must know each other's names. We have only known each other for a long time. It is normal not to know the names."

Dad Song: ...You also know that you haven’t known each other for a long time.

Song Yao didn't think there was anything wrong with having a good friend in twenty minutes, so he introduced himself first:

"Sister, my name is Song Yao. You can call me Yao'er. People in our village call me that. What's your name?"

The young salesman took a careful look at Father Song and saw that he had no intention of going back on the price. He breathed a sigh of relief and introduced himself:

"My name is Dong Shengsheng, you can call me Sister Shengsheng."

Song Yao nodded immediately and praised: "Okay, Sister Shengsheng, your name is really nice."

Being praised so seriously by such a good-looking and cute child, Dong Shengsheng smiled shyly: "Really? You are the first person to say that."

Song Yao said seriously: "But I will definitely not be the last one."

Dong Shengsheng smiled brightly after saying this. He subconsciously reached into his pocket and felt for candies to give to the other party. When he was empty, he remembered that the two candies she had brought today had already been given to Song Yao.

So she felt under the counter, took out an egg, stuffed it into Song Yao's hand, and said lovingly:

"Didn't your father say that you didn't eat all the way from the village? It's been such a long journey, and you are so young, so you must be tired and hungry."

"Here, I'll give you this egg."

Song Yao took it in surprise: "Thank you sister, sister, you are so attentive. I will help you settle the account next time."

Although the probability of making mistakes in his calculations was a bit high, Dong Shengsheng still welcomed him and immediately nodded in agreement: "Okay, okay, eat the eggs quickly, and I will pour you some hot water. Hey, you are still so young. My legs must be sore from walking all the way.”

Father Song on the side: "..."'

Damn it, except for walking down the mountain by himself, this brat walked the rest of the way on his back as a father.

But if someone is willing to care about his son, he is also happy to see his achievements.

Song Yao happened to be hungry, so he finished the boiled eggs in a few seconds, drank some hot water, looked down at his belly that was no longer hungry, and said to Dong Shengsheng:

"Sister Shengsheng, I will also treat you to something delicious next time."

He decided to go back and work hard to catch fish. He caught one and gave it to this beautiful sister.

Dong Shengsheng didn't take Song Yao's words seriously. After all, he was a child and his family was not rich, so he should just be talking.

She carefully wiped the corners of Song Yao's mouth: "No, just come and play with me more often."

Although she is already working, Dong Shengsheng is only eighteen years old this year. Today is her second day in this strange county. She is still very happy to be able to make friends (even though she is a bit young).

Song Yao promised: "I can do it. I will come and play with you when I have time."

The two Wangnian friends, who had an age gap of ten years and whose friendship had progressed so rapidly that even Song's father was dumbfounded, talked for a long time before Dong Shengsheng had to go to dinner to say goodbye because it was dinner time.

Father Song carried the bamboo basket on his back and held his son's hand out. When he stood on the street, he still sighed: "You can make friends so fast that you can almost catch up with me."

When Song Yao heard this, he immediately became excited: "Really! That's great!"

Father Song is famous for his ability to make friends.

Song's father has friends everywhere, as close as Dashu Village and Liuye Village, as far away as towns and counties. He is even friends with Song Yao's stepfather.

In this age where we rely on our brothers at home and our friends when we go out, the last thing Father Song is afraid of is going out.

Of course, this skill point is useless in the eyes of Grandpa Song and Grandma Song.

As a person who makes a living by farming, it is very deviant for Song's father not to like farming and prefer to be lazy.

Grandma Song kept talking about it, thinking that it was of no use that he was able to speak well and make friends day by day, because he didn't even have a daughter-in-law.

Song Yao's mother and he grew up together and had some friendship, so she was temporarily blinded.

Although I haven't been blind for too long.

As the person involved, Song's father was not affected at all. In fact, he always felt that his parents' constant worry that "they would starve to death in a hundred years" was totally unreasonable.

Although he doesn't like to work, it's not like he doesn't know how to do it. He is often lazy when farming, but isn't he catching fish, birds, and wild eggs to supplement the family's meals?

Father Song felt a little proud when he thought of the note in his pocket.

"One pound of honey is 17 cents. If you order five pounds, that's... let me do the math."

Song Yao still has some basic knowledge of multiplication, but Song's father is not good at it. He doesn't know much about multiplication at all, so his way of calculating this kind of problem is 17 cents plus 17 cents plus 17 cents.

One, five and seventy cents added together.

He could barely calculate when there were two or three, but he couldn't do it when there were more than three. He calculated as he walked, and after a long time he came to the conclusion: "Then we can make eight cents."

Song Yao was also calculating, and he calculated even slower than Song's father.

His main problem is that he is good at single multiplication, he can calculate multiplication by several times, but he is not good at multiplication by several times.

However, after twenty minutes of practice, the child gained experience and figured out a method of arithmetic on his own.

He first multiplied one by five, then multiplied five by 0.7, and then added the two numbers.

After calculating for a long time, I came to the conclusion: "Dad, it's not 80 cents, it's 85 cents."

Father Song waved his hand generously: "Whether it is 80 cents or 85 cents, this is a huge sum of money. When we go back later, your grandparents will definitely praise us."

Song Yao didn't quite understand how much 85 cents was, but because of the previous 20 minutes of experience, he automatically converted it into 85 eggs earned from selling honey this time, so the child, who was not so happy at first, became excited.

"Grandparents must be very happy!"

Dad Song nodded in agreement, thinking: "It seems that selling honey is really possible, but just poking the beehive is not enough. I will catch two bees when I go back to see if I can raise them well."

Song Yao always felt a little uncertain: "What if I can't raise them well?"

Dad Song: "It's okay, anything can be raised well, look at the pheasant at home, it can be raised well, it has wings, and bees must be able to do it too."

Anyway, this way of raising bees doesn't work, so he will change it, and he will always find the right way.

By the way, he also has a son who can read books. Father Song advised: "My son, next time you go to the county government to read books, see if there are any books on beekeeping. If there are books, we don't have to try one by one."

Song Yao thought of his current learning level of "0": "... I will work hard."

The father and son were very excited and chatty. They chatted all the way to the door of the house and said:

"We will definitely be praised when we go back this time, hahaha."

Dad Song was very proud: "Look how smart Dad is. Bringing chopsticks over is simply a trick. I said, how can you sell food without letting people taste it."

Song Yao also thought this method was super good and nodded repeatedly: "Dad, you are so smart."

"That's right, do ordinary people think of bringing chopsticks to sell food?"

The two of them talked and laughed and pushed open the door of the yard, enjoying what kind of praise and praise they would receive.

As soon as they entered the door, Grandpa Song and Grandma Song were eating. Seeing them coming back, Grandma Song raised her eyes:

"Oh, you're back? We waited for you for more than an hour and you didn't come back. As soon as we started eating, you came back."

Grandpa Song: "You're very fast."

This atmosphere is not right.

Dad Song and Song Yao were stunned for a moment, and then they thought of something at the same time, and their eyes slowly moved down and fell on Grandma Song's hands.

She was holding two branches that were obviously processed but still slightly twisted in shape.

There was a mouthful of rice in the front of the branch.

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