Whether it is framed or not, but it is not up to Long alone to decide, the police will investigate and collect evidence.

And who in a normal person will have tons of contraband to frame others?

This thing was sold, isn't it fragrant?

"Hang everyone in and take them away!"

Chen Hai waved his big hand, and Long Yi and his subordinates were all handcuffed with silver.

When he walked out of the hotel, Long Yi was dumbfounded.

The entire vicinity of the Tenjin Hotel was blocked!

It's less than an hour before the banquet, right?

Why are the police so fast?

Doesn't it mean that the police in Daxia are very slow to handle cases?

Seeing this scene, Long Yi was even more sure that Jiang Xingyu, the slut, framed himself.

In the entire Linjiang City, those who can take out tons of contraband, except for Jiang Xingyu and them, Long Yi can't think of a second person!

It can't be Qin Tianming's squirrel, right?

Qin Tianming had never met him, and he didn't know his true identity, how could he assassinate himself?

When the god shuai comes, be sure to tell the god shuai this news!

No, call the god now.

"I'm going to hire a lawyer, I'm going to call a lawyer!"

Ryuichi shouted at the two police officers beside him.

Unfortunately, no one took care of him and directly pulled him to the police car to send him away.

Qin Tianming, who was sitting in the banquet hall watching the play, got up, and his face blossomed.

[Jiang Xingyu's sudden departure just now will only make Long Yi more suspicious that she planned this matter! ] 【

Hehe, I was originally thinking about how to dump the pot! 】 As a result, when he fell asleep, someone sent a pillow.

"Feifei, you will ask later, why did that woman Jiang Xingyu suddenly leave."

Qin Tianming looked at Fan Feifei and asked.

Fan Feifei rolled her eyes a little helplessly.

Isn't it because of the words in your heart?

It must be that Jiang Xingyu thought that you arranged to deal with Iman and them, so she left the scene early and went to find Iman and them in person.

"Got it." Fan Feifei nodded.

Fan Feifei was very worried at this time.

Although Jiang Xingyu did not hear an important voice tonight, Jiang Xingyu would definitely contact Qin Tianming in every way after that.

This is a big hidden danger!

If Jiang Xingyu learned some very important news from Qin Tianming's heart one day, Fan Feifei and Zhao Ling, as well as Qin Tianming himself, were in danger of their lives!

Now, there are only two paths left for Fan Feifei.

One is to turn Jiang Xingyu into his own person.

The other is to kill her to avoid future problems.

But after tonight's incident, Jiang Xingyu will inevitably become even more cautious and careful than before.

As soon as Long Yi was arrested, the suspected possession of contraband in the Tianshen Hotel soon spread throughout Linjiang City!

Bactria is strictly forbidden to contraband!

The Tenjin Hotel hid a ton of goods, and this time Ryuichi was completely planted!

The crowd attending the hotel dinner was also driven away by the police, and the hotel was sealed on the spot.

At this time, Jiang Xingyu did not know about this, and she was rushing to the place where the three of Iman were ambushed.

The moon is dark and the wind is high on the night, when killing and setting fire!

Tonight's wind is very noisy!

The three of Iman were now looking at the road intently.

Suddenly, a car came speeding from far to near.

Iman eyes lit up: "Sisters, get ready to start!" There

were no street lights around, and there was so little moonlight that Iman and the others didn't see that the car was similar to the one they used to ride.


A gunshot rang out, and the bullet broke one of the car's tires.

"Damn it!"

Jiang Xingyu's heart sank to the bottom, is he late?

She hurriedly stepped on the brakes, and the car slid more than ten meters away before stopping.

After the car stopped, Jiang Xingyu did not dare to show her head at will, she didn't know how many people Qin Tianming had arranged here.

Each of the three Iman held a small pistol and slowly walked towards the car.

For Xuanjing martial artists, the pistol is also a very useful tool.

The premise is that both parties are in the Xuan Realm and can predict each other's position.

"Three of us front and back bags!"

Iman whispered to his two teammates.

The other two women nodded and walked slowly from the left and right sides.

"Stop hiding! Come out and die!

Iman shouted to Ryuichi in the car.

Jiang Xingyu, who was preparing to break the net, heard Iman and was shocked in his heart.


"Huh? Sister Bing? Iman was also stunned.

What's going on? Didn't it say that the person who came was Ryuichi?

When he saw Jiang Xingyu, who was a little embarrassed, Iman was completely stunned.

"Sister Bing, why are you? Didn't Ryuichi come over?

Jiang Xingyu felt his brain buzzing.

The three of them didn't see who was coming, so they started directly?

It's good that it's yourself, if it's an ordinary person, it's estimated that it's over a long time ago!

"Don't ask so much yet, get out of here quickly!"

Jiang Xingyu said with a flustered expression.

"Why? Could it be that Ryuichi learned of our plan? Iman looked puzzled.

It doesn't make sense!

Our plan is seamless!

"It's not Long Yi, it's Qin Tianming who knows our plan!"

Jiang Xingyu's face was gloomy: "We underestimate Qin Tianming!" "

Huh? What do you mean? Iman was completely stunned.

They arranged two undercover agents beside Qin Tianming!

With undercover agents, can they still lose?

"Go back and explain!"

Seeing Jiang Xingyu so serious, the three of Iman did not dare to stop more, and immediately abandoned the car and left.

The four of them walked for half an hour before returning to the house they had bought.

"Sister Bing, what happened?"

Jiang Xingyu drank his saliva and calmed his mood.

"What I'm going to say next is all true!"

"What's the matter, you say it first."

The three of Iman concentrated.

"I can hear Qin Tianming's heart!"

The three of Iman were first stunned, and then leaned back tactically.

"When I attended the dinner tonight, I met Qin Tianming!"

"He behaved as the intelligence said, arrogant, perverse, and liked to feel sought after."

"However, all this is all deliberately pretended by him to confuse us!"

"He actually knows my identity, knows where we come from, and knows the true identities of Hua Wu and Jasmine!"

Iman leaned back tactically again.

"Sister Bing, all these things you said were obtained by listening to your heart?"

"Of course, could it be that Qin Tianming told me personally?" Jiang Xingyu didn't have a good airway.

"Does that flower dance know about this?"

"She doesn't know yet, I'm ready to inform her and let her leave Qin Tianming."

"Sister Bing, is there a possibility that this voice you said is all your imagination?" Iman said cautiously.

"Impossible! When pigs fly!

Jiang Xingyu instantly vetoed.

"I'm not stupid enough to be that much, what I imagine and what I really hear, those are two different things!"

Iman and his teammates looked at each other, then asked.

"Sister Bing, if what you said is true, then why did Qin Tianming keep the Flower Dance with him?"

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