The change of ownership of the Fengqing Hotel has not yet been known to outsiders.

On the day of the banquet of the Tenjin Group, the three forces were busy.

Ryuichi had people take care of the hotel and did not allow any accidents.

Jiang Xingyu took the three of Iman and arranged the three of them on the way to Long Yi's return.

"Yiman, whether you can let the Heavenly God Temple and Qin Tianming fight them, you are the key!"

"Sister Bing, don't worry! The three of us will definitely win Ryuichi!

Iman assured, patting his chest.

The three Iman are all the strength of the Xuan Realm middle grade, while Long Yi only has the upper grade of the Xuan Realm.

For Xuan Realm martial artists, the difference in one product, the strength will not be too bad.

And Iman and their side are three people, and they still have a sneak attack.

If this doesn't take Ryuichi anymore, they can just quit their jobs and go to the massage shop to become technicians!

When the Fengqing Hotel was under construction, there was a secret passage.

This passage was told to Qin Tianming by Gu Lotian yesterday.

Ryuichi didn't know anything about the secret passage.

Fan Feifei led people through secret passages to scatter the contraband given by Fu Mengru into various locations in the hotel.

After doing all this, wait for the evening to come.

Summer is coming to an end and the sun sets much earlier than before.

When the moonlight covers the earth, colorful neon lights are lit up.

Qin Tianming took his iconic Rolls-Royce to the Fengqing Hotel.

Tonight, Qin Tianming only brought Fan Feifei alone.

"Feifei, when you see Jiang Xingyu in a while, you can point me out." Qin Tianming said in a low voice.

"Okay, but Tianming, Jiang Xingyu won't betray Ye Fan so easily."

Fan Feifei reminded.

"What am I digging her for? I just wanted to meet this woman, and when I met her later, I took a detour. Qin Tianming explained.

Qin Tianming only knew the names of these heroines and had not seen them.

If you don't happen to happen one day, you have to hurry up and yo-yo.

[Jiang Xingyu, this woman is very difficult. 】

【In the original work, in order to complete the task explained by Ye Fan, she can be said to be unscrupulous. 【

Do everything except your own body.】 [

Now that Ye Fan doesn't show his head, if that woman decides that I am too much of a threat to Ye Fan, maybe one day she will secretly attack my old comrade! ]

These words reminded Fan Feifei.

Jiang Xingyu is a little different from them, this woman not only has superior wisdom, but also has very ruthless means.

"Don't worry, Tianming, I will protect you." Fan Feifei said seriously.

"You just protect yourself, I won't show my head, we'll stand in the distance for a while, you just need to help me point out which one is her."

[The main task now is to get Ye Fan's bastard to show his head. ] [

If he doesn't show his head for a day, I will survive for a day.] It's

a pity that the experience card in the system store is too expensive, otherwise I will change my thousand-year skills and serve Xiao Chen's Heavenly God Temple first.

Qin Tianming wanted to enter low-key, but it was a pity that his identity and reputation were too loud.

As soon as I walked into the banquet, people immediately surrounded me.

"Qin Dashao, long time no see! You are getting more and more handsome!

"Qin Shao, when do you have time to go for a drink and massage together!"

"Qin Shao, is this your new secretary? Your vision is also too good! "

[Stop hooking around me!] I just just want to be quiet! 【If

you knew it, you should have brought a hood.】 The

movement was too big, and many people's eyes were attracted to the past.

Among them are Jiang Xingyu and Long Yi.

The two saw Qin Tianming, who was surrounded by all the stars and moons, and their eyes condensed slightly.

Both of them had seen Qin Tianming's photos, and naturally knew Qin Tianming.

"The god marshal said that this person's strength is equal to him, and he can't be an enemy for the time being!"

"For such a squidge, you must first curry favor, and then use him as a gun!"

Ryuichi already had a plan in mind.

Don't you like beauty? I'll introduce that woman Jiang Xingyu to you in a moment!

Seeing that kind of big beauty, will this kind of quilt not be moved?

"After Long Yi dies tonight, Xiao Chen will definitely put all his attention on Qin Tianming!"

"As long as Hua Wu takes advantage of the situation to burn the fire even stronger, are you worried that Xiao Chen will not fight with Qin Tianming?"

Jiang Xingyu's eyes flickered, and there was a cold smile on the corner of his mouth.

So, the two got up from their positions at the same time and walked towards Qin Tianming.

Long Yi's speed was much faster than Jiang Xingyu.

"Qin Dashao, you can come to hold the field of our Heavenly God Group, it really makes our group shine!"

Long Yi had a sycophantic smile on his face, constantly fawning over Qin Tianming.

When the onlookers heard Ryuichi's words, their hearts were shocked.

This ugly... The man with his ugly appearance turned out to be the boss of the Tenjin Group!

Some young and beautiful women were suddenly disappointed, they thought that such a rich person should be a handsome rich second generation.

It's okay to be ugly, otherwise you will feel guilty about this money.

Qin Tianming looked at Long Yi.

[This guy is Ryuichi?] It's ugly enough. 】

[I originally thought that Li Yanbo was ugly enough, but I didn't expect that you could still be better than the blue.

"You're welcome, I'm just here to hang around, don't care about me." Qin Tianming waved his hand.

"How can that work! You are the most distinguished guest of tonight's banquet!

"Even if I, Ryuichi, snub others, I can't snub you!"

Long Yi said with a smile.

Long Yi knew very well that big people like Qin Tianming were moody, a little different from ordinary people's hobbies.

For example, their god Xiao Chen likes to be bullied in his husband's house.

Qin Tianming's kind of sophistication definitely likes the feeling of being flattered.

[Don't babble! Would it be okay to leave me alone? [

I don't want to meet that woman Jiang Xingyu.

Fan Feifei said: "Mr. Long, we Qin Shao are not feeling well today and want to sit alone for a while.

Long Yi froze slightly, and said immediately.

"Since Qin Shao is not feeling well, then I won't bother, you find a place to rest for a while."

Seeing that the dragon left, the others also dispersed very sensibly.

"Quick, find a place to get the cat up." Qin Tianming said.

Just as the two were about to find a place to sit, a woman blocked the way.

Seeing the person coming, Qin Tianming's eyelids jumped.

[I wipe, this woman won't be Jiang Xingyu, right? ] A

trace of doubt flashed under Jiang Xingyu's eyes.

Who is lying?

"Hello Qin Dashao, I am the boss of Long Fei Phoenix Dance Entertainment Company, Jiang Xingyu."

Jiang Xingyu stretched out his hand.

Qin Tianming also immediately reached out and shook Jiang Xingyu.


[Finally met! ] [

But your real person is much better than what is described in the novel.] 】

【This figure is also a top and one is a stick! 】 Fan

Feifei really wanted to remind Qin Tianming and let him say two words less in his heart.

Because she was afraid that Jiang Xingyu could also hear Qin Tianming's heart.

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