The Sword Security Company that Ye Fan founded is gone, but the Dragon Flying Phoenix Dance Entertainment Company is still there.

It's just that the person in charge of this company was gazed by Xiao Chen.

The only war wolf who is still alive is also imprisoned.

But just this morning, on a flight from overseas, six men and women with extraordinary temperaments appeared.

These six people were Ye Fan's remaining twelve generals.

After the overseas business was over, they came together today.

From the strength of the two wolves before, it can be seen that Ye Fan's twelve cadres are still very powerful.

If you follow the normal plot of the novel, each of them can walk sideways in Linjiang City!

"I can't contact the Dragon Lord, and there is no news of the ancients."

After getting off the plane, a tall woman wearing sunglasses said coldly.

The woman is codenamed Ice Woman, and as her name suggests, her temperament is very cold.

Her real name is Jiang Xingyu, her identity is different from the other eleven people, she is a member of the Jiang family in the capital.

However, when the Jiang family was in chaos, she was taken overseas.

After Jiang Xingyu made a name for herself overseas, Ye Fan included her in Long Xuan.

When Ye Fan was away, Jiang Xingyu was the leader of the twelve generals.

"Jasmine and Hua Wu, the two of them are still in Linjiang City."

"Contact them first and ask what happened during this time."

Jiang Xingyu said coldly.

"I've contacted Hua Wu and she said she's free in the afternoon."

"Let's find a place to stay first."

The person who spoke was also a beautiful woman, who looked like a doll, but with a horse in front of him.

This doll-like beauty is codenamed Balala, and as for the original name, it is not in the novel.

Although Balala is also Ye Fan's harem, her figure is slightly mutilated compared to other heroines.

So in the original book, she appeared only a handful of times.

Even the Spring Festival night is a brush stroke.

But here, she has her own name, Iman and is a half-breed.

This is also one of the reasons why she looks cute.

"Daxia (for some reason, now Huaxia is unified to Daxia) has recently cracked down, and we all have a little peace."

Jiang Xingyu instructed everyone.


Of Long Xuan's twelve cadre generals, ten of them came out of the Great Xia Dynasty.

Although they do not live in Daxia, they pay special attention to Daxia.

Daxia is not like overseas, and the inspection in all aspects is particularly strict, and everyone dares not be careless.


Corporate office.

Fan Feifei was reporting to Qin Tianming.

"The ice girl, the six of them have all come to Linjiang City."

"They'll meet me and Jasmine in the afternoon."

Qin Tianming raised his eyebrows: "Good guy, they are actually here!" "

[I thought these people would be like Huluwa saving grandfather, sending them one by one!]

"It's a bit difficult for six people to come together."

"You stabilize them first, I'm asking people to inquire about Xiao Chen's news."

Qin Tianming said.

Qin Tianming's idea was to let the ice girl and the six of them fight with Xiao Chen first.

Although the ice girl is not Xiao Chen's opponent, it can at least slow down the speed of their development!

When all these thighs around him enter the realm of upper grade, who is Lao Tzu afraid of?

"Tianming, I think I can throw the death of Ye Fan and Gu Chuanfeng on Xiao Chen's head."

Fan Feifei deftly massaged Qin Tianming's shoulders with both hands and made his own proposal.

"Well, you can."

Suddenly, Qin Tianming's eyes widened: "What did you say?" Ye Fan is dead? "

Lying groove, didn't the system say that Ye Fan was not dead?

Fan Feifei also realized that he had said the wrong thing.

Although Qin Ruoyun's people did not find Ye Fan's body, they found his clothes.

Under the indiscriminate bombardment of more than a dozen missiles, no one will survive!

Ye Fan's death, that's a matter of ironclad!

"No, I mean, create a false impression of Ye Fan's death for them!"

"Let them think that Ye Fan is no longer there, and they will also spread their anger at Xiao Chen."

Fan Feifei quickly changed his words to explain.

"This idea you said is very good!" Qin Tianming nodded.

"It's just that what if Ye Fan suddenly contacts them?"

"I'm afraid they think that you betrayed Ye Fan and will attack you when the time comes."

[How can I say that you are also my woman, I can't let you take risks! ] Fan

Feifei's heart warmed.

"Don't worry, they won't guess that I have betrayed Ye Fan."

"I have had friendships with them that transcend life and death." Fan Feifei comforted.

"Okay, be careful, and if anything goes wrong, you can notify me immediately." Qin Tianming said.

"Well, I will!"

When time is fishing, it always passes quickly.

In the blink of an eye, it was afternoon.

Fan Feifei and Zhao Ling's second daughter did not change their clothes and rushed towards the agreed hotel.

When the two arrived, the six ice women had been waiting for a long time.

"Flower dance, Jasmine, long time no see!"

Seeing his comrades who had not been seen for a long time, Jiang Xingyu and others greeted the two one after another.

After a few simple pleasantries, Jiang Xingyu took the lead in speaking.

"Hua Wu, tell me about what happened during this time, as well as the movements of the Dragon Lord."

"Okay, but what I'm going to say next, you have to be mentally prepared."

Fan Feifei said with a deep face.


Except for Jasmine, a flash of surprise flashed in the eyes of the others.

Be mentally prepared? Could it be that the Dragon Lord is gone?

It can't be! I was chatting in the group the other day.

"The Dragon Lord and the Ancients may no longer be there."

When Fan Feifei said this, her eyes were full of sadness, and her eyes were a little red.

Everyone else was stunned.

They didn't expect that Ye Fan would really die!

Who is Ye Fan, but the Lord of their Dragon Extinction, the existence of very bullish strength!

And ancient, it is a master of the realm, and he can walk sideways in the Great Xia Dynasty!

How could such a powerful person overturn here in Daxia?

"Impossible, how could the Dragon Lord die!"

A somewhat ugly-looking man slapped the table and stood up and shouted.

"I'm just talking about maybe." Fan Feifei whispered.

"Don't make a noise yet, let the flower dance continue!" The ice woman frowned.

"You all know the Celestial Temple in Africa, right?" Fan Feifei asked.

"You know, could it be the hand of the Heavenly God Temple?"

Everyone was shocked.

The reputation of the Heavenly God Temple was even louder than their dragon extinction.

Especially that hall master, he was even known as the God of War in Southern Xinjiang and the existence of the peak of the Earth Realm!

If it was the hall master of the Heavenly God Temple who made a move, Ye Fan and Gu Chuan Feng really had the possibility of dying.

But between their dragon extinction and the Heavenly God Temple, there has always been well water, and it does not violate the river water.

The Lord of the Heavenly God Temple, why would he be so angry with Ye Fan and Gu Chuan Feng?

"The ancient death was indeed the work of the Lord of the Heavenly God Temple."

Fan Feifei continued: "Some time ago, the Jinling martial arts family held a martial arts conference.

"Originally, everything was under the control of the ancient, but Xiao Chen suddenly appeared."

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