"What secrets do you have in Dragon Quen?"

Xiao Chen's eyes condensed slightly, and he looked at Gu Chuan Feng suspiciously.

He Xiao Chen has been overseas in Africa for many years, and he has also heard of the organization Long Xuan.

Although it cannot be compared with the Heavenly God Temple he operates, it is also a not small organization.

If it is true that as Furukawa Feng said, Long Xuan has a secret, Xiao Chen will not let Furukawa Feng go.

Today, Furukawa will surely die!

"Yes, a big secret, only I know it, even Ye Fan doesn't know!"

Furukawa nodded repeatedly.

Mentioning Ye Fan, he was also afraid that Xiao Chen would kill him and go to Ye Fan to ask for a secret.

"What's the secret?"

"You let me go, I'll tell you the secret when I leave!"

"Impossible! Are you a fool when I Xiao Chen is a fool?

Xiao Chen snorted coldly.

"Now you only have two choices, one is to be slapped to death by me."

"Another option is to tell me the secret and I will spare you a dog's life!"

Furukawa's face changed back and forth.

Playing Yin with Xiao Chen has no chance of winning, but will annoy Xiao Chen.

But if he told Xiao Chen like that, he was afraid that he would be killed by Xiao Chen's backhand!

"Xiao Chen, I want you to swear to the sky!"


"I, Xiao Chen, swear to the sky, if Furukawa Feng tells me the secret, I will kill him, and my parents will not die well!"

After Xiao Chen finished his vows, he looked at Furukawa Feng and said, "I can say it now." "

I swore by my parents, it should be fine."

Furukawa Feng waved his hand at Xiao Chen, you come closer.

"You'd better not play tricks, or I'll make you live better than die!" Xiao Chen's eyes were cold.

"How dare I play tricks!" Furukawa Kaze looked bitter.

He is now seriously injured, and the is beaten out.

Even in his heyday, Furukawa Feng did not dare to overshadow Xiao Chen.

Xiao Chen squatted down, forcibly endured the stench, and listened to the secret that Furukawa Feng said.

"Is this secret really only known to the two of us?"

Xiao Chen's eyes were full of excitement.

"Yes, it's just the two of us, even if it's my apprentice, it's not clear!"

Furukawa Feng said with an affirmative look.

"Okay, then you can... Rest in peace!

Xiao Chen sneered.

"You... You just swore by your own parents! Gu

Chuan Feng's face changed drastically, and he looked at Xiao Chen with an angry expression.

"My parents are long dead!" Xiao Chen sneered.

Overseas powerhouses like them, even if they are twenty people, can't make up a pair of living parents.

Seeing that Xiao Chen's killing intent was decided in his heart, Furukawa Feng decided to fight to the death.

"Even if the old man dies, he will not make you feel better!"

"Don't measure yourself!"

Xiao Chen sneered, not caring about Guchuan Feng's words at all.

The name of the God of War in Southern Xinjiang is not for nothing!

Xiao Chen spends almost every day in the midst of fighting!

Make great achievements!

This is the Southern Xinjiang God of War!

How can a self-proclaimed title like Furukawa Feng be compared with him?

Seeing Gu Chuan Feng slap with all his strength, Xiao Chen was full of disdain.


The two fists collided, Furukawa Feng's eyes widened, and then his pupils slowly dissipated, and there was no life!

Xiao Chen frowned slightly, and glanced at his fist.

There was a row of silver needles stuck on it, and the silver needles pierced into the skin, and the surrounding blood turned black!

"This bastard dares to poison!"

Xiao Chen kicked Gu Chuanfeng's corpse again, and then quickly used his true qi to force out the toxins in his body.

As a result, as soon as the True Qi ran, these venoms instantly spread in the blood.

"Old immortal fellow!"

A wisp of black blood spilled from the corner of Xiao Chen's mouth, this toxicity is too strong, even if it is him, it is a little difficult to resist, you must use medicinal herbs!

However, this trip is not completely fruitless, at least the secret of Long Xuan has been obtained!


Wang Miao's grandfather and grandson have not yet left, and Lin Heyu's illness has not been cured.

With the experience of detoxifying Old Master Lu last time, the speed of Wang Miao's detoxification this time has become faster.

A cup of tea will let the worms in the bodies of these warriors in Jinling die.

[This place is not a place to live for a long time, I want to hurry back to Linjiang City.

"Patriarch Lin, there are still some things that I need to deal with in Linjiang City, so I will leave first."

Qin Tianming said to Lin Heyu.

Seeing that Qin Tianming was leaving, Lin Heyu was a little reluctant.

After all, a young man as genius as Qin Tianming, he is rare and tight!

"Okay, then I won't keep Qin Shao!"

"If Qin Shao needs help in the future, just say hello!"

"Although my Lin family is weak, they will also do their best for Qin Shao!"

Lin Heyu's words were from the heart.

He is Geng Zhi, and whoever treats him well, he will double his return.

In the afternoon, Qin Tianming took Xia Qing's daughters and got on the plane back to Linjiang City.

[I remember that Xiao Chen's wife was in Wancheng, next door to Linjiang City. 【

Wancheng This place is a forbidden area, I won't go to kill me.】 】

【Furukawa Feng was taken away by Xiao Chen, I guess he didn't have a living head. 】

【Next, Xiao Chen should throw the death of Furukawa Feng on my head, right? [

I really hope that he can throw the pot, so that Ye Fan will come to me.]

The women were silent on the plane, secretly listening to Qin Tianming's heart.

They originally thought that Furukawa Feng was the final boss, but they didn't expect that a strange southern Xinjiang war god appeared!

The most important thing is that the strength of this product is too strong!

Even Xia Qing was not sure of fighting with the other party!

Now, improving your strength is the key!

This point was thought of together with Qin Tianming.

Qin Tianming did not want to improve his strength, but wanted to improve the strength of these heroines.

After all, he was still waiting for Ye Fan to kill himself.

When the time comes to fight, Qin Tianming only needs to sit back and wave his hand.

Looking at Xia Qing, they and Xiao Chen's subordinates collided head-to-head!

Therefore, Black Rock Dan this thing is a very important thing!

Xia Qing ate one, and broke through from the middle grade of the realm to the top grade!

Two more, and this woman of your own will be invincible!

At least in the medium term, he would not be afraid to see Xiao Chen.

However, in the later stage, it was a situation where the heavens were everywhere, and the realms were not as good as dogs.

Because at that time there will be truth cultivators.

Originally, Qin Tianming did not take the plot of the middle and late stages seriously.

After all, in his opinion, if he dies casually, Ye Fan will kill himself.

As a result, the villain himself lived for more than four months!

The plot was also advanced and released Xiao Chen, the mad dog!

After today's battle, the problem should not be very big.

Xiao Chen should be the same as before, first let his eight major battles appear.

When his battle is about to die, he will leave his wife.

Thanks to Xiao Chen's wife, Ye Fan was able to survive to kill Xiao Chen's eight subordinates.

Otherwise, after Xiao Chen appeared, Ye Fan would definitely not survive two chapters!

Now, because Ye Fan is not in the service area, he can only rely on the lucky wheel to go down!

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