Qin Tianming was so confident because he drew the three-minute experience card of the Heavenly Realm through the Lucky Wheel!

Three minutes, long or short, may be a time that can never be reached for some people.

And in addition, Qin Tianming also smoked a lot of good things.

For example, Jianyuan Dan, this thing can treat dark injuries in the body, and one can be effective!

As for the new skills, Qin Tianming also drew one.

[Clever Murfitt].

This is an active skill, after opening, the IQ will plummet, and the defense will grow in a straight line with its current strength.

With this skill, coupled with the experience card of the upper heaven realm, Furukawa Wind is a hook eight!

After Qin Tianming drew this skill at that time, he deliberately experimented with it, mainly to see how far his IQ could be reduced.

It turned out that the speed of this IQ reduction was actually quite slow, half an hour, just reducing his IQ to the brain of a 10-year-old child.

However, this skill only lowers IQ, not EQ.

In the afternoon, Qin Tianming flew to Jinling.

Wang Miao personally drove the Lin family's car to pick up Qin Tianming.

After getting into the car, the two lingered for a while before driving towards the Lin family.

"Tianming, Lin Heyu's body has dark injuries, do you have a way?"

Wang Miao's cherry mouth opened slightly, and her breathing was slightly rapid.

"If you can find a martial artist of the highest grade in the realm, it is very simple to treat his dark injuries."

[In the original book, Ye Fan used his medical skills and cooperated with a master he invited to heal Lin Heyu's dark injuries. ] [

Now, Miao Miao only has medical skills, no masters, and if she wants to cure Lin and Yu, it seems that she can only use my Jianyuan Dan. 【

Alas, originally I wanted to keep this thing and use it after I was injured!】 [

But you can't let your woman lose face in front of others.

Wang Miao was moved in her heart.

Although she didn't know what Jianyuan Dan was, she could treat Lin Heyu's internal injuries, and she thought it was also a very powerful elixir.

"But fortunately, I obtained a pill a few days ago, and with your medical skills, I can heal the dark wounds in Lin Heyu's body within seven days." Qin Tianming said with a smile.

"Tianming, thank you."

"Tell me what to say thank you." Qin Tianming patted the fleshy thigh.

【It's so comfortable! 】 】

【Forgot to bring some strange clothes, or after the treatment will be treated, take Miao Miao out to buy some?】

Wang Miaoqiao's face was slightly red, and she didn't care about the hand that was making a fuss on her thigh.

"My grandfather is also here, I'm afraid he won't have a chance at night." Wang Miao whispered.

"This way." Qin Tianming was a little disappointed.

"Tianming, when I go back, I will compensate you well."

"Then it's settled!"

When Qin Tianming and Wang Miao came to the door of the Lin family, Lin Xuerong had been waiting for a long time.

"Qin Shao, meet again, this time I will trouble you." Lin Xuerong smiled.

"You're welcome, last time in Linjiang City, I also want to thank your Lin family for help." Qin Tianming also said with a smile.

[It's a pity that I didn't kill Furukawa Feng, that old immortal guy. ] 】

【It's been several days, I haven't heard from that guy, shouldn't it be an ostrich and hide it?】

"Qin Shao, please inside." Lin Xuerong led the way in front.

The martial artist of the Lin family is practicing martial arts.

Just now, they noticed Lin Xuerong standing at the door, as if waiting for someone.

Now after seeing Qin Tianming, a handsome man, many people are full of vinegar in their hearts.

Who is this guy? Unexpectedly, her own eldest lady personally stood at the door and waited!

Everyone whispered to each other.

"Who is this kid? How not to see him.

"I seem to recognize him, he is the most famous licking dog in Linjiang City."

"Huh? That guy from the Qin family?

"What did he come to our Lin family for? It won't be to want to harm our eldest lady, right?

"Do you think he deserves it?" Our eldest lady only likes the strong!

"Even if he licks for a thousand years, Miss, he won't look up at him!"

And then.

The Lin family warrior saw Lin Xuerong showing a sweet smile towards Qin Tianming, not knowing what to say to Qin Tianming.

In an instant, everyone's faces turned pig liver color.

Qin Tianming didn't pay attention to these people, after all, they were all a group of nameless soy sauce.

Following Lin Xuerong, he came all the way to the living room of the Lin family.

At this time, there were only two people in the living room, Wang Miao and Lin Heyu.

Seeing Qin Tianming coming over, Lin and Yu got up to greet each other and greeted each other with a smile.

"Qin Dashao, welcome to our Lin family as a guest."

Although Qin Tianming's reputation is not very good, he is the eldest young master of the Qin family after all.

And this time Lin Heyu still begged Qin Tianming, naturally he couldn't put up a shelf.

Qin Tianming said with a smile: "Uncle Lin is polite. Seeing

Qin Tianming so polite, Lin Heyu was a little surprised.

Doesn't it mean that this Qin Da Shao has always been in sight?

[Except for Miao Miao, there are no acquaintances here, so there is no need to act anymore. ] 【Anyway

, after saving you, I won't come to Jinling.】 【

My image of a gentleman will not be spread to Linjiang City.

Lin Xuerong looked at Qin Tianming's smiling face, her eyelids slightly raised.

It turns out that his tricks are really played!

"Inviting Qin Shao over this time is also something to ask for." Lin Heyu said.

"I know, Wang Miao has already told me." Qin Tianming nodded.

"I wonder if Qin Shao has a way to treat my dark injury?"

Lin Heyu asked with some apprehension.

"Of course there is, otherwise I wouldn't have come over."

Qin Tianming said with a smile.

After Lin Heyu heard this, his eyes lit up.

"Qin Shao, this life-saving grace my Lin and Yu will never dare to forget!"

"If there is a place where our Lin family is needed in the future, just open your mouth!"

Qin Tianming nodded and said, "Of course. "

[I definitely can't let you take advantage of me for nothing!] 】

【When that old guy from Furukawa comes out again, you have to help personally!】 Lin

Heyu's strength, Qin Tianming still understands.

When Ye Fan did not break through the realm, his strength was second to none in Jinling.

Because Xia Qing didn't do much in the original novel, he vaguely let Lin and Yu have the power of the first person in martial arts.

In the novel, Lin and Yu helped Ye Fan a lot.

Qin Tianming knew all these contents.

"Let's start healing now." Qin Tianming said.

"Good, there is less Lao Qin!" Lin Heyu said excitedly.

"It's still up to Elder Wang to cure the disease, after all, he is the first divine doctor, I can provide a Jianyuan Pill."

While talking, don't forget to pat the horse's butt.

Although Wang Yu doesn't care about these false names, it's quite comfortable to be bragged about!

But soon, Wang Yu turned his attention to the Jianyuan Pill that Qin Tianming took out.

"This Jianyuan Dan, Qin Shao, where did you get it?"

Wang asked excitedly.

"Mountain people have their own tricks." Qin Tianming smiled.

What the system gave me, of course I can't tell you!

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