Coming to the living room of the Han family, Qin Ruoyun was invited by Han Zhenhai to the upper seat and sat down by himself.

Seeing that Han Zhenhai seemed to have forgotten his existence, Ye Fan coughed hard.

Qin Ruoyun's brows furrowed slightly.

Seeing this, Han Zhenhai immediately remembered Ye Fan beside him, and immediately introduced to Qin Ruoyun: "Miss Qin, this is Mr. Ye."

"A few days ago, fortunately, Mr. Ye was there, otherwise the old man would have gone down to the Yellow Spring a long time ago!"

Seeing Qin Ruoyun looking at him, Ye Fan immediately crooked the corners of his mouth.

Qin Ruoyun had only heard Ye Fan's crooked mouth in Qin Tianming's heart before, which was very outrageous.

Now that I see this, how outrageous this is! It is clearly the oil of the world!

I almost didn't spit out my morning breakfast!

"Oh." Qin Ruoyun replied coldly.

Seeing that Qin Ruoyun was not captured by his own smile, Ye Fan was stunned for a moment.

What's the situation? Isn't your own smile charming?

Han Yumo of the Han family saw my smile, and his eyes were straight to Venus!

"Miss Qin, don't look at Mr. Ye's youth, his medical skills are several times more powerful than the doctors I have seen!" Han Zhenhai continued to praise Ye Fan.

Ye Fan waved his hand and said with a modest smile: "Elder Han said and smiled, my medical skills are actually quite average.

"However, I will cure most diseases!"

"If Miss Qin doesn't mind, I can give you a pulse."

Hearing Ye Fan say that he wanted to take his pulse, Qin Ruoyun's eyes were full of disgust.

"No need, our Qin family has a doctor."

Ye Fan froze slightly and did not speak again.

What's going on, I always felt that this woman was hostile to me.

Could it be that Qin Tianming told the Qin family about me and him?

It shouldn't be possible!

If Qin Tianming had told the Qin family, the Qin family would have sent someone over long ago.

Han Zhenhai saw that Qin Ruoyun was unwilling to take care of Ye Fan, so he could only chat with Qin Ruoyun by himself.

More than ten minutes later, a beautiful woman wearing a silver-white women's professional suit walked in.

This beauty is Han Zhenhai's granddaughter, Han Yumo.

"I'm sorry to make Miss Qin wait for a long time." Han Yumo said apologetically.

"It's okay." Qin Ruoyun smiled slightly.

"Elder Han, I have something to talk about with Miss Yumo." Qin Ruoyun looked at Han Zhenhai.

"You guys talk, the old man will leave first." Han Zhenhai smiled.

Ye Fan saw that Han Yumo had no intention of letting himself stay, so he could only leave angrily.

Qin Ruoyun and Han Yumo talked for a full twenty minutes, and as for what the second daughter said, Ye Fan didn't know.

After Qin Ruoyun left, Ye Fan went to ask Han Yumo, and Han Yumo just shook his head with a smile and didn't say anything, which made Ye Fan a little upset.

The most unacceptable thing for him is to have something that he does not know and cannot control.


The three brothers, who were receiving formal services at a massage parlor, were caught by the police.

When they were arrested, the three were still confused.

How to do a regular massage and still get caught?

Is it not legal anymore?

"Comrade police, we haven't done anything! What are we arresting for? The boss lion man said unconvinced.

"Remember what you did in the park last night?" The policeman said coldly.

What happened last night?

The cold sweat on the lion man's forehead instantly fell.

"Mr. Police, we didn't go to any parks last night!" The lion man quickly defended.

"The surveillance has captured everything, so don't quibble!"

Monitor? After hearing these two words, the lion man was instantly dumbfounded.

He never imagined that there was such a thing as monitoring!

In the face of a mountain of ironclad evidence, the three brothers could not quibble.

However, the police could not contact Furukawa Feng, so they applied to the bureau to inquire about Furukawa Feng.

After Feng Wanting, who was on duty, received the application, she was originally sleepy, and she instantly woke up.

Furukawa Feng, this guy dared to call the police!

In order to confirm that it was the same person, Feng Wanting deliberately ran to the police station below to take a look at the monitoring.

According to the monitoring and the description of the three brothers, Feng Wanting confirmed that this Ancient Chuan Wind was the Ancient Chuan Wind they were looking for.

After Qin Tianming received the news from Feng Wanting, he was also taken aback.

[Obediently, this guy even dared to call the police. ] 】

【The most dangerous place is the safest place, and he really understood it! 】 【

Since he will still come to the police station, let's catch turtles in an urn!】

"Okay, I know, notify Xia Qing now!"

Killing Guchuan Feng, Qin Tianming couldn't ask for it.

Last night, Gu Chuan Feng was let go, but Qin Tianming didn't fall asleep until midnight, not because Xia Qing slept in the same bed with him.

"Tianming, you wait for my news first, we can't contact Furukawa Feng now, when he comes to the police station, I will let people drag him and call you when the time comes."

"Okay, you're in trouble, Wanting!" Qin Tianming said gratefully.

[These heroines still have some use, not just to make trouble. ]

Soon, it was getting dark.

After waiting for a day, Furukawa did not return to the police station where the case was reported.

"Did this guy get any rumors?" Qin Tianming's brows frowned slightly.

"Feifei, Ling'er, can you two contact Guchuan Feng?" Qin Tianming looked at the two secretaries.

The second daughter shook her head: "He has not replied to the message."

"Strange, did he really detect something?"

At this time, Furukawa Feng secretly ran to a villa where no one was there to recuperate.

He had deep doubts about the efficiency of the police, so he planned to wait a few days before going.

Anyway, there is food and drink in the villa, and you can't die without money for the time being.

As for the mobile phone, without his fingerprint, it is impossible to unlock the combination lock.

For several days, there was no news of Guchuan Feng, which made Qin Tianming a little uncomfortable.

They are in the light, and Furukawa is in the dark, and no one knows when this mad dog will suddenly appear and bite.

On the third day, Qin Tianming received a call from Feng Wanting.

"Tianming, Furukawa Wind has appeared, in the police station in the southern district!"

"Okay, I'll notify someone to rush over immediately!" Qin Tianming's spirit was shocked.

Xia Qing and Fu Mengru all rushed over this time, and just in case, Qin Tianming also asked Zhao Ling and Fan Feifei to go and hide together.

When the wind is about to die, there is a high probability that he will call the second daughter.

At that time, the second daughter will appear and take the opportunity to give Furukawa Feng another fatal blow!

This time, Qin Tianming didn't believe that Gu Chuan Feng could escape again!

When Furukawa came to the police station, he was once again taken to the interrogation room for investigation by taking notes.

In fact, he originally did not need to be investigated, but this was Feng Wanting's plan to drag him down.

"Comrade, it was my stuff that was stolen! Why are you still investigating me! Furukawa's brows furrowed.

"Because you're a little suspicious, can you look at your ID?" A police officer asked.

"The ID card was stolen." Furukawa said.

"But the ID card we searched out was inquired and was fake!"

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