[I guess your purpose in coming to Jiang City is not simple. 【

But who invited you?】 [

It can't be that old man Furukawa Wind, right?] 】

【Could it be that Ye Fan has already run to Jinling, and the Lin family has been taken down by her?】 】

【All this today is the bureau set up by Ye Fan? Seeing

that Qin Tianming's brain supplement was getting more and more outrageous, Lin Xuerong immediately said: "It was Li Haifeng of the Li family who called my father to ask for help.

"Oh, it turned out to be Li Haifeng!" Qin Tianming breathed a sigh of relief.

[Startled Lao Tzu, I thought it was Ye Fanbu's game! ] [

Speaking of which, Furukawa Feng killed Li Haifeng's only three-hundred-pound daughter, and Li Haifeng will definitely not give Furukawa Feng good fruits to eat. ] 】

【But Furukawa Wind, that guy has a realm of middle grade! 】 The strength is good, unless tomorrow night's auction, he eats the poison I made with fake realities. [

Can't let the Lin family's die like this, I want to remind them. ]

Lin Xuerong was shocked in her heart, she obviously did not expect that Guchuan Feng's strength would have a mid-realm realm.

In the middle of the realm, it is obvious that she has the same strength as her father, and with just a few of them, it is not enough to fight at all.

"I kind of know what's going on." Qin Tianming smiled.

"Remind Miss Lin that the man you are dealing with is very strong."

"I recommend starting tomorrow night at the auction held at the Xinghai Hotel."

Lin Xuerong raised her eyebrows and asked rhetorically, "Why?"

Qin Tianming put on an unfathomable look and smiled mysteriously: "The mountain people have their own clever plans!" "

[Brother poisonous pill, ensure that after Furukawa Feng eats it, he is seriously injured. 】

【At that time, your Lin family, plus the ancient martial artists of my Qin family, will not easily take that bad old man from Guchuan Feng?

"Okay, Mr. Qin, I'll believe you once!" Lin Xuerong smiled.

"Since you know the head of the Li family, then I won't do more."

Lin Xuerong got up and said, "Thank you Miss Du and Mr. Qin for their hospitality, I still have business, so I will leave first!"

"Slow down!"

Qin Tianming and the two sent Lin Xuerong out of the room.

After that, Du Meng went to brush the bowl, and Qin Tianming called the two female bodyguards before and asked them to come back to protect Du Meng.

In this world, a beautiful woman is more terrifying if she is not protected than a heifer entering a bull's den.

After a good afternoon, Qin Tianming also went home, waiting for tomorrow night's auction.

Because Lin Xuerong got the news, he made the people of the Lin family dormant, and let Li Haifeng get a few auction tickets for Tongbao Pavilion.

Xinghai Hotel is not like other star hotels, it is located on the edge of the suburbs, surrounded by mountains and rivers, many rich people like to come here to play.

Qin Tianming was also very familiar with this place, and as soon as he got off the car with Zhao Yanran, he met many acquaintances.

"Qin Shaohao!"

"When will Qin Shao and Miss Zhao's wedding take place? We'll go to the show then.

"Qin Shao and Miss Zhao are really golden children and jade girls, a match made in heaven!"

Many dignitaries greeted Qin Tianming and the two warmly.

[It's really troublesome, like a swarm of flies.]

Qin Tianming felt troublesome, took Zhao Yanran's hand, and quickened his pace.

"Tianming, you don't like this occasion either?" Zhao Yanran's voice sounded in her ears.

"Well, I don't like it very much." Qin Tianming nodded.

"I thought you liked to be complimented!" Zhao Yanran snickered.

The corners of Qin Tianming's mouth tugged slightly: "They say too much compliments, and they are tired of hearing them." When

the two walked into the door of the hotel, Qin Tianming saw Lin Xuerong in full costume.

Lin Xuerong saw Qin Tianming and also greeted him.

When her gaze saw Zhao Yanran beside Qin Tianming, she was obviously stunned.

"Miss Lin." Qin Tianming smiled.

"Mr. Qin, who is this?" Lin Xuerong raised her eyebrows lightly.

From Qin Tianming's attitude towards Du Meng yesterday, Lin Xuerong still thought that Qin Tianming was different from other rich children and was an affectionate person.

As a result, the next day, a beautiful woman appeared next to him.

"This is my fiancée, Zhao Yanran." Qin Tianming introduced with a smile.

[Don't talk nonsense! If Zhao Yanran knew that I still had Du Meng outside, I wouldn't be able to lie!

Zhao Yanran glanced at Qin Tianming without a trace.

Qin Tianming is stealing food outside, no, it should be said that she knows about stealing food at home!

"Hehe, Miss Zhao, hello."

Lin Xuerong reached out and shook Zhao Yanran's hand.

"The auction is about to start, let's go inside." Qin Tianming took Zhao Yanran's hand and gestured to leave.

"Mr. Qin, can I delay you for two minutes?" Lin Xuerong said suddenly.

"Oh... Does Miss Lin have any advice?

Lin Xuerong stepped forward and asked in a low voice, "Mr. Qin, are you sure that Guchuan Feng will come tonight?"

"Sure, I vouch for it with my own reputation."

Do you still have a reputation to speak of? Scumbags who step on two boats.

Lin Xuerong rolled her eyes, and then opened the distance between herself and Qin Tianming.

"Then I won't disturb you and Miss Zhao."

After Lin Xuerong left, Zhao Yanran took the initiative to ask.

"Who is that Miss Lin? It won't be the woman you've been courting lately, right?

"How is it possible!" Qin Tianming said excitedly, "Yanran, I am dedicated to you!" "

Oh?" Zhao Yanran had a playful smile on the corner of her mouth: "I'm just joking." "

[I really have nothing to do with that Lin Xuerong! ] [

Instead, it's the one surnamed Lin, who seems to be hungry for my body.] [

Alas, men go out now, and they will also carry anti-wolf spray with them.

Zhao Yanran was amused by the voice of this product.

After Qin Tianming left Du Meng's house yesterday, Du Meng immediately sent everything in the afternoon to the group.

After the people of the Women's Federation saw it, they all felt that this Lin Xuerong was also so radical because she heard Qin Tianming's words.

Otherwise, with the identity and appearance of the eldest lady of the Lin family, finding a little white face that is even more handsome than Qin Tianming is simply hand-to-hand.

At the same time, there was a person standing in the hall, looking at Qin Tianming and Zhao Yanran.

This person is none other than Furukawa Kaze.

In order not to let himself be too windy, Furukawa Feng specially brought a wig and coiled his long hair.

This was the first time that Guchuan Feng and Qin Tianming had officially met.

Sensing that someone was staring at him, Qin Tianming also followed his intuition and saw Guchuan Feng.

Feng Wanting once let Qin Tianming see the appearance of Guchuan Feng under the surveillance.

Although the surveillance screen was a little blurry, Qin Tianming recognized Guchuan Feng for the first time.

Qin Tianming was still quite professional in acting, as if he didn't recognize Guchuan Feng, he took Zhao Yanran's hand and calmly walked to the hotel.

[This dog thing is Ye Fan's master. 】

【Looks quite father-son.】 【

Even if I can't kill you tonight, I want you to make a big heel!】 】

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