"How did Feng Wanting know that I knew this person Guchuan Feng?"

"Logically speaking, only Xia Qing, Fan Feifei and Zhao Ling know that I know Guchuan Feng, and the other heroines are not clear."

"Shouldn't it be Xia Qing or Fan Feifei who told Feng Wanting about it?"

Qin Tianming touched his chin with a suspicious expression.

It is impossible for him himself to say the existence of this guy Furukawa Feng to the heroine.

Feng Wanting can know the person of Guchuan Feng, and she can explain it, after all, she is a policeman.

But the problem was that Qin Tianming had not mentioned Guchuan Feng to Feng Wanting at all.

"Could it be that Fei Fei told Feng Wanting?" Qin Tianming thought to himself.

As a member of Long Xuan, Fan Feifei naturally knew the strength of Furukawa Feng.

Therefore, if she wants to protect Qin Tianming, she may tell Guchuan Feng to Feng Wanting.

Feng Wanting and Fan Feifei have also met several times, and Fan Feifei knows Feng Wanting's police identity.

"If you think so, it makes sense." Qin Tianming nodded.

"Fifi, Fifi, you are such a good woman!" Qin Tianming sighed again.

Glancing at the time, Qin Tianming muttered alone, "I haven't been to see Mengmeng for two or three days." At

this time, Dumont encountered a crisis, and she was blocked by several gangsters.

After becoming a wife, Du Meng is even more attractive than before.

Every time he left Du Meng's house, Qin Tianming thought of that poem.

The spring night was bitter and the days were high, and the king was not early from now on.

For Du Meng's security protection work, Qin Tianming sent two female bodyguards to protect her 24 hours a day.

But because of the arrival of Guchuan Feng, plus the last kidnapping incident, Qin Ruoyun gathered all the bodyguards to protect Qin Tianming.

That's when Du Meng was surrounded by gangsters.

"Beauty, play together, brothers can make you enjoy unprecedented happiness!"

A punk's eyes almost overflowed with lust.

"Don't!" Du Meng's eyes were a little panicked, she put her hands in front of her and warned: "You guys hurry up, otherwise I will call the police!" "

Call the police? Do you think we will give you this opportunity?

"Brothers, take her, let's open the meat today!"

Five wolf-like gangsters surrounded Du Meng, and some passers-by saw this and pretended not to see it.

Just when Du Meng fell into despair, a woman's voice came.

"You beasts, let go of that girl!"

Seeing that someone dared to come and be nosy, the gangster leader turned around impatiently.

"Go away, otherwise Lao Tzu..." When

he saw the person who spoke, the corners of the gangster leader's mouth began to drip water.

"It's a double happiness today! Another beauty!

Lin Xuerong looked at these gangsters, her eyes clear.

"Give you three seconds to get out of here or bear the consequences!"

"How can three seconds be enough? At least three minutes! "


A few gangsters made jokes, and did not put Lin Xuerong in their eyes at all.

That's right, after all, a beautiful and thin woman like Lin Xuerong, normal men will not be afraid.

When Du Meng saw Lin Xuerong, his eyes were full of anxiety: "You run, leave me alone."

Lin Xuerong's eyes paused slightly, and there was a hint of approval in Du Meng's eyes.

When she was fighting righteousness before, some people held the idea of dying Taoist friends and not dying and impoverished, and would rather let Lin Xuerong, a beautiful woman, die than suffer themselves.

Now, Du Meng's words made Lin Xuerong's heart warm.

"It's just a few gangsters, and you can solve them with one hand." Lin Xuerong said proudly.

"A hand? That's not enough! We have five brothers! The

gangster leader said with a lewd smile.

Lin Xuerong's eyes were cold, and then her feet suddenly shook, rushing towards the gangster leader.

With a distance of less than ten meters, Lin Xuerong came in front of them in a second.


Before he could see how Lin Xuerong made a move, the gangster leader had already flown out.

The teeth fell out in the air, mixed with blood, making the scalp numb to see.

Immediately afterwards, there were several muffled sounds, and the remaining four gangsters also covered their lower bodies, covered in cold sweat, and lay motionless on the ground.

Although Lin Xuerong has not studied Chinese medicine, she knows that to cure diseases, it is necessary to cure the roots.

Against these color demons, she has never shown mercy.

Du Meng was also shocked by Lin Xuerong's skill, and his mouth opened wide to stuff an egg.

"Are you all right?" Lin Xuerong walked to Du Meng's side and asked with a smile.

"It's okay." Du Meng returned to his senses and quickly shook his head.

"My name is Du Meng, my home is near here, if you don't dislike it, I would like to invite you to dinner as a reward."

Du Meng said with a grateful look.

The same sex repels the opposite sex attracts, but in the face of absolute appearance, this sentence has no effect.

Even Lin Xuerong, who is a woman, was attracted by Du Meng's appearance and gentle temperament.

"Okay, then I'm welcome!" Lin Xuerong said with a smile.

On the way back, Lin Xuerong made a simple self-introduction.

When he came downstairs, Du Meng saw Qin Tianming's car, his eyes lit up, and the smile on his face became even brighter.

"Please come in."

The door opened, and Du Meng took out a pair of slippers for Lin Xuerong.

Qin Tianming, who was looking at his mobile phone in the living room, heard the door open and immediately got up and came to the door.

"Mengmeng, who is this?" Qin Tianming looked at Lin Xuerong with a curious expression.

[Such a beautiful woman, won't it be some heroine again? ] [

But in my memory, the heroine of the entire Linjiang City has come out to play. ] 】She

is also a heroine?

Dumont really didn't think about that aspect at first.

Now after hearing Qin Tianming's heart, she also had some doubts that Lin Xuerong was the heroine.

Just now, Lin Xuerong said that she came from Jinling and was not a native of Linjiang City.

Jinling comes, and can fist and kick, beautiful, proper heroine template!

Lin Xuerong was also slightly sluggish.

What was that?

Is this man lying?

But I didn't see his mouth move!

Is it abdominal language?

"This is Miss Lin Xuerong, I had some trouble just now, and she saved me."

Du Meng introduced.

"What trouble?" Qin Tianming asked nervously.

"It's just blocked by a few gangsters, fortunately Miss Lin is there."

Du Meng comforted: "It's all right.

Qin Tianming raised his eyebrows.

[I have arranged two bodyguards!] 】

【I'll call and ask, what's going on with these bodyguards, don't do things with money?】

Then, Qin Tianming looked at Lin Xuerong and thanked him: "Miss Lin, thank you for saving Mengmeng, if you encounter any trouble in Linjiang City, you can call me."

Lin Xuerong returned to her senses, her eyes looking Qin Tianming up and down.

"What's wrong, Miss Lin?" Qin Tianming was stunned.

"It's okay, I just think you're a little strange." Lin Xuerong smiled slightly.

"I'll go cook, you guys talk first."

Tu Meng changed into an apron and headed to the kitchen.

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