After seeing Qin Tianming's smile, the three brothers shuddered, and the goosebumps on their bodies were about to fall.

"The three of you add some ingredients to this pill." Qin Tianming took out the poison pill that Wang Miao gave him.

Add some ingredients?

The three brothers were stunned for a moment, and the eldest lion man took the pill, put it in front of his nose and sniffed.

"Don't smell, watch your head." After Qin Tianming saw the lion man's behavior, he reminded.

Qin Tianming is now their gold master, and the three brothers can not listen to anyone's words, but Qin Tianming's words, they dare not listen.

"Qin Shao, what do you mean by adding some ingredients?" The lion man was confused.

It wouldn't be cumin and chili, would it?

"Disgusting stuff." Qin Tianming pointed to the bathroom in the antique shop.

The three tiger bodies were shocked, and they instantly understood what Qin Tianming asked them to add.

At the same time, they secretly said in their hearts: No one can mess with this master in the future.

Because you don't know if he has any seasonings in what he gives you.

"Then we'll go over and add more points now." The lion man said.

To take people's money, you have to do things for people, and it's not a condiment, just a little bit to this pill.

"Well, go quickly, after adding it, put it under this nine-dragon pillar."

Qin Tianming put the Nine Dragon Treasure Pillar on the table and sat leisurely drinking tea by himself.

The three brothers came to the toilet.

"When I was a child, I didn't do such a lack of virtue, and I still remember the incident when I was chased by Lady Wang for two miles." The lion man recalled the past.

Now that I have grown up, I didn't expect to relive my childhood fun.

"You are the eldest brother, you come first."

"Okay, brothers, I'll take it first!"

Half an hour later, the three brothers covered their noses and walked out of the bathroom.

Seeing the movements of the three, Qin Tianming immediately walked out of the antique shop and said loudly, "You guys put things in the mechanism below." The

smell was too strong, Zhao Dehan quickly opened all the windows in the living room, and the air conditioner was also turned on to change the air.

"Qin Shao, it's already put away!" The lion man shouted at Qin Tianming.

"Very good!"

Qin Tianming covered his nose and walked back to the antique shop.

"You three haven't been to the bathroom in days? So it can precipitate things. "

One thing to say, Qin Tianming is the first time he smells such a smelly thing.

This taste, even the gourmet in the original world did not dare to open his mouth.

"Not much, it's just that I haven't been to the toilet for three days." The lion man said with a smile.

"Awesome!" Qin Tianming gave the three a thumbs up.

After closing the organ, Qin Tianming left the antique street and handed over this nine-dragon pillar to Huang Feifei, so that she could send it to the auction of Tongbao Pavilion.

It's just that the staff of the auction looked confused after seeing the Nine Dragons pillar sent by Fan Feifei.

Which is true and which is fake?

"Miss Fan, we don't sell fakes to customers in Tongbao Pavilion." The manager of Tongbao Pavilion said.

"I have not come to consult with you, but to formally inform you."

Fan Feifei glanced at the manager indifferently.

"Tomorrow, our boss will buy Tongbao Pavilion, this Nine Dragons holding pillar, the boss wants to add it, understand?"

Tongbao Pavilion is also a relatively large auction organization, and it will be very difficult to get fake goods directly, after all, Tongbao Pavilion does not want to smash its own signboard.

Therefore, in order to allow the carefully selected Nine Dragon Treasure Pillar to enter the auction, Qin Tianming directly bought the Tongbao Pavilion.

Such an inhuman operation in the trench can only be done by Qin Tianming.

The manager listened to Fan Feifei's words, raised his eyebrows, and said in a low voice: "Miss Fan, may I ask if your boss is..."

"Understand, I'll put things on the auction list!" The manager was instantly enlightened.

All the dignitaries of Linjiang City, who doesn't know Qin Dashao of Cangming Company?

"This fake one is going to be put up for auction in front, you know?" Fan Feifei instructed.

"Yes, don't worry!" The manager flattered.

On the other side, Li Yanbo of the Li family has already burped.

Li Yanbo's father was this daughter, and after learning that Li Yanbo had been abused for an hour before his death, he immediately used all the strength of the Li family to find the man.

Furukawa Feng was still in his rental house, and he didn't know that the Li family had already started looking for him.

"Two days later, I will definitely get that Nine Dragon Treasure Pillar in the Tongbao Pavilion!"

Furukawa Feng looked up at the window, with a faint sneer on the corner of his mouth.

"As long as I can get that Black Rock Pill inside the Nine Dragon Pillar, I can break through the Earth Realm and become a Heaven Realm subordinate!"

"At that time, who else in the entire Linjiang City can be my enemy?"

The black rock pill in the Nine Dragon Treasure Pillar was learned by Guchuan Feng as early as when he was in Huaxia.

But because the Nine Dragon Pillar was collected by a large family at that time, with the strength of Furukawa Feng at that time, it was not enough to win it.

Later, when Furukawa Feng was overseas, he heard that the family had fallen and the Nine Dragon Pillar had disappeared, and he only recently learned the news of the Tongbao Pavilion auction.

"It's good that my apprentice is not there, otherwise this Black Rock Pill will become his bag." Furukawa chuckled.

An important reason for transferring Ye Fan away was that Gu Chuanfeng did not want Ye Fan to seize the opportunity with himself.

Judging from that overseas experience, Ye Fan looks like a child of destiny.

If you can't die, after every disaster, there will be great opportunities.

Those chances, even Furukawa Feng looked red!

Fortunately, after Ye Fan came to Linjiang City, he repeatedly hit a wall and did not have any major achievements.

During this time, Ye Fan had been staying in the capital.

After having his experience in Linjiang City, Ye Fan's arrogant personality was also smoothed out a lot.

However, by chance, Ye Fan did not fall behind, and he saved a girl's grandfather on the side of the road two days ago.

The grandfather and grandson were a medium-sized family in the capital, and Ye Fan soon became the guest of honor of this family.

The corners of Ye Fan, who temporarily lived in the rental house, rose.

"God really took care of me!"

"If Linjiang City hadn't had Qin Tianming's bastard to sabotage, I would have taken Linjiang City long ago!"

"It's better to come to the capital now, and when the forces rise, they will directly steal his house!"


At night, Qin Tianming came home from work.

"Tianming, in two days Tongbao Pavilion will hold an auction party, I received an invitation, can you accompany me?" Zhao Yanran looked at Qin Tianming.

"No problem, I just wanted to go over and take a look." Qin Tianming said with a smile.

"Tianming, Mom called me this afternoon and asked me to go back." Qin Ruoyun suddenly said.


Qin Tianming felt good in his heart, but his face was reluctant.

"Sister, why are you leaving? Don't stay for a few more days?

The corner of Qin Ruoyun's mouth twitched slightly: "There are some urgent things at home, I will leave tomorrow, and you will treat well in Linjiang City."

"I'll come over when the family is settled."

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