Outside the door, there was a knock on the door.

Furukawa Kaze has the heart to die.

There are hotel guests and security guards, and the most important thing is that there are anchors who come to rub the heat!

If this is reported, how can you see people?

Maybe in the future, he will be nicknamed, Mr. Jiuyigu.

This is not the most critical, the most important thing is, how will Xia Qing see herself in the future?

Struggling with a 300-pound Li Yanbo pig for more than an hour, how hungry are you?

"Sir, please open the door!" The manager's voice sounded again.

Furukawa Feng roared, "Stop shouting, open the door immediately!" When

the people outside heard that Furukawa Feng was able to reply, many anchors asked loudly.

"Excuse me, sir, are you killing pigs in the room?"

"Don't be embarrassed, this gentleman must be playing with his boyfriend."

Boyfriend? Playing Hi?

At this moment, Furukawa Feng couldn't wait to rush out and kill all these rumor-mongering anchors.

After suppressing the anger in his heart, Furukawa Kaze opened the window.

Twenty-two stories high, unless he cultivated to the heavenly realm, jumping down with his current strength would definitely die.

After thinking for a moment, Furukawa covered his head with the sheet and dug out two holes.

It was the only way he could come up with without revealing his identity.

After glancing in the mirror, Furukawa nodded with satisfaction: "So that they can't recognize who I am!"

Before leaving, Furukawa Feng came to Li Yanbo's side again and clicked at her heart.

This finger, Furukawa Feng input internal force, can make Li Yanbo die of myocardial infarction a day later, no one will suspect his head.

A disgusting woman like Li Yanbo who has defiled him, Furukawa Feng does not allow the other party to live in this world.

However, after Guchuan Feng did this, Li Yanbo also woke up.

After looking at the cloudy things on her body and the dress of Furukawa Feng, her eyes were full of curiosity and shyness.

Just now, although her mind was occupied by hormones, now that she calmed down, those scenes echoed in her mind one after another.

"Chuan Feng, are you going to play COS with me?" Li Yanbo asked with a coquettish look.

"Play with your mother!"

Seeing Li Yanbo's appearance, Furukawa Feng almost vomited, and kicked her unconscious again.

"Dead fat woman!"

After cursing angrily, Furukawa put on the sheets, opened the door and rushed out.

When he saw the group of people at the door looking at him with the eyes of a clown, the anger in his heart burned at once.

"Get out of my way!"

With a backhand, he knocked out several mobile phones that were broadcasting live at him, and then rushed quickly towards the stairs.

Now Furukawa just wants to take a bath and wash off all the greasy on his body.

Even if I was full of Xiang a few days ago, I didn't feel uncomfortable now.

It's so disgusting!

Even if he holds the pork in his hand, he can oil in one hand, not to mention that he tumbled on the pig's body for more than an hour.

After Furukawa Feng's escape, the anchors at the door all walked into the house.

When they saw Li Yanbo who was three hundred catties, they were all shocked.

"It turns out that one is a warrior!"

"It's not just a warrior, even if you give me a million dollars, I won't do such a thing!"

"Don't say it, I already want to throw up."

The hotel manager recognized Li Yanbo and quickly asked the waitress to come and dress her and wake her up.

After sobering up, Li Yanbo immediately called his subordinates and asked them to look for the traces of Furukawa.

"You're already my man!"

"I won't let you run away!"


"I'm so tired!" Qin Tianming sat on the bench of the women's clothing store, looking prostrate.

From two o'clock in the afternoon to five o'clock now, a full three hours, Lu Ziqing had no idea of stopping at all.

Women are very amazing creatures, they can't unscrew the inconspicuous mineral water bottle, but to say shopping, they can walk for a day without feeling tired.

Even a man like Qin Tianming who drank vigorously and ate kidney treasures felt that his feet were trembling.

If Lu Ziqing was just an average physique, she would definitely not go shopping for three hours in a row.

Now she is a martial artist, a martial artist in the Yellow Realm!

Not to mention shopping for three hours, even if she walks for a day, she will not feel tired.

"Watch the video." Qin Tianming took out his mobile phone and clicked on the short video software.

After brushing a few local beauties, a man wearing a sheet and rushing out of the room attracted Qin Tianming's attention.

"This hotel... It seems to be the one where Lu Ziqing and I went.

"Shouldn't it be that you were caught cheating on you?"

"It's not like ah, if it's really a rape, how can you let this guy go?"

The confused Qin Tianming opened the comment.

On the first floor of the comments, someone explained.

"This is the Scarvi five-star hotel in Linjiang City, and I don't need to talk about the sound insulation effect of the five-star hotel, right?"

"But it's such a cowhide hotel that human cries can penetrate walls and be heard by people on three floors."

"I waited at the door for an hour and finally waited for this big brother to appear."

"But I didn't stop him, I wanted to do an interview."

"What shocked me the most was the woman in the room."

"Not to mention the beginning of the human form, at least it looks very similar to the placenta."

"According to my visual estimates, there are at least three hundred catties."

"When I saw the figure of that woman, I finally knew that this old brother would make such a loud noise."

After reading this explanation, a person's name instantly popped up in Qin Tianming's mind.

Furukawa wind!

There are many two-legged men, but the three-hundred-pound woman is basically only Li Yanbo's one.

Being able to withstand Li Yanbo's trampling for an hour, in addition to Guchuan Feng, a high-level martial artist, Qin Tianming couldn't think of a second person.

"Could it be that Guchuan Feng and Li Yanbo accidentally drank strange water by themselves?"

"Groove, that's too exciting." Qin Tianming touched his chin.

Although I didn't see the whole process, judging by the harsh cry alone, I could guess how fierce the battle inside was.

"What to see? So obsessed? Lu Ziqing's voice sounded in his ears.

Qin Tianming's mood also became a lot better because of Guchuan Feng.

"A short video." Qin Tianming said with a smile.

[Furukawa Wind, Furukawa Feng, you are smart, I didn't expect to be in your own way. 【

When I go back in the evening, I will use the trumpet to call your name under this short video.】 [

But with Furukawa's character, this time he was insulted so badly, that Li Yanbo can't live. ]

[Next time, his plans may become even more treacherous. Listening

to Qin Tianming's heart, Lu Ziqing's expression became a little strange.

Although she has never eaten pork, she has seen pigs run.

Qin Tianming's words in her heart, combined with the voice she heard in the hotel, she had probably guessed what happened.

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