[Oh, Ye Fan's guy is not there, and the protagonist's aura ran to the old man of Guchuan Feng. ] 】

【Are these rich people in Linjiang City all stupid hats? Frequently hijacked, can't they see that this is directed and acted by the Sword Company? In

the office, Qin Tianming looked at the news from his subordinates in the past few days, and he had a headache.

The three people of Furukawa Wind and Wolf Warrior and Mad Brake, completely opened a path of their own to the Sword Company in Linjiang City.

Although they are all self-directed and self-acting, these rich people who are stupid with money do not doubt it.

And, just tonight, Sharp Sword Company prepared an opening ceremony.

At that time, almost all the upper-class people in Linjiang City will go, and Qin Tianming has also been invited.

【Hongmen banquet?】 It won't be directed at me, will it? [

Even if it's not aimed at me, I feel very dangerous.] 【

I remember that when this group of people came to China, they also kidnapped a group of rich people. [

Although it is also self-directed, the kidnappers are not from Long Xuan, but from other organizations that they themselves paid for. If

Ye Fan was there, Qin Tianming would not be afraid to participate in the opening ceremony, even if he died, he would let Ye Fan kill himself.

But now, Ye Fan is not there, if Gu Chuan Feng kills him, then it will be all over.

Fan Feifei heard Qin Tianming's heart and quickly sent a message to Zhao Ling, who was working downstairs.

"I have something important to find you, are you free now?"

Zhao Ling, who had become familiar with the law of touching fish, saw the message sent by Fan Feifei, and immediately got up and replied: "When I am free, I will go up to find you?"

"I'll go down."

"Okay, I'll wait for you at the milk tea shop opposite."

After sending the message, Fan Feifei got up and came to Qin Tianming.

"Tianming, I'll go meet with Zhao Ling and ask about the dinner party in the evening." Fan Feifei said.

"Good." Qin Tianming nodded with a smile.

[By the way, I still have Fifi this undercover agent! ] 】

【Ye Fan, Ye Fan, you can't even think that your subordinates have become my women! 】 [

Well, if you can come back alive tonight, you must reward Fifi well.]

After leaving a fragrant kiss on Qin Tianming's face, Fan Feifei left the office.

Soon, Fan Feifei came to the milk tea shop opposite the company.

"Ling'er, at the company dinner in the evening, did the wolf warriors take action?" Fan Feifei asked in a low voice.

"I don't know much about that." Zhao Ling shook his head.

"I didn't live with them, what actions they had, I don't know very well."

Wolf Warrior and Mad Brakes did not distrust Zhao Ling, but felt that there was no need to say it.

These things do not involve Zhao Ling, and it is the same whether to say it or not.

Of course, this was just the idea of Wolf Warrior and Mad Brake, and Zhao Ling didn't know what they thought.

As for the kidnapping of the rich man in the past few days, Zhao Ling did not know.

After Fan Feifei listened to Zhao Ling's words, a fine light flashed under her eyes.

Originally, she was still thinking about how to separate the relationship between Zhao Ling and Wolf Warrior!

"Then do you know what they have done these days?" Fan Feifei asked.

Zhao Ling shook his head: "This... I really don't know.

"In the past few days, they have frantically kidnapped the rich people of Linjiang City, and almost half of the rich people in the entire Linjiang City have been tied up by them!"

Fan Feifei was worried: "These two are really crazy, this is Huaxia, not overseas!"

"If the matter becomes big and attracts the attention of the above, the Sword Company will undoubtedly die, and the wolves will also be included in the wanted object."

Zhao Ling's eyes widened when he heard this, like two walnuts.

When he left that day, Zhao Ling reminded the two of them not to make too much trouble.

As a result, now, even Fan Feifei, an outsider, was alarmed.

"These two guys!" Zhao Ling said a little angrily.

"They don't tell you that if the police suddenly find you, aren't you unprepared at all?" Fan Feifei saw the stitches.

These words made Zhao Ling's face darken.

Indeed, as Fan Feifei said, if she attracts the attention of the police, she Zhao Ling may become a person who will be arrested.

Because the three came from the same place at the same time.

Just call the information and check it, you can know that these three people are friends.

"These two people are not worried about your safety at all!" Fan Feifei said angrily.

Ye Fan's twelve cadres will be life-long friendships, and they can sacrifice their lives on the battlefield for their own people.

But this behavior of Wolf Warrior and Mad Brake, which is equivalent to selling Zhao Ling.

Betrayed, but not completely.

It is one thing to sacrifice for someone else, and it is another thing to be betrayed and sacrificed for it.

Even the best comrades-in-arms and brothers will be very angry if they are betrayed without knowing it.

Seeing Zhao Ling's fist clenched slightly, Fan Feifei's eyes were full of cunning.

"Ling'er, for your safety, you better hurry up and ask them if they will cause trouble at the opening banquet tonight." Fan Feifei asked.

"Okay, I'll ask now." Zhao Ling immediately took another mobile phone and asked about Wolf Warrior and Mad Brakes in the group.

Wolf Warrior and Mad Brake, at this time, were discussing countermeasures for the night in the Sword Company.

"Zhao Ling asked about the night, do you want to tell her?" Wolf Warrior glanced at his phone.

"Tell her what to do? Does she still want to participate? Mad Brakes wondered.

The two already knew that Zhao Ling was now just an employee at the bottom of Qin Tianming's company, and he was not qualified to participate in this kind of upper-class banquet at all.

If she suddenly appeared at the banquet and was seen by her colleagues, she would definitely have doubts about Zhao Ling's identity.

As for helping to act together, Wolf Warrior and Berserk saw no need.

"You can just sleep at home at night, there is no need to care about this." Madbra sent a message.

Seeing this reply, Zhao Ling subconsciously squeezed his hand and directly pinched the milk tea in his hand.

The bang startled the people around the milk tea drinkers.

Fan Feifei quickly took out a tissue, wiped the spilled milk tea, and smiled and apologized to the people around him: "I'm sorry, my friend was dumped by my boyfriend, and I am not in a good mood." "

It turned out to be tricked!

Hearing Fan Feifei's explanation, everyone else was relieved.

Who hasn't fought for love when they're young? If you are suddenly dumped, your heart will definitely be uneasy.

Zhao Ling gritted his silver teeth, and his voice was cold: "These two bastards! Fan

Feifei took Zhao Ling's hand: "Dissipate the qi, they may just not want you to worry."

"If they don't say, I'll worry!" Zhao Ling looked resentful.

In Zhao Ling's view, they are companions and people who can be entrusted with their lives.

But Wolf Warrior and Mad Brakes did not take her seriously, major actions, even if they did not let her participate, they did not tell her!

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