Gu Chuan Feng, Ye Fan's master, when Ye Fan had not yet appeared, he was the most beautiful boy in Linjiang City.

The beauties of the entire Linjiang City were fascinated by him.

After that, Furukawa Feng and Xia Qing, who had just come of age, met, and Xia Qing, who longed for love, soon fell into a quagmire and could not extricate himself.

However, the Xia family is a big family, and they can't look at people like Furukawa Feng, plus Furukawa Style has a wild and unruly personality and does not like to be restrained.

Without waiting for the people of the Xia family to say anything to him, Furukawa Feng left by himself.

Xia Qing also began to hate the men in this world because of this, and later adopted Fu Mengru and let her unify the underworld forces in Linjiang City.

On the tall floor, a handsome-looking man with long hair and a shawl sat on the edge of the building, his feet empty.

This man is none other than Furukawa Kaze.

Although he was close to fifty years old, his face was similar to that of a thirty-year-old man.

At this time, he was looking at the silver hairpin in his hand, and his eyes were full of nostalgia.

"Xia Qing, I'm back, I don't know if you can forgive me for saying goodbye at the beginning."

This hairpin was taken away by Furukawa when he left.

At that time, Xia Qing liked to coil her long hair on top of her head and stick it with this silver hairpin.

But after that, Xia Qing permed her long hair into a wavy head and never pulled her hair in a bun again.

Just as Furukawa was reminiscing about the past, the mobile phone in his pocket rang.

This is a phone without a note.

He looked at the unfamiliar phone number, and his heart shook slightly.

This...... Is this a call from Xia Qing?

For so many years, Furukawa Feng has not changed his phone number, and he is waiting for Xia Qing to take the initiative to call.

Today, he finally waited!

"Hey." Furukawa's voice trembled a little.

On the other end of the phone, came the voice he thought about day and night: "Is it Furukawa Wind?"

Xia Qing's voice was very cold, mixed with a thick gasp.

"It's me, Xiaoqing!" Furukawa was so excited that his teeth fought up and down.

Xia Qing's voice was even more cold: "Don't call me Xiaoqing, you don't deserve it!"

"I..." Furukawa gritted his teeth, his eyes full of regret and self-blame.

"It was my fault back then, I shouldn't have abandoned you, I should have taken you away with me!" Furukawa began to recount his past mistakes.

But halfway through, he was interrupted by Xia Qing.

"The past was wrong with me, why was I so stupid at that time, I would be a negative man like you... Well...... To the fascinated! "

If you can learn from ... Well...... Come, I don't want to meet you again!

Xia Qing's gasping sound became heavier and heavier, so heavy that Furukawa Feng also noticed it.

Furukawa Feng's heart shook: "Xia Qing, what's wrong with you?" "

It's okay... I...... I'm running. Xia Qing said coldly.

"Don't run at night, it's not good for your health." Furukawa said softly.

"It's okay with you!" Xia Qing gritted her teeth and didn't let herself call out.

"I called this time to make... Tell you, it's completely over between us!

"You... Don't look for me again! "

Xia Qing, Xia Qing!" Furukawa Feng shouted excitedly, but over there, Xia Qing had already hung up the phone.

Furukawa held his head, his face full of pain.

He thought for a long time and suddenly looked up: "No, if Xia Qing really doesn't want to have contact with me, she definitely won't call!"

"This call shows that she still has me in her heart!"

Then, the other side.

In Xia Qing's boudoir, the smell of hormones became stronger and stronger.

After hanging up the phone, Xia Qing was full of firepower, and her and Qin Tianming's voices were up and down.

Fortunately, the sound insulation of the room is very good, and the interval between the villas is also very large, otherwise Xia Qing's voice alone can be pushed on the hot search.

"Tianming, you are so bad!"

Xia Qing was like a Tang monk at this time, riding on Qin Tianming, who turned into a white dragon horse.

She is delicate and pink, how can she still be cold when she called Furukawa Feng just now?

At this time, she is more like a young girl with a spring in love.


Qin Tianming slapped her buttocks: "But I saw you just now with a bad smile!" "

People ... People don't. Xia Qing twisted the water snake-like willow waist.

Qin Tianming took a breath of cold air and almost didn't grasp it.

At this moment, Qin Tianming's mobile phone also rang.

He glanced at the caller ID and immediately pressed Xia Qing's waist to prevent her from moving.

"My sister's phone!"

After speaking, Qin Tianming immediately connected the phone.

"Sister, what's wrong?"

"What do you say? What time is it, not going home yet? Qin Ruoyun's voice carried a hint of anger.

"I... I'll go back right away. Qin Tianming looked at Xia Qing, saw that the other party moved again, and glared at her fiercely.

[Didn't I say that?] You're talking to my sister on the phone, and you're still moving, aren't you?

Xia Qing showed a bad smile, leaned down, and his flexible pink tongue roamed on Qin Tianming's body.

[You're still addicted, aren't you?] Okay, when you hang up the phone, I'll treat you well!

Qin Ruoyun's face was gloomy, and she said coldly: "Come back quickly!"

"Yes, yes, yes."

Although it was through the phone, Qin Tianming still felt the murderous aura released by his old sister.

After hanging up the phone, Qin Tianming immediately pressed Xia Qing, who was doing something strange, under him.

The offensive and defensive momentum is also different!

After finishing his busy life, Qin Tianming hugged Xia Qing and took another bath before leaving.

Before leaving, Xia Qing reluctantly said: "Tianming, you must be careful, that guy from Guchuanfeng is not as easy to deal with as Ye Fan." "

Well, I know, I'll be careful." Qin Tianming nodded.

After getting into the car, Qin Tianming began to think about what to do next.

In the original novel, after Ye Fan took Linjiang City, Furukawa Feng came over.

Now, he entered early, Ye Fan left Linjiang City, and the plot changed again.

This change made Qin Tianming not know how to continue the subsequent plot.

The most important thing is that Guchuan Feng's strength and intelligence are higher than Ye Fan, and he is a very ruthless person.

If Guchuan Feng wanted to attack Qin Tianming, it would definitely be a dead hand.

"I can't let this guy do anything to me!" Qin Tianming frowned.

"Since Guchuan Feng is here, then Guwu should also appear, right?"

In the novel, the ancient martial arts setting is divided into four realms, heaven and earth Xuanhuang.

Among them, Huang is the most garbage, the sky is the strongest, and in the later stage, there is still a bullish existence in the sky, but that is also a later story.

And Guchuan Feng's strength is in the middle of the realm, almost the same as Xia Qing.

Ye Fan's strength is in the Xuan Realm, and Fu Mengru is in the Xuan Realm.

If ordinary characters, the difference is one product, the strength is like the next world, but Ye Fan is the protagonist, Fu Mengru even if he uses all his strength, he can't kill Ye Fan, and he will even be killed by Ye Fan.

As for Ye Fan's twelve battle generals, their strength was at the peak of the Xuan Realm and the Yellow Realm.

"I definitely can't let Furukawa kill me, I have to find some way."

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