I don't know how long it took, a sharp brake woke Duan Ming.

Immediately afterward, the van stopped and several bandits on board got out of the car.

After a loud fight, the door was opened again.

Duan Ming's blindfold was also taken off.

After seeing the light again, Duan Ming squinted and looked at the person who came to save him.

Not his bodyguards, but a group of strong men he did not know.

These strong men are burly and have an extraordinary temperament, and they are like sharp blades and knives.

Duan Ming's heart was shocked, and thoughts kept flashing in his mind, guessing the identity of these people.

"Are you all right?" The war wolf looked at Duan Ming, who was a little sluggish, and a hint of pride flashed under his eyes.

Sure enough, I was scared stupid, these rich people, but they are too good to deceive!

Hearing the words of the wolf warrior, Duan Ming returned to his senses and shook his head repeatedly: "It's okay, thank you."

After getting out of the car, Duan Ming saw corpses all over the ground, and there was a faint smell of blood in the air.

"You are?" Duan Ming looked at the wolf warrior and asked.

"We are people from the Sword Company." The wolf warrior indifferently said the lines he had memorized before.

"When I returned from this mission, I met these people who had been working against our company before, so I eliminated them easily."

Sword Corporation? How did I not hear about it?

However, Duan Ming still nodded and looked grateful: "Thank you."

"It's okay, but you better be careful in the future so as not to be kidnapped by others again."

"What does your company do?" Bodyguard business, or? Duan Ming asked.

"Bodyguard business, mainly to protect employers." Wolf Wolf replied.

The fish is hooked!

Duan Ming's eyes lit up.

Although he had not been a soldier, he could see that the people of these sword companies were a group of powerful people.

According to Duan Ming's guess, these people in the army must be the elite of the elite.

Compared with the bodyguards he is hiring now, the two sides are different in momentum.

"If you need this business, you can come to our company to inquire about the service."

"Let's go first." After that, the wolf asked people to carry the body into the van and drove away.

Duan Ming, who had regained his freedom, immediately dialed his daughter's phone.

Duan Qiaoqiao saw the call, thought it was from the kidnappers, and warned in a cold voice: "I advise you to release my father immediately!"

"Coincidentally, it's me!"

Seeing that Duan Qiaoqiao was so concerned about himself, Duan Ming's heart warmed.

It's worthy of Daddy's intimate little padded jacket!

"Dad, weren't you kidnapped?" Duan Qiaoqiao looked surprised.

"I was rescued, you let someone come and pick me up, I'm waiting for you here."

"I'll take someone over now!"

Twenty minutes later, Duan Qiaoqiao arrived with someone.

After seeing Duan Ming, Duan Qiaoqiao looked carefully and made sure that his father did not have any injuries on his body, and then he was relieved.

"Dad, what happened? Who saved you? "

Get in the car."

After the father and daughter got into the car, Duan Ming told everything that had just happened.

After listening to Duan Ming's description, Duan Qiaoqiao fell into deep thought.

It was said by Qin Tianming again!

The kidnappers and the people who saved people are all a gang!

"Coincidentally, when I go back, Dad will first investigate this Sword Company, if it is not a messy company, Dad will quit all the bodyguards and replace them with the bodyguards of the Sword Company."

Hearing Duan Ming's words, Duan Qiaoqiao was so panicked in his heart.

They were all replaced by Ye Fan's subordinates, as long as Ye Fan gave an order, they would be finished!

"Dad, don't you think this is a bit strange?"

Duan Qiaoqiao definitely couldn't say that he could hear Qin Tianming's heart.

After all, it is too, and normal people will not believe it.

If Duan Ming heard it, he might find a psychologist for Duan Qiaoqiao.

Therefore, Duan Qiaoqiao could only reason with his father.

"Strange? What's so weird? Duan Ming said suspiciously.

"You just got arrested, and you ended up running into those people from the Sword Company."

"Is this going to be a game they do?" Duan Qiaoqiao reminded.

Duan Ming froze slightly, and then laughed.

"Coincidentally, Dad also thought of what you said."

"But what is the purpose of their game? Do you just want me to hire them? Or is there another purpose?

"If there is another purpose, I will let people investigate it after I go back and find out."

"And I don't feel like I'm making a game, those who kidnapped me were really killed."

Duan Qiaoqiao's face is dark, and now there are all kinds of movie props, and it is easy to make a dead man's scene.

After returning home, Duan Ming immediately used his connections to investigate the Sword Company.

Since the last time Ye Fan was released from prison, he had replaced the legal person identity of the Sword Company with an inconspicuous subordinate.

And the identity of this subordinate is very real, almost according to his own setting.

The entire company is like a turtle shell, and no mistakes can be found.

On the other side, Wolf Warrior returned to the Sword Company with his men.

"How? Did the guy believe it? Mad Brakes asked.

"Not 100 percent, but 99 percent." The corners of Wolf Warrior's mouth rose, but it was not as high as Ye Fan's degree.

"So, we're off to a good start!" Mad Brakes laughed.

"Of course!"

Wolf Warrior's eyes were full of excitement: "As long as this opening is opened, the reputation of our Sword Company will soon spread among the upper class people in Linjiang City."

Mad Brakes said: "Old wolf, I think we have to speed up, wait for this guy surnamed Duan to hire us, find a time, and tie them up together."

"Then let's stage another hostage rescue."

"No problem!" Wolf Warrior took out a bottle of beer.

"Replace champagne with beer today!"


In an inconspicuous hotel, Ye Rou and the three met here.

Zhao Ling saw Ye Rou and found that she and Ye Fan really had similarities.

"Miss Ye." Zhao Ling looked respectful.

"Don't be so polite, just treat me like an ordinary person." Ye Rou smiled slightly.

Fan Feifei said: "Ling'er, just treat Rourou as your sister. "

Treat the Dragon Lord's sister as your own sister? Wouldn't that be yourself?

A hint of shyness flashed in Zhao Ling's eyes, and then he nodded: "Good!"

"Rourou, you have been by Fu Mengru's side these days, she didn't embarrass you, right?" Fan Feifei asked.

Ye Rou glanced at Fan Feifei, her expression was a little unnatural, but she still shook her head and said, "No, Miss Fu is very good to me." "


Zhao Ling and Fan Feifei were not fools, they obviously felt that Ye Rou was lying.

"Rourou, otherwise you leave from Fu Mengru's side, and I'll explain the situation to the Dragon Lord." Fan Feifei said a little angrily.

"Nope." Ye Rou's tone had a touch of sadness.

"My brother asked me to stay by Fu Mengru's side for the sake of the overall situation, and it was okay to suffer a little, and over the years, I have not suffered less." Ye Rou smiled.

Looking at Ye Rou's poignant smile, Zhao Ling's heart ached faintly.

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