Just as Qin Tianming was happy to acquire this new skill, the phone rang.

[Feng Wanting? What is she calling for at this time?

In order not to affect Fan Feifei's work, Qin Tianming took the phone and walked out.

"What's wrong, Officer Feng." After Qin Tianming connected, he asked calmly.

"Something has happened!" Feng Wanting spoke in a very eager tone.

"What's the big deal? Your underwear was stolen? Qin Tianming raised his eyebrows.

Feng Wanting on the other end of the phone gritted her teeth: "I'm talking to you about serious things!" "

[I'm talking about serious things!] There have been many underwear thieves lately. [

I remember that Ye Fan also did this kind of thing, in order to stay with you overnight.

[He took advantage of the opportunity of being alone with a widow and a woman...]

[What a scheming!


Wanting shook the voice in her head and said, "Gongsun Yuan, who troubled you last night, died!" "

Oh." Qin Tianming didn't react at first to who Gongsun Yuan was.

When he reacted, his eyes widened: "You mean, that little villain?

"What villain, people are prepared servants of the people!" Feng Wanting said.

"Yes, yes, I made a slip of the tongue." Qin Tianming quickly changed his words.

"How did he die? It wouldn't have been hit by a car, would it?

"You just don't joke about the dead, come out and find me immediately." Feng Wanting said angrily.

Realizing that something might really be wrong, Qin Tianming quickly agreed: "Okay, I'll drive to your house to pick you up now."

"I'm at He-Man's Cafe, you come straight here."

Hanging up the phone, Qin Tianming said to Fan Feifei, and immediately left the company.

Feng Wanting is also a member of the Women's Federation, so Fan Feifei didn't care.

"Come here!" Seeing Qin Tianming enter the café, Feng Wanting quickly beckoned.

Seeing the eager expression on Feng Wanting's face, Qin Tianming's heart was shocked.

[Is something really wrong?] 】

【That little villain won't go to Ye Fan, right? "

Gongsun Yuan is dead!" Feng Wanting said in a low voice.

"Huh? How did he die? Qin Tianming's heart was shocked.

[Groove? This villain of him has a true revenge!

"More than a dozen people, died in a rental house." Feng Wanting's face was gloomy.

More than a dozen people died, all of them were servants of the people.

This matter, which has been learned above, is extremely furious.

And those people in the province gave Chu Wenbin an order that within ten days, this bastard who trampled on the law must be caught!

"Any idea who killed it?" Qin Tianming said in a condensed voice.

Feng Wanting shook her head and sighed, "We had contact with Gongsun Yuan last night, and we will definitely be summoned to take notes." "

Qin Tianming is not afraid to make notes, after all, people are not killed by him.

"Just do it, I'm not a murderer." Qin Tianming shrugged.

Feng Wanting stared at Qin Tianming closely and asked, "Did you meet him again after you sent me away yesterday?" "

Yes." Qin Tianming said truthfully.

"And, I probably guessed who the murderer was?"

Feng Wanting said in a condensed voice, "Who is it?!"

"It is estimated to be Ye Fan." Qin Tianming touched his nose.

[I already knew that this guy was so iron-headed, so I wouldn't tell him that Ye Fan was my eldest brother. ] [

I estimate that this kid can't be angry, so he took someone to find Ye Fan to take revenge. 【The

result, you can imagine. Hearing

Qin Tianming's heart, Feng Wanting didn't know whether to be angry or angry.

"Why did you guess it was Ye Fan." Feng Wanting said coldly.

Subsequently, Qin Tianming told Feng Wanting everything that happened last night word for word.

After hearing this, Feng Wanting sighed again and again.

She knew that Qin Tianming wanted to trip Ye Fan.

As a result, the tripper did not come down, but caused himself a commotion.

"When you are asked to take notes, explain it truthfully." Feng Wanting said helplessly.

"Huh? If I say something later, will I be arrested? Qin Tianming was shocked.

"And they won't necessarily believe my words, and they will even think that I deliberately set a trap and killed Gongsun Yuan and them."

Qin Tianming was not a fool, if he said it truthfully, he would inevitably be regarded as an accomplice, or even a mastermind.

Although the Qin family is powerful, this incident has shocked the provincial leaders.

It's not so easy to level it out.

This is Huaxia, not overseas!

Feng Wanting had mixed tastes in her heart, and she didn't want Qin Tianming to tell the truth, but if she didn't say it, it would be difficult to pull Ye Fan's body.

The most important thing is that Ye Fan, this kid, also escaped.

"Officer Feng, although I am not your colleague, but such a vicious thing happened, I also deeply hate Ye Fan."

Qin Tianming said seriously, "I will let people search for Ye Fan's traces with all my strength."

Feng Wanting thought for a while, and finally nodded, "I hope you can make up for it."

"By the way, since Ye Fan has left, then we can start with the ticket aspect." Feng Wanting said.

Generally, the fastest way to get out of a city is by plane, train, or bus.

There are not many people in black cars, but there are.

However, with Ye Fan's personality, it is estimated that he will not take a black car.

When Qin Tianming heard Feng Wanting's idea, he shook his head repeatedly: "Do you think Ye Fan is a fool?" Will he use his ID card to buy tickets?

Feng Wanting's eyes darkened: "That's what I said." However

, Ye Fan bought the ticket with his ID card, otherwise Gongsun Yuan would not have found Ye Fan.

"I'm just curious about how Gongsun Yuan's group of guys found Ye Fan's residence." Qin Tianming scratched his head.

He didn't say where Ye Fan lived last night.

"All of us will have some skills in finding people." Feng Wanting answered Qin Tianming's doubts.

"As long as the person we are looking for is still in the city, it will take us less than a day to find each other."

"Awesome!" Qin Tianming extended his thumb.

[Where will Ye Fan go?] It's impossible to go directly to the capital, right?

[It was his last stop.] [

After he subdued the family in Jiangnan, he ran to the capital and wrestled with those people from the Ye family. 【

Could it be that I went to Xihang?】 After all, there are many beautiful women in that place. [

In the original book, the kid's second stop was to go to Xihang and start collecting beautiful women again.

Feng Wanting's eyes were grim, and then she sighed silently.

Even if Ye Fan is really in Xihang?

Now they don't even know who the murderer is!

"Be sure to notify me when you have new news." Feng Wanting said to Qin Tianming.

Qin Tianming nodded: "Don't worry, I will definitely inform you as soon as possible!" "

[It seems that the only way to kill Ye Fan's master is to hurry. 】But

I don't have a power experience card, face the Furukawa wind, there is only one way to die!

"You must pay attention to safety during this time." Feng Wanting instructed.

Qin Tianming raised his eyebrows and said with a smile: "Are you concerned about me?" What

greeted was a roll of Feng Wanting's eyes.

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