[In the original novel, Ye Fan's master came over after being subdued by Ye Fan in Linjiang City, why did he come at this time? ] [

Could it be that Ye Fan was frightened by my strength? So call support? 【

You can't afford to play!】 Inside

the car, Qin Tianming was a little distracted, obviously shocked by Ye Fan's hand-called.

Feng Wanting, who was wearing a black evening dress, also felt bad when she heard Qin Tianming's heart.

Ye Fan is so powerful, then isn't his master even more powerful?

"Qin Tianming, what's wrong with you?" Feng Wanting pretended not to know anything and looked at him.

"It's okay, I haven't had a good rest in the past two days." Qin Tianming returned to his senses and waved his hand.

[Damn, if Furukawa Kaze comes, then what should I do?] How else to finish? [

The most important thing is that I don't know where Ye Fan's kid escaped. [

His uncle's, I want to kill a blue, is it so difficult? ] The

car slowly stopped in the parking lot of the five-star hotel.

"Get out of the car." Feng Wanting reminded Qin Tianming.

"Oh." Qin Tianming got out of the car a little absentmindedly.

Seeing Qin Tianming's demoralized look, Feng Wanting came over and took his arm.

Feng Wanting only had a black evening dress and close-fitting underwear.

Her graceful figure is vividly set off by the evening dress.

Qin Tianming could even feel the indescribable softness.

[Shhh! Instantly refreshing!

[No wonder there is that sentence, behind a powerful man, there is a group of women.

Feng Wanting looked calm, and led Qin Tianming towards the hotel.

The place where the dinner party was held was on the third floor of the hotel, in the 400-square-meter hall, which was already full of people.

Although the people who came to the banquet were not handsome men and beautiful women, their figures were very good.

Especially against the background of slim dresses, it is more eye-catching.

The moment Feng Wanting and Qin Tianming appeared, everyone at the party shifted their gaze to them.

Golden boy and jade girl, talented woman, etc., all kinds of words appeared in everyone's minds.

"Who are these two?" Looks so well matched!

"What are you doing at the party when you have a partner?" Spilling dog food on purpose?

"I wipe, isn't this our police flower in Linjiang City?" When did she have an object?

"What? This is the police flower of Linjiang City!

Everyone discussed in a low voice, their eyes constantly glancing over Qin Tianming and Feng Wanting.

"Niece Feng, I haven't seen you for a long time!"

A middle-aged man came over and greeted Feng Wanting with a smile.

Seeing the person coming, Feng Wanting was slightly respectful: "Uncle Gongsun, hello." "

Gongsun Sheng, the police chief of Kwaiyang City, and Feng Wanting's father are old acquaintances.

Behind Gongsun Sheng, there was also a young man who was six points similar to him, and he could guess the identity of the other party by looking at it.

"This is my son, Gongsun Yuan, you two still played together when you were young."

Gongsun Sheng pulled Gongsun Yuan to his side and talked about the past with a smile.

Gongsun Yuan's eyes kept swirling around Feng Wanting, and his eyes were full of desire.

He has seen many beautiful women, but he has seen too few beautiful women like Feng Wanting.

Even those very popular first-line female stars are not as good-looking as Feng Wanting.

Women are very sensitive to sight, especially Gongsun Yuan dares to look at her so unscrupulously, which makes Feng Wanting feel a trace of anger in her heart.

Qin Tianming said: "Hello two, I am Wanting's boyfriend, Qin Tianming."

When he spoke, Qin Tianming also deliberately blocked Feng Wanting with half of his body, just blocking Gongsun Yuan's line of sight.

[This kid looks like he is also a villain. ] [

Although Feng Wanting is not my woman, she can't be taken advantage of by you, the villain. Seeing

Qin Tianming come forward, a trace of warmth rose in Feng Wanting's heart.

Gongsun Yuan saw that his vision was blocked, and anger burned in his eyes.

"Are you Wanting's boyfriend?"

"What's wrong? Any questions? Qin Tianming said lightly.

[If it weren't for the fact that all the police are here, I would have slapped it in the face with your tone. ]

After all, all the police are here, and if Qin Tianming beats people for no reason, there will definitely be trouble.

"No problem, I just don't know where Mr. Qin is high?" Gongsun Yuan looked at Qin Tianming with hostility.

When he saw Feng Wanting, he already regarded her as something in his pocket.

Now someone dares to claim to be Feng Wanting's boyfriend, how can Gongsun Yuan endure this?

"It's just a small company." Qin Tianming said nonchalantly.

Now, Cangming Group has a market value of 40 billion.

If you count the prospects after the face powder, it can break through the 60 billion mark.

But for the really rich Qin family, Cangming Group is really just a small company.

The point is that Gongsun Yuan believed, he really believed that Qin Tianming said that his company was a small company.

"Oh, it turned out to be the owner of a small company." Gongsun Yuan smiled disdainfully.

[Are the current villains so brainless?] 】

【I said it's a small company, do you really believe it?】 【

Don't look at the clothes on me?】 A watch on your wrist? 【

These add up to five million!】 In

order not to let himself encounter the pretense and face beating link that the protagonist will encounter, Qin Tianming deliberately changed into his most expensive suit and watch.

This suit, worth one million, was made by a famous overseas fashion designer.

The watch on the wrist is also exclusively made by Rolex, and it is limited to three pieces worldwide.

But because it was so expensive, no one present could recognize it.

Although Gongsun Yuan's family has some money, it has not yet spent millions on a custom-made suit.

Therefore, Gongsun Yuan thought that the clothes Qin Tianming was wearing were all some miscellaneous cards.

"Brother, people must have self-knowledge, not everyone can be worthy of Wanting."

Gongsun Yuan spoke very bluntly, and almost added Qin Tianming's name.

"Oh? Listening to what you mean, does it mean that I am not worthy of Wanting? Qin Tianming raised his eyebrows.

"If only you knew it yourself." The corners of Gongsun Yuan's mouth turned up slightly, and he sneered with disdain.

"Wanting's family is not short of money, and the owner of your small company can become a couple with Wanting is completely clinging to the Feng family!"

"If you still have some self-knowledge, leave Wanting earlier."

Feng Wanting did not interject, she planned to see how Qin Tianming taught the other party.

After all, Qin Tianming's character is a villain, a young man.

Any villain in front of him is a big knife in front of Guan Gong.

"You are so arrogant!" Qin Tianming's eyes widened.

[I really think I don't dare to cut you?] 】

【You are a little villain, what are you pretending to be in front of me, the big villain?】

"Not arrogance, but stating facts." Gongsun Yuan said with a smile.

"Then I will also tell you a fact, Wanting is my girlfriend, I will not let go!"

Saying that, Qin Tianming put his backhand around Feng Wanting's waist and looked at Gongsun Yuan with contempt.

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