"Lao Tzu just became your little brother today, you sold me at night, is there a boss like you?" Mo Long pointed a gun at Ye Fan and questioned angrily.

"Even if Lao Tzu dies today, he will pull you this dog day!"

Mo Long's words made Ye Fan's identity as a casino owner solid.

Ye Fan's face changed back and forth.

In his heart, Moron was already a dead man.

It's just a pity that such a good start has been stirred up by Qin Tianming!

If it weren't for Qin Tianming, he would not only be able to subdue Feng Wanting, a stunning beauty, but also have such a territory.

Abominable Qin Tianming, I will cut you by a thousand cuts!"

The system's prompt tone continued to ring in Qin Tianming's ears.

[What's the situation?] This guy threatens you, what do you hate Xiaoye for me?

"Since it is the hatred between you and him, can you let her go first." Qin Tianming looked at Mo Long and asked.

"Shut up!" Mo Long pointed the muzzle at Qin Tianming, and his voice was gloomy.

"You want to save this woman? Then kneel down and kowtow ten heads to Lao Tzu! Mo

Long was not a fool, he could see that Qin Tianming cared about Feng Wanting very much.

It's just that Mo Long thought a little wrong, he really thought that the gun in his hand could threaten Qin Tianming.

"Let me kneel and kowtow to you? Can you afford it? Qin Tianming sneered.

"Damn, if you don't kowtow, Lao Tzu will shoot you and kill this slut!"

Mo Long was like a madman at the moment, and his eyes were full of blood.

Ye Fan looked at such a scene and stopped talking, his eyes full of ridicule.

He couldn't wait to watch Qin Tianming provoke Mo Long, and then was shot dead by Mo Long.

As long as Mo Long shot at Qin Tianming, Ye Fan had the confidence to hide when Mo Long killed himself, and then take the opportunity to escape.

As for Feng Wanting, he was too lazy to save, it would be good if he could escape alive.

"Qin Tianming, don't kneel!" Feng Wanting said loudly.

"If I die, you help me avenge it!"

Mo Long was angry and roared: "Shut up Lao Tzu, or I'll kill you first!" "

[He can't kill me, don't talk and pull hatred, okay?] 】

【Although I am very moved, you are the heroine, you can't die.

"Don't get excited, let's make a deal." Qin Tianming calmed Mo Long's emotions.

"Deal? What deal? Mo Long's brows furrowed.

"You still don't know my identity, do you?" The corners of Qin Tianming's mouth rose.

"I am the eldest young man of the Qin family in the capital, if you release her, I will ensure that you will be prosperous and rich for the rest of your life."

"But if you don't know how to be a villain and really want to shoot, I can guarantee that not only will you die, but the graves of your family, friends, and eighteen generations of ancestors will be turned over."

The Qin family?

Although Mo Long is an indecent villain, he is also aware of the influence of the Qin family in Huaxia.

After hearing Qin Tianming's words, Mo Long's brain also calmed down.

Against the Qin family, there is only one way to die.

Although Moron was ready to die, if he could survive, he definitely wanted to live.

"How would I know if you were lying to me?" Mo Long stared at Qin Tianming.

This man's skill made him too scared.

If it weren't for the presence of hostages, even if he had a gun in his hand, Mo Long felt that he would be killed by Qin Tianming.

"Do you have any other way to go besides trusting me?" Qin Tianming said lightly.

Moron hesitated.

Ye Fan panicked.

"Moron, don't believe this bastard's words, how could he let you go!"

"For people like him, it is already common for people to talk without counting." Ye Fan roared loudly.

If Mo Long had promised Qin Tianming, then Ye Fan would definitely die today.


Mo Long fired a shot at Ye Fan, but he missed it.

Ye Fan was so frightened that the resentment under his eyes almost overflowed.

Mo Long pointed a gun at Ye Fan and said angrily: "Shut up Lao Tzu, how does Lao Tzu do things, do you need to teach you?!" "

People were under the guns and had to bow their heads.

What's more, Ye Fan was still injured at this time, and he couldn't use one hand.

Mo Long thought again and again and decided to agree to Qin Tianming.

"Okay, I agree with your proposal, but I'm going to get out of here first!"

"No problem." Qin Tianming nodded: "Let's go together, otherwise I'm afraid that you will kill her, this woman is very important to me." Feng

Wanting's heart was a little excited.

"Okay, but you'd better not move, bullets don't have long eyes." Moron reminded.

"Hmm." Qin Tianming nodded.

At this time, Mo Long looked at Ye Fan, his eyes narrowed slightly: "Qin Dashao, kill him first, you can't let this kid survive." "

[He is the male protagonist, kill him, how can I finish it?] "

An ant that can be crushed to death at will is not worth killing, leaving him alive, so that he lives worse than a dog, isn't it good?" Qin Tianming's tone was contemptuous.

Mo Long's brows frowned slightly, thinking about it carefully, Qin Tianming's words seemed to have some truth.

Sometimes killing someone is more brutal than keeping him alive.

Ye Fan gritted his teeth angrily, but he couldn't act rashly.

"Okay, then let's go." Mo Long said coldly to Feng Wanting: "You walk in front, don't play tricks!"

Just as the two turned around, Qin Tianming moved.

His speed surpassed the speed of sound, and he instantly came behind Moron.

With a gentle wave of his hand, a hand knife knocked Moron unconscious.

"What are you that dare to threaten me?" Qin Tianming took a cold bite.

Feng Wanting immediately stepped forward and carefully examined Qin Tianming's body for wounds: "Are you okay?" "

[There's something big!] Such a good opportunity to finish, for you, I wasted it in vain! "

Something, heart hurts." Qin Tianming said.

"Then I'll rub it for you?" Feng Wanting gave him a blank look.

Nothing right!

"Yes, but in the same way as the last massage." Qin Tianming licked his lips.

At present, Qin Tianming has only enjoyed that kind of alternative massage from the bodies of three women.

"If you're not afraid of being arrested by me." Feng Wanting blushed slightly.

[I'm also your lifesaver, you do this to me?] 【

It's too sentimental! 】 Seeing

the two bickering, Ye Fan immediately took the opportunity to escape to the elevator.

"Qin Tianming, see you next time, I will definitely take your dog's life!" Ye Fan's eyes were venomous.

With Qin Tianming's strength, it was easy to stop Ye Fan just now.

But he couldn't do this, otherwise Ye Fan's kid would definitely be caught squatting in prison for more than ten years.

"Quick, stop him!" Feng Wanting shouted loudly.

"A dog who lost his family, let him go." Qin Tianming hurriedly grabbed Feng Wanting.

"Let's take this casino first."

At this time, the support called by Feng Wanting also arrived.

When they saw the gangsters all over the ground, they were all frightened.

"This... Is this what you did? Bureau Chief Chu Wenbin looked at Feng Wanting in disbelief.

"No, he hit it." Feng Wanting directly sold Qin Tianming.

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