After the two sides exchanged information, Qin Ruoyun looked at Fan Feifei's eyes with a hint of appreciation.

"Miss Feifei, I believe that Tianming sees people's eyes, I hope you are not lying to us."

Fan Feifei hurriedly said, "I'm definitely not lying to you, I really want Ye Fan, that bastard, to die!"

Mentioning Ye Fan, Fan Feifei just gritted his teeth and couldn't wait to eat his flesh raw.

"That's good." Qin Ruoyun said: "Still get along according to the previous one, don't expose it."

"Don't worry, I've also been undercover before, and disguise is my specialty." Fan Feifei patted his chest and assured.

"By the way, there is one more thing I forgot to say."

Fan Feifei looked at the three seriously: "Ye Fan sent three more generals, two men and one woman. "

Jasmine has a good relationship with me, and I can convince her."

This information is still very important.

"Persuading your friend can't be rushed, it has to be done slowly."

Qin Ruoyun reminded: "We only have one chance, and we must not take risks.

"You must not be careless until you are completely sure."

"I know that." Fan Feifei nodded.

She planned to use Ye Rou's original miserable way to impress Jasmine.

When Fan Feifei first entered the Dragon Extinction Organization, it was Jasmine who was her guide.

Before each mission, Jasmine helps her set up various escape plans.

Don't look at the dragon extinction is as solid as a steel plate, but in fact, the relationship between these twelve cadres is not as harmonious as it seems.

Not everyone can be friends with each other.

Just like Yang Sining and Zhao Yanran.

If it weren't for the common enemy, the two would have pinched up long ago.

They allowed Qin Tianming to have multiple women, but the position of the right card must be their own.


Not long after Huang Zihui entered the company, Ye Fan quietly followed in.

The company is at a critical juncture, and if she, the boss, does not come, it will definitely be a mess.

Even if she knew that Ye Fan was already staring at the door of the company, she would come over.

As Huang Zihui expected, not long after she came in, the door of the office was pushed open by Ye Fan.

"Ye Fan." Huang Zihui looked at him with a calm expression, as if yesterday's assassination had nothing to do with her.

"Huang Zihui, isn't your Huang family a little too shameful?"

Ye Fan's face was gloomy, and he directly tore his face.

As the Lord of Dragon Extinction, outside the overseas dragon, when did he Ye Fan encounter this kind of backstabbing from his allies!

But wherever he was overseas, yesterday he had already ordered that the Huang family chicken dog not be left.

"Ye Fan, I think you misunderstood, the person who killed you was sent by Qin Tianming, and it has nothing to do with our Huang family." Huang Zihui explained.

"Huh." Ye Fan sneered.

"If I hadn't been attacked by the killer before yesterday, I might have believed you."

Huang Zihui's face was as black as charcoal: "Ye Fan, you have a little brain, can you?"

"If the person who attacked you that day was really sent by me, would I still take you in?"

"That's where you're brilliant!"

Ye Fan seemed to see through everything, and there was a sneer at the corner of his mouth.

"At the time, I wouldn't have thought it would be the killer you sent."

"You took advantage of this to save me, gain my trust, and then ask me for other peerless remedies!"

"Obviously, your plan was successful."

"When your plan is successful, don't think about unloading the mill and killing the donkey!"

Huang Zihui sighed a little at Ye Fan's brain hole, why was it so big.

She had thought about giving up Ye Fan at that time, but it was not to the point of killing Ye Fan.

If it weren't for the appearance of the Qin family's face powder, the Huang family might still be in touch with Ye Fan, but not as closely as before.

Could it be that all this was calculated by that bastard of Qin Tianming?

He had been calculating since the last time he was at the Huang family banquet?

"Why don't you talk? Is there nothing to say? Ye Fan sneered.

Huang Zihui took a deep breath and calmly replied, "We have all been calculated by Qin Tianming.

"Calculated by him?"

Without Huang Zihui explaining, Ye Fan began to laugh.

"He's a waste, a guy who doesn't understand anything, does he have the brain to calculate me?"

"Or do you think I'm dumber than that trash?"

In Ye Fan's eyes, Qin Tianming was a brainless stepping stone.

Although Ye Fan was a little caught off guard this time, Ye Fan still did not recognize Qin Tianming's wisdom.

I can't beat you, but I don't recognize you.

There is a certain anchor that smells.

As a proud person, it was impossible for Ye Fan to admit that he was inferior to a gentleman like Qin Tianming.

If he admits, how will he lead his men in the future?

Therefore, he attributed all this to coincidence.

Ye Rou was able to leave from Qin Tianming's side, which was a good illustration.

Before, Qin Tianming did everything possible not to let Ye Rou go, but now with Fan Feifei, he immediately kicked Ye Rou away.

This kind of person has a fart brain?

"Ye Fan, I'm not joking with you!" Huang Zihui's face was as cold as ice.

"I'm not kidding you either." Ye Fan and Huang Zihui looked at each other and did not let in the slightest.

"Give you two paths, one is that your Huang family submits to me."

"The other one, your Huang family was eaten by me."

Although the Huang family was greatly injured by the resident face powder this time, the foundation is still there, as long as it is stable, abandon the road of resident face powder and take another road, the Huang family can still rise again.

If it weren't for the last resort, Ye Fan wouldn't want to annex the Huang family now.

His sword company can be opened, but without the help of the Huang family to introduce it, it is difficult to make a name for himself in the upper circles of Linjiang City.

Ye Fan didn't expect Fu Mengru, the vampire, to help introduce him.

Huang Zihui clasped his hands and said angrily: "Ye Fan, you are so loud!"

"Even if my Huang family falls into Pingyang, it is not something that your dog can bully!"

Ye Fan's eyes burst with coldness, and he took out a pill and forcibly stuffed it into Huang Zihui's mouth.

"What did you give me!"

Huang Zihui desperately picked his throat, but the thing melted in his mouth and couldn't spit it out at all.

"Nothing, just something that will kill you."

Ye Fan looked at Huang Zihui condescendingly and sneered: "Within seven days, if there is no antidote for me, you will definitely die!"

"Do you choose to die first, and the Huang family follows in your footsteps, or do you and the Huang family both live?"

In the face of death, no one is not afraid.

Ye Fan had used this method to subdue many overseas tycoons.

It's just that he doesn't know that the woman is fierce, and even she is afraid of herself.

"Okay, I promise you, the Huang family will submit to you." Huang Zihui's eyes were full of resentment.

She didn't think Ye Fan could fight Qin Tianming.

The only hope now is to pretend to agree to Ye Fan, and then turn around to find Qin Tianming.

"Hehe, wouldn't it be nice to have done this earlier." Ye Fan let go of his hand and chuckled.

"Let your company start to make scar powder, with scar powder, your Huang family can return to the peak again."

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