Yang Sining did not attack Qin Tianming at night tonight, otherwise she would definitely fight with Fan Feifei.

Fan Feifei was wearing light pajamas, and a large area of fair skin on her body was exposed to the air.

Despite years of mission, her skin is still very delicate and white.

And because of regular exercise, the figure is better than that of other women.

Every time Qin Tianming saw Fan Feifei wearing a hip-wrapped skirt, the idea of slapping always came to his mind.

Because of Ye Rou's departure, Qin Tianming did not fall asleep, and his mind kept recalling the bits and pieces of this time with Ye Rou.

The more he remembered, the more Qin Tianming felt Ye Rou's gentleness and intimate nature.

Could it be that Ye Rou really liked herself?

At this moment, the door was opened.

Qin Tianming quickly sat up and looked at the person.

"Fifi, why are you here?"

Because he didn't turn on the light, Qin Tianming judged from the other party's figure that the person was Fan Feifei.

[This woman won't be here to assassinate me, will she?] 【

Lying groove, don't! 】 It was Ye Fan who let Ye Rou go undercover to Fu Mengru!

Qin Tianming was very nervous in his heart, he knew that Fan Feifei and Ye Rou had a good relationship.

In the original novel, the relationship between Ye Rou and Fan Feifei is also the best.

"Tianming, I have something to tell you." Fan Feifei took a step and walked towards Qin Tianming.

Qin Tianming turned on the light and saw that Fan Feifei did not take the murder weapon, so he was relieved.

But his eyes froze in the next second.

If anyone has not given him this villain benefit, it is only Fan Feifei and Fu Mengru.

One is to kill gods, and the other is Ye Fan's loyal subordinates, and they want to get benefits from them, and it is not an exaggeration to say that they are daydreaming.

But at this moment, Qin Tianming smelled the breath of welfare.

This dress speaks for itself!

"You... What do you want to say?

Qin Tianming swallowed his saliva without arguing.

[It's too big, no, it's too white!] Fan

Feifei's face was slightly red, and there seemed to be water flowing in her beautiful eyes.

"Actually..." "Actually,

I am an undercover agent sent by Ye Fan."

Fan Feifei sat on the edge of the bed and looked at Qin Tianming.

Qin Tianming knew about this, but he pretended not to know.

Now, all Fan Feifei had to do was put everything Qin Tianming knew on the bright side.

Of course, if he could hear his heart, he would definitely not tell Qin Tianming.

[Groove? Sister, what are you messing with? 【

Actively expose your identity? What is this unfolding? My brain is a little unacceptable!

"Fifi, are you kidding?" Qin Tianmingpi asked with a smile.

"No, if you think I'm lying, then you can feel my heartbeat."

After speaking, without giving Qin Tianming a chance to resist, he directly grabbed his hand and placed it on his left chest.

[It's too big to feel the heartbeat.]


Tianming quickly withdrew his hand.

It's not that he wants to pretend to be a decent gentleman, but he doesn't know what kind of trick Fan Feifei is doing.

"Why did you take the initiative to expose it?" Qin Tianming wondered.

"Because I hate Ye Fan!"

When he said this, Fan Feifei's eyes were full of killing intent.

If you want to stab a person's eyes, you can't hide it.

Through Fan Feifei's eyes, Qin Tianming was sure that she was not lying.

But the problem is, there's no reason!

"The reason? Since you are his subordinate, you can't hate him for no reason, right? Fan

Feifei calmed down: "Because of Ye Rou." "

Huh?" Qin Tianming's eyes widened.

[Sister, you don't really think that you are Ye Rou's own sister, do you?

"Ye Rou is not my sister, last time I said that, I was just lying to you."

[I know.

"Actually, Ye Rou is Ye Fan's own sister."

Qin Tianming's brows furrowed: "I still can't understand why you hate Ye Fan."

"Ye Fan did not hesitate to let his newly recovered sister come to your side as an undercover agent for his own purposes, what is the difference between this kind of person and a beast?!"

Fan Feifei glared angrily, with endless killing intent in his voice.

Even Qin Tianming could feel the anger in Fan Feifei's heart.

"Today, for the sake of his own company, he asked Rourou to go undercover next to Fu Mengru's female devil, and he simply didn't take his sister's life seriously!"

"He does this to his own sister, let alone us subordinates!"

Fan Feifei sneered, "I won't use him as a tool man anymore!"

"After working for him for so many years, I'm tired, and I want him to die!"

After speaking, Fan Feifei looked at Qin Tianming and said seriously: "Qin Shao, you also want Ye Fan to die, right?" We can join forces, and I will give you all his information. "

[Actually... I wanted Ye Fan to kill me. [

Alas, Ye Fan, Ye Fan, your male protagonist is too miserable. ] [

Even your subordinates want to kill you now.]

Qin Tianming was silent.

Fan Feifei said sincerely, but it does not rule out that she is deliberately performing.

What if Fan Feifei took the initiative to blow himself up in order to completely gain Qin Tianming's trust?

When he was in college, Qin Tianming often played werewolf killing with other people, and sometimes in order to save his accomplices, he would choose to blow himself up.

So, is Fan Feifei using this method to gain trust?

Werewolf Kill is the game, but it's reality.

Qin Tianming was not afraid of being killed by Ye Fan, but he was afraid that Ye Fan would want to do something to his woman.

Fan Feifei seemed to see through Qin Tianming's hesitation and asked, "Qin Shao, don't you believe me?" "

Hmm... It's a little bit unconvinced. Qin Tianming nodded.

"After all, you and Rourou have only known each other for half a month."

Fan Feifei smiled faintly: "Qin Shao, you have been in contact with so many women, don't you know that women are emotional animals?"

"When I learned of Rourou's experience, I was very dissatisfied with Ye Fan."

"This time, because you gave us a holiday, we didn't know that the company was also developing anti-face powder, which made Ye Fan furious."

Fan Feifei sneered at the corner of her mouth: "As soon as we came back today, Ye Fan asked me and Rourou to meet him."

"He doesn't care about Rourou's living situation, and he is furious when he sees him!"

"I already treat Rourou as my own sister, and I can't bear to see her hurt again."

"Even if I am Ye Fan's subordinate, but so what?"

"I am also a human being, I also have my own thinking, and my loyalty to Ye Fan is not static!"

Yes, she is also human, not the cold words in the novel.

If you think differently, you are Fan Feifei, and after witnessing Ye Rou's situation, you may be even more angry than Fan Feifei.

"Well, I see." Qin Tianming nodded.

Suddenly, the silky pajamas on Fan Feifei's body covered Qin Tianming's head.

Fan Feifei's cheeks were flushed and she bit her pink lip lightly.

"Qin Shao, I know you have doubts, in order to eliminate your doubts, I can give everything, including myself!"

Qin Tianming was not as restrained as he was at the beginning.

This night, the phoenix was upside down.

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