A bottle of red wine made Qin Tianming almost not hold back.

If it weren't for the fact that the two of them still maintained a trace of sobriety in the end, there would have been a bloody storm in the office.

"Rourou, you can't really like me, do you?"

Before Ye Rou left, Qin Tianming asked.

"Tianming, am I a woman in your eyes?"

"No, no, no, I didn't mean that,

I thought..." [I thought you did this to succeed undercover.] 【

But you don't have a reason to like me!】 】

【When we first met, although I said I saved you, people with discerning eyes knew that I was interested in you.

[And on the same day, I asked you to feed me a drink with your mouth.]

[According to common sense, you should only have resentment towards me.

Ye Rou straightened her long hair behind her head, tied it into a ponytail with a leather band, and smiled.

"Tianming, I really like you, as for the reason, you can guess it yourself."

After that, Ye Rou pushed open the door and left the office.

"Really like me?" Qin Tianming returned to his chair, his brows furrowed again.

Ye Rou's personality is gentle and kind, and everything has its own bottom line and guidelines.

Otherwise, she would not be in the big dye vat of society, still white.

As for what kind of man Ye Rou would like, Qin Tianming was really hard to guess.

After all, Ye Rou liked Ye Fan in the original work, and Ye Fan...

This guy is difficult to say, from Qin Tianming's point of view, Ye Fan is a hypocrite.

Personable and awe-inspiring in front of his harem.

And in front of their villains, they will do anything evil, and even in order to obtain intelligence, they do not hesitate to send their own sister who they just met to be undercover.

To be reasonable, if the true side of this kind of person is exposed, it will inevitably be exposed to death by the Internet.

"Forget it, don't think about it so much, with Xia Qing here, Fu Mengru will definitely not embarrass Ye Rou." Qin Tianming touched his chin and said.

"The most urgent thing is the dog eats dog of the Huang family and Ye Fan."

"I hope the Huang family can bring me unexpected surprises."

What is a surprise?

The surprise was that in the afternoon, the fox hunters found Ye Fan's location.

"Boss, this kid's route is a little strange, why does he keep going to the suburbs?"

"It won't be us found, will it?"

The fox hunter's eyebrows condensed slightly, and he said coldly: "Even if you find out, what if?"

"We're going to get everything this time."

"This time, I must let this kid come and go!"

In order to be able to complete this plan, the six of them are fully armed.

Even the rifle was brought up, just to kill Ye Fan.

Killing Ye Fan was no longer the task of that mysterious person, but the task of their organization.

Ye Fan was riding a shared bicycle, and when he was in the city, he had already noticed that someone was following him.

According to Ye Fan's intuition, these people who followed him were the same people who wanted to kill themselves in the alley with guns yesterday.

In order not to be caught at the police station again, Ye Fan immediately rode a shared bicycle towards the suburbs of Linjiang City.

Until Ye Fan rode to an abandoned factory and disappeared from the sight of the fox hunters.

"Boss, the car is still there, but the people are gone!" The little brother was shocked in his heart.

I just blinked my own eyes, how come there are no people?

"Get out of the car, in groups of three, shoot immediately when you see the guy."

The fox hunter immediately gave the order.

As we all know, whether it is in novels, movies, or TV series.

Once the group dispersed, it was not far from the time when they received the boxed lunch.

Ye Fan, who was hiding in the shadows, saw that after the six fox hunters dispersed, a sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth.

"Play assassination, I am your ancestor!"

Overseas, Ye Fan just started playing assassination.

Because assassination is simple and extremely dangerous.

Although Ye Fan had divine skills in cultivation, with his current strength, it was not enough to physically resist bullets.

Ye Fan was very patient and quietly followed these three people.

When he saw that someone had been placed in the order, he immediately appeared from the shadows, and between the electric stones, he solved a person and got his pistol.

After putting the pistol away, Ye Fan followed behind the remaining two.

"What about the old seven? Why is the last bathroom so slow?

"It can't be an accident, right?" Go over and take a look. The other mercenary said uneasily.

A voice came from above the two of them.

"No need to look, he's dead."

Hearing this sound, the two mercenaries immediately took their guns and shot at the sky.

Damn, don't you all talk? Directly with a gun?

Ye Fan thought that these killers were the same as those overseas, and they talked about trash before they started.

Fortunately, Ye Fan's reaction was fast enough, and at the moment when the two raised their guns, they jumped down from a height.

Bang bang!

The bullet was empty, and the two members of the Ross Mercenary Group also fell in a pool of blood.

The three fox hunters in the distance also heard the gunshots, and their faces changed suddenly.

"Quick, hurry over and support!" The fox hunter's eyes were cold.

The three of them raced against time and quickly ran over.

As a result, only three bodies were seen, as well as the smell of blood wafting through the air.

"!" The fox hunter's face was gloomy, and he could wring out water.

"Boss, this kid is not easy to kill, or let's withdraw, let the above send another person." A little brother suggested.

The fox hunter also had the idea of retreating in his heart.

"Let's go, this guy is not something we can fight against."

The three had just turned around when gunshots rang out.

The two little brothers standing beside the fox hunter fell to the ground in response, and blood sprayed on the fox hunter's face.

Guns and headshots!

The fox hunter didn't even have the courage to raise a gun, and his eyes were full of fear.

"Put the gun down, I'll ask you a few questions, answer truthfully, and I'll let you go."

Ye Fan took the gun, pointed it at the fox hunter's head, and slowly walked towards him.

The fox hunter knew very well that he was definitely not Ye Fan's opponent.

If you listen to Ye Fan, there is still a glimmer of life.

After throwing away the double guns in his hand, the corners of Ye Fan's mouth turned up slightly.

"Who asked you to kill me?"

"Organize the tasks posted above." Foxhunter replied.

"What's the name of your organization?"

"Ross Mercenary Corps."

Hearing this name, a cold glint flashed in Ye Fan's eyes.

"So it's you!"

The fox hunter was slightly startled: "Have you heard of us?"

"Of course I've heard of it." Ye Fan sneered.

"Now immediately ask your intelligence department who gave you the order."

The fox hunter hesitated, and immediately took out the phone and called.

After some negotiation, the phone hung up.

"It's a person from Linjiang City, as for who it is, I don't know."

People from Linjiang City? Ye Fan raised his eyebrows slightly.

Who will it be? Qin Tianming? It shouldn't be him, if he wanted to assassinate me, he would have sent someone to do so.

Fu Mengru? There is no reason why she knows my strength.

Suddenly, a name popped up in Ye Fan's mind.

Huang Zihui!

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