"So, does it have anything to do with me?"

I really want to spray you with a mouthful of salt soda!

Huang Zihui gritted her teeth and squeezed out three words from between her teeth: "What do you say?"

"It should be okay, right?" Qin Tianming raised his eyebrows lightly: "After all, the law does not stipulate that the same competing goods cannot be sold on the same day." "

You know it's a competitive commodity! I thought you had all the rubbish in your head!

The ups and downs on Huang Zihui's chest are getting bigger and bigger, and Qin Tianming looks quite eye-catching.

The scale is good, at least it fights with Rourou.

When Rourou comes back this time, she will eat her tofu again, and let her take the opportunity to complain to Ye Fan.

Hehe, the Huang family collapsed, Ye Rou sued, no matter how I think I think I can finish it.

If Ye Fan can endure this anymore, then he simply don't become the Dragon King and become the eighth king.

At least it also has a royal character.

"Qin Dashao, your Qin family has a great cause, but our Huang family is different."

Huang Zihui took a few deep breaths and said, "This time, our Huang family has put all their energy into the face powder.

"If our family's face powder can't be sold, our family will be finished!"

When Qin Tianming heard this, he chuckled.

After laughing a few times, Qin Tianming's eyes turned cold: "Does it have anything to do with me?"

"You are not my woman, what do I let your Huang family do?"

"That day at the banquet, I had a conflict with Ye Fan, that bastard, your Huang family still supports Ye Fan, now that something happened to your Huang family, then go to Ye Fan again!"

"What are you looking for me for? Want me to raise my noble hand and let your Huang family go?

The corners of Qin Tianming's mouth hooked, and he said in a mocking tone: "Miss Huang, do you really treat me as an idiot?" Huang

Zihui was speechless.

All because of the banquet that night.

"Since you chose Ye Fan, you are destined to become my enemy."

"Have you ever been soft on your enemies?" Qin Tianming sneered.

"Shopping malls are like battlefields, and mercy to the enemy is cruelty to oneself."

"If the two of us are in the current situation exchange, will you let me go?"

Qin Tianming is not a fool, and after crossing over, he is not a stupid person.

And if the Huang family is not extinguished, how can it arouse Ye Fan's hatred?

Let the Huang family and Ye Fan bite up? It's not impossible, but Qin Tianming is afraid that Huang Zihui won't be able to fight Ye Fan, and he will even pull Ye Fan's hatred away.

Looking at Qin Tianming, who was different from the usual rumors, Huang Zihui's heart sank to the bottom.

Who said that Qin Tianming was a fool who didn't understand anything?

"Miss Huang, please come back, you can go to Ye Fan and let him help your Huang family get out of trouble, if he has a way." Qin Tianming said with a smile.

"How can you let our Huang family go." Huang Zihui lowered his head and said in a deep voice.

"Miss Huang, your brain won't be burned out, right?"

Qin Tianming raised his eyebrows lightly: "Still, you and Ye Fan have been together for a long time, and your IQ has also been lowered." "

Now that our Qin family's anti-face powder has been listed, how can it be taken off the shelves?"

"If it is taken down, how much damage will it cause to our Qin family's reputation?"

Qin Tianming's eyes were playful, and his body leaned forward.

"You don't think that with your body, you can let me let the Huang family go, right?"

Huang Zihui's body trembled slightly, she really thought so.

"You're naïve too, aren't you?" Qin Tianming sneered, "The last thing I lack around me is beautiful women, and Yanran has already agreed to my marriage proposal."

"There is such a beautiful beauty here, why should I sacrifice the interests of the Qin family to help you?"

Although it cannot be killed with a stick, the vast majority of beautiful women will have this self-righteous idea.

They will always think that their body is more tempting than anything else.

I always think that if I sell my body, I can put everything in order.

As everyone knows, in the eyes of some powerful and rich men, the flesh is just a dispensable trading item.

When you have money, all kinds of women will flock to you.

At that time, will I still lack you as a woman?

Agree, the same is true for women.

Huang Zihui also knows this truth, but she is too confident.

"If nothing else, I'll go play the game first, Miss Huang, please." Qin Tianming got up and prepared to leave.

"Wait!" Huang Zihui immediately shouted.

"Anything else?" Qin Tianming raised his eyebrows.

I've said it all so clearly, what else do you want?

"If I let people kill Ye Fan, will you stop there?" Huang Zihui asked.

Good fellow, do you really want to turn against you?

If I don't agree, the Huang family will definitely break the net.

Although the fish will definitely die, the net will not break, but it will also be bitten out of a small hole.

"It's okay to kill him, but you have to do it under my banner."

Qin Tianming didn't think that the person Huang Zihui was looking for could kill Ye Fan.

That's the male protagonist, the son of destiny!

"Why?" Huang Zihui didn't understand.

"Because I want to see what disgusting behavior Ye Fan will do after being forced to rush." Qin Tianming said with a light smile.

"The guy called me a hypocrite, but in my opinion, he was even more hypocritical than I was."

This reason, Huang Zihui is still acceptable.

And even if the assassination fails, the pot can be thrown on Qin Tianming's head, and the Huang family will not be attacked by Ye Fan.

"By the way, in addition to Ye Fan's life, there is also you." Qin Tianming picked up Huang Zihui's chin with his finger and looked at the other party condescendingly.

Huang Zihui closed her eyes and said softly, "I know."

When Huang Zihui left, Qin Tianming breathed a sigh of relief.

"The Huang family is doomed, it depends on whether your Huang family can help me pull another wave of hatred." Qin Tianming looked at the fish in the fish tank, his eyes calm.


"Big brother, are we really going to leave here?"

"We failed to kill Ye Fan, his senior brother will definitely find it again." The fox hunter said with a heavy face.

"How about we find another chance?"

"I didn't kill him last time, so where to find a chance this time?"

The fox hunter said angrily.

Six people, six guns, such a narrow street has not killed Ye Fan, what a shame!

Fortunately, others don't know about this matter, otherwise this face would have been lost to my grandmother's house.

"Big brother, a task was sent from above, let's kill this kid."

Looking at the newly sent task, as well as the familiar face, the fox hunter's eyes trembled slightly.

"Kill this kid again?"

"Big brother, this time is the task sent from above, we have to do it."

"Yes, big brother, I don't believe he ran away this time!"

The fox hunter's eyes were fierce, and he gritted his teeth and said: "Find the location of this guy immediately, this time, you must kill him!"

Ye Fan didn't know at this time that he was being targeted again.

It's just that the person who wanted to kill him this time was replaced by Huang Zihui.

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