He Mengyi's first reaction was that He Qian was deceiving herself.

But looking at He Qian's sincere gaze, He Mengyi didn't feel like she was deceiving herself.

"Can't you believe it? Think I'm lying to you?

He Qian saw the doubt and surprise in He Mengyi's eyes, and said with a smile.

"Yes... It's hard to believe. He Mengyi nodded.

Hearing other people's hearts is something that only appears in movies or TV series.

He Qian smiled bitterly: "Actually, I didn't believe it at the beginning, and I didn't believe it until later."

"The reason why Qin Tianming helped me is because I am a heroine in this world."

"Because of the chaos in the plot, I didn't get the help of the male protagonist, so he made a move."

"Moreover, not only am I the heroine, but you are also the heroine."

"We live in a world of fiction and end up marrying a man."

"That man's name is Ye Fan."

Ye Fan?

Isn't this the man who helps me in the bar?

No, my focus is not quite right.

"Xiaoqian, you say we live in the world of novels?" He Mengyi asked in disbelief.

"Yes, otherwise do you feel like your figure and appearance are normal?"

He Qian said with a wry smile: "Even if it is a well-maintained woman, after the age of forty, her figure will begin to lose shape, and her face will also have wrinkles."

"But you, since you were discharged from the hospital, have become slimmer, delicate and radiant."

"People who don't know, they think we're sisters!"

These points, He Mengyi also noticed, she thought it was a problem of her good genes.

I didn't expect this to be the reason!

"In the plot after the novel, both of us will marry Ye Fan."

"That's why your face and figure will be as good as a young person."

He Qian sighed.

Staying young and looking ageless is a great thing for other women.

But for her mother, it was a disaster.

He Mengyi's scalp was numb when she heard this, and her eyes were full of fear.

"That... What about Qin Tianming? He Mengyi asked.

"He is the villain in the novel, a character who will be killed by Ye Fan."

"His death will make Ye Fan." He Qian's eyes darkened, and her words were full of loss.

If it weren't for this, I would probably be able to be with him, right?

"No, he can't die!" He Mengyi said firmly.

Without talking about feelings, just talking about the saving grace of life is something that she He Mengyi cannot repay.

"I don't and don't want him to die, but he insists on finding death." He Qian sighed.

"And I don't have any ability to help him, the only thing I can do is not to mess with him."

"Mom, don't mess with him." He Qian carried a hint of pleading.

If he hadn't met Ye Fan today, He Mengyi would have agreed and never went to Qin Tianming again.

However, she met Ye Fan.

It turns out that if they do nothing, they will not escape their arranged fate.

"Xiaoqian, Mom believes what you say, but we can't do nothing."

He Mengyi held He Qian's shoulders with both hands and said seriously.

"When my mother went to the bar tonight, I met Ye Fan, and he helped me solve the siege."

"If there is no Qin Tianming and you don't know the plot, our lives may eventually go back according to the plot."

"This..." He Qian frowned.

Her mother met Ye Fan at the bar, which was a big thing, not a small thing.

With the influence of the male protagonist's aura in the novel, if He Mengyi and Ye Fan meet a few more times, they will inevitably have in-depth exchanges.

"Xiaoqian, we can't stay out of the matter, if we don't care about anything, don't do anything, the last pain will only be ourselves."

"Moreover, it's not that we can't do anything, at least you can hear Qin Tianming's heart, can't you?"

"We can use this to help Qin Tianming deal with Ye Fan."

He Mengyi's words made He Qian fall into deep thought.

She didn't want her life to go according to a script written by someone else.

And she was really grateful to Qin Tianming, but she was suffering from her lack of ability, so she chose not to cause chaos to Qin Tianming.

I originally thought that as long as I didn't add chaos, my life would be able to deviate from the script.

But combined with He Mengyi's experience, it must be impossible.

After thinking about it, He Qian made a decision.

"Mom, I listen to you, I will go and help Qin Tianming."

He Mengyi breathed a sigh of relief and smiled gratifyingly.

He Qian added: "But there is one point, you can no longer have contact with Qin Tianming. The

smile on He Mengyi's face instantly froze.

"You don't want to end up seeing the two of us in the same bed, do you?" He Qian said with a wry smile.

If He Mengyi is her sister, then she can reluctantly accept it.

But He Mengyi is her mother, her biological mother!

He Mengyi nodded: "Mom listens to you."

"Mom will treat him as a son-in-law."

"Not son-in-law." He Qian's face turned slightly red.

It's not that He Qian is inferior, but she has self-knowledge.

Even if Qin Tianming is a villain, she is not worthy of the other party, let alone Qin Tianming is still a villain in disguise.

If Ye Fan really died one day, He Qian also knew that he could only give Qin Tianming as a lover.

Qin Tianming didn't know that under He Mengyi's persuasion, He Qian began to move closer to him again.

Inside the car, Qin Tianming had a feeling of gain and loss.

"What you can't get is always in turmoil."

Originally, when it was within reach, Qin Tianming didn't want it very much.

After losing it, he found himself desperate to get it.

"Forget it, I don't want to be so much, I didn't take He Mengyi, which is generally a good thing." Qin Tianming comforted himself.

One less love debt, and when you leave later, you won't feel so guilty in your heart.

When I returned to the villa, the lights in the house were turned off.

Qin Tianming tiptoed back to his room, as if nothing had happened.

Early the next morning, Qin Ruoyun left home early.

She received a tip-off that the Huang family's face powder will be listed today, and she wants to hurry to the company to preside over the overall situation.

Without Qin Ruoyun there, Yang Sining and Zhao Yanran fought every day again.

[You guys quarrel every day, are you tired?] [

Otherwise, the two of you will be counted together, I see that you have endless words.]

Zhao Yanran glanced at Qin Tianming, who was pretending to be deaf and dumb, and said, "Tianming, when do you plan to take me to see my uncle and aunt?" "

This... Don't worry, wait for this time to be busy. Qin Tianming showed a smile.

[You quarrel, don't set fire on me!] "

When is it over?" You give me specific time. Zhao Yanran said with a cold face.

"When you chased me, you said one thing after another, and now that I agree, you plan to settle the bill again?"

"No, absolutely not, when my sister comes home, I'll take you home with me, how about it?"

[Oh, my damn charm. 】

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