"It's the first time I've seen a woman buy this medicine."

He Mengyi was wearing a mask, but her big eyes of water spirit still made people unable to open their eyes.

The man who sold this medicine was naturally not a good person, and looked at He Mengyi unscrupulously.

"Beauty, if you don't worry, I can try the medicine by myself."

The bald man who sold medicine smiled lewdly, looking at He Mengyi as if he was looking at prey.

He Mengyi turned pale with fright, and after getting the medicine, he immediately retreated: "No need."

"Don't be so nervous, we can be friends." The bald head stepped forward, approaching He Mengyi.

"You... What do you want? He Mengyi's heartbeat soared directly to one hundred and fourteen.

With so many people here, he shouldn't dare to do anything bad!

"What you want to do, I want to do."

The bald head licked his lips, and the smile on his face became even more beastly.

"Get out of the way!" He Mengyi frowned and shouted boldly.

"What if I don't let me?" The bald man squinted at He Mengyi, and with that look, he couldn't wait to eat He Mengyi in one bite.

"Then I'll shout people!" He Mengyi gritted his teeth.

The bald man was unmoved and continued to approach He Mengyi.

Just as He Mengyi was about to shout, a man's figure appeared in front of her.

"How many of you men bully a weak woman, some of it is too much, right?"

Seeing that someone wanted to spoil his own good deeds, the bald man's eyes became very vicious.

"Boy, you hurry up and get out, otherwise Laozi will not be polite to you!"

Ye Fan smiled lightly and looked at the bald man proudly: "How not to be polite?" "

Do you want to hit me?" You should know the consequences of doing it here. In

a word, it made the bald manly eyes red.

This is Fu Mengru's territory, who dares to make trouble here, there is no difference from looking for death.

If the bald man dared to make a move, without Ye Fan's hand, someone would throw them out.

"Boy, you wait for me!"

After saying a cruel word, the bald head turned around and left with his own people.

He Mengyi saw that he was saved, and the heart in his throat and eyes dropped instantly.

"Thank you." He Mengyi thanked Ye Fan.

Ye Fan noticed this just now, and when he saw He Mengyi's graceful back, Ye Fan's hunting heart was instantly raised.

Now that he turned around and saw He Mengyi's big eyes of the water spirit, Ye Fan's breath froze.

He Mengyi is not as youthful and energetic as a girl, but she has a charm that girls do not have.

In contrast, the unique charm of this mature woman is the most attractive to men.

"You're welcome, my name is Ye Fan."

Ye Fan made up his mind to pocket this mature woman, even if it was only played once.

He Mengyi froze slightly, she originally wanted to leave immediately.

But now, it seems that this young man does not intend to let himself leave so easily.

"My name is He Mengyi, thank you very much." A hint of vigilance appeared in He Mengyi's eyes.

She is not an ignorant girl, she knows very well what men think.

Even if this Ye Fan in front of her had just saved her, she had to remain vigilant.

"How did you come to this place alone? Is it in a bad mood?

Ye Fan asked with a smile, not noticing the vigilance in He Mengyi's eyes.

In Ye Fan's opinion, this kind of mature woman had better get her hands on it.

Because women who come to the bar at this age will have troubles in their hearts.

You only need to be a listener, and while the other party is pouring out, you can easily take down this stunner in front of you.

Even Ye Fan, who was involved in a wide range, had to admit that He Mengyi in front of him was very tasteful.

Compared with his own master, he just lacks a unique temperament.

"I'm in a good mood." He Mengyi didn't want to talk with Ye Fan anymore.

One more minute is one more crisis.

"It's not early, I'll go first." He Mengyi offered to leave.

Ye Fan's eyes narrowed slightly, and a cold light flashed in his eyes that was difficult to notice.

The woman I fancy, you also want to soak?

"Miss He, you'd better not leave alone now, otherwise you are likely to meet those men outside the bar." Ye Fan reminded kindly.

He Mengyi's footsteps were slightly sluggish.

She really forgot the bald man just now.

Seeing He Mengyi stop moving, the corners of Ye Fan's mouth rose slightly, and said, "I still have something to do in a while, it's better for you to wait for me here for a while."

"How about sending you off when I'm done?"

He Mengyi thought for a while, and nodded reluctantly: "Okay." "

Hehe, the woman I fancy, there is nothing I can't take down!

"Then I'll go up first, I'll come down soon."

After speaking, Ye Fan sorted out his noble suit and walked towards the second floor of the bar.

He Mengyi naturally wouldn't wait for Ye Fan stupidly.

Although Ye Fan hid deeply, she still saw a trace of desire in Ye Fan's eyes.

After Ye Fan left, He Mengyi took his mobile phone and dialed Qin Tianming's number.

At this time, Qin Tianming was reminiscing about today's last night in his room.

Bikini is really good, next time bring the dead reservoir water over.

It is cool to have such an obedient woman as Du Meng and Xia Qing as a wife!

Just when Qin Tianming was fantasizing about Du Meng wearing dead reservoir water in his mind, the phone rang.

"Huh? He Mengyi called?

Qin Tianming wanted to pretend that he didn't hear it, but after thinking about it, he didn't feel very good.

When I called during this time period, something must have happened.

"Mengyi, did you miss me when you called me so late?"

Qin Tianming entered the play in a second and said very frivolously.

But soon, Qin Tianming felt that something was wrong.

He Mengyi's side was very noisy, and the music was surprisingly loud.

Isn't this woman supposed to be in a bar?

"Tianming, are you free now? Can you come and pick me up? He Mengyi said with some worry.

"Where are you?" Qin Tianming raised his eyebrows.

"I... I'm in a bar. He Mengyi subconsciously reduced her voice.

She was afraid that Qin Tianming would think he was a woman.

"Bar? Did something happen? You send me a position, I'll go over now.

Qin Tianming immediately got up and got dressed.

"Okay, I'll wait for you!"

After receiving the location, Qin Tianming quietly opened the door and slipped out of the villa.

All this was seen by Qin Ruoyun.

Qin Ruoyun just thought that Qin Tianming had gone to find Xia Qing again, so he didn't care.

Soon, Qin Tianming drove to the bar where He Mengyi was.


He Mengyi, who was standing at the door of the bar, breathed a sigh of relief when he saw Qin Tianming.

"What are you doing here?" Qin Tianming asked curiously.

"I... I haven't been here before, so I wanted to come and see. He Mengyi lied.

"Oh." Qin Tianming did not have much doubt.

"Get in the car, I'll take you back."

He Qian, who was hiding in the shadows, saw this scene, and the whole person was stunned in place like a lightning strike.

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