849: Get an F15 fighter!

Vivienne lowered her head and did not speak, but Taurus smiled and said, “If this is also an interrogation, then I don’t know how many interrogations are in the world every day!

Luna is fine now, but she is a bit busy, let’s wait a while before going in.

Su Ming didn’t understand the meaning of what Taurus said. Seeing Vivian next to him lowered his head and said nothing, he couldn’t help but wonder: “Do you know what the ghost said?”

Vivienne lowered her head when she heard the words, and then she whispered: “I am…

Su Ming waved his hand when he saw this, “It’s alright, just pretend I haven’t asked you, can you?”

The three waited for about a quarter of an hour, and Luna’s screams suddenly came from the 30 rooms. In addition, there was a low roar from a man, and then everything was calm.

Su Ming did not speak when he heard the movement, he was still depressed.

After another two minutes, Taurus whispered: “It’s almost now. You can wait a while. I’ll go and say hello to them.”

After Taurus spoke, he took out his dagger and knocked on the back door of the tavern. Then he rushed in. After a while, Taurus poked his head out and beckoned to the two of them.

Upon seeing this, the two entered the back door of the tavern.

Jin Niu led Su Ming and Vivian into it. After turning six corners, the three of them came to a dark room. They had just entered the house.

The lights inside the room came on, and a tall white man about forty years old said warmly: “Welcome everyone, my name is Yinhu. I am very glad to meet both of you.”

Su Ming and Vivian greeted Silver Fox, and then everyone took their seats. Silver Fox first said: “My time is limited. If the three of you want to discuss business, please hurry up.

Taurus heard the words and said solemnly: “Is your time wasted on a woman’s belly? Silver Fox, you don’t need to show off with me.”

Yinhu looked embarrassed when he heard this. He smiled bitterly and said, “Well, I have plenty of time, and it’s okay for you to say it slowly.”

Jinniu turned his head and looked at Su Ming. Su Ming immediately understood, only to see him with a smile: “Mr. Silver Fox. We are here to talk to you about the F15 fighter.”

The expression on Yinhu’s face immediately froze when he heard the words. After a while, he stared at Su Ming and said, “Sir. Can you get an F15 fighter?”

Su Ming nodded when he heard the words: “Yes.”

Silver Fox then asked, “How long will it take you to get it?”

Su Ming pondered after hearing the words, and then said: “If there is a dedicated airport where F15 can land, I can get it in three days. If a simple runway needs to be repaired, this will take a little longer.”

Yinhu was silent for a while, and then said: “I just want to see the results. As for the process, it is not something I should consider.

First 910 births, if you can’t get the fighter jets before August 18th, I think this deal will fall through. ”

Taurus heard the words and said solemnly: “Does this date have any special significance?!

The silver fox heard the words and hesitated, Su Ming stared at him closely, the real meaning of the words in the brain fast, after a while, Su Ming smiled and said:

“Mr. Silver Fox, you should be from the Northern Bear country? Depending on the nature of your job, are you a member of KGB?

Yinhu’s face changed slightly when he heard this, and he quickly returned to normal. He laughed and said, “This gentleman can really laugh, how could I be from KGB? I am a member of the empire that the sun never sets. ”

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