843: How on earth did you do it?

Another voice said: “We are going to fight you!”

Taurus said solemnly: “Why?”

The voice replied: “You killed the hound and the nigger, it means you are very skilled. If we kill you again, it means that we are stronger than you.

In this way, it is equivalent to that we are better than the hounds and niggers, so that we can increase the price when we take up tasks in the future!”

Taurus slowly stood up when he heard this, and then turned around to face the six brawny men standing in the doorway.

He didn’t say a word, but the muscles on his body were already tense. Su Ming could clearly feel this. He knew that this was a sign that Taurus was about to take a shot, so he laughed:

“Ghost, you are on your guard. Leave these guys to me!”

Su Ming feels that not killing a few people is equivalent to coming to a place like this for nothing, and with the golden bull looking around, he is not afraid of any danger.

So I wanted to use these people to practice marksmanship, of course.

Said to practice marksmanship, but in fact it is just to start the dishes. You know that he has never killed anyone with a gun, and it’s pretty good to feel it now.

Su Ming took out his gun after speaking. Several people at the door saw that he was short and his voice sounded young, so they all showed disdain. Su Ming just turned his head and glanced at them, and then…

Then he turned his head back. Several people thought he was scared, so they thought of sarcasm, but before they could say anything, Su Ming suddenly raised his gun and shot behind him!

“Bang, bang, bang, bang—”

After the six gunshots, all six strong men were shot and fell to the ground! Everyone who saw this scene was shocked! Why? Because Su Ming didn’t look back at all when he fired the gun! That is to say, he was equivalent to just now. Blind shot!

Vivienne was sitting opposite Su Ming, she could see the most clearly-just now Su Ming looked back at the person behind him, and then he turned his head back.

These people showed contemptuous expressions. At this moment, Su Ming suddenly drove the pistol to his shoulder, and then he pulled the trigger directly.

The six people fell down almost in succession, and Su Ming didn’t look back from the beginning to the end! Is this kind of marksmanship still human?

After Su Ming fired the gun, he retracted the pistol and inserted it neatly on the waistband. Then he smiled:

“These guys don’t look very good, even people like me can kill them, they still want to challenge the ghost, hahahaha! It’s ridiculous!

Su Ming is now singing a one-man show by himself. Taurus, Vivienne, Luna, including the people standing by the window, are silent, everyone has not recovered yet!

Taurus first took action, saw him turn around and sit in his seat, and then said: “How did you do it?”

Su Ming smiled upon hearing this, “Is this difficult?”

Before Taurus could answer, Vivian interjected:

“This is not difficult, but incredible! Boss, you just shot blindly! You can actually hit all six bullets! How did this happen!”

Su Ming laughed when he heard the words: “Have you guys looked back at them before seeing me shooting? 2.3 At that time, I had already memorized their standing and height. 0

And calculated the angle of my gun, and then I turned my head back very slowly, this is to make sure to hear if they are moving.

In the end I didn’t hear anything, and then I shot at the calculated angle, so that I can still miss it?”

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