829: I’ll get used to it if I see more!

Su Ming looked at her with a shocked look, so he laughed and said, “You don’t need this expression, you will get used to it when you see it a lot in the future.”

This sentence is the second time Su Ming told Vivienne. The last time she was talking about learning foreign languages ​​on the plane, Vivienne thought to herself: One of these two people is terribly high in IQ, and the other is terrifying in skill. How did they come together?

Su Ming and Vivian quickly rushed to Taurus. Taurus was packing up 30 pieces of equipment scattered on the ground. The two immediately helped.

Soon, more than thirty guns were gathered together. In addition, there are also the items that these people carry with them, just listen to the Taurus said in a deep voice: “Which of you likes to use AK47?”

Su Ming and Vivian shook their heads when they heard the words. The Taurus picked up the rock and bent the barrel, and then threw all the magazines into the small cracks in the rock. Then he said, “Look at the other things. If there is any use, burn all the unnecessary ones.”

Su Ming took a binoculars and a few grenades, Vivian took a Swiss army knife and some food, and Taurus packed the valuables from the ground into the backpack.

Then the fire burned all the remaining things, and then the three people immediately left the scene.

After walking a long distance, Su Ming opened his mouth and said, “Jinniu, is there a faster way to travel? It’s tiring and time-consuming to walk like this, so it’s not cost-effective.

Jinniu pondered for a moment, and then said: “About 20 kilometers ahead, there is an intersection with mountains and highways. We might as well go there to grab a car. If there is a car, we will be able to reach Kandahar tomorrow morning. ”

Su Ming said strangely: “Why are you so familiar with this place?”

Taurus said with no expression on his face: “I have fought with the people of Northern Bear country in Kogan for more than half a year, and of course I am familiar with it.”

Su Ming was not sure after hearing this: “Did you from Kogan hire you?”

Taurus nodded when he heard the words: “Almost, they pay me 200,000 U.S. dollars every month, and I have to get back fifty heads of Northern Bear people every month.”

Su Ming couldn’t help but smile when he heard this: “I bought you for such a small amount of money?”

Taurus heard the words and said solemnly: “So I only quit after working for eight months.”

Vivian interjected at the moment: “The price is indeed too low. According to your skill, you can get at least one million dollars a month in the genius army.”

Su Ming was stunned when he heard this. He turned his head to stare at Vivienne, and asked, “Vivienne, there are mercenaries in the genius legion?

Vivian saw Su Ming staring at herself. Then his face blushed: “I was a teacher of mercenaries when I was training. I heard that they all belong to the 897 military personnel of the Genius Corps.

Their main task is to be clear about some disobedient targets, and they are also very skilled.

Su Ming paused when he heard the words, and then said, “When we pressed you last time, why didn’t you tell me this information?”

Vivian dropped her head to her chest when she heard the words, and saw her blushing and embarrassed: “At that time… I was very scared and forgot about this…

Su Ming looked at her appearance and couldn’t help smiling bitterly: “Alright, alright, the matter is over, I will not pursue it. Think about it now and see if there is any other information?”

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