Chapter 80 Xuandu premeditated the luck of the Terran race, and the demon race also ended?!!

The Jiuli tribe shouted, and there were many responders.

Xuanyuan acted too domineeringly, which already made many tribes dissatisfied.

Now someone is coming forward.

They all responded, and for a while they were entangled in an army of millions, pushing all the way, and finally came to the land of chasing deer.

The Xuanyuan clan also led the army to arrive.

The millions of Terrans on both sides were overwhelming, and the black pressure was like a frenzy, surging on the earth.

Xuanyuan stood on the chariot, holding a sharp sword, and shouted: “Qianyou, you are so daring, you dare to incite the clan to rebel and disobey the will of the emperor, what should you be guilty of?” ”

“Hahaha, Xuanyuan, don’t you scare me!”

“You act domineeringly, I just want to live in peace and practice, but you let everyone in the clan become a soldier and make the clan dissatisfied, can’t I resist?”

“As long as I kill you, the position of this human emperor is mine, and there is no intention of rebelling against the human emperor!”

Chi You laughed loudly, and then waved up: “Kill!” ”

The crowd behind him instantly surged, killing intent rushed to the sky, and quickly rushed towards the enemy.

The terrifying momentum made the entire heavenly dome dim because of this, and endless anger gathered.

The current Terrans are not the weak race they were before.

After having the Dragon and Elephant Prison Force, the strength of the Terrans has increased dramatically, except for the top combat power, it must not be as good as some top races.

The overall strength has ranked among the top ten of ten thousand races.

Looking up, everyone is a cultivator, the lowest cultivation has the strength of the Earth Immortal, and the highest one even has the Taiyi Golden Immortal.

Naturally, it was Qian You and Xuanyuan.


Two surging crowds collided in the land of deer, and in an instant, a terrifying power erupted.

Battles are almost everywhere.

Roars, screams, and one after another, every moment the Terrans fall.

The earth was stained red with blood.

The Great War is ongoing.

Chi You also met Xuanyuan 113.

The strength of the two is similar, after several battles, it is evenly divided, and the brother slowly glues down.

Above the void, as the master of Xuanyuan, Kong Xuanzi will not ignore it, and he is also paying attention to this battle.

This battle.

He knew it had to go through.

It is also what Xuanyuan wants to comprehend as a human emperor.

It’s just that looking at Qianyou, he always feels that something is missing, but after thinking about it, he can’t think of a reason, so he has to give up.

Maybe it’s because I’m too sensitive.

That’s when it was there.

In the battle between Qianyou and Xuanyuan, it can be said that it is difficult to distinguish up and down.

At this time, Xuanyuan was repelled with a heavy blow, and the light in his hand flashed, but a sharp sword appeared.

As soon as this sword came out, the void qi seemed to be pulled, surging wildly, and there were even wails in the anger.

This is the wail of the Terrans.

Seeing this sword, Xuanyuan’s face changed drastically, revealing an incredulous look to look at Qianyou: “Witch Slaughter Sword, how can you have a Witch Slaughter Sword?” ”

The witch slaying sword was forged by the demon race in the past to break the body of the witch race and use the blood and soul of the human race, which is why there was a human tribulation.

But wasn’t the demon race destroyed by the witch race? Several demon emperors were destroyed.

Why does Chi You still have the Witch Slaying Sword in his hand? Could it be that Qiu Yuta… Too late to think about it.

Seeing Qian You attacking with a sword, with a terrifying aura attached to it, Xuanyuan could even hear the wailing of the Terrans.

These are the souls of the ancestors of the Terrans.

Bound in the witch slaughter sword, he will never be allowed to live beyond life.

“Chiyu, you deserve to die!”

Xuanyuan was angry from his heart and swung his sword to meet him.

But he seemed to have underestimated the power of the Witch Slaughter Sword, and there was a strange power on it, suppressing Xuanyuan’s strength.

Just one round.

Xuanyuan was injured quite a bit.

The witch slaying sword has a good restraining effect on breaking the flesh.

Under the advantage of the Witch Slaying Sword, Xuanyuan was defeated and retreated, and the injuries on his body became more and more serious.

Seeing that it is about to fall into the hands of Chi You.

Kong Xuan on the side finally couldn’t stand it, and waved his hand to save Xuanyuan, while letting the army retreat.

Xuanyuan’s side retreated, and Chi You did not take advantage of the victory to pursue.

Because he wants to be recognized by the luck of the human race, not in vain, otherwise even if he becomes the emperor of the human race, he will not be recognized by the luck of the human race.

After Chiu returned to the Jiuli tribe.

In the big camp.

A figure appeared, and he asked on the spot: “You have defeated Xuanyuan, why don’t you take advantage of the victory and pursue and destroy the Youxiong tribe and his supporters in one fell swoop!” ”

“As long as you destroy Xuanyuan, this human emperor’s position is yours!”

Chi You gave him a cold look: “I have some understanding why you were expelled from the Terrans?” ”

The man seemed to be enraged, and instantly came to Chiu, pinched Chiu’s throat with one hand, and his eyes were full of murderous intent.

“You look for death!”

Chi You’s face did not change in the slightest, and he decided in his heart that the other party could not kill him.

Just said lightly: “The one who shot today is Kong Xuan of the prefecture, are you sure?” ”

Kong Xuan!

Hearing this name, Xuandu was stunned for a moment and did not speak.

Obviously, he was very jealous of Xuandu.

You know, in the past, Kong Xuan was an existence that could fight the Eastern Emperor Taiyi without defeat.

He had just broken through to the quasi-saint.

With such an existence, how can he be an opponent?

But thinking that he still had Sanqing’s support behind him, he was a little confident, and said indifferently: “You don’t need to worry, my free way, you just need to kill Xuan!” ”

“The rest is enough for me!”

Chiu was silent.

He still didn’t know what the other party’s purpose was and what kind of intentions he had against the Terrans.

But it doesn’t matter.

He only wanted to kill Xuanyuan and become a pseudo-new human drought.

That’s enough.

Even the Witch Slaying Sword was given by the person in front of him.

The other side.

Kong Xuan brought Xuanyuan back to the Youxiong tribe, and the Terran army also withdrew.

Give Xuanyuan pills to relieve his injuries.


“Qian You colluded with the demon clan, and the disciples must kill him!”

Xuanyuan struggled to get up, with a thick killing intent on his face, and every time he thought of the soul on the witch slaying sword, he couldn’t help but glow with killing intent.

Demon race damn it! Chi You colluded with the demon clan, even more damned!

“Well, let’s recover from the injury first, for the time being, Qianyou should not be doing it!”

Kong Xuan nodded slightly.

He also saw the Witch Slaying Sword and thought of it.

It is a fact that Chi You colluded with the demon clan, but the demon clan should not be able to find death by itself, the Wu clan has just retreated, but there is a land mansion behind the human clan.

Even the demon clan in its heyday did not dare to make a move.

Not to mention now.

Unless someone is planning all this behind their backs, the demon race is only part of it.

It seems that the other party’s plan is not small.

Kong Xuan snorted coldly.

There was no fear in his heart, with his current strength, as long as the saint did not make a move, he would not be afraid.

As for the saint shot.

The prefecture is not without authentic saints.

Therefore, he was not afraid at all, just let Xuanyuan clear his dissidents and complete his merits.

Over time.

Xuanyuan’s injuries were almost healed, and he led the army to fight with Chi You several times.

But every time it was dangerous.

In the end, Kong Xuan took a congenital heterogeneous white tiger, removed the backbone, and created a tiger sword, and a tiger roar sounded between swings.

Can eliminate the side effects of the witch slaying sword. Let Xuanyuan finally have the power to resist.

This day.

Xuanyuan held the tiger and fought with Chi You again.

The two sides fought up and down, and the stalemate came down!

The tiger was able to eliminate the influence of the witch slaying sword, which made Xuanyuan breathe a big breath in his heart, and he fought more and more courageously.

The follow-up actually slowly pressed Qianyou.

But right now.

Several figures appeared on the battlefield, causing a lot of casualties among the Terrans in an instant.

Then these several figures directly surrounded them.

Surround Xuanyuan.

One by one, these figures were shrouded in black shadows, and their faces could not be seen clearly.

“What kind of rats,”

“Those who hide their heads and tails don’t even dare to show their true faces?”

Xuanyuan looked at these black shadows vigilantly, and he felt the ultimate threat from these people.

This shows the strength of the other party.

Far above him.

“Hehe, Xuanyuan, maybe I will tell you mercifully before you die, now you will die!”

Qian You directly ignored it, sneered, and then waved his hand, and several figures around him surrounded him.

As soon as they clashed, Xuanyuan felt the pressure, these people at least had the strength of the late stage of the Taiyi Golden Immortal or even the peak.

There was a vague guess in his mind.

Within a moment, Xuanyuan was in danger several times, and he also had injuries on his body.

“Demon Clan,”

“Do you dare to meddle in the affairs of the Terrans?”

At this time, above the heavenly dome, there was a cold snort, and the coercion of the quasi-saint erupted in the void, making those figures snort.

Almost stumbling back.

With a look of fear on his face, just a cold snort, it was too terrifying to let them seriously injure this strength.

Not inferior to the former demon emperor.

“Kong Xuan Dao is friendly and slow, Kong Xuan just wanted to make a move, but suddenly stopped, and a figure suddenly appeared in the void in the distance, with the power of a quasi-saint on his body.”

It is the demon saint of the former demon race, translated in white!!!

“Bai Ze?”

“Your demon clan is so daring, and the human emperor dares to intervene in the matter, don’t you think that the current demon clan can still withstand the blows of the prefecture?”

Kong Xuan glanced at Xuanyuan and found that there would be no accident for the time being, and immediately sneered.

“I don’t dare to go against the prefecture!”

“Today, I came rashly, he is just looking for a future for the demon you!”

Bai Ze shook the fan in his hand lightly and said lightly.

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