Chapter 75: The Second Personality turned out to be a male immortal?!!

Since it was promised.

Su Che will not break his word, sooner or later he will meet with his true face.

Before, he was worried about whether Houtu would not be able to accept it after discovering that his second personality was a male immortal.

But thinking about it, the flood is not surprising, and it is actually very easy to understand.

After a moment of silence, he agreed.


Hearing this, Houtu was very excited, even more excited than winning the demon clan.

Along the way, the second personality has helped her too much, blocking countless dangers for her, if it weren’t for him, I’m afraid he would have been calculated by Heavenly Dao and Hongjun.

The witch clan will also be like the demon clan, and all the twelve ancestral witches will fall, and finally regret to withdraw from the flood stage.

This made her subconsciously become extremely dependent on Su Che.

This relationship has long deteriorated!

Houtu hurriedly entered the consciousness space, a pair of beautiful eyes trembled slightly, very excited.

She has also seen monks beheading three corpses, good corpses, evil corpses, self-corpses, different obsessions, very different personalities, and even different appearances.

And the heart demon.

Heart demons have always been ugly.

As for her second personality, she naturally hopes to be like herself.

Su Che also felt the excitement and apprehension in Houtu’s heart, and chuckled.

Directly revealed the true body.

I saw that the light on Su Che’s body slowly converged, and a Daoist dressed in black robe appeared in front of Houtu’s eyes, with sword eyebrows and starry eyes, Feng Shen Langjun, with a decisive temperament on his body, and he revealed that he was elegant and easygoing.

Two temperaments that should not exist in one seem so reasonable in him, not at all conflicting 420, as if they should be.

Su Che smiled and said, “I’ve seen Daoyou!” ”

Seeing Su Che’s appearance, Houtu breathed sluggishly, unexpectedly, it was a male immortal? His second personality turned out to be a male immortal?

People are stupid.

At first, she felt that as long as the second personality was similar to herself, as long as it was not ugly, it seemed acceptable.

But isn’t this a bit big.

But after returning to his senses, Houtu felt that all this was both unexpected and reasonable.

Carefully looked at Su Che’s appearance.

Houtu suddenly blushed, and his heart was crispy, and he hurriedly said: “Houtu has seen Daoyou!” ”

Then he said, “You told me before that you want to leave the ontological form, is it true?” ”

Su Che nodded: “Naturally!” ”

Houtu smiled, and there was a hint of shyness hidden under his eyes, and said softly: “Then, I will work hard to cultivate, and strive to make Daoist friends transform into shape as soon as possible!” ”

Su Che looked at her strangely.

What’s wrong with this, is it stimulated?

He did not dwell on this, and continued to refine the Heaven and Earth Xuanhuang Linglong Pagoda again.

See him begin his practice.

Houtu didn’t bother anymore, for some reason, after knowing that the other party was a male immortal, he thought of all that Su Che had done for himself, and a strange and exciting thought began to arise in his heart.

It made her feel like she was going to break.

After taking a deep breath and emptying his mind, the back soil tore the space and went straight to the top of Mount Buzhou.

Although she did not fit the mountain, this was the first time she had come to the top of the mountain.

Right at this moment.

Her expression paused, and the void in front of her gave birth to a hazy light out of thin air, exuding a rich Dao rhyme, as well as a hundred or a thousand times richer aura than the outside world.


Seeing this scene, I immediately realized what the situation was.

Being able to be bred on the top of Mount Buzhou must be a good thing, even since the beginning of the heavens.

Houtu hurriedly stepped forward.

As soon as she stepped forward, the hazy light around her began to fade, and the situation ahead was finally revealed.

There was a pool.

The pool is not large, but it is sparkling inside, as if some kind of divine water is brewing, exuding a refreshing fragrance.

The smell made her feel refreshed.

Extra comfortable.

This made her very curious, what will be bred here? There are times when such a miracle does not work much.

Houtu saw what was brewing in the pool, first stunned, and then exclaimed: “This is Pangu pulp fluid?” ”

And there’s a pool.

Buzhou Mountain is transformed by the spine of the Pangu Great God, and there is even Pangu pulp fluid here.

It contains a strong aura.

After taking it, it can not only recover the injury, but also strengthen the body, improve physical strength, and even improve the heels and feet to a certain extent.

That’s a really good thing.

Even one of the drops, put in the flood, will be robbed.

It’s just that outrageous.

But now, there was a whole pool in front of her.

It seems that no one has been here since the flood famine was opened, but this thing can only breed a drop of one yuan meeting.

Houtu does not hesitate.

He took out the jade bottle and put away all the Pangu pulp liquid in this pool.

Being able to increase the strength of the physical body, even if it is her, is also effective, and now that her physical strength has reached the strength of the Mixed Yuan Daluo Golden Immortal, if she wants to improve again, it will cost a huge price.

“Good stuff!”

Su Che also sighed, and casually threw it into the Chaos Bead.

I don’t know what effect will be after this thing is upgraded? After collection.

After Houtu looked around and made sure that he hadn’t missed the opportunity, he sat down and began to arrange the Mixed Element Creation Array.

There is also a reason for placing this large array on the top of Mount Buzhou.

Buzhou Mountain supports heaven and earth.

Communicating chaos.

Even Buzhou Mountain itself had the effect of transforming Chaos Spiritual Qi into Innate Spiritual Qi, but the speed was very slow, far from catching up with the endless consumption of countless cultivators in the Flood Barrens.

Therefore, it is simply impossible to want Hong Huang to improve himself.

Only external forces can be used.

Fortunately, you don’t need anything bizarre to set up the large array.

A moment later.

I saw Houtu holding the law in his hand, and the law of formation and the law of creation surrounded the left and right, with an incomparably deep and mysterious aura on his body.

Followed by. Houtu took Mount Buzhou as the cornerstone and carved a formation on it.

One after another formations slowly appeared, and then disappeared into the void.

From time to time, he took out some kind of genius earth treasure and beat it into Buzhou Mountain.

A hundred years later.

The prototype of a large array slowly appeared.

Another hundred years have passed.

With Houtu coldly drank: “Mixed Element Creation Array, stand!” ”

Only listening to a hum, a large array fell with a bang, shrouding the mountain, and then completely merged into the Buzhou Mountain.

When the Great Array merged into the Zhou Mountain.

The surrounding area was filled with the power of life creation, and the endless chaotic qi was dragged from the chaos into the great array, and then transformed into an incomparably pure innate aura

It was even purer than the innate aura in the flood.

Not often.

The rich innate aura slowly spread from Buzhou Mountain, and slowly swept away with Buzhou Mountain as the center.

The surrounding creatures immediately felt the change.

“What’s going on?”

“Why did this innate aura suddenly become so rich and so pure, I just took a deep breath, and I felt that I was about to move for the bottleneck that had been broken.”

“This is nothing short of miraculous!”

For a while, countless cultivators boiled and quickly began to practice.

Although doubtful, but will not refuse such a good thing.

The situation near Mount Buzhou, Houtu naturally knows, but it did not stop it, or it could not be stopped.

It is inevitable that the flood famine will escalate.

The Mixed Element Creation Array, coupled with the original transformation ability of Buzhou Mountain, could make the innate aura in the flood wilderness much richer in a short period of time.

The spiritual energy is rich, and the hole in the flood and desolation, many earth veins will also be enhanced.

Then they began to feed back the flood.

In this way, the escalation of the flood famine is not a luxury.

Of course.

There are many details in this, and it is an extremely long cutscene.

After doing this step.

Houtu left a ban here and blocked the place.

After fitting Buzhoushan, she could feel everything about Buzhoushan, so she didn’t worry that someone would come to destroy the Great Array.

But in order to avoid trouble, the place was blocked.


At this time, a thunderous explosion sounded above the sky dome.

Houtu raised his eyes, but saw that above the heavenly dome, a series of meritorious qi was brewing, and then slowly floated down.

“Heavenly Dao merit?”

Glancing at it, he reached out and took it.

The merit of the Heavenly Dao has no effect on her, but they are all sent to the door, how can they not accept gifts?

Even if it is to rub a merit gold wheel out.

And then after doing all this.

Houtu returned to the prefecture, just in time to improve the strength of the prefecture.

Return to the main hall.

Just about to summon Zhen Yuanzi and the others, but his brows frowned.


“Why are they here?”

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