In the void, scenes flashed.

Nuwa looked over with doubts, but the next moment, she was shocked in vain.


It is the picture of the Terran catastrophe, countless Terrans are being slaughtered, blood staining the earth, and countless Terrans kneeling under the icon, pleading bitterly, but there is no response.

In the end, hundreds of billions of Terrans, there is no one left.

Seeing these pictures again, the fierce look in Nuwa’s eyes suddenly rose, and at this moment she had the urge to rush to the west and smash Lingshan.

The picture in front of me changed in vain.

It became an endless fight, a fight between the witch clan and the demon clan, which was exactly the scene during the Lich War.

Nuwa’s gaze shrank sharply.

In the picture, the ancestors of the Wu clan and the demon emperor of the demon clan vied to fall, and her brother Fuxi also fell into it.

Brother, fell?

Seeing this, Nuwa probably guessed that these should be what will happen in the future!

Without waiting for her to think about it, the picture changed repeatedly.

But he came to the Shang Dynasty, and under the governance of the Emperor of Ren, he was originally singing and dancing.

But the subsequent picture made Nuwa completely furious.

The two saints of the West appeared, shielding the palace with means, confusing the human emperor, and angering Nuwa.

After this,

The Terrans have no emperor, and the king calls himself the Son of Heaven.

The luck of the Terrans was divided among all forces, and none of the Terrans became immortals.

In the end, it is like something that has been nurtured by various forces.

And the final picture.

The Terrans are temples everywhere, and there is no Nuwa Temple in the world!

From the Lich Tribulation to the Journey to the West Robbery, this scene constantly impacts Nuwa’s heart, and in the picture, the Terrans have always been the object of competition for luck from all forces.


The further back she went, the more humble the status of the Terrans became, and even her Virgin was completely forgotten.

She couldn’t believe it was real.

“This, are these all true?”

Nuwa turned her head to look at Su Che with a worried expression.

“Don’t you already have the answer in mind?”

Su Che looked at her and said calmly.

Hearing this answer, Nuwa was still a little unbelievable, why was the fate of the Terrans so tragic.

It has always been divided up by various forces.

And she, the Terran Virgin, was actually targeted everywhere by several other saints, gradually weakening her prestige in the Terran race.

But she had never fought with them.

Why do this to yourself?

For a while,

Her resentment towards several saints was infinitely magnified.

Especially the two saints of the West.

Previously, when the Terran tribulation occurred, the Second Saint of the West had intervened to stop her.

According to the above picture, the two saints of the West actually hoodwinked her this time, confused the Terran Emperor, and made her misunderstand the Terrans.

Finally, it was even more grandiose to build temples in the Terrans and divide the luck of the Terrans.

Enjoy the worship of the Terrans.

Really when she Nuwa has a good temper, can she take it at will?

And Taiqing Laozi.

It’s not a good thing either.

She created the Terran and sanctified it with the Terran race, and deserved the luck of the Terrans.

But why is he too old?

Establishing a human sect and passing on a Jindan Dao, which was extremely difficult for even immortals to cultivate, divided nearly half of her luck.

She chose to endure because of the face of Senior Brother Xuanmen.

But what about the back.

He watched the Terrans being slaughtered and watched the luck of the Terrans being divided.

And he was one of them.

He didn’t deserve to enjoy the luck of the Terran race at all, and he didn’t deserve the position!!!

Nuwa at this moment.

It can be said that all the injustices felt before have burst out, and the resentment in the heart has been infinitely amplified.

Of course,

This is a good thing for Nuwa.

Now you know, it’s still time.

None of this has happened yet.

The Terrans have not yet become the protagonists of the Heavenly Dao.

After a period of catharsis, Nuwa also slowly calmed down, she knew that Houtu must have her intention to do this.

At the same time, my heart was also shocked by the means of the back soil.

You know, now is the period of calamity, even she, as a Heavenly Dao Saint, it is difficult to speculate about the future Heavenly Machine.

But what about the back soil in front of you.

Not only speculated the heavenly machine at the time of the calamity, but also deduced the heavenly machine of the next calamity, and even the next calamity.

What a means is this.

It’s so amazing, it’s unheard of.

She even suspected that even Dao Ancestor might not be able to deduce so much.

Could this be the strength of the Mixed Yuan Daluo Golden Immortal?

“The monks often say that the will of heaven cannot be violated, but when the Terrans were slaughtered, they shouted that people will conquer the heavens!”

“And you, as the Virgin of the Terrans, are you still willing to be at the mercy of Providence?”

“Let it all happen?”

Seeing that the fire was almost over, Su Che followed the seduction on the side.

Step by step.

If she let Nuwa go against the will of heaven and become an enemy of heaven at the beginning, she would definitely not refuse


But now it’s different.

“Willing to be at the mercy of the Heavenly Dao?”

Nuwa was stunned, thought about it carefully, and found that it was so, whether it was the Terran Tribulation or everything that happened next, she was just a banner at the mercy of the Heavenly Dao.

But then, it was a surprise in vain.

She seemed to understand Houtu’s intentions, and her heart was shocked by this idea.

Houtu actually intends to fight against the Heavenly Dao?

Nuwa’s tone trembled a little: “What are you doing?” ”

“Heaven, earth, and man, why is it that the way of heaven dominates the flood waste, but it cannot be the tunnel, it cannot be humane!”

Su Che said word by word.

“Are you going to awaken the tunnels!!!”

These words were like a thunder that exploded in Nuwa’s mind.

Only in this way can we explain what Houtu has done recently.

And she is now.

It was actually to draw himself together and fight against the Heavenly Dao with her.

Let’s be honest.

Nuwa wanted to refuse directly.


But I still can’t say it.

In the end, she could only respond with silence, and the amount of information was too large for her to accept for a while.

It must be digested well.

Su Che also saw her embarrassment, and did not force her, let alone afraid that she would go directly to the Zixiao Palace to confess.

After the establishment of the prefecture.

There will be no worries, and it is completely possible to showdown.

After a long time.

Nuwa slowly calmed down, restored her graceful and luxurious appearance here, and turned her head to look at Su Che.

“The position of the Five Fang Ghost Emperor is reserved for me!”

“You want to leave it to Fuxi?”

As soon as she spoke, Su Che knew what she was planning, but did not refuse.

If she could convince Fuxi, it would be nothing.

On the contrary, Nuwa’s attitude has basically shown that she has figured it out.

“If nothing else!”

“The main palace will leave first!”

He said that he was about to leave, but after hesitating, he still said: “I can’t give you an immediate answer to today’s matter, but you can rest assured that no third party will know about this matter!” ”


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