Not Zhoushan.

Under the vast mighty power, the entire Lich Battlefield was frozen, and even the Zhou Tian Star Array could not move at all.

However, at this very moment,

A surge of vitality emerged from heaven and earth, and the next moment, Zhurong Zuwu, who was previously ready to self-detonate, instantly dissolved the violent aura on his body and returned to his previous appearance.

After saving Zhurong.

Houtu slowly breathed a sigh of relief, it was able to go so smoothly, but thanks to Su Che, if it weren’t for him, he would probably have incarnated himself now, and he could only watch his brother fall.

If it weren’t for him, he wouldn’t have woken up, let alone preached the Daoyuan Daluo Golden Immortal.

This moment.

The gratitude in my heart is indescribable, and I want to immediately enter the space of consciousness and pour out my feelings in person.

But she knew.

It’s still early.

Due to the coercion on the Houtu convergence, the battlefield also returned to its original state.

But this moment.

Whether it was the witch race or the demon race, they all stopped together.

Hou Tuzu Wu preached the mixed Yuan Da Luo Golden Immortal.

For the demon race, it is simply a great bad news, since ancient times, there have been rumors that under the saints are all ants, how can the demon race resist?

Now that the Wu Clan has given birth to a mixed Yuan Da Luo Golden Immortal, how else to fight this?

This is a battle that is simply impossible to win.

It’s better to cut it yourself.

Some people are sad, naturally some people rejoice, and the witch clans are ecstatic one by one, looking at the figure in the void, with worship and respect in their eyes.

“Hahaha, the Houtuzu witch preached, the day of the demon race’s collapse has come!”

“It’s me waiting for one-sidedness, originally Hou Tuzu Wu did not appear, resulting in the large array could not be arranged, I still have a grudge, now it seems that I am too short-sighted!”

“Hahaha, the demon clan is dumbfounded, my queen Tuzu Wu is preaching, not there for a while, let you commit murder, now Lord Zuwu has returned from preaching, and you can’t surrender quickly?”

“Witch! Witch! Witch! ”

For a time, the morale of the Wu Clan warriors was high, and with just a word from the Houtuzu Wu, they were able to tear the demon clan in front of them.

“Sister Houtu!”

“You, you broke through the mixed element?”

At this time, the rescued Zhurong Zuwu’s brain was a little unable to turn, and Fang Cai was already determined to die, and he was fighting to self-detonate to break this week’s Heavenly Star Array.

In the blink of an eye.

The situation was reversed, and Houtu not only preached the mixed elements, but also saved himself.


“Father God bless, the Wuwu clan is destined to destroy the demon race and become the only overlord of the flood wilderness!”

Stunned for a while, Zhurong accepted the fact, looked up to the sky and laughed, laughing heartily.

“Brother, stand back, leave it to me here!”

Houtu walked out from the Buzhou Mountain and said in a calm tone.

“Is that really little sister?”

Zhu Rong returned to the ancestors, and Di Jiang and the other ancestors asked with some disbelief.

“That’s still fake!”

“Father God blessed, the Wu Clan finally gave birth to the Mixed Yuan Daluo Golden Immortal!”

Zhu Rong raised his eyebrows coldly, and then said excitedly.

After getting Zhurong’s confirmation, the ancestors finally believed it, and there was really no sign of the Houtu Dao.

Houtu left the tribe to travel, it was ten thousand years ago.

They didn’t care, but they didn’t expect that Houtu gave them a big surprise.

Appearing in front of them again, he had already preached mixed elements.

It’s so exciting.

“Hahaha, God bless!”

“Miscellaneous bird, you are arrogant now, isn’t it just one side to break the formation, you don’t need to wait for us to make a move, you only need my little sister alone, you can break your big array!”

“Today is the time for the destruction of your demon clan!”

Immediately, Gonggong and Zhurong and other ancestral witches began to sneer.

Listen to Zuwu’s taunts.

The face of the emperor who presided over the great array was extremely gloomy, they had already gained the upper hand, but they did not expect that the mixed yuan of the Houtu Dao would be born.

It suddenly disrupted the position of the demon clan.

Seeing Houtu preaching, all the demon saints, demon marshals, and even Kunpeng had already retreated.

“Brother, how should I be good!”

Feeling Houtu’s gaze, Donghuang Taiyi’s heart sank and asked.

Di Jun was a demon emperor of the demon clan, did not panic, thought for a while, turned his head to look at Fuxi: “Fuxi Daoyou, can you convince the Nuwa saint?” Plunder for my demon clan? ”

Fuxi shook his head slightly: “The Nuwa sage once said that the Dao ancestor stipulated that the saint must not interfere in the calamity!” ”


Di Jun and Donghuangtai frowned.

But soon.

Di Jun’s gaze was firm again: “Houtu is just a preacher, the foundation is unstable, we have the Zhou Tian Star Array, it may not be invincible!” ”

“Dear demon clan children, if this battle is won, Wuxuer and other top-grade innate spirit treasures!”

These words were spoken to the great array of demon races.

The so-called heavy reward will have a brave man, as soon as these words came out, most of the demon races in the formation were bright-eyed, people died for the death of wealth and death, a high-grade innate spirit treasure, enough for them to desperately.

For a while, morale soared.

Di Jun and Donghuang Taiyi even cried, showing their true bodies, ditching the true fire of the sun, pulling the power of the stars in the sky.

The power of the Zhou Tian Star Array was turned on to the maximum.

“Houtu, you are not a saint after all, you can’t die or die!”

Di Jun’s eyes were filled with madness.

The saint is the mixed yuan Da Luo Golden Immortal, and the mixed yuan Da Luo Golden Immortal is not a saint.

The biggest difference is that the saint entrusts the Yuan God to the Heavenly Dao, the Heavenly Dao does not perish, and the saint does not die, while the Mixed Yuan Daluo Golden Immortal is not, it will fall.

Di Jun, who was completely crazy, controlled the large array and took the initiative to blast towards Houtu.

Such a crazy act of the demon race also shocked the sentient beings of the flood waste, is the demon race looking for death?

Looking at the large array of slaughter, Houtu’s expression did not change in the slightest.

If you don’t become a Mixed Yuan Da Luo Golden Immortal, you will never know the strength of the Mixed Yuan Da Luo Golden Immortal, and it is not something that a large array can make up for.

Houtu just raised his right hand, clenched his fist, and blasted out lightly.


It’s like a punch from an ordinary person.

But falling on the Zhou Tian Star Array, it burst out with unparalleled power.


A loud bang sounded, and the void was torn from mid-air, like an abyss mouth, swallowing everything around, and the sky full of stars shook down, and the river of stars disappeared.

The power of one punch shows its horror.

Under this punch.

Zhou Tianxingchen let out a wail, and before he could hold out a few breaths, it shattered.

Many demon races were directly torn apart

Only a few demon emperors were also seriously injured, and their clothes were stained red with blood.

Di Jun looked at this scene in disbelief.

He couldn’t understand why the Zhou Tian Star Array, which was comparable to the saint, was so fragile in front of Houtu?

Why is that?

Is it really heaven that wants to kill my demon clan?

A punch broke the big array, Houtu did not stop there, the Lich was originally a mortal enemy, and now that she seized the opportunity, she would definitely not miss it.

Another punch.

This moment.

The demon emperors were desperate.

However, at this moment, an old man riding a green bull, holding Buddha dust in his hand, appeared in front of the demon emperor, flicked Buddha dust, and stopped this punch.

“Taoist friends’ subordinates are merciful!!!”


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