Still in the rapid attack, the persistent Jin Ki-moon took out a whole body of momentum to resist Meng Tian.

However, it is a pity that no matter how resisted Kim Ki-moon was, he was unable to kill and block Meng Tian's steps.

Escorting the King of Goguryeo, their figures are still condensing one after another, continuing to move forward.

He followed quickly, counterattacking as always, the humming sound of the sword in his hand.

Being hit by Meng Tian's sword, he retreated one after another, Jin Jiwen's arm was numb, and there was a moment of soreness.

Since it is impossible to kill the King of Goguryeo, he must kill Meng Tian.

By blocking Jin Ki-moon, Meng Tian was able to take the King of Goguryeo out of this empty villa smoothly.

Otherwise, let Jin Ki-moon block his way, when will Meng Tian be able to leave~ here.

He continued to approach with his sword in hand, Kim Ki-moon's attacking pace did not stop.

Still attacking from far and near, every sword in his hand stabbed Meng Tian accurately.

Such a sword looks murderous, but in fact it is impossible to stop the counter-kill.

Kim Ki-moon was murderous, but he had a false appearance, and he couldn't kill Meng Tian in an upright and fair manner.

Now, under the cover of Meng Tian, ​​the King of Goguryeo continued to move towards the gate of the villa.

Leaving here and escaping from the villa, the King of Goguryeo will be able to regain his freedom.

Even if the nobles of Goguryeo came to threaten him, he would not be able to kill him simply.

Satisfied, the King of Goguryeo felt admiration as he watched Meng Tian keep pushing back Jin Ki-moon.

As expected of Ying Changge's subordinate! Only Kim Ki-moon has such a skill and is so powerful!

He continued to fight patiently, hitting Jin Ki-moon with sword after sword.

The beaten back again and again, and the helpless Kim Ki-moon already had a look of sincerity and fear on his face.

Either kill Kim Ki-moon or die here, there is no doubt that Meng Tian chose the former.

He was still attacking as always, and couldn't wait to fight, trying to take down Kim Ki-moon.

As long as Kim Ki-moon is killed, the King of Goguryeo can escape without any danger.

This is a rare opportunity. We must **** the King of Goguryeo and escape from this place safely.

0・・・For flowers・・・0

Quickly escape, quickly go away, and soon, Kim Ki-moon has seen a lot of people scattered.

They were all their own soldiers, arranged in the villa, in order to take care of the King of Goguryeo and prevent him from escaping.

However, under the collision of Meng Tian, ​​Jin Ki-moon's soldiers are already in a state of disarray and are very embarrassed.


Countless people died, and everyone died in this battle, and there was no chance of winning.

Watching his soldiers die one by one, he understood that he was powerless to fight back.

Instead of dying here, it's better to give it a go and escape from this place as soon as possible.

In a hurry, Kim Ki-moon immediately turned his head and ran away without looking back.

Escape as soon as possible, move quickly, and soon, Kim Ki-moon has already fled away directly.

Seeing Jin Jiwen's figure, Meng Tian showed a satisfied smile, "Very good!"

The person who knows the current affairs is Junjie. Kim Ki-moon made a choice now, and made way for Meng Tian.

Following the villa, Meng Tian immediately escorted the King of Goguryeo and left the place and.

1187 Filed out!

After attacking for a while, Jin Jiwen still lost to Meng Tian and immediately retreated.

When Jin Jiwen retreated in fear, he made way for Meng Tian to live.

Taking this opportunity, Meng Tian grabbed Jin Jiwen and quickly fled, and the two figures disappeared.

Pushing open the gate of the villa, he went quickly, and soon, Meng Tian left with the King of Goguryeo.

Under such a fight, it is not easy for them to survive the "320" intact.

They were all patiently leaving and gathering quickly, Meng Tian quickly left the villa.

The place where King Goguryeo was imprisoned might not be able to imprison him all the time, because Meng Tian came.

Following orders to act in accordance with Ying Changge's plan, Meng Tian took the King of Goguryeo and fled.

Escaped so quickly, and disappeared immediately in the blink of an eye, such a battle is naturally brave and fearless.

Not only did the King of Goguryeo not suffer any damage, they even survived.

One by one, the soldiers took this opportunity to retreat immediately, and they fought and struggled needlessly.

Filed out of the villa, a group of people quickly fled and disappeared without a trace.

With the murder, Goguryeo fell into an embarrassing situation, and the King of Goguryeo escaped easily.

Soon, Ying Changge knew the news, he was very satisfied, and went to meet directly.

You must know that the former King of Goguryeo was a majestic existence, but now it is different.

The nobles of Goguryeo oppressed the king, which directly caused the king's status to plummet, and there was no chance of survival.

Fortunately, Ying Changge acted in time, and immediately rescued this crisis with ease.

Life is better than death, the king of Goguryeo, who was under house arrest in the villa, is now able to live to see Ying Changge.

The mood was surging and the eyes moved, and then the King of Goguryeo immediately took Ying Changge's hand.

"Thank you! Thank you! If it weren't for you, I'm afraid I'd be a dead body now!"

The King of Goguryeo, who looked sad, couldn't help choking up when he spoke, very sad.

However, Ying Changge nodded calmly, "There are many variables in life, which is reasonable."

"Since you are the king of Goguryeo, of course you have to travel with your own obligations and accusations!"

"You're right! I'm very moved!" Kim Ki-moon nodded solemnly, "I'm convinced!"

"I've heard the name of Ying Changge for a long time, I always thought it was a vain name, but now I know that it has both ability and political integrity..."

"My admiration for you is like a river, endless and enduring!"

Of course Ying Changge didn't care about these polite remarks, "These are just false names."

"The scale of our Qin army has already spread here, of course, it is for the sake of heaven."

Ying Changge, who punishes evil and promotes good, will not simply let go of these great armies of Goguryeo.

The King of Goguryeo is also considered to be reining in the precipice, and the prodigal son turns back, so he will not care about the thoughts of the King of Goguryeo.

The most important thing now is the nobles of Goguryeo, they are impossible to surrender 5.0.

Not only do you not want to surrender, but you even want to repel Ying Changge's army in one go?

Isn't that ignorant of the sky and the earth, hitting the stone with an egg! Therefore, it is impossible for Ying Changge to give up.

The only thing he has to do is very simple, and that is to directly kill the nobles of Goguryeo.

Everything has to go far away, Ying Changge wants to restore the King of Goguryeo to his own power and status.

1188 Back in power!

"Don't worry." Ying Changge faced the King of Goguryeo, speaking in a serious and upright manner.

"As long as my army continues to attack, I can intercept all of you."

"When the time comes, kill those disobedient nobles and let your king sit on the throne again!"

The words of Ying Changge said that the King of Goguryeo was full of enthusiasm and even more excited, "Okay!"

"If I can get Goguryeo back, then I will completely surrender to you and let you send it!"

"This is my sincerity!" King Goguryeo widened his eyes and looked at Ying Changge seriously.

The excited King of Goguryeo expressed all 05's demeanor on the surface, looking very impulsive.

After hearing these words of loyalty, he waved his hand indifferently, Ying Changge was indifferent.

Speaking calmly, Ying Changge said slowly, "There's no need for that, now you are just a piece of loose sand."

"When I retake Goguryeo, you just need to be your king's essence!"

It's not a greedy Ying Changge, there's no need to directly annex Goguryeo, it's useless.

You can't make a fat man in one bite, Ying Changge just needs a stable relationship with Goguryeo.

"Being a king is not so easy." In Ying Changge's tone, there was an indescribable vicissitudes.

"When you're back in power, just promise not to offend my borders again, that's ok!"

Before, the King of Goguryeo almost gave his life to Ying Changge's hands.

Now, when he heard that Ying Changge's request was so simple, he was very moved, "Okay!"

"Exactly as it should be! Saving a life is better than building a seven-level pagoda. I'm very happy!"

"Now that I have escaped and saved my life in your hands, then I will repay you well!"

"Whenever any danger comes, I will be the first to stand up and refuse!"

The King of Goguryeo, who had sworn, promised, "From now on, we will be allies and confidants!"

His words were very weighty, and Ying Changge nodded with satisfaction.

"So good!" Ying Changge said, "I will directly lead the army and attack aggressively!"

"As long as the nobles of Goguryeo do not surrender, they will be beaten to their knees!"

The high-spirited Ying Changge's remarks directly moved the King of Goguryeo very much.

"Okay! It's a deal, from today onwards, we are good friends!" He was impassioned.

At this moment, the two agreed on everything, and the situation finally eased.

Even if the fight continued, the relationship between Ying Changge and the King of Goguryeo was clearly laid out here.

When Ying Changge began to settle the King of Goguryeo, the nobles of Goguryeo quickly learned the news of 320.

King Goguryeo escaped! From the guarded villa, escaped so easily?

After the nobles heard about it, they were furious, and Zhe Shui had a furious look on his face, very resentful.

You must know that no one else can block the guards of General Goguryeo, and the King of Goguryeo is safe.

Being under house arrest in that place, the King of Goguryeo had no chance of escape, but would be imprisoned for the rest of his life.

Now, one of the nobles of Goguryeo, the Kim family is of course very angry when they know about this.

"How could King Goguryeo escape? Why is Ying Changge's army helping him now?".

1189 For no reason!

All of a sudden, the King of Goguryeo was in a commotion, and everyone knew about it.

The general under Ying Changge went to the villa and directly rescued the King of Goguryeo. It was a shame!

Everyone was angry, everyone yelled, and the nobles of Goguryeo were so embarrassed that they jumped over the wall!

"No matter what, we must attack Ying Changge." "Yes, the king actually colluded with foreign enemies to rebel!"

"You can't save their lives, you must eradicate them all, not a single one is left!"

This incident made the nobles of Goguryeo lose their faces, and of course they were very resentful.

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