With the overwhelming force, the situation in the town has been controlled by Ying Changge.

Coming here, Ying Changge's troops are indomitable, after all, they are well-trained elite soldiers!

So many armies are coming here to show off their power, and I can't wait to eradicate the Goryeo army together.

The obsessive nobles, of course, are still quickly blocking Ying Changge for their lofty status.

No matter where Ying Changge's army marches, as long as it doesn't affect the nobles.

1164 Fight and resist!

The nobles knew very well that even if Ying Changge continued to attack, it would not be a matter of a day or two to take Goguryeo.

Ying Changge did not attack Goguryeo for a day, so the nobles were still the face of Goguryeo all day.

The army marched forward in a mighty manner, constantly devouring small and small areas of Goguryeo.

Even if they knew that Ying Changge was coming to attack, the elite soldiers sent out would not go against them.

There are soldiers sent by nobles, and he is just to protect the kid with the blood of his own family.

Even if they knew that Ying Changge's army was coming aggressively, they would not rush to attack.

They just wandered here patiently, letting the soldiers acted by the common people intercept Ying Changge's army.

There was no delay in the troops. After they found the illegitimate child, they left immediately.

The rest of the army is still on hold here, they do not stop, and they continue to fight one by one.

As expected by the nobles of Goguryeo, the illegitimate child was taken back smoothly.

It was only a few miles away from Ying Changge's army, but they didn't go to war at all.

Escorting the illegitimate sons of the nobles, they left quickly without any preparation for war.

There are many unwitting militiamen left, and they are still compelled to fight Ying Changge.

They were all fighting quickly, and outside this small village, fighting and resistance began.

Swords, lights and swords, horses hooves roar, and many soldiers are fighting with all their might.

In order to be able to kill the army of Ying Changge, the army of Goryeo is fighting in unity.

As always, rampant and fast fighting, outside the small town, the Korean army was in a panic.

At a loss, they don't know what to do, and their death is full of extraordinary embarrassment and danger.

Ying Changge came here, his expression was calm, and he would not have wronged himself because of these large armies.

"Even if there are thousands of troops, I can save you from danger and defeat you all together."

Peaceful, Ying Changge waved his hand, "You guys might as well just grab it! I won't hurt the civilians."

"These civilians are innocent people, I will not kill them!"

Not far in front of Ying Changge is the village, and of course there are many people in the village.

However, the kind-hearted Ying Changge will let everyone in the town go, just for the enemy.

It is also a relatively good thing to subdue the Goryeo army and make so many of the army surrender to him.

By strengthening his own troops and letting them all submit to his own subordinates, Ying Changge will be able to severely damage the nobles.

Otherwise, the nobles of Goguryeo will always live in their own territory, and they don't know the benefits at all.

Unable to see through the overall situation, the nobles are still impatiently commanding the soldiers to fight.

Let many people fill up the army, and let them all be forced to resist Ying Changge's army helplessly.

As long as the offensive of Ying Changge's army is delayed, the nobles (with Qian Zhao) can continue to be unrestrained.

If you continue to be chased and killed by Ying Changge's soldiers and horses, Goguryeo will be broken into pieces.

Protecting the territory is very important. If Ying Changge knows how powerful Goguryeo is, they will fight back.

Let the army of Ying Changge continue to come unimpeded, how can the nobles of Goguryeo have any majesty!

Not wanting their reputation to be discredited or their status destroyed, the nobles must fight back.

1165 Ways to live!

Killing these guys and letting them know the consequences of offending him, Ying Changge is righteous.

Otherwise, these guys continue to come to attack him, and it will be difficult for Goguryeo to quell such anger.

As always, he came and sent troops to attack quickly. He just wanted to kill the world.

"It's still too late to surrender! You must be guaranteed your last life!"

With a loud shout, he showed an indifferent look, in order to calm the anger of the Goryeo army.

If these large armies come to assassinate themselves willfully, it will only be more dangerous, and life will be ruined.

In such a battle, the Goryeo army was very embarrassed, and they were unable to stop it.

The united army came forward in a mighty manner, and wherever they went, dust was flying. 287

The hoofs of the horses were noisy, and Ying Changge's army quickly penetrated into the depths of the town, shocking the enemy.

Just like what Ying Changge said, he just wanted to take in the Goryeo army, not to kill civilians.

How could such a large Goryeo army attack him? It's simply impossible, just a complete failure.

Because they are not a well-trained army, and the soldiers who are really useful have stayed with the nobles.

The soldiers released today are all large armies formed by ordinary people, and they cannot be resisted.

As always, many soldiers died in the hands of Ying Changge's army and died directly.

Trying to control the situation here, they are still charging quickly, killing the enemy and breaking through.

Many nobles know how terrible Ying Changge is, so they don't want to start a battle with Ying Changge.

Continuing the mighty battle will only result in constant casualties and constant deaths here, which is heart-pounding.

The only way to stay alive is to pile up the soldiers and turn them into corpses to block them.

Intercepting Ying Changge's army, so that these soldiers will never attack again, will allow the nobles to succeed.

Now, the army formed by the common people is staying here with difficulty and danger to fight against the army of Ying Changge.

Inside and outside the town, so many people were killed, and then the safety of the town was lost.

They were originally villagers here, but today they were forced to become warriors and began to resist Ying Changge.

If they could not block Ying Changge's army smoothly, then these militiamen would surely die.

It was a very fierce war, but the nobles completely ignored the militias.

Let their figures wander around, they still can't wait to attack.

The militias were forced to be helpless, and everything was because of the insidious and cunning nobles who put them in trouble.

The situation in Goguryeo has become like a backwater, and won't be broken through by Ying Changge at all.

In fact, Ying Changge has no plans to continue his actions now, but he is waiting patiently.

It's enough to let the Goryeo army know how powerful he is, and Ying Changge won't sit idly by.

Hurrying up and chasing the enemy, Ying Changge showed all his abilities on this battlefield.

Every sword is very heroic, every soldier is very loyal, and can be called invincible.

The large Qin army quickly surrounded the Goryeo army inside and outside, making them unable to start.

The hasty militia had no experience in combat, but was incomplete and would be broken by Ying Changge's army.

When the noble saw that his illegitimate son was brought back safely, he showed a happy smile.

1166 The Flow of Figures!

As for the abandoned militias, of course the nobles don't care, they just worry about their children.

The children were safe and there was no danger, so the nobles and their elite soldiers left here immediately.

The rest of the lonely army is in a dedicated confrontation with Ying Changge, and there is nothing they can do.

Of course, these Goryeo troops wanted to escape, and they could not wait to dig three feet from the ground to escape completely.

It's a pity that Ying Changge's army is already here, they fought persistently and showed their skills.

The fierce battle caused a storm, and everyone was afraid, for fear of dying like this, with blood flowing into rivers.

The Qin army was brave and fearless, and they all attacked with great enthusiasm, showing a posture like a rainbow.

Not caring about the Goryeo army standing in front of him, Ying Changge continued to fight from far to near.

The dense figures are all airtight, shoulder to shoulder, like a large row of waves.

Like a continuous river, Ying Changge's army soon invaded the town.

If you want to conquer Goguryeo, of course, you have to trample on every inch of land, and gradually defeat the opponent.

Under the flow of so many figures, there were hardly many soldiers who could block Ying Changge's battle.

The rest of the Koryo army are just shrimp soldiers and crab generals, and they can't stop the Qin army at all.

Continue to attack, come with perseverance, and then they spread around and collapse.

Under the confrontation of Ying Changge, the army had almost no chance to survive.

The soldiers of Goguryeo knew this scene, and they all knew that they would be very embarrassed.

But even so, there is no room for them to retreat. Escape is death, and they will be beheaded by the general.

The army of Zhenshou here played a role of supervising and supervising the attack of Ying Changge's army.

As long as there is any trouble with the Ying Changge army, Goguryeo will immediately be on guard.

Soon, they heard the news because they saw a lot of people coming.

One by one, all of them were regarded as abandoned sons, in order to stop the pace of Ying Changge's army.

The person in charge of guarding this place is just an ordinary little general called Zhao Wu, who is a small person.

When he heard that he was appointed as a general, Zhao Wu was naturally very happy, he was very proud.

0・・・For flowers・・・0

It's amazing to think that one day I will be able to stand out from the crowd!

He came here soon, and guarded the place with his own army to avoid danger.

After a few days, Zhao Wu already understood why he was sent here!

Could it be that it was used to resist the army of Ying Changge? After thinking about it, Zhao Wusi looked serious.


After knowing his mission, Zhao Wu understood that he had become an abandoned son, a cannon fodder.

Once attacked, I am afraid that Zhao Wuhui will fall to the ground and die directly, and there will be no chance.

Such a war is very frightening, and Zhao Wu understands the price of becoming this general.

If that's the case, he doesn't want to be a general, and he doesn't want to be loyal to Goguryeo at all!

However, everything is not up to Zhao Wu, he is just an unknown general.

Sent here by the nobles of Goguryeo, that is the military order, and Zhao Wu cannot disobey the military order.

Frightened in his heart, shaking his head, Zhao Wu was very conscious, hoping that the army of Ying Changge would not come here.

1167 Earth Shaking!

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