If he can kill Ying Changge, Li Shanren has made a great contribution, and he will be promoted even more.

The battlefield is ruthless, and if you are reckless and hasty, you will easily lose your head!

Everyone knows that Ying Changge is famous, he is not an ordinary person, but a powerful enemy.

Therefore, in order to make Ying Changge surrender completely, Li Shanren must go all out.

As always rampant, Li Shanren and his soldiers soon came to the back of Ying Changge.

1132 Shoot an arrow!

Even if other Qin troops were acting elsewhere, Li Shanren ignored them.

The only thing he had to do was to carefully watch Ying Changge's every move and target the enemy.

For Li Shanren, Ying Changge is a formidable rival that cannot be ignored.

Under the command of Li Shanren, the army quickly followed the road to chase Ying Changge's whereabouts.

Ying Changge, who was running around on horseback, didn't know how to say "two five seven", and ignored Li Shanren at all.

Unlike Li Shanren, Ying Changge's goal is not to kill people, nor to defeat the Goryeo army first.

The most important thing for him now is to burn food and grass, and burn the most important food and grass in Goguryeo.

As long as their food and grass are destroyed, Ying Changge's army might be able to win without a fight!

This is a very important matter, Ying Changge and his soldiers are all working hard to attack.

The rapid charge was rampant as always, and many soldiers and horses were intercepted by Ying Changge.

There are this Goryeo army in front, back, left and right, and Ying Changge seems to have fallen into a difficult hostility.

Looking at this situation, Li Shanren showed a bright and happy smile, "Kill him for me!"

Waving his arms excitedly, Li Shanren and the others were chasing the enemy impatiently.

Seeing that Ying Changge could be caught immediately, Li Shanren's excited face was very excited.

Just about to move, he continued to chase on his horse, and soon, Li Shanren came to him.

Lifting his sword, he used the horse under his crotch to quickly approach behind Ying Changge.

"Archery!" Li Shanren scolded, but found that his cavalry did not have anyone who carried bows and arrows.

Not discouraged, he immediately drew his bow and shot an arrow, and then aimed at Ying Changge's figure.

"Go to hell!" At such a close distance, Li Shanren immediately shot an arrow, and the arrow went away with force.

It was easily shot on the back of Ying Changge, Li Shanren thought the arrow would be successful.

But it's a pity that Ying Changge didn't even need to look back, and then easily avoided it.

Leaning on his side and hanging on his horse, Ying Changge passed Li Shanren's arrow.

Whoosh! This arrow was very fast, and after it was shot, it avoided the dispute with Li Shanren.

Continuing to attack quickly on the horse, Li Shanren, who missed a single arrow, is of course annoyed and angry...

He continued to pull his bow and arrow, and then the arrows shot up continuously.

Li Shanren's archery skills are not good, so it is impossible to shoot arrows like this from a distance.

Now the distance between Li Shanren and Ying Changge is only a few dozen steps, so this is a good opportunity.

Constantly shooting arrows and constantly attacking, Li Shanren was harassing Ying Changge and preventing him from continuing to escape.

But what Li Shanren didn't know was that Ying Changge was not running away, but looking for the next target!

Ying Changge just wanted a fire to directly wipe out the burning ashes of the grain and grass.

However, he was always disturbed by such harassment 5.0. Li Shanren's arrows frequently shot behind Ying Changge.

If it weren't for Li Shanren's harassment, Ying Changge would have already left safely on horseback.

It is because of Li Shanren and his soldiers' pursuit that Ying Changge always delays his schedule!

With an angry look on his face, he was about to start fighting back.

The endless Li Shanren always assassinates Ying Changge from behind, he will not endure it like this.

1133 One move back to the carbine!

Still leading the army to attack quickly, what Li Shanren wanted was to kill Ying Changge.

But Ying Changge and his own troops go first, and can't wait to resist these people.

As long as they are intercepted together, there is not much danger, and they will control Goguryeo.

The situation in Goguryeo is very important to Li Shanren, and he does not want to become a general of the subjugated country.

Still patiently continuing the confrontation, holding the sword and attacking bravely, always chattering to chase and kill.

When it comes to aiming at Ying Changge with a bow and arrow, he can't wait to shoot, and Li Shanren is even more anxious.

Without delay, eager and anxious, Li Shanren's bows and arrows were shot continuously.

He showed his mighty offensive, but for a while, Li Shanren couldn't catch Ying Changge.

Ignoring Li Shanren's pursuit behind him, Ying Changge originally planned to run away.

But Li Shanren's harassment is too frequent, and he always shoots himself aggressively.

With an angry look, he turned his head, and immediately shouted, "Give me death!"

After killing one move and returning the carbine, Ying Changge's sword quickly stabbed the Goryeo army behind him.

Li Shanren's soldiers are frequently chasing the enemy, wanting to kill Ying Changge impatiently.

Therefore, the distance between them is already very close, and everything is changing rapidly.

Fortunately, Ying Changge struck first, and he directly stabbed a soldier on the ground with one sword.

Seeing this scene, Li Shanren even smiled contemptuously, but he dared to resist? He draws a bow and shoots arrows.

Whoosh! The arrows were densely packed away, and I could not wait to shoot Ying Changge directly.

But even so, such an arrow is ordinary, and it is impossible to kill Ying Changge.

Calmly and calmly, Ying Changge cut off the arrow shot by Li Shanren.

With a click, the arrow was directly broken, and a surprised look appeared on Li Shanren's face.

Not to be outdone, he continued to carry his bow and arrow, and continued to shoot Ying Changge.

He was very fast riding a horse in front of him, and it was impossible for Li Shanren to shoot himself to death.

Holding the reins, they continued to run on their horses, and soon, they circled to a farther place.

He left quickly, fled quickly, and soon, he saw the burning grain.

Lots and lots of fodder were ignited by their own soldiers, and the fire was very dense.

A series of fires spread between the heavens and the earth, and the flames with blue smoke were everywhere.

In his eyes, Li Shanren was naturally very distressed, and he showed an angry look.

Grinning his teeth in anger, Li Shanren still raised his arms and aimed at Ying Changge's back.

Taking this opportunity, Li Shanren shot arrows 257 times, and with a swoosh, stabbed him directly on the body.

The arrows are so powerful, it is impossible for ordinary people to easily block this kind of offensive.

It is precisely because of such an anxious battle that Li Shanren has no skills and cannot ignore the fire.

If all the food and grass are burned and destroyed at the same time, Li Shanren will make a very serious mistake.

However, the culprit was right in front of him, and Li Shanren couldn't wait to kill Ying Changge.

"Continue to charge!" While shooting arrows, Li Shanren rode on his horse and kept approaching.

Even in such a state, it is impossible to kill Ying Changge easily, he is a strong man.

1134 Leaders!

Well-trained and highly skilled in martial arts, Ying Changge would not allow anyone to assassinate him.

It is about the ever-changing changes on the battlefield, and such ever-changing changes are all influenced by Ying Changge.

He wants to make the situation on the battlefield one-sided and easily crush the Goryeo army.

Burning the food and forage of the Goryeo army, so that they are completely damaged, only a certain amount of strength can be damaged.

Without the supply of food and grass, the Goryeo army had little chance of winning in the stalemate with Ying Changge.

What he has to do is very simple, Ying Changge and his army just want to kill the enemy, that's all.

The surrounding fire continued to burn, and a lot of food and grass were destroyed and burned into ashes.

He and his own soldiers were doing their best to attack, but Li Shanren was out of breath.

He was so sweaty that he didn't know how to attack, because Li Shanren couldn't catch Ying Changge at all.

After Ying Changge killed several of his own soldiers, he continued to flee. He was as fast as a gust of wind and lightning.

On the contrary, Li Shanren, not to be outdone, he and his army are moving forward as always.

Using all the troops, Li Shanren had only one goal, and that was to kill Ying Changge.

Among the Qin army, Ying Changge is a very good general! Also a rare leader.

If Ying Changge could be assassinated to death, Li Shanren's next battle would be very easy.

The battle to protect Goguryeo is rare, and the troops around him are even more mighty.

When the food and grass were burning, Li Shanren's heart throbbed very much, this is a treasure!

So many grains and grasses are abundant materials, and it is impossible for them to be wiped out.

Li Shanren must stop this tragedy, so he ordered the soldiers behind him to retreat immediately.

"Go! Go put out the fire!" Li Shanren shouted, even more ferocious, "Protect the food and grass!"

This fire directly made Li Shanren dizzy, and he felt that he had a very headache.

Li Shanren, who was in pain, held his bowstring, and then continued to shoot arrows, chasing and killing.

Frightened, knowing that he would die, his every attack was very mediocre.

Even with such a gesture, Li Shanren was unable to kill Ying Changge and repel the Qin army.

The brave and fearless Qin troops came in a steady stream and invaded the depths of Koguryo.

When the Qin army all came and went on the battlefield, Li Shanren couldn't help but fall into a disadvantage.

He understood that such a battle would only make Goguryeo even more desolate and severe.

When Ying Changge led so many people to come aggressively, it made Li Shanren embarrassed.

Faced with such a dangerous situation, Li Shanren had no choice but to pursue the enemy unremittingly.

Constantly killing the enemy, constantly attacking, chasing behind Ying Changge, Li Shanren was aggressive.

This kind of aura is useless, for Ying Changge, it's just overkill.

In order (to Li Zhao) to prove the bravery of Li Shanren's army at this moment, he continued to pursue the enemy.

Ying Changge will not get rid of the army behind him, he is deliberately attracting them to come.

Catching turtles in the urn and leading snakes out of their holes, such a strategy is ever-changing, in order to win Li Shanren.

As long as the Goryeo army is completely destroyed, then they have no chance of winning.

Concentrating on fighting the enemy, Ying Changge continued to attract and let them all follow him deep into the hinterland.

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