In order to prove that he was not just talking, or even a thousand words, he quickly made a sword.

It was just an ordinary sword that stabbed Jin Shuncai in the chest, making Ying Changge's situation stable.

Jin Shuncai didn't spare any effort when he came with claws and claws, and couldn't wait to raise his sword to attack.

Unscrupulous and unscrupulous, every sword is very powerful and domineering, reaching Ying Changge's chest.

By exchanging his way for his body, Jin Shuncai did not want to be defeated, he wanted to live strong.

As they continued to fight with their swords in hand, among the swords and shadows, several 05 people had already fallen.

These are all loyal and loyal soldiers of Jin Shuncai, in order to protect the safety of Jin Shuncai.

But under this fierce battle, they have no chance to fight back.

There was no chance of escape in front of Ying Changge's ultimate move, and they all died one by one!

Extremely embarrassed, blood sprayed, Jin Shuncai's soldiers splattered blood five steps, and the defense was particularly weak.

It is impossible for these people to kill Ying Changge, their swordsmanship is very different from that of Ying Changge.

As a result, quickly approaching with the sword, surrounded in one go, was of no use to Ying Changge.

They fell down and died one by one, here, under the sword of Ying Changge!

"Look! Your soldiers are just struggling for nothing, acting as ghosts under my sword."

"If you can, you can capture it without your hands, and you can avoid the sacrifice of the soldiers!"

Ying Changge was still scolding and threatening this guy constantly to avoid a long battle.

But even so, Jin Shuncai still showed a contemptuous smile, and he waved his hand calmly.

"Impossible! I can only die in battle! It's impossible to sneak attack against you! For Korea!"

With a sound like Hong Zhong's scolding, Jin Shuncai rushed up quickly.

With a big fight, he waved his sword and rushed towards Ying Changge, but Jin Shuncai was not confident.

In his heart, he didn't know what he should do to be able to kill Ying Changge.

The more he fights with Ying Changge, the more rounds, Jin Shun will know his depth.

Above the practice of swordsmanship, it is like an unattainable mountain, with no end in sight.

So what is Ying Changge like? It is like an immortal pine among the peaks, impossible to break.

Jin Shuncai's own martial arts are like weeds at the bottom of the mountain, very small and not worth mentioning.

When fighting Jin Shuncai hard, Ying Changge didn't even show all his abilities.

He was just swinging his sword calmly, and every time he blocked Jin Shuncai's sword edge with precision and accuracy.

At this moment, Jin Shun let out a roar of incompetence, and he scolded angrily.

Because of the deep blood feud, it is impossible for Jin Shun to let Ying Changge kill himself! He's going to fight back.

He wants revenge, so he will carry his own sword and always deal with Ying Changge.

As always, fighting and colliding impatiently, every sword in his hand is so majestic.

Ping ping pong pong, swords staggered, under such an offensive, there is almost no chance of survival.

It was another close fight, but Jin Shuncai was still injured by Ying Changge's sword.

Unknowingly, Jin Shuncai was stabbed by the sword without even paying any attention.

Chapter 1019 Revenge is very important!

Jin Shuncai's dream is to meet Ying Changge and take revenge, which is very important.

But I never expected that Ying Changge would come so quickly and appear in front of him all at once.

He fought hard and fought with the Goryeo army as always, wishing to kill them.

The results of it! If not, it was still lost like this. Their soldiers were extremely weak and very tired.

Under the death, almost not many people can stop the offensive of Ying Changge's army.

Especially Ying Changge's men and horses ambushed ahead of time, it turned out to be a silent attack, and they fought together.

Under such siege, Jin Shuncai, who faced Ying Changge, was very flustered and panicked.

He was afraid that he would die like this, so he fought side by side with his soldiers.

He took out all his strengths and attacked as always, with a thumping sound from the sword's edge.

However, facing Ying Changge, Jin Shuncai still couldn't kill him, he just kept wielding weapons.

Under the big sword, there must be murderous intentions. In order to kill Jin Shuncai, Ying Changge must go all out.

Occupying the grain road, snatching grain and grass, every step is in the expectation of Ying Changge.

Because this is the plan he personally controls, and every time is full of opportunities.

Ying Changge's army was numerous, and a series of people appeared in groups.

They came to attack unscrupulously and took out a mighty offensive, just to kill them all.

The Goryeo army is not worthy of sympathy, and Ying Changge doesn't want them to delay his soldiers.

Still walking fast, the sword in his hand was already stabbing Jin Shuncai hard.

The scarred Jin Shun was in pain, not Ying Changge's opponent at all, so embarrassed.

He could block Ying Changge's sword, but Jin Shuncai couldn't block the attack one after another.

Coming unscrupulously, Ying Changge's army had a high-spirited attitude and tried their best to fight back.

The war was violent, with great fanfare, Ying Changge's soldiers took the lead and won the advantage over Jin Shuncai.

Jin Shuncai and his soldiers were caught off guard by Ying Changge's blow, and they had no way of attacking and could not fight back.

Under such beatings and killings, there were only a few left to fight him.

On the food route, we must let the food and grass go first, and Jin Shun must protect the food and grass first, which is especially important.

As long as these provisions were sent to the base camp of the Goryeo army, Kim Soon-jae's mission would be completed.

Otherwise, continuing to be slaughtered by such a majestic aura will only lead to a crushing defeat for Jin Shuncai's men.

While retreating, Jin Shuncai escorted his army to continue retreating, and they had to leave this place.

This place was originally occupied by the Goryeo army, but it didn't take long before it seemed to be able to change hands.

Seeing so many people coming, the only one who can stop Jin Shuncai is Ying Changge himself!

He acted in anger, raised his sword to fight back, and Jin Shuncai stared at Ying Changge with a fierce look in his eyes.

In order to kill the opponent, he couldn't wait and attacked with murderous aura.

But under the big sword, Ying Changge's figure always dodged, easily avoiding the edge.

After passing by Jin Shuncai, the sword in Ying Chang Singer accurately stabbed his chest evenly.

puff! With fresh blood spraying, Jin Shun stepped back in pain, clutching his abdomen with a look of resentment.

Chapter 1020 Evenly divided, evenly matched!

Staring at Ying Changge, Jin Shun yelled, "I must kill you!"

"You are such a villain, you really can't be an enemy of me! Eliminate your army and kill the people!"

In order to protect his own Goryeo, Jin Shuncai couldn't wait to continue carrying his sword.

Every sword has a high-spirited attitude, this is for the war in the frontier land, and it is urgent.

But even so, it was not so easy for Jin Shun to defeat Ying Changge's army.

Around the two roads, Ying Changge's soldiers continued to emerge, like a raging gale.

The wind was blowing and the clouds were flying, Ying Changge's warriors took the lead in attacking and tried their best to counterattack.

Against the army of Ying Changge, Jin Shuncai didn't want to die like this.

He was already impatient, especially knowing that Ying Changge had a deep hatred with himself, and he didn't stop.

Quickly coming and going, he couldn't wait to charge, the sword in his hand was already chopped and full of mutilations.

Ying Changge's swords were always coming, so of course Jin Shuncai had to raise his sword to resist.

However, Jin Shuncai's academic skills are not good, but the sword in his hand may not be able to intercept every blow of Ying Changge.

Under the big sword, there is only murderous aura, and Ying Changge's sword move is really exquisite.

The invincible Jin Shuncai always fights back in one go, but he may not be able to stop such an attack.

In the turbulent battle, the unscrupulous percussion of the weapon, Jin Shuncai's sword was already full of cracks.

There's not much time left, if you continue to delay, Jin Shuncai will be wiped out by Ying Changge!

"Retreat!" In a panic, Jin Shuncai and his army were quickly retreating.

Even with such an offensive, it could not be wiped out in one go, because Ying Changge's troops were not many.

Since it was a sneak attack, of course Ying Changge had to go into battle lightly, but only led 5,000 cavalry.

On the contrary, Jin Shuncai's military strength was indeed slightly more than that of Ying Changge's soldiers.

If it is an all-out attack, it will take a while to kill Jin Shuncai.

The Goryeo army is also battle-hardened, and the battle of his (affa) is only tough, but it may not be able to defend.

Following Ying Changge's back, he continued to fight loyally and fiercely.

The hordes of people are still chasing after them impatiently, just to kill them.

Escorting food was originally a trivial matter, but now Jin Shuncai is in danger.

He looked terrified and his face darkened, Jin Shun raised his hand and clenched his weapon tightly.

This is the last battle. If Ying Changge cannot be killed, Jin Shuncai will be left with no money.

Not only is the head of the item not guaranteed, maybe the food and grass will be robbed by Ying Changge's people.

Jin Shun is the one who will not go to charge with his own people in the deadly battle with all his strength here.

Once it is death, there is no way to live. Such a battle is really irresistible.

Even if you are a little trick of carving insects, you dare to make an axe in front of you! Jin Shun was so angry that he jumped over the wall to fight.

Carrying his own sword, the meteor came in stride, and the figure of Jin Shuncai and Ying Changge continued to entangle.

The figures collided, the swords slashed, and the two were inseparable.

But only Jin Shun knew for himself that he was not able to kill Ying Changge so easily.

Chapter 1021 The appearance of unity!

Don't look at Ying Changge's every blow Jin Shun intercepted it, but it was done reluctantly, and he shot with resentment.

After a fierce battle with him, Jin Shuncai's murderous intentions were revealed.

It's just a pity, this opportunity is really rare, and it is impossible to block Ying Changge's sword move unimpeded.

Shaking, the impacted figure was unstable, and Jin Shun just sat on the ground with his buttocks~.

With a look of surprise on his face, Jin Shun gritted his teeth angrily, he immediately got up, and hurriedly raised his sword for defense.

With such a sword, how could he block Ying Changge's aggressive offensive?

Must die! Jin Shuncai sighed, and even felt hopeless and despaired, knowing that his life was near.

"Hurry up!" Since he couldn't escape, he had to let the food and forage leave first.

Otherwise, if the food and grass in his army fell into the hands of Ying Changge, Jin Shuncai would just feel remorse.

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