The blood sprayed, and Jin Xidong was injured in his chest, so he was thrown off the horse in a panic.

With a cough, the dizzy Jin Xidong got up quickly and wanted to continue the confrontation.

But such a sword is really useless. Under such a hard fight, Jin Xidong has already suffered more fortunes than good luck.

Kim Hee-dong, who was bruised and bruised all over his body, did not dare to ride his horse at all because his body was in pain.

Grinning his teeth and continuing to endure, he finally rode on the horse and quickly escaped with a slap on the butt.

Such a major matter of life and death is impossible to stay, and it will be dangerous for Kim Hee-dong to stay here.

However, his manpower is fighting hard, and the soldiers are scrambling to attack and fight hard.

Only Jin Xidong himself, he panicked, for fear that he would die under Ying Changge's sword like this.

Dedicated to protecting Goryeo is just rhetoric, the most important thing is his own life.

Jin Xidong had to protect his head first, then there would be no other danger.

Frightened, Jin Xidong rode on his horse and quickly went to the distance.

The more he can escape, the further away he will be from danger. Jin Xidong is determined to escape.

Fortunately, Jin Xidong's men are not good soldiers, they can't stop Ying Changge's elite.

Want to fight Ying Changge? Isn't that just stupid? No one can defeat Ying Changge's army.

In particular, Jin Xidong's people are fighting quickly, and it is impossible to stop the fight.

Kim Hee-dong was escaping, the Korean army was resisting, and the situation was disintegrating.

If it weren't for the fact that he couldn't kill him, then Jin Xidong would have to fight Ying Changge for 300 rounds.

Knowing the strength of Ying Changge, their army was rapidly approaching, blocking the way.

With anxious expressions on their faces, they ran away quickly. Their figures were already close to dying.

Ying Changge could not be deceived by the embarrassing situation of the Goryeo army. He knew the enemy's movements like the back of the back.

On weekdays, Jin Xidong is invincible and invincible because he has not encountered a strong enemy.

But now that he is involved with Ying Changge's army, the battle of life and death is extraordinarily fierce.  …

Watching them die, Kim Hee-dong knew that his own people would be utterly defeated.

Because Ying Changge's army is approaching the city, Jin Xidong is obviously the army who attacked in the middle of the night!

As a result, now not only is he not in control of the situation, but he is even chased by Ying Changge's army.

If it weren't for the fact that Jin Xidong's cavalry was blocking it, then I'm afraid they would have died without a place to die.

The corpses spread all over him, the army suffered casualties, and the damage was so severe that Jin Xidong was left alone.

He couldn't helplessly watch his own men annihilated, and Jin Xidong had no chance of winning against Shang Ying Changge.

Involved with Ying Changge's army, it will only fall into the swamp and quagmire, and Ken 5.0 will surely sink deeper and deeper.

If it weren't for the fear of those who knew him, Kim Hee-dong would have turned defeat into victory.

He and the Goryeo army are bound to win and persevere.

Beating a snake and hitting seven inches, Jin Xidong knew that Ying Changge was the weakness of the entire Qin army, which was very important.

Run away! Run as fast as you can! Kim Hee-dong made up his mind, and then quickly continued to escape.

Chapter 1003 Proud of the heroes, self-righteous!

If it wasn't for knowing that his soldiers were weak, Jin Xidong would definitely go to capture Ying Changge.

Without this opportunity, Kim Hee-dong could only retreat, so that he could return to Korea.

"Death!" Ying Changge is only one word, but only once! It can be called a three-pointed word!

A big man like him is mighty and flamboyant, and with a wave of his hand, he is a force of thousands of horses.

When Jin Xidong was still riding a horse to escape, Jin Xidong had already pinched him.

With a simple gesture, the army will follow Ying Changge's rampage and continue to fight.

kill! Soldiers Yi 05 Bo Yuntian, coming with mighty force, still surrounded Jin Xidong in one go.

Seeing that his situation was already a dead end, Jin Xidong had no chance to escape at all.

Keep escaping! He roamed quickly, and for a while, his people could be called rats crossing the street.

No matter where you go on horseback, you will be killed by Ying Changge's men and horses.

Frightened, he was separated from his soldiers, leaving Kim Hee-dong alone.

After fleeing in a panic, the battle with Ying Changge's soldiers was already a big fight.

Ping ping pong pong, under a few swords, he has already blocked a lot of attacks, and Jin Xidong is lingering.

In order to be able to keep himself alive, every step of his is a precise and unmistakable step away.

With a complacent look on his face, Jin Xidong felt that he was able to escape from heaven.

God will not kill me! Laughing loudly, Jin Xidong, who was riding on the horse, did not turn his head, preparing to return to the territory in one go.

This place is dangerous, Ying Changge's ambush can kill people, and the situation has become a dead place.

It is not easy to kill in this open space, because Ying Changge's troops are everywhere.

Ying Changge's soldiers were still approaching in a steady stream, and they came in full force and perseverance.

Knowing that Jin Xidong was about to escape, Ying Changge looked unhappy, so he immediately raised his bow and arrow.

Aiming the bow and arrow, Ying Changge's demeanor was calm, and he kept running around on his horse, always shooting indifferently.

It was just an arrow, and with a buzzing sound, the arrow broke through the air and stabbed into Jin Xidong's back.

Even Jin Xidong never expected Ying Changge's arrow to be so accurate.

It's appalling and shocking. After Kim Hee-dong was injured, he immediately fell off his horse.

With a thud, Jin Xidong fell to the ground in an embarrassed manner, and immediately vomited blood and looked embarrassed.

Getting up in horror, Jin Xidong still wanted to escape, and he still wanted to continue to get on his horse.

However, Ying Changge naturally didn't give him this chance, he was already drawing a bow and shooting arrows again.

The soldiers who followed Ying Changge came in a mighty manner, and they were a mighty force.

The majesty came, and there was an endless stream of assassinations, and the people of Ying Changge had already surrounded Jin Xidong.

Injured, Jin Xidong reluctantly got up, but it was not a posture of standing still, but a candle.

Holding his sword weakly, Jin Xidong raised his head, but he didn't see his men at all.

Jin Xidong's soldiers are separated from him, and there are only Ying Changge's soldiers in all directions.

Surrounded by cavalry, the soldiers were murderous and surrounded Jin Xidong, which was really eyeing.

Taking out his own posture, Jin Xidong was surrounded by deep, but he was still proud and self-righteous.

Chapter 1004 When is it a head!

Slowly getting up, holding the sword and shouting, Jin Xidong's every word is full of coldness.

"You dare to kill me! I am the general of the Goryeo army, majestic and domineering!"

The self-proclaimed Kim Hee-dong has a domineering look, which can be said to be invincible.

However, even so, can such a gesture be able to fight back! Impossible, Kim Hee-dong doesn't have any chance.

Can't wait to kill Jin Xidong, Ying Changge didn't even come to approach, and immediately shot arrows in the distance.

Whoosh! The arrow flew away violently, and then easily landed on Jin Xidong's back.

The dying Jin Xidong had no chance, so he fell to the ground, spitting blood.

His death was expected, because after meeting Ying Changge, there was only one way to die.

Ying Changge's army continued to fight, eradicating Jin Xidong's remnants of defeated generals.

Taking this opportunity, the arrow in his hand successfully shot Jin Xidong to death, and died directly.

When he died here, Jin Xidong couldn't rest his eyes, even his eyes widened, looking unexpected.

Came on a horse, Ying Changge trampled over Jin Xidong's body, very proud.

"None of the Koryo army can be left behind, all of them will be beheaded and let them die 〃'!"

This kind of big event, it is really impossible for ordinary people to avoid it. They die, get injured, and fail.

The current situation is already doomed, and Jin Xidong's people are all panicking to escape.

Under the pursuit of Ying Changge and the siege of the army, Jin Xidong's army was completely wiped out.

Before his apprenticeship, Kim Hee-dong was entrusted by the King of Goryeo, but so what!

Their men and horses have already been killed in such a woeful battle, and they no longer have any power to fight back.

In the pool of blood were Jin Xidong's corpse. This battle was quickly subsided under the control of Ying Changge.

They all died one by one, no one survived, and they all looked so appalling.

Jin Xidong is dead, and his army can't last for too long, because there is no general to lead it.

Not knowing what to do, the Goryeo army was trapped here by Ying Changge, like a bird in a prison.

There is no way for these people to live, and their deaths are in the net of Ying Changge.

People who died abounded, and their wars also had the simplest effect, and life and death were simple.

Many people died, and the bones of the soldiers were piled up like mountains, and they were buried here.

After winning the battle, Ying Changge was neither arrogant nor arrogant, he was still restrained and calm, just like before.

Even if he was harassed by the Goryeo army, Ying Changge calmly and calmly disintegrated!

Soldiers will block the water and cover, even if there are so many guys coming, they are not able to kill them.

The troops in his own hands are not very strong, (good) and Jin Heedong's army is arrogant.

Under the confrontation between the two armies, Jin Xidong's odds of winning are very weak, and he still died here.

Therefore, in marching and fighting, the most important thing is not the strength of the troops, but the generals, which is the key.

As long as there are generals with the mind to win, then killing them and destroying them together is not easy!

Otherwise, a little Goryeo army is always making things difficult for Ying Changge, when will it be a head! claw.

Chapter 1005 Reported new information!

The cavalry confronted and blocked Ying Changge, the hope of the Goryeo army was defeated, and they were already doomed.

Kim Hee-dong died in battle, the news will reach Goryeo sooner or later, but Ying Changge did not stop.

Taking advantage of the victory, it is inevitable to win, and after winning the battle, Ying Changge began to think about the next step.

To strategize and control the situation, Ying Changge must make a quick decision, or even take the lead.

Therefore, after Ying Changge beheaded Jin Xidong, he continued to move forward with his own people.

The road was unobstructed, and there was no obstruction from the Goryeo army, so it was easy to march and approach quickly.

Instead, the cavalry went first and continued on their way, so that they could leave this place and occupy the borderlands of Goryeo.

An eye for an eye for a tooth for a tooth, these 130 simple things are naturally the same for him.

There is no hope of surviving, but Goryeo still has to do her best to resist Ying Jangge.

Ying Changge is not dead for a day, and Goryeo is not safe for a day. This is Ying Changge's threat to Goryeo.

The strength of the troops in hand is secondary, and the most important thing is Ying Changge's quick thinking and leadership.

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