A sword ran rampant, and Hanmang came leisurely, and stabbed Jin Xidong's body in a blink of an eye.

This is really unexpected, Jin Xidong's sword is obviously going straight to Ying Changge.

But when he was dazzled, Ying Changge blocked Jin Xidong's sword and stabbed him back.

The chest was injured and blood was sprayed, Jin Xidong forcibly endured it, holding his sword on guard.

"It's really a bad thing 117!" Said to himself, Jin Xidong himself was flustered!

Because he knew that Ying Changge was really hard to guard against, and under the sword, many soldiers were very frightened.

Under the leadership of Jin Xidong, the army is approaching aggressively, fighting side by side with him.

But even so, Jin Xidong will not retreat, he must fight Ying Changge to the death.

Even if his chest is scarred and blood is sprayed, it may not be able to take his life.

He regarded death as if he were at home, and was always impatient, holding his sword and fighting fiercely.

Walking with great fanfare, from far to near, Jin Xidong came to compete against Ying Changge.

Fighting against Ying Changge's swords, Jin Xidong would struggle every time.

Swords crossed each other, you came and I came, and many people died under the army of Ying Changge.

Jin Xidong knows that Ying Changge's army is strong and brave, and it is not easy to guard against.

Going all out and fighting hard, the sword in Jin Xidong's hand was shaky and trembling.

With all his strength, Jin Xidong put his five fingers together, and then firmly grasped his weapon.

In a battle, there must be brave soldiers to follow him to kill! Kim Hee-dong naturally wants to do his best.

As long as Ying Changge can be killed, Kim Hee-dong can live, which is a matter of course.

The two armies fought and couldn't wait, in order to break through the enemy's last defense and kill them one by one.

Otherwise, it would be very dangerous if Ying Changge's army engulfed Jin Xidong's soldiers.

Concentrating on the enemy, every ultimate move of Jin Xidong is densely shrouded in Ying Changge.

boom! The fists and feet have no eyes (affa), and there is no way to fight back. Jin Xidong's sword finally lost to Ying Changge.

He was out of breath, bent his spine, and never dared to fight Ying Changge again!

He is still not to be outdone, after all, killing Ying Changge and protecting Goryeo is the only chance.

The army was in chaos, the army faced the enemy, and the soldiers continued to fight in groups.

Raising his sword and stabbing with force, Jin Xidong's army was still fighting back in a delusional way.

Having stepped into the net of Ying Changge, Jin Xidong's army will only die, not live.

He had already figured out the opponent's offensive a long time ago, and Ying Changge knew his marching routine.

Especially under such a slaughter, the two have been fighting for dozens of rounds.

Jin Xidong is physically weak, and under the sword of Ying Changge, he can't take any advantage.

Every attack is mighty, and every sword attack is murderous.

It's a pity that Ying Changge's performance was flawless, and he couldn't break through his sword at all.

Ying Changge, who is both offensive and defensive, is right in front of Jin Xidong, but Jin Xidong does not dare to kill them.

However, whenever a sword is used, there will be flaws, and Jin Xidong is only afraid that the more he attacks, the more panic he becomes.

Stopping helplessly, holding up his sword, Jin Xidong scolded, "What skills do you have!"

For a while, they actually stopped, Ying Changge didn't move, and Jin Xidong was naturally happy.

The panting Jin Xidong stared at Ying Changge intently, "If you have the ability, fight me three hundred times!"

"You're not worthy!" Ying Changge took it slow and smiled indifferently, "Because I haven't used my best yet."

"You are already exhausted. If I show my ability, you will die!"

When Jin Xidong's army came to assassinate in a mighty manner, Ying Changge's army still had no flaws.

After fighting with Ying Changge for a while, Jin Xidong knew that he was invincible, and it was impossible to kill Jin Xidong.

Thirty-six strategies are the best strategy, and Jin Xidong turned his eyes, already thinking of a better strategy!

He shouted loudly, and continued to swipe his sword quickly. The shadow of the sword, light and sword was full of murderous intent.

Chapter 991 I thought I could win!

Under the fighting between you and me, Ying Changge was still calm, and even blocked Jin Xidong's blow.

The sword's edge was swaying, and Jin Xidong's face was ugly.

"The wind is screaming!" Jin Xidong shouted, and immediately retreated with his own people and quickly turned around.

He went deep into Ying Changge's camp, but it didn't have any effect and couldn't stop him at all~.

Therefore, since it is impossible to kill Ying Changge, Jin Xidong might as well escape as soon as possible and disappear.

He and his own soldiers left to fight side by side, so that Kim Hee-dong could be alive.

In a hurry and in a hurry, Jin Xidong and his men quickly fled away.

He attacked his camp in the middle of the night, but now he has to escape, Jin Xidong is really timid as a mouse!

Ying Changge smiled contemptuously, of course she would not ignore it, she had to work hard.

Jin Xidong wants to escape, Ying Changge will chase after him, and the troops in his hands are very strong.

"Follow me to chase the enemy, don't leave one, you must do your best to kill them!"

With a scolding, Ying Changge immediately stepped forward, so that he could encircle Jin Xidong's men and horses here.

Under the aggressive attack, under the counterattack of Ying Changge, Jin Xidong ran in extreme embarrassment.

In order to be able to escape, Jin Xidong simply ignored Ying Changge's pursuers behind him, and he was frightened.

Thoughtful and prepared for a rainy day, Ying Changge kept his army under control with precision and accuracy.

Even if they were attacked by Kim Hee-dong in the middle of the night, Ying Changge's soldiers looked like they were all in one go.

Noisily, fighting and killing, Ying Changge's army in the camp had already seized the opportunity.

On the contrary, Jin Xidong's soldiers all escaped in fear, eager to leave this place as soon as possible.

As long as it can disappear, there will be no danger, Kim Hee-dong forced his way out.

After repelling a few Ying Changge soldiers, Jin Xidong got on his horse and escaped quickly.

Don't dig a well when you are thirsty, if Kim Hee-dong doesn't make preparations sooner, I'm afraid he will already be dead at his hands.

Such an offensive is very strong, especially when Ying Changge's soldiers attacked, they all chased and killed behind him.

Fortunately, there are still remnants of the troops in his hands, which is a good thing for Jin Xidong.

Can't wait to move forward, riding on the horse, riding the horse galloping, Jin Xidong is mighty along the way.

Moving forward smoothly, riding on the horse, Jin Xidong's figure swayed and couldn't wait.

Since Ying Changge's army was chasing after him, it meant that there was no way forward.

As the saying goes, the poor do not chase after him. Since Ying Changge is chasing and killing himself, it means that there is still a chance.

He and his own people did their best to run rampant, and Jin Xidong made the soldiers kill a path.

Under the cover of the soldiers, Kim Hee-dong didn't stop at all, and continued to sprint quickly on his horse.

The way was full of turbulence, Jin Xidong did not dare to stop, and always tried his best to collide.

Killing an enemy is one, but Kim Hee-dong is a majestic general of Goryeo!

If it weren't for the fact that he would be beheaded, Jin Xidong would continue to fight Ying Changge for three hundred rounds.

It's a pity that Ying Changge's martial arts are so powerful that he can't kill him at all, it's really hateful.

With resentment in his heart, Jin Xidong jumped off the wall in a hurry, and then hurriedly avoided Ying Changge's pursuit.

0・・・For flowers・・・0

Such a situation made Jin Xidong very frightened, and he was very worried, for fear that he would die.

If it was only because of a team of Ying Changge soldiers, then he must be able to fight back one by one.

However, Ying Changge's soldiers were all in groups, coming in densely like waves.

Such an army is really winning, without any gesture of counterattack, Jin Xidong panicked.

If it weren't for the lack of troops in his hands, Jin Xidong would definitely kill him in the dark.

With their own hands, they tried their best to escape, and every time they chased and killed, they had lingering fears.


If he can escape successfully, Kim Hee-dong must return to his own Goryeo.

Otherwise, it will be Jin Xidong who will die in three hundred rounds of battle with Ying Changge's army.

There are not enough troops and the situation is not clear enough. Jin Xidong already knows his danger.

If he can catch Ying Changge, Kim Hee-dong can also bring him back to Goryeo for meritorious service.

Today's battle is very important. In the middle of the night, Jin Xidong thought he could win a big victory.

However, after he had a close contest with Ying Changge, Kim Hee-dong knew his shortcomings.

A series of Ying Changge army fought side by side, and the attack on this place was impassable.

Trapped in Ying Changge's camp, Jin Xidong was very miserable and had no chance of winning at all.

Since he couldn't easily win Ying Changge, Jin Xidong chose another way, that is to escape!

Desperately fleeing, dodging in a panic, Jin Xidong escaped from Ying Changge's camp in a blink of an eye.

Seeing that Ying Changge's pursuers were thrown off by him, Jin Xidong laughed happily.

Chapter 992 Wind and fire, hurry up!

He really underestimated Ying Changge, so Jin Xidong felt that he had no chance of survival now.

Without any chance to stop Ying Changge, Kim Hee-dong and his soldiers scrambled to escape.

Panting, riding on the back of a horse and sweating profusely, Kim Hee-dong really didn't know what to do.

Are you escaping back to Goryeo like this? Although Jin Xidong was not to be outdone, there was no other way.

It's better than "117" to wipe out his entire army, so Jin Xidong made up his mind.

That is escape! As long as you run away quickly, there will be no danger and you can protect your life.

Can't wait to leave, how powerful is one's own strength can be called invincible. Ying Changge's morale was high.

If he continues to shoot, he will be able to catch Jin Xidong, Ying Changge is bound to win, and he will not give in.

Already riding on the horse, Ying Changge and his group were chattering forward, chasing and killing the enemy.

"Go straight for the chase, and leave no one behind!" Ying Changge scolded, he pulled the reins, and his figure was chattering endlessly.

Chasing from far to near, in a blink of an eye, they approached Jin Xidong from the outside.

The cavalry, which was as fast as a gust of wind, under the call of Ying Changge, all rushed forward to attack.

Coming in one go, the soldiers are very dense, always chasing and killing unscrupulously.

If it is casually chasing and attacking, it is not a big deal, but unfortunately Jin Xidong tried his best.

He thought that he could kill Ying Changge and destroy Ying Changge's army, so he would go all out.

But what about the result? As a result, Kim Hee-dong's people were killed, wounded and wounded, and not a single soldier was left behind.

Jin Xidong's men are already in dire straits, and it is impossible to stop Ying Changge's pursuit.

In particular, Ying Changge's army has an advantage, and it is foolproof to take the initiative to control the situation.

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